Whispering Verse

Chapter 2558 Danister’s Story

Chapter 2557 Danister’s Story

Iluna did bring the [Thunder God's Wrath] when she came that night. After dinner, Luvia took the initiative to try to use this coin to divination the method of "removing the time curse", and the divination was exactly as Shade thought. invalid.

If the divination of special coins could find a way to clear the time curse, long-haired Luvia would definitely have done it long ago.

As for that night, Iluna and Carina left at around nine o'clock, and the latter left the night to Luvia. So at midnight, the purple-eyed girl asked Shade again what he thought of the "dead" witch. Shade looked suspiciously at the glowing purple eyes that were so close:

"What I saw was a chubby owl with a round face. What do you want me to think?"

Luvia smiled and hugged his neck:

"Are you really going to tell Miss Flora Winslet who you are tomorrow?"

"If there are no other accidents, I think so. Luvia, is there anything wrong?"

"Well no, I support whatever decision you make."

She gently kissed the side of Shade's face and smiled as she looked at him lying on his side with his back to the moonlight:

"I love you"

"I know."

"Until the end of time."

The next day was Saturday. Considering that there was a group study meeting in the afternoon, Shade entrusted little Mia to Luvia's care early in the morning and set off for Vista City.

Wearing a garland, we walked through the forest, but this time we didn't meet the mysterious elf. So we went smoothly to the Accordion Hotel in the city center. After knocking on the door of Miss Danister's hotel room, we saw an eighteen-year-old red-haired girl sitting on the sofa reading a book, and the chubby The round-faced owl stood on the bird stand hanging in front of the window.

Compared to yesterday when he was just looking at Shade secretly, the owl immediately cast its sharp gaze over him early this morning.

Shade just glanced at it and then looked away. He stood at the door and said to the sorceress on the sofa:

"Good morning, Miss Daniste."

"Good morning, Shade."

She stood up and greeted Shade without asking where Shade came from, just like she didn't ask where Shade went last night.

Teacups and teapots were already placed on the coffee table. When Shade sat down on the short sofa on the side, he asked:

"Miss Daniste, how are you feeling today? Did you drink the holy water and potion I left yesterday on time?"

"I feel much better today. I used the magical 'Moon Dream' last night. Although the time curse is still there, my physical condition has been maintained."

She let two cups of black tea float towards herself and Shade respectively:

"Before going to bed last night, I contacted the college. I said that after going deep into the forest, I encountered a ruins in an abnormal space area, and I was trapped for many days before I escaped. This kind of thing is not particularly rare, and there is no such thing in the college. Suspect.

But I didn't talk about my current predicament, I think you would understand. There are only two Thirteenth Ringers in St. Byrons now. Unless it is certain that I have no possibility of recovery, I would rather not let more people know about my current state. "

"I understand, but didn't you even inform the principal?"

Shade asked.

"Informed, or he has seen through the effect of the age-increasing agent. When Professor Pigman and I were both thirteen rings, I was confident that he could not see through my red moon illusion, but now I only have seven rings."

The librarian lady sighed softly:

"But I convinced him to give me a month's leave so that I could stay in Ximu Town to solve this problem. Oh, sorry, I mean Vista City. I stayed in Ximu Town more than a hundred years ago I have been here for more than a month and have become accustomed to the name Ximu Town.”

Shade took a sip of black tea and didn't understand their arrangement:

"Aren't you going to return to the academy? There are obviously more materials in the academy library than here. There may be records about the [Time Curse]."

Miss Denister shook her head:

“I have been a librarian for only a year or two, and I know very well whether the library has any information in this field.

As for staying here, this is not a whim. The solution to the problem lies in Ximu Town. Although I did not find any information about the astrologer Euclid a hundred years ago, among the magicians of Ximu Town at that time, there was actually a rumor of a 'time traveler' and a 'time tree cave'. 'Back in time' kind of rumors. "

"The local ring warlocks of this era didn't know this, at least the black marketeers didn't mention it."

The red-haired girl sighed and decided to start from the beginning:

"I arrived locally last week and checked into this room because I made a reservation in advance. At noon on Tuesday this week, I came back after exchanging information with a ring warlock who knew the local Moon God ruins in the black market. I was in the room preparing for a lunch break when I heard Strange noises next door.”

Shade followed the direction of her finger and looked at the wall:

"Is that broom closet on the other side of the wall?"


The sorceress nodded helplessly:

"Okay, I admit that I was probably too confident at the time, so I broke into the broom room to see what was going on. But everything was normal inside. When I opened the only cabinet that might have something hidden, I didn't find anything.

Now that I think about it, the action of opening the cupboard was probably the source of what happened next.

Anyway, with the lower door of the cupboard open, a strange light appeared behind me. When I looked back, I found that behind me was the study room of a strange mansion. Turning back to look at the cabinet, the brand new cabinet was placed against the wall of the study, but the lower cabinet door was tightly closed. I tried for a long time but couldn't get back through the cabinet. "

After speaking, she looked at Shade curiously. Shade knew what she wanted to ask:

"I also went to 1763 through that cabinet. The two humanoid angel-level relics helped me open a relatively stable two-way channel. Don't ask about the cost, I said, this is my own volition and it is my own business. "

Seeing that the red-haired girl wanted to say something else, Shade quickly asked:

"So in 1763, the cupboard wasn't in the hotel, was it? At that time, the location of the Accordion Hotel was just a forest, so who owned the manor at that time?"

Miss Denister actually wanted to ask what Shade had paid for:

"The cabinet at that time belonged to Baron Bennet of Brookwood Town, and that house was the ancestral home of the Bennet family."

"Bennet? The owner of the Accordion Hotel, doesn't he also have this last name?"

Because this was the last name of the "debt collector" mentioned by Desire, Shade remembered it clearly.

Miss Denister nodded:

"Yes, before you came, I asked the waiter who served breakfast for information. Thomas Bennett, the hotel owner in 1854, was a descendant of the baron. But now, although Bennett is still one of the best in the city Rich man, but no longer has a title.

More than forty years ago, when the kingdom's musicians came to Ximu Town due to the political movement in the royal capital, the then Baron Bennet was punished by the royal family and lost his title for helping them.

But it wasn't all bad, as the inn's first owner, Thomas Bennet's grandfather, gained the favor of the entire Carsonlik musical community. Although they could not get back the lost title, looking at the size and location of the hotel now, you can tell that their life has not become worse. "

But in any case, the debt collection mission of Desire and the time travel both involve "Bennet", which does not seem to be a pure coincidence:

"After traveling to 1763, you have been in that study, right?"

Miss Denister nodded:

"Most of the time, yes. You also saw that it happened to be the middle of winter, and Ximu Town was blocked by heavy snow. The baron's family went to Willondale to spend the winter. There were only a few servants in the house who were responsible for maintaining the house, living in the study. very convenient."

After the sorceress finished speaking, she smiled at Shade again:

"I know I can never stay away from that cabinet except when necessary, because I know you will find me soon."

Not sure if it was an illusion, Shade felt that the owl on the birdstand in front of the window rolled its eyes after hearing these words. From this, he determined that the little Mia at home was definitely not a person who turned into a cat, because the cat had never had such a human expression.

Although Miss "Owl" is an excellent artist, her acting skills are obviously far inferior to Vanessa's.

Miss Daniste was missing for four days now in 1854, but she spent 37 days in 1763. During this time, in addition to her study, she also conducted a lot of exploration in the snow-covered Ximu Town and the snow-shrouded Vista Woodland. Even though she only has seven rings, she is still one of the best ring warlocks in a remote town.

Of course, Shade guessed that the owl would stay as a "housekeeper" when Miss Daniste was out, and the two would alternate between them to ensure that there was always someone in the study.

They didn't know what was going on with the cabinet at the time, so they didn't try to move the cabinet and take it out with them. As for the investigation conducted in Ximu Town, apart from hearing about the "time travellers" mentioned by the townspeople and local folklore, they did not find out much else.

"A hundred years ago, Ximu Town was just a small place. There were not many ring magicians here. Even the Church of the Five Gods only had one Church of Nature here."

"So have you tried to get in touch with the academy from that era?"

The eighteen-year-old sorceress nodded:

"I tried, but unfortunately I couldn't contact the outside world by any means. Not only that, I tried leaving this area to seek help from the outside world. Willondale City has industries affiliated with the college, but I gave up later. "

"Is there a barrier to the outside world in the woodland, or are we worried about a time paradox?"

The red-haired girl pursed her lips and looked at him with a hint of fear in her rose-red eyes:

"I had a gut feeling at the time that my range of activities was limited to the Vista Grove. Once I left this area in the winter of 1763, I would never be able to return to the present situation in 1854 no matter what methods I used. "

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