Whispering Verse

Chapter 2526 Maid and Punishment

Chapter 2525 Maid and Punishment

Carina left after breakfast, but she asked Tifa to stay with half of the maids:

"According to the climate in Tobesk, autumn is not far away. Since there is nothing to do today, and you will be at home often after this, let Tifa and the others help you sort out the wardrobe and do a thorough cleaning of the home.

Don't refuse me, I will come over at noon, and maybe Lesiya will come too, so we can all have lunch together. "

The satisfied Duchess took the remaining maids to Yodel Palace, where Tifa and Shade bid her farewell downstairs. After the door was closed, the black-haired head maid returned to the second floor to arrange the work of the maids, but she did not assign any work to herself:

"Shad, when you go to Moon Bay recently, don't forget to visit Matilda."

She mentioned softly the maid from the Southern Kingdom, and it seemed that they had formed a deep friendship during their stay in Moon Bay.

But in fact, there is no need for her to remind him, Xia De will not forget any girl in Yuewan. However, there was not enough time in the morning, so he did not go to Moon Bay. Instead, he checked the notes left by Miss Feliana and the information about the "Night Arrow" in the study.

This is not thaumaturgy, this is the secret art of the witch. However, Miss Feliana's [Feliana's Witch's Light] and Miss Violet's [Solar Ray] are both witch secret arts. Shade has also learned them, so he is not worried that he will not be able to learn them.

The other maids certainly didn't disturb the man in the study, and they didn't make too much noise when cleaning the room. But the weather was very nice today, so they opened all the windows in the house for ventilation after seeking Shade's permission.

The comfortable warm air blowing, sitting on the soft chair in my study room and looking at the familiar lady's handwriting in my hand, made the foreigner who had been busy for two months feel comfortable and enjoyable for a long time.

The cat is lying on the left hand side basking in the sun, and white smoke is still floating on the rim of the black tea cup on the right hand side. Through the crack of the half-open study door, you can see dashing young girls in black and white maid uniforms walking around. In addition, there is nothing that needs to be done today, and outsiders feel that life is probably like this.

Dong dong dong~

After knocking on the door, Tifa came in carrying a saucer with a new teapot and a plate of frosted shortbread snacks.

The cat, which seemed to be sleeping soundly, suddenly raised its head, its tail wagging back and forth, and looked forward to the plate of snacks "landing" on the other side of the table.

However, Tifa did not leave immediately. Instead, she held the black saucer with both hands, bent slightly and asked Shade:

"Do you need anything else?"

Her back was to the window, her head tilted slightly to the left, with a very concerned expression on her face. She looked at Shade with dark brown eyes and a soft smile with a little pride. She was indeed a professional maid.

Shade needs nothing:

"There is no rush to clean up the house. You can also take a short break for twenty minutes and sit down with a cup of tea and some snacks."

As he spoke, he looked out the window:

"The weather has been really good recently. I don't know how long this good weather can last."

Tifa continued to tilt her head and look at Shade:

"So is the weather better today, or are you in a better mood?"

Shade wanted to say, "You are better in front of me," but he felt that such words would appear frivolous, so he replied:

"It's better to feel better. Time has slowed down. It feels really good."

The maid lady showed an expression of relief or pity on her face, but what she said had nothing to do with either:

"So, Shade, do you want to feel better?"

The smile on his face became even bigger, with the dimples on both sides exposed. Shade glanced at the door:

"Carina won't come back suddenly, right?"

"Don't worry, Master. The Duke is going to attend an important closed-door meeting on the deployment of the West Coast Navy today. She won't be able to come out before eleven o'clock."

The loyal maid lowered her voice and continued to bend closer to the man of the house, then winked at him:

"Do you still remember the wish you promised me before the train left Yuewan? I am making a wish to you now. Before my wife comes back, you"

Biting his lip, Shade still couldn't tell what kind of red it was:

"be mine."


Shade hooked his fingers and coughed to cover the sound of the study window suddenly closing, and then the curtains being drawn.

The door also slowly closed at the same time, and the maids and ladies in the living room who were sorting out the paintings and carpets all smiled in unison.

As for the study room, Tifa did not warmly hug or kiss the master with whom she was having an affair as the head maid, but asked Shade, who was sitting behind the desk, to step back slightly.

Then she stood up on tiptoes and lifted up her skirt, sitting on the desk where Shade was reading just now, and in front of Shade. Because the distance was too close, Shade could even smell her charming perfume.

Although both parties were sitting, due to the difference in sitting height, Shade's eyes stayed on the range from the maid's butt to her butt.

The maid who had seduced her master smiled, looked down at Shade, blinked, and then slowly pulled her maid up.

The thin black fabric appeared and perfectly outlined the curves of the maid's legs. Shade's eyes seemed to be attracted by a huge gravitational force and could not move away. The hem of the skirt rose little by little, past the small tu/i, over the chest cover, and then came to the edge of the fabric.

Two slender black straps extend higher, which are decorative wa straps. Although Miss Sylvia's new invention makes the elastic fabric no longer need to be fixed with wa straps, the decorative nature of the wa straps She won't ignore the function.

At this point, Tifa paused instead of continuing.

Shade looked up at her, and she looked down at Shade while holding her skirt, with a clear smile in her dark brown eyes.

After waiting for a moment, Shade stretched out his hand, and the maid raised her head. She continued to lift up her black and white maid uniform, revealing more of the girls' secrets to her lover.

"Why is the carpet in the study missing?"

At noon, when the Duchess and Her Royal Highness the Princess came to invite Shade out for lunch, the former asked.

"Oh, Mia wanted to eat the snacks on the table and accidentally knocked down the tea cup."

Shade, who was changing into clothes for going out in the bedroom, said this. Lesia looked at the study and then at Tifa standing behind them, showing a meaningful expression.

However, during lunch that day, Shade asked Lesia about Agelina:

"Is it really necessary to punish her like that?"

Shade fought for the little princess:

"I don't know what kind of homework you have assigned for Agelina, but can't you give her a chance? I'm worried that your reading salon will hurt Agelina's self-esteem. It's easy for a girl of her age to do this. Suffering from psychological problems.”

As he spoke, he picked up the wine glass:

"Let me vouch for Agelina, how about letting her go this time?"

He persuaded, but Lecia, who was drinking oyster soup, shook her head:

"I didn't punish her because of homework. In fact, when I asked her questions before she left, she answered them quite well."

Her Royal Highness the Princess recalled how her sister looked cute and courageous when she stood in front of the garden swing of Yodel Palace, clenching her fists and saying "I want everything":

"This time she was punished for other reasons."

"Did you find out that she was hiding illegal books again?"

Carina, who was eating fruit salad on the side, asked, Lecia still shook her head:

"I discovered that Agelina fell in love with writing at some point, and I discovered some of her works. How can I say that Agelina is still very talented. She is imitating Dorothy's writing style, writing things like "Hamilton" A story like "Detective Stories".

Of course, her level of story writing is far inferior to Dorothy's, but she is very good at describing language and action. "

"Isn't that great? Writing is a great hobby, why punish her for it?"

Shade was puzzled.

"Her story still revolves around Detective Hamilton and the female assistant who is a reporter, which is the role Dorothy arranged for herself. But apart from those clumsy detective plots that look like giveaways, her main writing content is actually that kind of content.”

Hearing this, the duchess couldn't hold it back and covered her mouth and laughed:

"This will make my day."

Shade was surprised and stopped eating:

"Sorry, what?"

"Those things were written by Agelina when she was bored during the train journey. Even Dorothy and Tifa didn't notice it during the trip."

Lesia said calmly, as if she didn't care about it at all:

"Actually, it's okay to write some stories like this. It's just a girl's yearning. It's not like I haven't experienced this kind of age. But I don't really like the Dorothy that Agelina portrayed in her 'works'.

Although Dorothy is from a commoner background, she is also an elegant and elegant girl. Although Shade is indeed very attractive, Dorothy should not. Agelina obviously did not understand this. "

"So, you really read every word Agelina wrote carefully?"

Carina tried her best to hold back her laughter, and Lecia glanced at her:

"Yes, so I'm quite angry. I let Agelina choose whether she wants to read her own writing in front of me, or I invite you to hold a reading salon and let her read the illegal things she has read. Readings.”

"Agelina chose the latter?"

Shade asked, Lesia nodded:

"Yes, she made her choice as soon as I finished speaking, without even a second's hesitation."

"You two sisters are so much fun, and Yodel Palace will be even more fun because of you."

The Duchess couldn't help but "praise", while Shade still wanted to excuse Agelina:

"It would be better to let her apologize to Dorothy, or let her help Dorothy with some housework as a punishment. I don't think it is necessary."

Lesia motioned to the maid behind her and handed a few pages to Shade. Shade glanced at them roughly, and his expression suddenly became quite exciting.

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