Whispering Verse

Chapter 2467 The evil god [Dragon Devouring Demon] appears (please ask for more updates)

Chapter 2468 The evil god [Dragon Devouring Demon] appears (please vote for more!)

There was a loud click, and the black thunder, which was even bigger than Iluna's sunlight gun just now, followed the dim black-gold light pillar that enveloped the newborn dragon. At that moment, the light of thunder illuminated the entire sacrificial site in the night. It was dyed white, but Mr. Albert still saw it, and the black thunder hit the newborn dragon's body head-on.

In an instant, all the ritual symbols in the sacrificial site were turned into powder. Shade and the four chosen ones beside the dragon were all ejected because of the incomparable power.

Large swaths of smoke and dust rose up in the center of the sacrificial ground. The unbroken dragon statues spontaneously turned and crawled towards the center of the smoke and dust.

Loud and strange hymns resounded through the sky of Yuewan, the priests of the [Dragon Feast Order] who were not yet dead were laughing wildly, and hundreds of black thunderbolts almost flashed through the night sky above the sacrificial site in just a few seconds. It seemed like it was tearing apart the entire peaceful night sky.

The moonlight dimmed and the wind and sand blew up. Not only the sacrificial site and the people around it, but also the citizens in the sea of ​​fire below the city and the ring warlocks on the battlefield in the distance all felt the kind of feeling that even if they closed their eyes they would knock themselves unconscious. , and can still clearly detect the terrifying illusion that a huge black mountain range is coming in front of us.

Shade, who rolled several times on the gray sand and gravel before he stopped, looked up at the sky. Wherever the black thunderbolt like a swimming dragon passed, the night was torn open like a curtain, and like an ancient The scroll was cut with a sharp knife, and behind the gap and gap was revealed a bright scene that should be seen at noon on a normal summer day.

As the night opened, the dazzling sunlight filled the sacrificial site, and then the entire Moon Bay, and the entire world. And in the cloud of smoke and dust in the center of the floating sacrificial field, the blurry figure already made it clear what they were facing at this moment.

The jet-black dragon claws were the first to poke out from the fog. The strange black scales seemed to be able to absorb the midday summer sun. The material even reminded Shade of his own [Sin Chain].

In the smoke and dust, black-gold eyes that seemed to be able to illuminate the entire world scanned all living beings, and their souls seemed to be absorbing the power of that gaze. Wherever the eyes glanced, the flesh and blood below the high ring expanded into a giant dragon, and the physical strength and spirit of the high ring warlocks quickly disappeared.

Then, as the figure in the fog raised its head and roared at the sun, the smoke and dust cleared, and the god who swallowed the dragon, the "nameless eldest son" of the ancient god, sprayed a black beam of light into the sky.

The bursting energy completely dissipated the last deep darkness summoned by the unknowable relic [Moon in the Water], completely turning the night into midsummer day. On the Belindel Big Ben below the sacrificial site, the two twelve-ring warlocks responsible for maintaining the relic [Moon in the Water] spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and then watched the stone basin fly towards it as if it was bombarded by a huge force. Below the bell tower.

The sunlight was so bright that it made the gray-white sacrificial site shine like a "sea of ​​golden sand".

In the burning Moon Bay City, Mr. Bernhardt took out his right claw from the chest of the dragon beast, then turned around and looked at the sacrificial site in the sky:

"You must come back safely, priests, get ready for action!"


"Go back quickly, go back quickly!"

All the people in the sacrificial ground retreated towards the periphery, only a few people stood up and moved towards the center.

The god's right paw pushed aside the smoke, and the light-absorbing black scales and ferocious back still had a faint light in the sunlight.

So, the evil god who swallowed the dragon, the nameless eldest son of the ancient god "Dragon of Glory" - the Dragon-Eating Demon, arrived.

He is the mountain, He is the sea, He is the world, and He is the only reality on the ground and in the sky at this moment. The confusion caused by mental pollution has caused the weak-minded people in the city directly below the sacrificial site to go crazy and eat their own companions. In the sacrificial site, Shade, facing the god who tore the night apart, looked at the sun The strange black giant dragon actually feels like it is somewhat sacred.

"What am I thinking?"

And when Shade realized that he was thinking wildly, the power of the gods, which had no self-limitation at all, had begun to affect the surroundings.

All the light was converging towards Him, and the broken dragon stone statues revived one by one in the loud chants, and flew towards the people trying to evacuate the sacrificial site.

The god opened his mouth and bit into the coroner who was closest to him and could no longer move. The dazzling sunlight gun immediately hit his dragon scales, but the god was unscathed.

He looked at Iluna Bayas, and the brave girl gritted her teeth and faced Him bravely. The next moment, the earthy yellow light symbolizing the earth, the decaying gray airflow symbolizing death, and the colorless power symbolizing space turned into ropes that tied the god's front and rear claws and right wing from three directions, and The mortals who finally arrived here after passing through the periphery of the sacrificial site also brought their last strength:

"Unknown relic-[Diesel's Sword]!"

The broken sword pierced the ground, and an invisible barrier rose from the central area of ​​the sacrificial field.

"Unknowable relic-[Supreme Arrow]!"

The light arrow was shot towards the sun, and a huge female figure with an unrecognizable face held a long bow and aimed at the god from high in the sky.

"Unknowable relic - [Sand of Nothingness]!"

The fine silver sand blew towards the gods with the strong wind, like a thin silver gauze flying in the air.

"Unknown-level relic-[Someone's Sigh]!"

The conch was held high, and as the twelve-ring warlock quickly changed from middle-aged to old age and finally turned into a pile of withered bones, the old man's sigh sounded above the god.

"Laws! Still!"

Iluna raised the scale and shouted to the sky. She cast a spell to the extreme to trigger a vision, turning the spirit and elements into a golden rope that connected the dragon god's neck to her scale.

Four ropes of earthy yellow, gold, gray, and transparent occupy the four directions. The dark gold Holy Grail Holy Emblem, the Dark Gold Scale Holy Emblem, the Dark Gold Sickle Holy Emblem, and the Dark Gold Cube Holy Emblem. Four ancient sacred emblems are engraved around the god.

"Hurry~ The Chosen One of Light!"

I don't know who was shouting. Mr. Albert struggled to look up from the pressure of the nearby god and looked up at the skylight that enveloped him. He raised his long sword with trembling hands. The Thirteen Light Point Ceremony Formation quietly appeared behind him, and gradually merged with the dark golden life ring.

The huge miraculous element overwhelmingly repels the blasphemous element brought about by the appearance of the evil god. Shade below looked up at the butterfly-winged girl. As the latter flapped her wings, a large group of people appeared directly behind Shade out of thin air.

The priests of the [Vampire Order] headed by Armand Bernhardt appeared out of thin air. Except for Mr. Bernhardt, most of them were gray-haired old people.

Although the group of people wearing priest robes had already known what was going to happen, they were still surprised at this time. Fortunately, the location where they appeared was more affected by the miraculous element, so although everyone felt strong discomfort, at least there was no attrition yet.


The god was roaring, cracks appeared in the barrier of [Diesel's Sword], and the [Supreme Arrow] was shot down from the air, but was swallowed by the god's mouth. The [Sand of Nothingness] blew, and the light-absorbing black scales became dim, but that was all.

Only that old man's sigh, which sounded particularly familiar to Shade, made the god's struggling strength suddenly stagnate, unable to break free from the shackles of the four chosen ones.

But it was obvious that they might not be able to hold on for even half a minute.

At this moment, everyone who was still able to move and stood in the center of the sacrificial ground was using attack magic on the ancient dragon god. Shade took out the first "Philosopher's Stone" with one hand and the "Red Moon Slate" with the other. .

"Philosopher's Stone - Living Clay!"

He spat out a mouthful of blood at the Philosopher's Stone that fell in his hand due to the backlash of his thaumaturgy. However, the spell was successfully cast. The bright red stone that landed on the ground quickly expanded upwards in size, wrapped around Shade's chest and abdomen, and threw it out. The "Red Moon Slate" turned into a blood-red living human body in just three seconds.

"Sure enough, under extreme spellcasting conditions, [active soil] can completely shape the body!"

But the body did not look like a normal person, because the surface of the body was covered with red blood vessels and muscle textures. It was obvious that Shade's spellcasting was still imperfect. But it was enough. Shade, who felt that his head almost exploded at that moment, looked at Mr. Bernhardt. The latter was startled by Shade, but he immediately nodded and turned around to instruct the priests to start the ceremony:

"Hymn~Prayer~Praise! Call our Lord - the blood-sucking god!"

All seven prepared relics were taken out, and the blood spilled on the ground dyed the gray-white gravel under the vampires' feet red. But it still takes time to summon the gods. Shade poured himself a sip of pink essence, and regardless of the blood on his chest, he held the sword and rushed towards the god who was about to struggle out from the shackles of the chosen ones.

As he ran, his right eye cracked in the wind, and golden cracks spread throughout his body. This moment is not the best opportunity to become a god. The hunger has not yet appeared, and the [Lord of the Blood Feast] cannot call. Shade didn't know what the mermaid wanted to do, but he had to buy time for Mr. Albert to complete the ceremony.

At this moment, behind the coroner floating in the air, the dark golden ring became blurred as it rotated at high speed, leaving only thirteen stable light points.

Then, in the near-chaotic brilliance, thirteen light points distributed in a circle gathered inward and were about to form the emblem of the glorious dragon head.


The dark dragon god opened his mouth and sprayed out a black light of destruction at the chosen one in the air. Shade jumped up and appeared out of thin air, but someone was faster than him.

"Detective, you can't stop me!"

Bang~ There was an explosion, and the six-winged humanoid creature appeared out of thin air and stood in front of Shade, facing the god for a hasty attack.

The black stream of light was forcibly split open by the [Angel's Right Arm]. As for the sword holder, half of the wings were blackened and still had scorched embers, the head was half flesh and half bones, and the slender body was wrapped around A tall humanoid creature shrouded in shrouds.

The flow of light shifted to both sides, and the [angel's right arm] shone with an ambiguous and fuzzy light, but even so, the angel retreated little by little in the air.

Shade in the air stepped on the cards and pressed down on the angel's back to relieve it. Then he immediately realized that this was not the priest, but the shadow of the "Angel of Death" summoned by the priest through the [Angel's Right Arm] and his own power.

Suddenly the blessing comes to my heart:

"Death's Door!"

The crack opened, and the "Death Angel" flapped its wings, and the phantom of the dark scythe poked out of the crack. Finally, at the last moment when the angel could no longer hold on, it annihilated the power of the god.

After a long time, Shade realized one thing. He cooperated with two mortals, Priest August, and it was perhaps the first time in the history of this world that mortals resisted the attack of gods with the power of mortals.

PS: Today is the last day of this month! Please vote for more updates! ! !

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