Whispering Verse

Chapter 2527 Reading Salon

Chapter 2526 Reading Salon

"Agelina has so many vocabulary, Lesia. In fact, educating Agelina a little bit is what you should do as her sister."

"Let me see."

After wiping her hands gracefully, Carina also took the pages. After reading them, she looked at Lesia in surprise as well:

"Agelina's imagination is no longer as good as your practical ability. Lesia, you really need to take good care of her."

"Yes, yes, I know, that's why we have this reading salon."

Lecia picked up another piece of broccoli with a fork:

"How about you, Shade, what did you and Miss Denister talk about yesterday? Luvia told Dorothy this afternoon that you seemed very happy."

So Shade smiled and explained about the "school director", and the two Cavendish had different expressions. Lesia was surprised by Miss Feliana's generosity. She regarded it as a gift from that lady to Shade, while the Duchess was a little unhappy.

After all, this way, Shade didn't seem to need her to arrange his daily living expenses.

But later she became happy again after hearing that Shade didn't want to use the assets casually.

In addition to Shade and Carina, Luvia and Iluna are also on the invitation list for this "Reading Salon". However, it was obvious that both Luvia and Iluna believed that this was a family matter of the Cavendish family, so neither declined Lesia's invitation.

This also led to the fact that only Shade, Carina, Lesia and Agelina, who was the "book sharer", participated in the reading salon at home on Friday.

Considering Agelina's pride, Lesia asked all the maids to leave room 2 on the second floor where the salon was held in advance, leaving only Tifa.

The time came to 7:50 in the evening, and all the curtains in the living room were tightly closed. At the same time, Lecia also used the red butterfly illusion to block the possible light and shadow. All the furniture in the living room of Room 2 was temporarily moved away, and then the floor was covered with a thick red wool carpet.

A small brown lacquered wood high platform was placed in front of the fireplace, with a one-meter-high golden candlestick placed on each side of the high platform.

At the same time, three chairs were placed not far in front of the high platform, but the placement was random and uneven.

Next to each upholstered armchair, there is also a golden candlestick for lighting. At the same time, there is a white round table next to the chair for placing tea cups, notebooks and snacks.

At least it looks like a serious reading salon.

Seeing that it was almost time, the people who were chatting next door all came in. Lesia asked Shade to choose the middle one among the three chairs, while Shade asked Tifa to hand over little Mia to other maids to take care of her temporarily:

"Although it doesn't understand Common Language, I feel like it's better not to let little Mia join this salon."

The three of them sat down, and after the maids brought teacups, teapots and snacks and fruits, they all left. Tifa personally locked all the doors leading to the living room, but Agelina, who was standing by the small platform, lowered her head and hesitated, holding a pamphlet and not looking at anyone.

The duchess snapped her fingers, and a flame lit up in the fireplace behind the small platform.

"If I remember the time correctly, it's summer now."

Shade reminded, but Lesia, who seemed to be in a good mood, said:

"It doesn't matter. I asked the maid to prepare burning wood in advance so that we can have the atmosphere of a reading salon."

It is worth mentioning that Shade is a very ordinary dress at home, but the three Cavendish all wear dresses for important occasions. Dresses, high heels, jewelry, and hairstyles are all available. If Shade didn't know the details of this "salon", he would probably really think that it was some kind of elegant event.

"It's almost time."

Lesia glanced at Tifa standing behind Carina, and then said to her sister:

"Agelina, let's start. If you do something wrong, you have to accept the punishment and show some spirit. Besides, we are all family here, so there is no need to be shy. Carina and I have also done even more shameful things with Shade. Woolen cloth."

"Lecia, you"

"Shad, don't plead for Agelina anymore. This is the rule. If I make a mistake one day, you can also ask me to do this. Previous mistakes will not count."

So Agelina bent down and temporarily placed the pamphlet in her hand on the small high platform, then reached behind her back and untied her neatly braided long red hair.

A golden headband fell to the ground, followed by hair accessories, bracelets, earrings and pins from her dress. Then came the belt, and after a rustling sound, the entire skirt covered everything. Finally, there are small black leather shoes with round toe buttons and pure white fabric on the legs.

"No, keep the socks on and don't need to take them off."

Lesia reminded, so Agelina pursed her lips and looked at the three people in the audience, picked up the pamphlet, and walked onto the small platform wearing only black underwear similar to pajamas. After all, Lecia didn't let her wear anything but underwear. This outfit actually covered her up very well.

Carina picked up the tea cup and looked at her grandniece with a smile; Lesia touched her chin, waiting for Agelina to speak; Shade felt that he was restless, the Cavendish family He had seen enough unusual thoughts and actions of ladies, but this scene still made him feel weird:

"Is this the royal family?"

But he didn't feel who was deliberately bullying whom. After all, looking at Agelina's expression, it was clear that she was only ashamed of being punished in front of Shade because she made a mistake, rather than resenting Lesia for being punished for nothing.

So under the gaze of the three people, Agelina, who had small bumps on her smooth skin, stood on the stage with her back to the firelight of the fireplace behind her, cleared her throat and opened the booklet in her hand:

"Miss Tara's results at Girls' High School were not ideal"

There is no gas light in the room, only candles and fireplaces lighting up the place, which is slightly dim but extremely soothing. Amidst the beeping sound of the burning firewood, Agelina began to read, and Shade, who also picked up the teacup and tried to hide his embarrassed expression, unexpectedly discovered that what she was reading was quite serious.

In other words, it was not an obscene article full of obscenities and repeated modalities as he imagined, but a palace erotic story decorated with gorgeous words and a large number of storylines and psychological descriptions.

Although there are a lot of pages describing things between men and women, it is undeniable that the story even sounds a bit high-class. Of course, it is still vulgar when it comes to sensitive plots.

"So, what Agelina usually hides from Lesia, turns out to be this kind of thing."

Foreigners who understood this were relieved and felt that this kind of "reading salon" was actually nothing. And even if Lesia asked Agelina to wear only thin clothes, she even considered the fireplace. Shade didn't believe that Lesia lit the fireplace in the summer just for the atmosphere.

[So what did you originally think she would read? 】

The voice in my ear asked with a smile, and that voice did not conflict with Agelina's emotional reading voice at all.

Then a series of memories flooded into Shade's mind. He suddenly pushed those memories to the back of his mind and felt guilty that he actually doubted the appreciation level of the royal princess.

But in fact, the short story being read aloud is already the most serious story selected by Agelina, and part of the outsider's imagination is correct.

As for Agelina Cavendish on the stage, the shame she felt when she first appeared on the stage quickly subsided due to the dryness all over her body, and she thought this was because there was a fireplace behind her.

The current situation made her feel a little like she was in a dream. Her beautiful and noble self read these dirty words that should not be spoken by a lady, while in the audience sat people who seemed to be attending a banquet at the Yodel Palace. With two royal "princesses" and everyone looking at her and listening to her read the story, Agelina even felt like she was going crazy for a brief moment.

As she read the "essence" of it, she tried hard to keep her speech rate even though her heartbeat was too fast, but she also felt so nervous that she could feel the sweat beads on her clothes. Hua's slender thighs rolled down, and she could feel the heat generated by every piece of charcoal burning in the fireplace behind her, making her clothes stick to her wet back.

She felt like she was about to be ignited, and she didn't even dare to look at Shade with her peripheral vision.

At this time, Lesia stood up in the audience, bent down and took off some unspeakable clothing from between her legs, then walked towards Shade with a smile and hugged his neck, kuazuo was here On him.

Agelina swore that at that moment, even her voice was trembling when she read aloud. She then had to raise her voice to cover up the strange sounds that made her whole body tremble and could hardly stand.

She let her eyes focus entirely on the manuscript in her hand, but the red hair that was constantly dancing like a flame could still be clearly seen by her.

The feeling inside was more complicated than the soup with all the seasonings poured into it, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy. She was jealous, she was in pain, she felt the tingling sensation in the little corner of her heart, she even some

She still stabilized her voice to recite the manuscript in her hand. This most "peaceful" story carefully selected by Agelina herself became more exciting in her heart than the most exciting story she had ever read. Make her feel hot.

What frightened, surprised and excited her even more was that when her lazy sister left Shade and returned to her seat, looking at her again with her hair disheveled and a blush on her face, she had been using Carina Cavendish, who was leaning on the back of the chair and supporting her head, actually stood up and threw away a certain piece of clothing like her sister just now, and then walked towards Shade.

Agelina knew that she was concentrating on reading the manuscript, but she could see the whole process of Carina's kuazuo on Shade's lap, and she could even clearly detect the fluttering of her skirt.

The palms of the hands holding the paper were already covered with sweat, and beads of sweat rolled down the skin, making the whole body feel yang.

She could no longer describe this moment. The contradictory spiral mood and the body that was almost exploding due to sensory stimulation made her vaguely feel that her soul had left the body and touched the higher, more mysterious, and more profound existence. .

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