Whispering Verse

Chapter 2492 The Elves under the Starry Sky

Chapter 2493 Elves under the Starry Sky

During dinner that day, all the witches, who cherished the opportunity that no one had left, appeared at the table. In other words, except for Carina and Lesia who had already left, even Margaret put aside other things and had dinner with everyone on the Radiant Messenger.

Miss Eleser gave up the main seat of the restaurant to Shade. As guests, Miss Feliana and Fiona were on Shade's left and right respectively. The witches of the fifth era were not idle today. They chatted with Grace and Helen for a long time before they left in the morning. They did not leave the ship in the afternoon, but kept chatting with the ship girl in the captain's room.

They must have talked about the current era, but most of them were probably about things that Shade couldn't know. The dragon spell spell given to Shade by the boat girl who lived in the late fifth era actually summoned the witches from the middle of the fifth era. This already shows that the demigod witches should have penetrated most of the fifth era to a certain extent. era.

During dinner that day, Shade did not forget to mention to the countess what Mr. Albert said about the dragon scales. Although Shade gave the witch the ruling law granted by the fourth son's blessing in the form of a "letter of attorney", he still returned the golden dragon scales belonging to Belindel:

"This is something passed down by your ancestors. It's better for you to keep it. The chosen one said that he can no longer use these dragon scales. It's enough for me to keep these in my hand."

"I don't understand something!"

Agelina asked sheepishly:

"Why can the descendants of the fourth son of the ancient god grant people such a rule of law?"

"According to the Chosen One, this territory originally belonged to the fourth son of the ancient god and was passed down from generation to generation. This has not changed even today."

Shade, who was cutting the steak, replied, and Miss Feliana kindly continued to explain:

"Just like the far north where St. Byrons is located, it was originally the night kingdom of the old god [God of Night]. We obtained that territory with the consent of the god, so no matter what happens, unless we give up voluntarily, otherwise That land will always be ours, that's the origin and proof of ownership."

Fiona nodded quickly and looked at Shade with a smile. The countess took the dragon scale that flew towards her, and Miss Aurora curiously asked Shade:

"What do you plan to do with the remaining six pieces?"

Shade has already thought about this problem:

"Let our countess decide for herself. Although the highest priority rule of law is Belindel, if other families can welcome the dragon scales again, at least the noble title and wealth can be passed down.

I don’t plan to return the brass dragon scales of the Hawthorne family and the black dragon scales of the Black family. For the rest, it depends on what Miss Belindle thinks. "

“There is no eternal power, no eternal dominion.”

The fat-red birthmark between the eyebrows sets off that beautiful face:

"Let Shade keep the rest. If they deserve Moon Bay, they can still enjoy power even without the legal principles of rule given by Dragon Scale."

Although she said this, she put away the golden dragon scales belonging to her family:

"Moon Bay is bordered by Carina's Saladir County. When I fully control Moon Bay, the inland Saladir County will be equivalent to directly gaining access to the sea on the west coast of the Old World. What's the smuggling business? It’s a small matter. This means that in the Sixth Age, the land controlled by the witches extends from the coastline into the interior, which is good for everyone. "

As he spoke, he raised his glass, and everyone else also raised their glasses and touched it.

Luvia is very supportive of her approach:

"It's good that the dragon scales are no longer circulated. There are no ring warlocks among the other six major families. Giving extraordinary items to them might cause other disasters."

Then she mentioned another thing. In Luvia's view, the chain reaction caused by the change in the political structure of Yuewan City and the aftermath of the Civil War that may affect the entire Old Continent are not important to her at all:

"Shad, Iluna sent a letter this afternoon. Miss Danister would like to find time to meet and chat with you in the next two days. I think she wants to resolve questions about the Battle of Moon Bay."

"Is that thirteenth-level sorceress the current academy librarian?"

The red dragon girl asked curiously, Shade nodded, and then Miss Feliana suggested:

"How about I accompany you then? I also want to talk to the current professor at St. Byrons. Especially, I heard from Miss Anat that she is your current tutor?"

"um, yes."

"Teacher, can I go too?"

The red dragon girl asked enthusiastically, and then she got the answer.

After dinner, Shade did not go out again, but went to visit Emilia. His affairs in Moon Bay were over, and there were only the last two or three weeks of Emilia's summer vacation left. He wanted to ask the elf girl when she planned to return to the academy.

When Shade found Emilia, she was running on the deck with the little unicorn. Miss Eliaser's illusion prevented the people on the dock from seeing the beautiful little beast on the deck, so they were free to play under the stars.

"I'm trying to help little Leanna lose weight. She's been eating a little too much lately."

The girl with pointed ears explained that she was too embarrassed to tell Shade that she had gained a lot of weight recently:

"Agelina was originally going to take a walk with us, but she said she wanted to pack her luggage, so Miss Servit took Shade away. I have to go too, right?"

She leaned against the railing, looking at Shade with emerald green eyes. The little unicorn stood aside and looked at the two, then looked at the cat on Shade's shoulder: "It depends on your own wishes. It's just that the academy team will leave Moon Bay soon, and it will be more convenient for you to return to the academy with them at that time." Emilia didn't dare to ask "Do you want me to leave?", but whispered: "Yes, the matter of Moon Bay is over, and summer is also over." She pursed her lips and looked at Shade: "Thank you for your hospitality. I had a lot of fun in Tobesk and Moon Bay this summer. Little Lianna is also very happy. I don't know when I will leave the academy next time." The voice became lower and lower until Shade could no longer hear what she was saying. The elf girl lowered her head and her eyes were a little red. For a moment, she really wanted to ask Shade if he was willing to take her back to Tobesk and let her become a correspondence ring wizard. But she knew it was impossible. Her race and origin determined that she was destined to be different from humans. Therefore, she did not have the courage to ask this question that would only trouble everyone. She just said with a forced smile: "Then I will follow Miss Danister and the principal back to the college. This time I have been away for too long, and my family and friends will miss me. Oh, the college dormitory, the habitat of little Lianna and others, the big library, and the cherry cake at lunch, it seems like it was many years ago." "If you didn't start crying while talking, I might really believe you." Xia De bent down slightly, wanting to wipe off the slippery tears in the night wind with his hands. Tears falling:

"If you don't want this summer to end, you can stay for a while. When you want to go back, I will inform Miss Danister. Will the school start in September? There is still more than half a month left."

But Emilia grabbed Shad's hand and stopped him from wiping away the tears that kept falling. Her emerald eyes looked at him stubbornly:

"No need to do this. I don't want to trouble you. Summer is over. Even if I don't want to leave, the summer of 1854 is over for me."

Shad would not be surprised even if she really cried the next second. But after the adventure in Moon Bay, Emilia Sienord was much stronger than anyone imagined. Tears were still rolling down. She looked at Shad with the help of the stars and the moon:

"Thank you, Shad, this summer, thank you for freezing time in my heart, I will remember you."

"Don't say it as if we will never meet again."

Shad looked at her with a smile. The skin of the elves was extremely delicate, and even so close, no pores could be seen at all. The emerald eyes are somewhat different from Dorothy's green eyes, and the pointed ears are the most different thing about her from the human girl:

"We will meet again in the academy. If you want, you can apply to go to Tobesk for summer practice next summer.

And don't thank me, Emilia. The memories of this summer were created by you, me, Ajelina, Little Lianna, and many more people. I just brought you into trouble again and again, Emilia, we will see each other again."

He looked at the crying girl and suddenly took a breath, so time went back, and the rolling tears flowed upward again and disappeared.

He said to the young elf very seriously under the starry sky:

"Don't freeze your time, Emilia. Whether looking back or moving forward, don't be too nostalgic for the stories you have experienced. Because only when the long river of time takes you forward can you meet new friends and have a new reunion."

Behind Emilia, thick steam mist appeared silently. Amid the sound of bells and whistles, her five-ring life ring emerged. The gray airflow generated by Shade's "Breath of Time" just now floated towards the rotating life ring. After a moment, the miracle-[Time] was already engraved on the life ring.

Emilia did not look back, but just pursed her lips and stared at the young man under the starry sky.

Shade felt a little embarrassed by her look, so he took the initiative to say:

"When you go back, you can prepare to be promoted to the sixth ring, right? And you have been looking forward to obtaining the [Time] spirit rune before adulthood, and now you have finally got what you wanted. Oh, I can't give you too much experience about the exploration of the time key. My exploration of the time key always raises strange questions"

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