Whispering Verse

Chapter 2525: Ximu Town and Invitation Letter

Chapter 2524 Ximu Town and Invitation Letter

"The clues related to Karas Mountain are: the teacher disappeared more than thirty years ago, and the tower collapsed last spring. Last year, we learned through the [Silver Moon Library] that the teacher did die in Karas Mountain, and now the remaining clues are Yes: An astrologer named Euclid also died on Mount Karas a hundred years ago.”

The name Shade is also unfamiliar. This is the previous owner of [Source of Chaos], and it was he who pointed out that the chosen ones of the moon will spend a night at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square in the future.

"Miss Denister, what do you mean, since the investigation of your teacher has no results, why not investigate the cause of death of the astrologer a hundred years ago and the reason for going to Mount Karas?"

Shade understood her thinking:

"Perhaps the astrologer and your teacher had the same purpose."

"I do think so, but the astrologer Euclid was not a very famous person. He was not even a member of the Society of Prophets. I have been investigating him from a long time ago, but this name was mentioned The [Truth Society] also does not know the specific identity and background of this person.

Fortunately, the results were finally obtained not long ago. He appeared in Ximu Town in Kasenlik a hundred years ago. This is the next direction of investigation. "

"Ximu Town?"

Shade thought for a while, but did not find this place in his memory:

"There are too many town-level administrative units in Kasenlik. Where exactly is this town?"

Miss Denister smiled and said:

"Ximu Town was the name of that city a hundred years ago, and the astrologer Euclid was also an active person at that time. At that time, Ximu Town was just a small town of less than 2,000 people whose main income was logging. . But with the advent of the steam age, the town also developed.

Now that area is the most famous music city in the entire southern region, as famous as Artek City, the art capital of the North. Of course, it is also known as the City of Thousand Trees because of the prosperous forest land. The name "Ximu Town" is only used by the locals. Yes, the town of Creekwood is now called the City of Vista. Or rather, that area was also known as Vista Glades. "

As she spoke, she stroked the air, and a huge translucent silver-blue map of the old continent appeared between the two of them.

Shade stretched out his head to see:

"I saw it, southwest of Huntingdon, northeast of Willendale, the capital of Carsonrick, right? At the confluence of three rivers, the town of Brookwood in Vista Woodland seems to be far away from Willendale. Quite close.”

"Because of the mountain barrier, it takes more than a day to take a train from Ximu Town to Willendale City, but by taking a steam-powered boat down the river, you can get to Willendale City in nine hours. It is said that Ximu Town first emerged. It was because musicians who were persecuted by the political movement in the south fled the capital and gathered in Ximu Town to escape the turbulent current situation.

But that was more than fifty years ago. At that time, I cough, let’s not talk about this, Shade, I didn’t want you to help me investigate. "

She emphasized:

"You have worked hard enough in Yuewan, I will do this myself. And although the area of ​​Ximu Town, or Vista City, is not particularly large, the entire Vista Woodland is very large. Under the cover of those trees , there are many relics left over from ancient times. That area can even be said to be the area with the most ancient relics in the entire central part of the Old Continent.

I plan to deal with the opening of the college first, and then go to Ximu Town in person. The [Music Order] gave me enough clues that I can investigate on my own. "

Last time Miss Daniste asked Shade to go to Green Lake to find the owner of the letter, which was the Edwards family, it caused big trouble, so this time she will not let Shade go again.

Shade then did not insist on taking the matter on himself, and just said:

"If you need my help, please just ask. I have been promoted to the eighth ring now."

"Yes, I know you are great."

The sorceress said, and reminded with a smile:

"Now that Miss Feliananna and the others have left, I will send you all the materials for the thaumaturgy [Glory Moon Realization] in a moment. Although I want you to take a break, don't forget to study. After the summer exam week "You are in sixth grade now, but you are actually in the eighth grade, so I hope you can pass the sixth grade and seventh grade exams at the end of this year and successfully advance to eighth grade."

She winked at Shade:

"Shade, you won't say you can't do it, right?"

"I will work hard on this."

So Shade now has two magic arts in his hand, [Glory Moon Realm] and [Year of Night], which need to be learned, but he is not in a hurry:

"If we can't find any clues in Ximu Town, should we use a ritual to open the [Silver Moon Library] again?"

He also suggested that the cost of opening the library last year was more than 400,000 pounds, and a large number of ritual materials were difficult to buy even with money. In addition, the ritual opening could only be used once a year, so he never mentioned it after that. thing.

"I will think about it. It has been almost a year. But you should still remember that I almost fainted after checking Mount Karas last time. Obviously some things can only be investigated bit by bit. Even if we can get clues through the library, It would be great if there was a time key to the Sixth Age, maybe we could see what the teacher did back then.”

Hearing the word "time", Shade subconsciously raised his eyebrows, but said nothing:

"Speaking of which, I don't know the name of the last college librarian, your teacher."

"Helena Carter, I usually call her Teacher Helena."

After speaking, the sorceress hesitated again:

"My name is Deniste Gustave, and people respect me by my first name, just like your Duchess was called Miss Carina. My last name is Gustave , but not many people know about it.”

But knowing Miss Danister's surname will not give Shade any preferential treatment. On the contrary, Miss Denister said that there was only half a month left before the start of the autumn semester of 1854, and she had already prepared all the elective courses for Shade this fall:

"I will send you the course schedule at that time. I teach all courses related to the moon, so most of the teaching time is arranged in the evening. I hope this will not disturb your colorful night life. However, I am very open-minded "Teacher, if you take time off because you have to date girls, I will allow it as long as it is not too frequent."

She was definitely teasing Shade because she used the plural form of the word "girls."

In short, the end of this conversation with Miss Danister means that Shade's "holiday" has begun again after a long absence.

That evening, when Shade and Luvia were holding hands and walking the cat in the university district, he also mentioned his recent vacation plans, such as taking photos of cats to send to Miss Gothe, and doing nothing, just being Spend the whole day reading at home.

And at midnight that day, when the duchess who broke into Shade's house was huddled in his arms happily, the beautiful witch mentioned other suggestions:

"Why don't you move to my manor for a few days before summer is over?"

Like a cat locked in a closet at this moment, she gently rubbed her face against Shade's chest:

"The manor is full of girls, and there is a shortage of men like you."

Her hands under the quilt were also a little dishonest, but even if she said this, Shade didn't agree:

"Miss Elisa and the others are still in Moon Bay. Before they left Moon Bay, I promised to visit them often. Helen and Grace will also come here from time to time. I can't leave."

"It's not that I can't bear to part with your house."

The duchess complained softly, but because she knew Shade's character, she didn't pay too much attention:

"And you are still thinking about Vanessa, right? When the big boy has a new toy, he will always play with it frequently for two days. Now that the novelty has not worn off, Vanessa must be more attractive to you than me."

"If Lesia heard this, what do you think she would say?"


He smiled and hugged Shade's neck:

"Go and see Vanessa often. I know how she feels now. She will miss you very much."

The ladies from Moon Bay will leave one after another, and the people who have returned to Tobesk are returning to their daily lives. Some people were happy that peaceful days had come again, but some were unlucky after returning to Tobesk.

The representative of this is of course not Dr. Schneider but Agelina. Shade is not sure what "homework" Lesia left for her, but it seems that the little princess did not complete it very well.

Because early on Thursday morning, when Shade, little Mia and Carina were having breakfast in the restaurant, the letter sent by Lesia was handed over to Shade by Tifa.

[Dear Lord Hamilton of Rejed:

You are sincerely invited to attend the reading salon on the second floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square on Friday night at 8:00, where my sister Agelina will share her reading experience.

Your love, Lesia Cavendish

Thursday, the 21st of the Flower Month, year 1854]

The tone of the letter is very formal, and the paper used is high-end stationery. Similarly, Carina also received the same letter. She had heard about it, so she did not ask Shade what the reading salon meant:

"Sounds interesting, tomorrow? I will participate. It seems that Agelina really made Lesia angry."

"Aren't you going to help Agelina?"

"Lecia has always been very kind to her. Since she let Lecia down, she will naturally be punished. But sometimes I really admire Lecia's imagination. She always seems to be able to think of all kinds of tricks. "

As he spoke, he glanced at Shade:

"You should know best about this."

The surrounding maids and ladies pursed their lips and remained calm. Shade pretended to be calm:

"Didn't you also benefit a lot from this?"

The red-haired witch lightly hammered Shade, but there was a clear smile on her face.

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