Whispering Verse

Chapter 2620 The Doctor's Big Plan

Chapter 2619 The doctor’s big plan

"Potions can be discussed later."

Miss Denister brought the topic back:

"To summarize, this time the enemy is a ring warlock who knows the tree cave but does not master the tree cave himself. He is over fifty years old? If the opponent is strong enough, sixty or seventy years old is not too old.

So Shade, what are your plans for tomorrow? I won't let you go alone. "

"Of course I won't go by myself, Miss Winslet, and I'll have to trouble you to turn into an owl and follow me."

"no problem."

The witch immediately smiled and said, very satisfied that she could follow Shade back to the past, and she could also continue to follow Shade in the present because she was an owl.

But the red-haired sorceress was dissatisfied because of this:

"What about me? Do you want to stay and continue reading the information?"

"Danister, until we find a way to restrict the tree holes, someone must stay to guard them. Your contribution is no less than mine."

The witch said with a smile, and then ordered her apprentice to prepare lunch:

"Since you have something to do in the afternoon, let's meet here tomorrow. For safety, I have arranged for my followers to ambush nearby. Don't worry about confidentiality. My girls are very good at hiding themselves."

The red-haired girl on the side tugged on Shade's sleeve, looking very unhappy, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Shade didn't throw the glass slipper home after lunch, because it would take the book outside of Vista City. So he honestly set out from the city to the forest, and it took him nearly an hour to reach the elf girl's tree house.

By chance, she was eating lunch on the platform outside the treehouse, which afforded a view of the woodland. Seeing Xia De turning into a red butterfly and flying up, she said stingily:

"I didn't prepare your lunch."

"It doesn't matter, I've prepared it for you."

He recovered the food packed from the hotel and put it on the table. The blond elf pouted slightly, stood up and brought a new set of knives and forks for Shade:

"You must have come to me because you have something to do, right?"

"I will come to you if I have nothing to do. Of course, something happened this time. I found another tree hole and a bizarre story."

During the second lunch, Shade briefly told the story of the Cummings, a story he was now very skilled at telling. After finishing speaking, she took out the book, but Miss Elf did not refuse:

"It's okay to help you contain this book temporarily, but you can't always do this. If you find a brand new tree hole next, who else can you go to?"

"This is the problem. I currently lack the method to destroy these twisted tree holes, and I also lack the means to restrict these tree holes from being opened at will."

They were obviously talking while eating, but her movements were very elegant:

"Can any of you completely eliminate the 'special light area' centered on the Moon Bay area? So far, the church has only mastered the 'Night Seal' to resist those lights. Therefore, the Twisted Tree Hole cannot be easily eliminated. "

She is right, even the "power of the earth·healing aura" can only weaken the light intensity in the special light area, rather than completely purifying it:

"So since tree holes cannot be completely eliminated, is there any way to limit them?"

Her emerald green eyes glanced at him:

"Of course there is a way, but I can't tell you now that I will tell you when I get the second arrow."

Shade did not object:

"I use the time key to use these tree holes without carrying a curse. But I can sense that this opportunity has a limit on the number of times. Do you know what will happen if I run out of times?"

He asked again, expecting that the elf in front of him would put forward new conditions, or say a "riddle" that he couldn't understand. Unexpectedly, the other party answered simply:

“It’s very simple, the tree hole is completely out of control.

Today's tree holes are still attached to the main body of 'tree', and are still restricted by the remaining power of the tree father. If you exhaust those restrictive powers, the twisted space-time channel will completely open and spread rapidly, which will probably lead to the overlap of two time-spaces, which will lead to a large-scale collapse of time, and finally cause the entire Ximu Town to completely disappear. In the long river of time. "

Shade nodded to express his understanding:

"In other words, if I can find a way to restore those restricted powers, can I actually achieve those 'charges' that distort the number of times the tree hole is used?"

Miss Elf smiled:

"Interesting idea, but you have to explore the possibilities yourself, I can't help you."

"So what about the Paradox Worm? The affairs of the Cumming family have basically been discovered. After confirming who 'blackmailed' Baron Cumming tomorrow, I will find a way to find the second Paradox Worm. Can you Come and help? To be honest, it’s difficult for me to fight that bug alone.”

The tall elf girl then nodded:

"Of course, after all, I still want you to help me find arrows, and I can't let you be in danger.

However, things are not as troublesome as you think. If you can use [Eternal Youth Leaf] to detect whose soul that bug is in, you might be able to kill it before it leaves the human body and shows its power. The bugs hiding in the souls of the damned are not scary, at least not to you and me. "


So during the group meeting that afternoon, Shade brought "The Story of the Cumming Family" to everyone.

Although Luvia already knew the story, Dorothy probably knew a few words from Carina through Resia, Dr. Schneider was used to all kinds of family trivia and quarrels, and the old priest had heard more sensational things in the church, but the story is always fascinating.

After all, the story of the Cumming family involves the grievances of three generations, incest within the family, the confusion of parent-child relationships, conspiracy and deeper conspiracy, sacrifice and true "fate".

According to Dorothy, if someone wrote this story, then when the editor wrote the recommendation, those "keywords" would even be written on the back of the waistband.

"I can't adapt the story this time, I can only draw some inspiration. After all, although there are some mystical elements in my detective novels, time travel is too much."

The writer was quite regretful about this, and Shade, who was peeling an orange, said casually:

"When the year ends, publish the "Detective Who Traveled Through Time" as a special chapter. Write about the detective traveling a hundred years ago and solving a case in the background before the steam age. You can write more jokes caused by different times and cultural backgrounds.

When the detective solves the case perfectly at the end of the story, let the detective "wake up" in modern times and find that it was just a dream, but in the end he sees the archaeological news and is surprised to find evidence that he may have existed 100 years ago. But the evidence must be very vague, representing openness."

After saying that, he was about to tease the cat with the stimulating orange that the cat doesn't like, and then found that everyone was looking at him.

"Shade, you are a genius!"

If not everyone in the group was here, Dorothy really wanted to give Shade a passionate kiss immediately.

Priest Augustus nodded in surprise:

"This idea is indeed good, and even if someone doesn't like it, it's just a special chapter at the end of the year."

"Let's talk about business."

Shade tried to bring the topic back and asked Luvia:

"Didn't you participate in the autumn stargazing event last year? Will you participate this year?"

"Of course!"

So Luvia has to take out a week or two this autumn to live in No. 6 St. Teresa's Square.

The topic of the group study meeting was successfully brought back by Shade. Now that the autumn semester has started for nearly a month, lazy people also want to find something to do for themselves.

Considering that everyone in the group completed a level promotion in the Moon Bay incident this summer, everyone needs new magic, relics and courses. Although everyone has been planning since the beginning of this month, it has not been confirmed until now.

In addition to these regular self-improvements, the most important thing is that Priest Augustus who entered the middle ring and Dr. Schneider who entered the high ring must determine their own sublimation words.

The words of sublimation are the secret of the ring magicians, but there is no need to hide it from other members of the group. After all, you may need to ask for help for a specific spiritual rune in the future.

Therefore, the priest Augustus, who was sitting on the single sofa on the side, introduced himself first:

"I only have one core spiritual rune [Glimmer], and the sublimation words of the low ring are -

Falling into darkness, sinking into the abyss, I am the glimmer.

For the sublimation words of the middle ring, I found the appropriate sentence directly from the "Sublimation Code" of the academy -

The glimmer rises, the heart is broken, and everything is nothingness. Glimmer, rise, heart, broken, nothingness. Among them, only nothingness is more difficult, and the others are considered common spiritual runes."

"But the meaning of this sentence is not very good."

Xia De reminded, and the old priest who was wiping his pipe said happily:

"Don't worry about me, I went to Moon Bay for a vacation and I'm fine now. At least for now. ”

The doctor then introduced himself:

“I have two core runes, just like the detective: [Light of the Soul] and [Dream]. The low-level sublimation words are: The hound of light runs in the malicious dream; the mid-level sublimation words are: The dark lurking lunatic, the light of the soul.

The two core runes are used in both low and mid-level, so the academy said that any core rune used in high-level can be used.

The academy’s “Sublimation Code” does not have a sublimation word suitable for me. I currently have my own ideas, but they need to be verified before they can be realized. The general situation is that I am trying to find a way to add a core rune for myself. ”

After the voice fell, the other four looked at each other. None of them thought that the doctor was going to do this. Finally, the writer, the fortune teller, and the priest all looked at Shade, and Shade had to speak on behalf of everyone to remind:

“Doctor, you know the risks involved. ”

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