Whispering Verse

Chapter 2682 Chocobo in the Forest

Chapter 2681 Chocobo in the Forest

"Good morning, detective. The things prepared for you have been made."

The priest handed the carefully protected briefcase to Shade. After opening it, there were three white bone sticks of the same length and thickness. The bone sticks are standard cylindrical, with dense runes engraved on the surface. The runes are connected in series, and the miracle elements flow slowly in them.

"In fact, it would be better to make them into metal sticks, but even if I have some blacksmith skills, I can't make them in one day. These should be enough. Nailing any one of them into the heart of the dead apostle will completely deprive it of the ability to absorb vitality.

Then burn it with fire to completely get rid of it. In order to prevent accidents, I made three for you. If there are any left, you can keep them for yourself. This weapon can also deal with ordinary undead creatures, and it is also effective against the black fog monster in the forest you mentioned."

The length of the three bone sticks is about the same as that of a normal person's upper arm. According to the priest, they are more like nails than sticks:

"I understand. I will bring good news back soon."

The priest was very relieved about Shade:

"Be careful. I am not worried about you, but I am worried that you will disturb it and let it run away. It will be difficult to find it again. This thing has a strong ability to transform into flesh and blood. It is a basic ability to turn men into women and old people into young people. But with your ability, it should be okay to be cautious."

After saying that, the old priest left, and did not even give Shade the opportunity to invite him to stay for breakfast. Augustus priest seemed very busy today, probably because something happened in the church again.

Now that the right weapons have been obtained, the operation of hunting dead apostles can officially begin. However, after Shade said goodbye to Iluna and Luvia at home that morning, he did not go to Vesta City immediately, but went to the forest to find the elf girl first.

The place where he saw her that day was not her tree house, nor the sea of ​​flowers when the two met for the first time, but on a small piece of grass in the forest not far from the tree house.

The grass was surrounded by a simple semi-open wooden fence, on which simple runes were drawn to repel wild beasts.

Inside the fence, more than a dozen white, yellow and light blue bird creatures of different sizes were waiting to be fed by the elf girl. More similar creatures were poking their heads out of the woods opposite the fence, obviously aware that it was time for dinner.

This is a large bird creature, with an adult individual about two meters tall and a bit like an ostrich. They are covered with bright feathers, with a large head and a tuft of upward-curved feathers on the top of their heads. The eyes are large and bright, full of spirituality, and the hard and slightly curved beak looks very suitable for pecking plants.

This was also the first time that Shade saw a "Chocobo" in reality. The great witches of the Fifth Age liked to ride unicorns, while witches who were not so rich and powerful generally rode chocobos. Even the "Notes of Feliana" mentioned the issue of raising chocobos.

"Good morning, where did you get these chocobos?"

Shad asked curiously, standing beside the elf girl and reaching out to touch the feathers on the heads of the chocobos waiting to be fed. They didn't mind being touched by Shad, because all their attention was on the basin in the hands of the elf girl.

"I remember that only the Zalas Academy of Literature and the Church of Nature have large-scale chocobo populations, and St. Byrons only has a few hundred as ornamental alien creatures. Did you get this from the academy?"

"I found them in the woods."

The elf girl said while working. She not only had to feed, but also had to stop the chocobos from fighting for food, but it was obvious that the chocobos liked her very much:

"When I first lived here, I often took walks nearby. These poor little guys lived deep in the woods to the west. Once a hungry little guy ran to me and asked for food, so I found them.

Their tribe should have lived in this forest that they couldn't get out of for a long time. Many years ago, I guess it was dropped by the ancestors of the Night Song Elves before they left the forest, or their ancestors strayed into this area before the Night Song Elves left. The fighting power of the chocobos is not strong, but fortunately their intelligence is much stronger than that of wild beasts, so they have only lived in this small area for so many years.

After I confirmed that they were ownerless, I adopted them. Sometimes when I need to move long distances in the forest, I will pick one as a mount. "

Shade smiled and said:

"I was worried that your life would be boring, but it seems that your life is quite fulfilling."

The elf girl threw all the remaining food in the bowl to the inside of the fence, so the chocobos all gathered around to enjoy breakfast.

"In fact, elves should live like this. The life of elves now is a bit too modern."

She patted the little chocobo that was still standing in front of the fence because he didn't grab breakfast. Just as she was about to pour out the food crumbs in the bowl, she saw Shade on the side pouring a whole bag of cat food under the fence.

The little chocobo with light blue feathers lowered its head to sniff, then its eyes lit up and it lowered its head to eat.

"This cat food is expensive, your cat will be upset."

The elf said with a smile.

"Anyway, Mia doesn't know, as long as I replenish the consumed cat food in time, it won't find out that I am feeding other creatures outside."

Shad rubbed the little chocobo's head again, and watched these cute creatures eat breakfast with the elf:

"I have already read the method of containing tree holes that you gave me last night. Although I know that it will be difficult to contain such things, is this a bit too exaggerated?

Use the Philosopher's Stone to cast the ultimate spell [The Stability Principle of Ancient Elves], and then fill the tree hole with a sufficient amount of [Sands of Time] melted with special flames. Finally, it is necessary to use a time weapon of at least angelic level to destroy the integrity of the physical body of the twisted tree hole. "

Shade took a deep breath:

"Although the angel-level time weapon [Ocarina of Time] is obviously the most suitable, is this method too expensive?"

The elf girl smiled and turned to him and asked:

"Look, in your opinion, this method is just expensive. But if I tell other people about this method, their first thought will definitely be: the conditions are too harsh and it can't be completed at all.

In fact, this method is very simple. The twisted tree hole mistakenly connects two time channels, so it must be stabilized first, then filled in, and finally the connection between different times is cut off. Now you have learned the magic of thaumaturgy. Whether it is the original fire or the fire of the sun, it can melt the sands of time. As for [Ocarina of Time], you can obviously borrow it, right? "

"But each time a tree hole is destroyed, a Philosopher's Stone must be used. Even the Zhengshen Church will not choose to destroy every tree hole. Fortunately, the large-scale rituals collected by the Dawn Church can contain the tree hole, so that no one except the tree hole will be destroyed. There is no way to deal with it other than annihilation.”

Elf has nothing to say about this, at least the method she provided is real and effective:

“I admit that it is a bit more expensive, but there are rewards for destroying the twisted tree holes.

You can get the Holy Grail by using [Power of the Earth·Healing Spirit] to calm the restlessness of the earth. Similarly, you can get a reward by destroying the twisted tree hole: the wood is dead, but it will spawn new leaves for you as a gift. Gift. "

Xia De was startled and asked with some surprise:

"[Youthless Leaf]?"

But he immediately shook his head:

"The Leaf of Youth is far less precious than the Philosopher's Stone. It is uneconomical to consume one part of the Philosopher's Stone + one part of the Sands of Time for the leaf."

"What if it's not just leaves?"

The elf continued to say with a smile, which fully whetted Shade's appetite:

"Haven't you always wanted to know how to 'charge' those tree holes to strengthen the power to maintain stability, so that you can increase the number of times you can use the tree holes normally?"

The twisted tree hole has a normal number of uses. Once the number of times is exhausted, it will completely collapse, thus forming an uncontrollable expansion of time cracks.

"Yes. Destroy the tree hole?"

"Yes, if you destroy a tree hole, the remaining sustaining power will be attached to the leaves. You can use those leaves to 'charge' other tree holes. Of course, this will not consume those leaves. So, in fact, a virtuous person What you get in exchange for the Stone of Youth is at least one leaf of youth and at least one extra opportunity to travel through time."

Calculating it this way, this exchange is actually not bad. Shade currently still has a copy of the Philosopher's Stone, but he hasn't decided which tree hole to destroy yet.

With thoughts, he said goodbye to the elf girl and the chocobos, and when he entered the city, he thought about discussing with the two ladies in the hotel about destroying the tree hole. When he arrived at the hotel, he discovered that it seemed that Miss Winslet and Miss Danist did not sleep last night.

It was still room 321. Shade happened to meet Miss Bell at the door, who was holding a saucer and preparing to enter, so the brunette told him what happened last night.

After entering the room, they saw the red-haired girl huddled on the sofa with a blanket on her face and a depressed look on her face. Miss Winslet was sitting beside her, hugging her shoulders and comforting her. As for the corner of the room, there is a newly painted oil painting on an easel.

"Oh, what's going on?"

He immediately walked towards the red-haired sorceress, and the witch beside him stood up and gave up her seat on the sofa.

"I wrote a letter last night asking the college to send professors to Karas Mountain to search for the cursed tree. I have been waiting for news last night. No, nothing. There is no cursed tree in that mountain or in that area. .Was the teacher’s body taken away?”

Her rose-red eyes were about to shed tears as she spoke. She opened her arms and hugged Shade directly. Shade patted her back and comforted her softly:

"The time of your teacher's death should not be far from the time of his disappearance. That was many years ago. Is divination also invalid?"

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Chocobos in the Forest".

The book club group exploded this morning due to unknown reasons. We are currently appealing, and a new group has been established (with fan value requirements). The group number is in the introduction of this book.

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