Whispering Verse

Chapter 2468 Miracle Guidance

Chapter 2469 Miracle-Guidance

When the black light breathed by the god disappeared, everyone who ignored the surprise continued to throw their own attacks at the god, but even Mr. Pigman, the principal of St. Byrons, the "Watcher of Silver", and the "Nightmare Witch" of the Church of Nature Such thirteen rings failed to have any impact on God.

"Chosen one, hurry up!"

The four chosen ones, headed by Iluna, have strengthened their own power to bind the gods. Among them, the strongest "Guardian of the Earth" has transformed into thousands of souls to call for the power of the earth together. The equally strongest butterfly-winged girl is surrounded by red. The butterflies fly freely, symbolizing the whispering power of the relics that symbolize "fracture", and the enlightening power of the chosen people of civilization, which symbolizes "bridging", reciprocating.

The twelfth-level Sister Devlin's body was saturated with death by the fire of the original fire. The strange flame seemed to have a stronger binding effect on the gods than the power of the ancient gods. The blazing flames had even caused some of the scales on the gods to burn.

The roaring Dragon God's body was temporarily unable to move, but he was still able to turn his head and spray out the black light of destruction again, sweeping towards the sacrificial site.

The "Death Angel" stepped forward to block it, but only resisted for two seconds before turning into ashes and disappearing. Priest Augustus, who was flown up by the doctor outside the sacrificial site, spat out a mouthful of blood and almost fainted. Then the black light continued to sweep across, and at least twenty high-level church warlocks were annihilated in the light.


The sweeping black light that flew out of the sacrificial site finally drew a huge "scar" in the east of the city. In the scar, the ground sunk down hundreds of meters, almost forming an abyss. The black power polluted the earth, and dense dragon beasts and incomplete dragon people crawled out from the scars, heading towards the remaining living people in the city.


The target of the black light sprayed by the god this time was Iluna. The eighteen-year-old girl could not avoid it at this moment. Then she saw two figures blocking her face:

"Seal of Heaton!"

"Seal of Heaton!"

Shade and Mr. Pierre Granger, the Thirteenth Ring Warlock of the Church of the Sun, "Earth Shaker", used the same thaumaturgy at the same time, and two homologous shields exuding light merged with each other. But the next second, the black light penetrated the powerful shield constructed by the sun, and Mr. Granger's whole person turned into ashes and disappeared:

"Get away!"

The time he bought allowed Shadra to grab Iluna and use space movement to avoid the attack, and at the last moment he pushed Mr. Granger's dead soul away from the light.

But this not only caused the black light to rush towards the city below again, leaving scars in the city again, but also caused the Belindel Manor to completely collapse into ruins. It also made Iluna's power that symbolizes [balance] unable to continue to act on it. On the gods.


Iluna saw half of Shade's missing right arm, whose body was covered with gold cracks, while Shade, who was breathing heavily, shook his head:

"Although the gods are restricted by many powers and the sacrifice of Mr. Granger, without the help of angels, I was able to withstand a blow from the gods just now without dying under normal circumstances?"

Because of the lack of Iluna's vital help, the remaining three gray, khaki and transparent ropes broke one after another. The gods no longer roared. On the body that swelled to almost cover the sky, the gaps between the dragon scales shone with light. Thousands of black rays of light then shot across the sacrificial site and the city below, and all the people who had no time to dodge were instantly turned into ashes.

He ignored anyone and opened his mouth to bite Ptolemy Albert in the dark golden sky light.

Shade, who was held in Iluna's arms, did nothing, just looked up at this scene.


"Of course not, believe in him and believe in justice!"


The first dark golden thunder exploded from the clear sky and hit the god's closed mouth directly.


The second dark golden thunder followed the light beam that illuminated the god's mouth, and then, the fine dark golden light shot out from the gap in the god's closed mouth.


The third dark golden lightning hit the evil god [Dragon-Eating Demon] again, and the light emanating from the god's mouth became brighter and brighter until it seemed like he had swallowed a dark golden sun.

Click! Click!

The fourth and fifth dark golden lightning struck down together. At this minute since God's arrival, He showed pain and uneasiness for the first time.


In the sixth dark golden thunder, from the god's forced open mouth, Ptolemy Albert, holding a bloody lightsaber stained with the god's blood, flew out with light all over his body.

"Sword of Light, Second Form"

"I will show you my justice."

He looked down at Shade, who was being held by Iluna, and then raised his sword high to face the seventh and last dark golden thunder.


The thunder struck the long sword, and all the light in Ptolemy Albert's body turned into dark gold at this moment. The ritual array composed of thirteen light points melted the life ring behind his back, and then turned into the glorious dragon-headed holy emblem.


The bell rang out somewhere, and Mr. Albert held the holy sword high, as if the power had traveled from eternity and originated from a more primitive era. At this moment, centered above the sacrificial site, it swept across the entire Moon Bay. .

The god took a step back in the light. At this moment, the flying black ash was still falling. These were the last corpses of the people who died from the god's hasty blow just now.

Shade looked back and saw that the priests of the [Vampire Order] were still performing rituals, but the body of the god he had created was not moving at all. So he gritted his teeth and stood up, bathing in the "light" with Iluna. "In the glow of the chosen ones.

In Iluna's hand, [Pale Justice] shone with this light, and in Shade's intact left hand, the silver-white sword blade of [Night Watch] shimmered.

In the distance, the [Wind King's Sword] in John Flynn's hand has been lit up, and the [Angel's Right Arm] in the hand of the semi-conscious Priest Augustus is also glowing.

Emilia, who was flying upward on a unicorn, noticed that the [Ocarina of Time] she was holding was glowing after receiving a prompt from Luvia behind her. The girl who didn't know why was curious, but saw the woman flying beside them. Together with Marilyn Handel, the count sped towards the altar.

"Little Lianna, let's hurry up too!"

Even though Shade was unwilling to let Emilia arrive at this sacrificial site, Luvia finally brought her here.

In the center of the sacrificial hall, Sister Devlin, the guardians of the earth and the butterfly-winged girl who had just been ejected by the power of the gods have returned. Shade looked at the black dragon god who was frightened away by the sword in Mr. Albert's hand, regardless of the missing limbs. Painful, she forced herself away from Iluna's hand and staggered forward a few steps. Iluna wanted to help him again, but was forced back by the steam mist pouring out from behind him.

Even through the thick white mist, the eighteen-year-old girl could still see Shade's figure at this moment.

Because the light of divinity almost completely ignited him, in the eyes of everyone who was still alive, the golden flame was burning brightly on his body.

Frightened by the familiar power, the black dragon god turned his head and spit out black light downwards, but this time, Mr. Albert turned into light and blocked Shade. He cut off the dragon god's breath with his sword, and the long sword in his hand completely transformed into Bloody lightsaber. This is something that the "Angel of Death" phantom just now failed to do, so the "Chosen One of Light" indeed has special targeted power against this evil god.

The scales, the Holy Grail, the sickle, the cube, and the glowing dragon's head, the five ancient sacred symbols bloomed with light. In the roar that shook the entire sky, the five lights once again turned into ropes to bind them. The addition of the Sword of Light in the second stage greatly enhanced the power of this restraint.

At this time, "she" smiled softly and said in Shade's ear:

[Outlander, you guided the birth of the "light" chosen ones, and you have some insights into "guidance". 】

[Outlander, you have come into contact with a "miracle". 】

The huge seven-ring life ring behind the back has automatically emerged from the sound of bells and whistles. The rapidly rotating life ring gathers the miraculous light from the "Light" Chosen Ceremony in the air.

The rippling golden light could not be distinguished from the ceremony of the chosen ones or from Shade himself. At this moment, he was just walking forward while hearing "her" gentle voice:

[Guide heroes on their own path, point out the direction for those who are confused at the crossroads of destiny. Stranger, the story of a foreign land has undergone more changes because of your appearance. You don’t know where the guidance you give will lead the world. But at least now, the miracle is with you. 】

The rapidly rotating life ring actually turned into gold just like Mr. Albert did just now, but this was a brilliant gold color.

[Outlander, you have engraved the miraculous charm]


The bound god spat out another mouthful of black light at Shade who was walking in front of him. Mr. Albert once again stood in front of Shade and waved his sword. The blood light and black light dissipated at the same time, but soon the light reorganized Ptolemy Albert's body. In this place where the ancient god [Dragon of Glory] once worshiped, he was also immortal.

[Golden Miracle Spirit Rune-Guidance. 】

At this point, all the spiritual runes of the seven rings are complete. Luvia, Miss Belindel, Ms. Marilyn Handel and Joy Barton, who came from the edge of the altar, as well as Emilia and the little unicorn in golden armor, happened to see the scene at this time.

In the ruins of Belindel Manor, the orange cat squirmed and poked its little head out of the arms of the black-haired maid who was standing in the rubble and looking up. Her amber eyes reflected the divine light in the sky. .

"Prepare for promotion."

【clear. 】

"She" replied softly.

The sound of ancient bells echoing in the sacrificial site seems to bring time back to that ancient era. Obviously, there were bells ringing for various reasons just now, but none of them were as vicissitudes and distant as this moment.

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