Whispering Verse

Chapter 2493 Time and Destiny

Chapter 2494 Time and Destiny


Amelia suddenly shouted.

"I'm here, what's wrong?"

A certain light flashed in the eyes of the elf girl:

"You said you would give me a piece of [Leaf of Youth] last time, does it still count now?"

Shad did say he would give it last time, but Emilia reacted strongly at the time and ran away immediately. Later, Dorothy told Shad that giving the Leaf of Youth to an unmarried elf is a courtesy of marriage proposal in this era, so Shad's behavior at the time was extremely rude.

"Of course it counts."

Giving it actively is a proposal, but asking for it passively is not. Shad took out two leaves from his pocket, which were the only remaining stocks:

"Here, happy summer vacation. Emilia, we will see each other soon."

Amelia Sienord took the green leaf, bit her lips while staring at the leaf, then suddenly stretched her head forward, and wanted to hug Shad with both hands.

Her face was getting closer and closer to Shad until she kissed Shad's palm.

The back of his right hand was slightly against Shade's lips, and the palm of his right hand was kissed by the elf. Shade smiled and said to the shy but puzzled elf: "This is not okay, you are too young." [It turns out that when girls want to kiss you forcefully, you can completely block it as long as you want to. ] Shade ignored this sentence, and Emilia, with a red face, seemed to have consumed all her courage. She lowered her head and said "I know", then patted the little unicorn, and walked towards the cabin entrance with her confused friend. Suddenly she turned around and asked:

"Shad, if I..."

The stranger stood by the railing of the deck and looked at her under the starry sky:

"Emilia, time will tell us the answer."

Emilia was startled, and a bright smile immediately appeared on her face:

"Is that so, that's what you mean. I understand, thank you for respecting me, but in fact, the standards of adulthood are all traditional ones passed down from ancient times. Time will bring me hope, Shad, you should also go to bed early, good night!"

"Good night, Emilia, may the world tree bring you good dreams."

The elf girl waved her hand and left briskly with little Lianna. As for what Emilia "understood", Shad didn't know.

He just hugged Mia with a little melancholy, but didn't leave immediately, but still stood by the railing of the deck and continued to look out at the sea under the moonlight.

The deck of the "Glorious Messenger" is divided into nine floors. He is now on the top floor, looking into the distance, but he is definitely not enjoying the night sea view: "Ten" He silently counted ten numbers in his mind, and then there was a new sound of footsteps from behind: "Shade, you are really a gentleman." The blonde countess praised and came to Shade's side: "To be honest, I thought you would not refuse that kiss just now. The sincere and immature first kiss of the elf girl is attractive to everyone." Shade turned his head and looked at her: "I admit that it is indeed attractive, but am I such a superficial person?" Bella Belindel showed a thoughtful expression, and then answered the question with a question; "So if I want to kiss you forcefully now, will you refuse?" She did not give Shade a chance to answer, but put it into practice immediately. The result shows that the Dragonborn Eleventh-level Great Witch is worthy of being the eleventh level. Even if she is not good at fighting, Shade still couldn't avoid this kiss. She kissed passionately and of course fiercely. When she let go of Shade's neck panting, the starlight reflected in her eyes had some heavy feelings that made outsiders feel:

"The battle of Moon Bay is over. Not only Emilia and them, but you are also leaving Moon Bay, right?"

"Not leaving completely, but I won't come here so often."

Shade corrected:

"But if I want to come, it's even more convenient to get to your manor from home than to the Carina Manor in the southern suburbs of Tobesk."

The witch pursed her lips:

"This afternoon, Luvia "showed off" the [Hope Diamond] to me and wanted to divine something with me. At that time, she told me the time you would leave Moon Bay. I want Luvia to leave, That is the sign that you no longer appear in Moon Bay every day, I"

She did not continue to speak, but looked at the young man hugging her under the starry sky:

"I still have your sage-level relic [Source of Chaos] in my shoulder, and my injury has completely healed after contacting the light of the Chosen Ceremony. Remember to take out the bead before leaving."

Shad's eyes looked at her right shoulder:

"If you still need this gem that guides the direction, you can leave it."

"Compared to that bead, I hope you can stay. Stay in Moon Bay, stay here, what Carina can give you, I can also give you."

Emilia did not have the courage to say what Count Bella Belindel had. She is not the young elf, nor is she the same person before she met Shad. She knows that she only has this one chance.

But Shade shook his head slightly and looked into those golden eyes:

"Number 6 of Saint Teresa Square in Tobesk is my home, and I left Moon Bay not because I wanted to leave you."

The adult girl was stronger than the underage elf, so she would not cry at this moment. She just looked at Shade with a sad expression:

"I knew you would say this, from the beginning. If it was not Luvia who met you first, but me"

It seems that more than one person has said this.

She stopped talking, hugged Shade, put her head on his shoulder, and didn't speak again for a long time.

Although the sea breeze on the summer night was slightly cold, this temperature was nothing to the two of them. Little Mia squatted on Shade's other shoulder, looking at the night scene boredly. Shade's voice sounded again amidst the sound of the waves:

"I never like to use fate to explain everything around me, but please don't say Luvia is lucky. You are a fortune teller, and you should understand that the gifts given by fate have already been marked with a price."

She rested her head on Shade's shoulder and nodded, shaking her head causing the cat beside her to look over with dissatisfaction.

"Actually, there are many things. Because the Battle of Moon Bay is about to happen, I have never told you about it. Luvia's purple eyes are the eyes I often had nightmares about before. Those eyes looked like the god of death. Holding me.

But after Luvia was brought to Moon Bay by you and became familiar with me, the nightmare never appeared again. Luvia is a very special fortune teller, and her fate is no simpler than those of the chosen ones. "

He twitched his nose slightly, as if he was sniffing the scent of Sha De:

"She has a lot of secrets. I shouldn't pry into other people's privacy at will, but do you know about Luvia? You don't need to tell me what you know. I'm just worried that even you don't know what she hides."

"I know, I know everything."

Shade said in her ear, while her blond hair rubbed the side of his face:

"I'm not sure if you know that the beginning of everything we have done was not that I took the initiative to embark on this path. It was Luvia who invited me and Iluna on last summer night. ”

She finally let go of Shade and looked at him with some surprise:

"I thought it was you"

"no no."

Shade shook his head:

"Everything about the Chosen One and the Whispering Cantos was told to me by Luvia. In fact, if it weren't for her, I might not know these complicated things at all."

The countess frowned slightly, quite puzzled:

"Speaking of which, I have never asked, are you pursuing the Chosen Ones and completing the great prophecy of the "Mumbling Psalm" in order to save the world, and then, after the great prophecy is over, use the power and power of the Chosen Ones to rule? ,I mean influence the world?”

"She" chuckled in Shade's ear, and Shade looked at her in surprise:

"of course not."

"So what do you want to do?"

"According to Luvia's original statement, she just wanted to witness the stories of the chosen ones. Her purpose was limited to this. As for any choice I made in helping her, she would support it unconditionally."

This is not something that cannot be said, and most of the other girls also know it.

The countess became more and more puzzled:

"Witness the stories of the chosen ones?"

She looked up at the stars in the sky, and then asked a question that surprised Shade:

"Is Luvia able to advance to the next level every time she witnesses a story?"

"Is this her privacy?"

Although Shade did not answer directly, the countess still understood the answer, or in other words, she understood more things:

"If that's the case, what Luvia wants to do is to write the poem of her own destiny based on the story of the chosen one? This is really unimaginable, but how did she do it?"

She didn't want Shade to answer this question, but asked another question that Shade needed to answer:

"Since all your understanding of "The Whispering Cantos" comes from Luvia, can you briefly tell me how much you know?"

Shade thought for a moment:

"After all the thirteen chosen ones appear, the living chosen ones will definitely become the Thirteen Rings. At that time, a door will open, and what happens next will affect the entire world. That's pretty much it."

The fat-red birthmark between the eyebrows is so eye-catching even in the night, and the movement of the eyebrows makes the birthmark tremble.

She looked at Shade seriously:

"[The Witch Council] has an important mission related to this world. In today's era, only the speaker of each generation knows what this mission is. But I am the great witch of 'destiny', and the witches in this seat also inherit their own responsibility.

There are some things I can't tell you, but the mission of the great witches of the [Witch Council] is probably related to the ending of "The Whispering Psalm" and the so-called 'door'. "

No one had talked to Shade about the poem for a long time. He nodded quite unexpectedly:

"So do you know about the end of the world?"

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