Whispering Verse

Chapter 2557 Death and Art

Chapter 2556 Death and Art

"This witch is an artist, so why did she go to Vista Grove? Is she also going to attend the Autumn Moon Dance Festival concert?"

Shade continued to ask, and the duchess shook her head:

"I can't answer this question. Flora can appear anywhere.

What you probably don’t know is that she is the daughter of Earl Winslet, the largest newspaper tycoon in Carsonrick, and her grandfather is now in charge of the family. She had always been at odds with her father, and she had left Willendale a long time ago to travel around the territory of Carsonlik.

Most of her works were published during this period, and I know Dorothy is famous now and was the number one best-seller in popular literature last year, but she is still incomparable to Flora. Even Vanessa cannot compare with Flora in the field of art. After all, Vanessa has not appeared on stage in public for many years, but Flora is still at the peak of her creation. "

"So what seat is this lady?"

Tifa came over from the kitchen carrying a saucer. When she bent down to pour tea, she saw her master motioning for her to answer this question:

"Miss Flora Winslet's seat is one seat lower than Miss, the eighth seat, the great witch of death, eleventh level."

Carina added:

"Shad, you should know that different seats represent power, but it also means that we will be affected by power. Others can be said to be okay, but the great witches of the death series are most severely affected by seats. Flora's becoming an artist is also related to this. Regarding death, she is extremely sensitive and can interpret death very well in music, writing and painting.

And she once said that death often made her feel the emptiness of her soul. She tries to maintain the temperature of her soul through creation and art, and this is also why she travels and collects materials. She joined the council later than I did. She was very indifferent to everyone at the beginning, but she recovered as her level increased in the past few years. She is very popular in the council. "

The duchess was describing the other person's character to Shade.

"Will the seat have such a big impact on you? But I think it's normal for Granny Cassandra in the dark seat?"

Shade asked doubtfully, while Carina reminded softly:

"That's because my mother-in-law is very old now. She has experienced too many things. None of us have ever seen her when she was young. The title of 'Dark Cassandra' is not allowed until now. Lifted existence."

She was a little afraid when talking about this, so she changed the topic without saying it clearly:

"Flora is proficient in the art of transformation and is a veritable master of transformation. She is very close to the ancient druid in people's traditional impression."

As he spoke, he took the tea cup handed by his maid:

"Flora has mastered a variety of animal transformation techniques since she was a witch's apprentice. After she officially became a witch, transformation techniques are no longer limited to ordinary animals. She can also transform into alien creatures, inanimate objects, and even humans. .

So when you just said about turning into an owl, I thought of her immediately. "

Shade also took the tea cup, and placed it on the back of the cat lying on his lap very maliciously:

"But what does the seat of 'death' have to do with transformation? I thought this lady would be better at instant death abilities, or good at assassination. You see, Miss Belindel is good at divination, and Miss Aurora's light type Thaumaturgy is very powerful, and Miss Sylvia is a master of spatial abilities. We rely on her to open the portal."

Carina pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes curled up beautifully:

"Why didn't you say Flora? Why is it an artist and not a coffin shop owner?"

Shade also laughed.

"Actually, there is no reason. Probably due to the influence of the seat of 'death', witches who inherit this identity tend to age more easily than other witches. The impact of lifespan is still a trivial matter, but the appearance of aging is very fatal to witches.

They don't have the "Secret of Agelessness" given to you by the Witch Emperor, but they themselves have discovered that refining life and using natural power can effectively fight against this 'curse of aging'. Flora has no healing talent. Apart from the death talent, she has the highest talent for natural transformation, which is why she has become the current transformation master. "

"Death and transformation, can Miss Winslet turn into a dragon like me?"

Shade asked curiously, and Carina thought for a while:

"I haven't seen her do it for a long time, but I remember Flora said that she was studying dragon transformation. You know, dragons and unicorns are not creatures that change easily like cats."


Little Mia barked at Shade, because Shade was only concentrating on chatting and did not touch it.

"So what's this lady's attitude towards men? Oh, Carina, to be honest, I've had enough of meeting and communicating with witches with secrets. You see, now that I don't count Adele, I already know Seven trustworthy witches were appointed, which already constituted the majority in the parliament.

If this Miss Flora Winslet accepts my existence well, this time we will go directly"

"Look at you."

Carina interrupted Shade:

"Why, this time you don't want to play the hero-rescue-beautiful game where you hide your identity, but you want to play the drama of a noble 'prince' saving a well-matched 'princess'?"

"What princess?"

There was a voice at the door, and Iluna and Luvia walked in together.

"No princess, we're talking about a witch."

Carina corrected with a smile.

"Not a witch, we're talking about a chubby, round-faced owl."

Shade continued to correct him, because "owl" and "cat" pronounced in Delarian language are two completely unrelated words, so little Mia didn't react at all.

At dinner that day, while eating, Shade told the three ladies exactly what was happening in Vista Grove, especially what happened in the Accordion Hotel.

Dinner was cooked by Tifa and the maids. They knew Shade's taste very well and liked dinner more than stories. But for others, a madman who travels through time, a cabinet that connects three points in time, and witches and sorceresses trapped in the past are obviously more interesting.

"Return to the age of 18 and stay young forever. Although you have always said that you can do it by yourself by opening the mysterious lock, but I was still very moved when I heard this."

When Shade finished telling the story, the oldest witch among the people present held her face with her right hand holding a fork:

"But this makes sense. Faced with such an accident involving time, even the 'Red Moon Witch' obviously can't handle it."

"I'm more concerned about what Shade said about the cabinet."

Iluna was originally approached by Luvia to ask for coins. Although she no longer uses them, she is still happy to stay for dinner:

"Shadow, can it still be used once?"

"Yes. I plan to ask Carina to find someone to help me build an identical cabinet to replace it. I can't leave it in the broom closet."

"What are you going to do with this? Take it home?"

Luvia asked worriedly, Shade had always been very sensible:

"It would be a pity to destroy it directly. Since it cannot be turned into a toy, I plan to seal it for containment and destroy it after the incident with the eighth chosen one is over."

The purple-eyed girl nodded slightly:

"That's fine, but I still hope we don't have to use it.

So what are Miss Danist and the witch going to do? Can you break the time curse? "

"of course not."

Shade admitted generously and threw the chicken on his fork in front of little Mia:

"As long as their lives are not in danger, take your time with the rest. I still have many questions about this matter, why they didn't leave any information a hundred years ago, why the innkeeper's surname was Bennet, and why the cabinet was there There it is. Is it a coincidence that the witch happens to be in Vista City?"

"So are you going to reveal your identity to Miss Winslet?"

Iluna asked. The witch and the fortune teller also looked at Shade. Shade's keen sense even noticed that the maids were also looking at him quietly.

"What are you looking at? Since Carina said that Miss Winslet is an artist with a very gentle personality and is very popular, I plan to find an opportunity to reveal my identity and relationship with Carina and the others.

I actually saved her, and Carina said she was the kind of person who repays every favor. "

Luvia raised her eyebrows at the witch, who smiled and asked:

"Why, he was dissatisfied with what I said that made Shade plan to confess from the beginning? He said it himself and didn't want to play the game of hiding his identity."

"I think the development of this matter will not be as smooth as Shade imagined."

Iluna said again.

"Are you referring to the time curse thing?"

Shade asked, Iluna shook her head:

"As for the witch, Shade, judging from experience, it is absolutely impossible for you and this witch to get to know each other and live in peace so easily."

Carina and Luvia both pursed their lips and laughed, and the dining table at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square was very happy.

"Keep eating and don't keep chatting. Tifa and the others are getting better and better at their crafts."

So they laughed even more happily, and Shade pretended to change the topic:

"I will take care of the witch's affairs. Let's talk about something else. Oh, Iluna, have you been communicating with Emilia recently? How is she doing since school started?"

Iluna didn't know what Shade was thinking:

"I also received a letter from her last week. She said that the one-month weight loss plan for little Liana went very smoothly, and now both she and little Lianna have returned to the weight they were before the summer vacation. Emilia also Said that she also sent a letter to Agelina, congratulating her on the addition of two brothers. Can St. Byrons also buy Delrayon newspapers? "

"Amelia is still at St. Byrons, right? I understand."

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