Whispering Verse

Chapter 2524

Chapter 2523 "School Director" Hamilton and the Interrupted Clues

Miss Denister raised her hand and let the teacup float towards her:

"It is certainly strange that the ownership of the college's property and management rights is unknown, but not many people know about this kind of thing, and it will not affect the normal operation of the college. The ancient college rules are the most basic rules of St. Byrons Comprehensive College.

Normally, even without the visit of the two principals, you will know about management rights and ownership after you inherit my position in the future. Speaking of which, we are not the only ones. The Zarath School of Literature and the Serkses Higher School of Medicine also have a huge share of management rights and ownership that have been unclear for a long time. "

Shade frowned:

"When did this situation begin? The fifth or sixth era."

"Xia De, I can't answer this question for you. Successive college principals have conducted investigations, but we have to admit that the loss of information is too serious."

Shade's inspiration told him that this was definitely not normal, but what Miss Denister cared about was not what Shade was thinking about:

"It just so happens that you're here. It's like this. Although according to the college regulations, most of the wealth accumulated by your ownership over the past thousands of years has been invested in the expansion and various constructions of the college, except for those that cannot be realized temporarily. In addition to fixed assets, you still have a large amount of liquidity in the college that can be mobilized at any time. Of course, I don’t recommend that you withdraw all of it.”

She told Shade a number that could almost build another Yuewan Bridge:

"Do you have any arrangements for this property? Your ownership of this property is written into the most basic regulations of St. Byrons, so there is no need to worry about the college hiding anything."

"There are no arrangements. After all, I am not short of money. Besides, if I take away so much of the college's liquidity in one go, the college will be very distressed."

Shade said, and Miss Denister smiled:

"So do you want me to use honorifics to you? According to the title of the modern college, you are now one of the school directors, and I just work for you. Although I enjoyed 1% of the college's income every year because of my position before retirement, this It is a public benefit to the college management, which is still incomparable with the respected Hamilton school director.”

Shade shivered:

"Don't say that. I just know that I won't have to spend money to buy knowledge and relics in the academy from now on, right?"

The red-haired sorceress nodded:

"Of course it doesn't cost money, and although you, the school director, have no management rights, because your ownership share exceeds 5%, you have the right to make suggestions and opinions to the college as a school director. We will discuss this. How about it? , what suggestions do you have for the college now?”

"Well can you increase Amelia's salary as a librarian's assistant?"

The sorceress drinking black tea smiled:


"Then can I ask for a raise for you?"

Shade asked again. Miss Daniste raised her eyebrows in surprise, then looked at him with a pursed lips and a smile:

"Of course you can, but I don't recommend it. Because you will also inherit this position in the future, your suggestion will look like you are seeking your own benefit."

"Well, maybe we can improve the afternoon tea standards for professors and use better tea and snacks. Of course, because the principal and librarian work harder, the afternoon tea subsidies for these two positions can be raised Higher."

Shade said this, but he didn't actually feel too much in his heart. For a ring wizard of his level, if he wanted money, he could easily get it from the world of ordinary people.

Moreover, this St. Byrons asset must be a gift left to him by Miss Feliana and Miss Olanode in the Fifth Era, but it was not given until this visit. Regarding this gift that spanned time, Shade felt that he should not squander it casually until he found a way to bring those ancient witches to the Sixth Age permanently.

"Afternoon tea subsidy? Then please allow me to thank you on behalf of the professors."

Miss Danist said, and then Shade really stood up from the chair, wrote a "school director's letter" with his left hand at home and sent it to Miss Danist. The Academy's moderation mechanism will recognize the letter's origins, and ancient St. Byrons still remembers the man who brought the land for it.

Miss Denister did not change her attitude towards Shade because of his change of identity, she just reminded him:

"I'm glad you're not lost in your wealth, but even though you don't want to touch that vast fortune now, it's important to explain what you're going to do with the money.

Should we continue to make internal investments in the college as before, or should we allocate an amount of investment to other industries every year? "

"Can I entrust you to take care of it for me? I don't know much about the college industry in St. Barons, and I don't have time to think about business matters. How about giving you 10% of the annual income? Or more Can."

"You want to bribe me? No, no, I haven't thought about saving a pension for myself yet, 1% is enough. But in this way, the college will think that I have some special relationship with the God Caller."

She put down the teacup and narrowed her eyes with a smile. Shade didn't care:

"Yes, yes. Since Miss Feliana took the initiative to connect the Godcaller with the academy, she really needs a suitable person to maintain this relationship. It can't be Emilia, right?"

Miss Denister then said nothing more, that is, she agreed to the matter. However, to deal with such a large amount of assets, she would need to find the right person to formulate plans and plans later, and she would still have to discuss it with Shade at that time.

Today I just told Shade these things and handed an ancient parchment document to Shade, which proved Shade's partial ownership of St. Byrons. As for whether he wants a house or land, or the knowledge and materials, these need to be negotiated afterwards.

But Shade is now more inclined to take nothing. After all, according to school rules, no matter what happens, no one else can take anything that belongs to him.

Of course, the above is not the focus of Shade's visit this time. Compared with the wealth that he and little Mia will definitely eat and spend together, he cares more about Miss Danister's teacher:

"Let's get back to business. Is there any news from the believers of the God of Music - [Weaver of Harmony]?"

The sorceress who was teasing Shade just now also sat up straight:

"Yes, I met them successfully, and they were willing to cooperate with me after I revealed my identity. It's just that the music troupe mentioned in the notes you provided, which Laplace Howard recommended to the teacher, was named " The female bishop famous for "Moonlight Sonata" has passed away.

This is not very surprising, after all she is a musician from a previous era. Almost no one in the current Order knows that she once met my teacher. During the time I was away, I mainly spent sorting out the relics of the female bishop. This was not an easy task. "

She leaned back on the sofa lazily:

"But fortunately, I still gained something before being urgently called to Yuewan by the principal. How should I put it? Judging from the lady's diary, the teacher seems to think that the [Music Cult] is an ancient 'Moon Worship Cult'" branch.

In other words, although the sect of the ancient god Silver Moon Sage fell apart after the god left, some of them became his followers after the old god the God of Music appeared. "

This is also not surprising. The sects of the ancient gods exist in various other forms in modern times, of which the Church of the Five Gods is the most typical example:

"Miss Denister, this is the first time I've heard that music that inherits the belief in moon worship has anything to do with the moon?"

The librarian lady looked at him suspiciously:

"Xia De, don't you know? The ancient god [Secret Master] and [Silver Moon Sage] share the authority of art, but the original god of music is indeed the latter."

As he spoke, he drew the Holy Emblem of the Moon Sage on his chest.

"The powers of this Moon God are really broad, please continue."

"The current bishop of the Music Order also admitted that they did inherit some ancient things, but now that even the old gods have left long ago, what is left in their hands is of little value.

The diary of the former bishop did not mention that she and the teacher discussed matters other than the origin of the order, so I asked what knowledge and traditions the current [Music Order] still has related to that sage. "

She paused here deliberately and looked at Shade, so Shade asked:

"Did she mention the ruins of the tower on Mount Karas?"

"Yes, they still have the tradition of playing in that ruins every ten years on the night when the silver moon is fullest. Even now that the tower has collapsed, they still plan to go to the ruins in the next ten years Play on.”

"What to play?"

"Usually the best tunes that members of the Order have written in a decade."

"What else are they doing there besides playing?"

"There is no other activity."

"So has your teacher ever been with them?"

"No, this is a private event of the sect, only believers can participate."

After a series of exchanges, both of them were silent. After a long time, Xia De asked:

"So the clue ends here? It's just like the sun, moon and star ritual symbols that appeared in the Karas Mountain ruins and the Night Temple in Randall Valley at the same time?"

"But at least I know why the teacher went to Karas Mountain in the first place. Maybe the teacher also knew about the ruins there in other places, but it was obviously the visit to the [Music Order] that convinced her that there was a problem there."

Miss Denister looked at Shade under the huge astrology device in the library:

"Mount Karas, all the clues point to that place, but I have visited several times and found no clues. Come on, let's straighten out our thoughts. The clues for the believers of the old gods are broken. I have other clues here.

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