Whispering Verse

Chapter 2681: Everyone’s Dance

Chapter 2680 Everyone’s Dance

Obviously, the Elf's "sneak attack" on Shade in front of Iluna made the chosen one very dissatisfied. The elf girl struggled for a while and found that her strength was still no match for Iluna, so she asked doubtfully:

"Your heterochromatic eyes are so beautiful, but who is Emilia?"

Iluna held her wrist and looked at her. The eighteen-year-old girl was definitely not jealous, just... unconvinced:

"What game are you playing? Shade and Miss Denister are both here. Do you want to ask them who you are?"

The red-haired girl on the side pursed her lips and smiled, but fortunately for the elf, she did not speak.

So the elf girl looked at Shade for help, but she couldn't answer this question.

"Okay, okay, Iluna, this is one of my current partners, an elf living locally."

Shade then reached out and separated them, allowing the blond elf to take the [God's Gift Box] and leave from the forest, but Iluna did not accept such an argument:

"Isn't that Emilia? Although she has grown up for some reason, I will definitely not admit the wrong person."

Therefore, Emilia's disguise has never worked even once so far.

The incident of [Hide and Seek Boy] was over, and the group returned to Collins Manor where the wedding banquet was still going on. None of the guests at the manor realized what had just happened in the woods nearby, and now that everything that needed to be done for the party was over, Shade could dance with the girls.

The first is of course Iluna. Although Shade danced with her just now, it was not perfect after all. Shade was actually dancing with two people. But now she finally had no other worries. The eighteen-year-old girl hugging Shade sighed and enjoyed her hard-earned vacation.

But in fact, as long as she wants to take leave, the church will not stop her unless there is something really important.

"The last time we danced was months ago."

She sighed softly, but she was still interested in Emilia's affairs:

"Did she travel through time?"

"That's my guess. But magically, Beacon Acorn's ability to detect timestamps doesn't work on her."

"That's the chosen one."

The eighteen-year-old girl swayed her body with Shade. The dance music was very soothing, but she did not forget to look up at Shade and ask:

"So how old is Amelia now?"

"Three years older than the Emilia you know."

So Iluna smiled in this autumn night, and she smiled beautifully:

"I have obviously grown taller in three years, but my figure has not changed at all."

Then came Miss Winslet. The witch originally wanted to be reserved, but just now she saw the elf actually kissing Shad. When Shad extended the invitation later, she took his hand without hesitation:

"What does artifact mean?"

Naturally, the witch has her own problems.

"That's the literal meaning. The relic is a sage-level relic and a divine creation."

The "God's Gift Box" incident was actually a big deal in Tobesk last summer, but the subsequent "Night of God's Coming" stole all the limelight, so Miss Winslet did not recognize it. What is it.

The witch's golden eyes looked at the handsome young man holding her hand and hugging her waist:

"I find that there are more and more mysteries about you. The more I know, the more I find you hide. If this morning was just a suspicion, then now I have a certainty, Iluna Bayas , this girl who can stir up the situation in the entire material world is your lover, right?"

The two of them looked at Iluna who was talking to Miss Danist in the rest area next to the dance floor. Shade nodded:


Of course he won't deny it:

"That's why I said before that I don't mind you getting to know me, but there are too many things about me, so I can only let you see for yourself. If I tell you directly that the chosen one is my lover, you will definitely You’ll ask more, but if you find out for yourself, you won’t have so many doubts.”

There was something different in the eyes of the witch who was so close. She moved closer to Shade. Even by the standards of dancing, the distance was too close.

But Flora Winslet doesn't care about this. The dancing people are just backgrounds to her. Only he and she are real:

"What if I want to know more?"

The emotions contained in the eyes are definitely more than the artist pursuing art or satisfying his own curiosity. At this moment, her delicate nose bridge had touched Shade's nose, and Shade also heard the bold and unrestrained witch's declaration:

"I want to pursue you. Yes, since Carina can't control you, I won't be polite."

She smiled and said this, then moved forward and kissed Shade's face:

"You can tell Carina about this. If she has the ability, she can come directly to Vista City to find me."

She has full confidence. This is not because she thinks that she can defeat the twelfth-level duchess in the cursed state of turning into an owl, but because the Speaker Adele Isabella has explicitly prohibited everyone from doing so before she allows it. Entering the Vesta Grove, the great witch of death still has a long time to prepare.


After a dance, the witch was very satisfied and temporarily let go of Shade's hand. She planned to talk to Iluna again. The girl looked very innocent.

The next person Shade held hands with was Miss Danister. Since she was already here, she would not leave. But Shade did not invite her to dance, but she asked for it.

When the new dance began, she asked directly:

"You met my teacher in 1821, right?"

When asking this question, the rose-red eyes were even a little serious, and Shade sighed;

"So you all really have your own problems, but you won't say that you smell a familiar perfume or something like that?"

This is clearly the "professional skill" of the witches.

The red-haired girl continued to dance, looking at him with a sad expression:

"They said that you found a suitable helper to help you in 1821. But what helper could you have in that era except the teacher? You were not even born at that time."

She stepped forward as Shad retreated, her rose-red eyes continued to stare at him:

"So you met the teacher, right?"

Shad did not lie to her:

"Yes, I asked her if she wanted to see you, but she refused. She didn't want to cause a time paradox."

Dannister Gustav's expression changed, but the outsider could not describe what kind of expression it was. She also moved closer to Shade, but instead of kissing him, she hugged him and put her head on his shoulder:

"Is the teacher okay?"

"She looks good. She is a thirteen-ring sorcerer, and she used the relic to postpone the curse until the moment of death. She is in better condition than you. We even talked about the Moonlight Greatsword. She taught me some techniques to use this magic."

"Yes, the Moonlight Greatsword, the teacher almost turned it into a new magic."

She didn't say anything else, but just held Shade and finished the dance. Just when the two were about to separate, the 18-year-old red-haired girl finally asked:

"Will you still help me find the trace of the teacher?"

"Of course, but I will always stop you from traveling through time again."

She bit her lip and kissed Shade generously on the side of his face. After turning around, Shade grabbed her hand again. The handsome young man from the North looked at her in the crowd:

"Go and investigate whether there is a cursed tree near the collapsed ancient tower on Mount Karas."

"What do you mean?"

"The lady told me in person that the content of her time curse is to gradually turn into a big tree."

The red-haired girl kissed him again, but this time it was not on the face. She quickly broke free from his hand and left the dancing crowd, leaving Shade with his lip bitten standing there looking at her back:

"It is very likely that the tree will not be found near the ruins of Mount Karas."

[Because the Truth Society has been active there, but found nothing? 】

"No, because it seems to be the beginning of everything, the Moon Tower on Mount Karas, falling from the tower, in the spring of 1853. Remember not long ago, when Miss Winslet asked Miss Belindel to divine my origins, the three effective cards were the upright Moon and the reversed Tower. What was the third card?" (Chapter 2615)

[Reversed Tree. 】

Shad's expression dimmed a little in the light of the courtyard:

"Reversed Tree also means a cursed tree.

These things happened in the ancient Moon Tower. I have some doubts that Ms. Helena Carter has such a secret related to my appearance, which will not be revealed so easily.

Of course, it would be better if it can be found."

At the wedding banquet that night, Shad even danced with Miss Bell. But compared to dancing, the pale young black-haired girl was obviously more interested in the Rhodes card game at the banquet.

But she had to stay with Miss Winslet, and she was only an attendant of the invited guests, not an invited guest, so she couldn't go to play cards. However, before the banquet officially ended, Shade played two rounds of cards with her without betting.

Everyone stayed at the banquet until very late, so after the banquet, Shade and Iluna didn't even return to the Accordion Hotel, but said goodbye to the ladies at the gate of the manor, and then returned home together.

Luvia and Mia at home were still waiting for them to come back. Seeing the two of them walking up from the basement hand in hand, the purple-eyed girl knew that they had a good day today:

"Iluna, you should stay here tonight. It's drizzling outside again, so you don't have to go out."

The rainfall in Tobysk this autumn is significantly higher than in other years. The drizzle on Thursday night turned into heavy rain early on Friday morning. This not only caused the morning postman and milkman to be late, but also caused Augustus, who came to No. 6 St. Teresa's Square with an umbrella and rain boots, to almost fall on the steps when he ventured from the carriage door to the eaves of the Shade family.

"Please don't leave yet, I'll leave immediately."

The priest said to the coachman, then walked into the hallway and closed the door. Of course, the coachman outside the door would wait for him, not only because no one would suspect an old priest who got on the car at the door of the Dawn Church, but also because the priest had not paid yet.

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