Whispering Verse

Chapter 2718 [Language Expert] and

Chapter 2717 [Language Expert] and "Friends of Chocobo"

Mr. Edmund listened carefully, and commented after Shade finished speaking:

"Now I understand why there have been rumors since last month that the Chosen One of Time is about to appear, but this time all the major forces have remained very calm, as if nothing happened. That forest, it turns out there are so many secrets."

He hesitated:

"I can't give you much help with the twisted tree hole and the curse of time. How about this, I will give you the information I studied the Temple of Time, and the remains of the world tree you mentioned last. You know what this means. It is said that the world tree is the body of the ancient god of time. Even if it is just an incomplete wreckage, it is not something that mortals can easily face."

"I understand. I will handle the matter of the Vesta Forest with caution. It seems that the church will not easily send a large force into there before finding a universal method to suppress the instability of time."

In addition to the information on the Temple of Time, Mr. Edmund now has two new coin-like relics. Unlike stingy old John, Mr. Edmund sold them to Shade directly at the purchase price.

The two new special coins were not the types that Shade had come into contact with before. This time the coins were clerical-level relics [Language Expert]. The coin was about the size of a copper penny, and the material seemed to be a silver alloy mixed with mithril - meaning that silver accounted for the majority of the metal.

On the side of the coin that Shade considered to be the front, there was an open book with ribbon decorations on both sides of the book, and the ancient rune of the number "1" was written inside the book; and on the side of the coin that Shade considered to be the back, there was a crescent pattern, the moon was surrounded by laurel flowers, and at the bottom of the moon was the ancient Elvish text:

[The moon is my love. ]

But the function of the coin seemed to have nothing to do with the text on the coin, because the function of this coin was to allow the user to roughly master a language.

The specific method of use was to write at least thirteen words in the language you want to learn, and then wrap the coin with the written paper and put it in a bowl filled with clear water. Place it under the full moon, and after a night, the coin disappears, and the clear water turns into silver moonlight water. After drinking it, you will master the corresponding language.

The languages ​​that can be learned in this way are quite extensive, even those that are mysterious in themselves. The danger level of the coin comes from the terrible knowledge that is usually attached when mastering a language.

The older the language, the more terrible the knowledge, and those knowledge will make the ring warlock more likely to lose control.

However, this negative characteristic does not prevent this coin from becoming one of the most useful clerical-level (level 4) relics. Although people dare not use it to learn those long-lost or only legendary languages, it is still no problem to learn the common language of the Fifth Age or even the Fourth Age.

Therefore, the price of [Language Expert] is abnormally high compared to ordinary clerical-level relics, just as the price of [Youthful Leaves] is much higher than the average level of poet-level relics.

In the end, Shade spent a full 420 gold pounds to buy them, which is nearly ten times the average price of clerical-level relics.

"But, what is the relationship between the moon and language?"

When paying the bill, Shade asked while stroking the crescent pattern on the coin. Mr. Edmund thought for a while:

"The ancient god of the moon, that is, the 'Silver Moon Sage', is said to have the blessing of allowing people to understand writing."

"The ancient god of knowledge, the 'Secret Keeper' should also have a blessing related to language, right?"

Shade asked curiously again, and the old man nodded:

"Of course, but judging from the content of the unearthed ancient stone tablets, the blessing of the Moon Sage is to let people know the recorded language, but it does not guarantee The proof of complete mastery is that you can read and understand the words you see, but you cannot speak or write the language out of thin air;

But the wisdom of the 'Secret Keeper' can allow mortals to master a certain language immediately, and you can use it directly the moment you get the blessing, and write, communicate and exchange without any obstacles.

The coin you bought is more like the blessing of the Moon Goddess, but it is much weaker than the blessing of the real gods. "

Shad nodded in understanding. He understood the meaning of "can read, listen and understand, but can't speak or write" more clearly than anyone else.

When I left Mr. Edmund's old lighthouse and returned home, it was already noon. After running around for a morning, Shad decided to have lunch at home and read the information provided by Mr. Edmund carefully before going to Vista Forest.

There was no one at home on Monday daytime, and Shad was too lazy to cook by himself, so he took the cat left at home to the restaurant on Silver Cross Avenue. The weather was fine when he went out happily, but after he and Mia had lunch, the heavy rain immediately soaked the city of Tobysk.

When Shad returned home with the umbrella he borrowed from the restaurant, he was surprised that Dorothy happened to come to the door, and the blonde was taking out the key to open the door.

Seeing Shad holding the cat in one hand and the umbrella in the other, the female writer asked with a smile:

"Are you forcing Mia to watch the rain?"

"Yes, this cat seems to be too lazy recently. It either curls up in the corner of the sofa to sleep or lies on the windowsill to bask in the sun. Even when it goes out, it doesn't like to walk by itself. I want to exercise it."

With that said, Shade opened the door and let Dorothy in:

"This cat behaved so well in Yuewan. Maybe it can get rid of its laziness and it can look majestic again. In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is nothing good about doing it again. After all, it is' Wrong evolution'.

Foreigners are talking about things that only they understand.

Dorothy came here this time to borrow the "Keeper's Hall" at home, and use the power of accelerated learning and enhanced creativity to complete her thesis for the course "Elves and Demons: Appreciation of Opposite Characters".

But since Shade was also at home, she did not go to Room 2 on the second floor to open the door. Instead, she spent most of the afternoon in the study with Shade.

Shade was checking his notes, while she was writing her own report, which resulted in the progress of both of them not being very fast on this rainy afternoon. But Dorothy was very satisfied with this afternoon. When Shade decided to go to Vista Grove to check the situation before evening, she had even decided to stay the night. However, in the end, she received the message from Lecia in her heart. gave up on the message:

"Lecia asked me to help her pick up the goods outside the city. She bought a batch of alchemy materials for Agelina. The princesses can't go out that late, so I have to come."

The cats were left at home and it was also raining in Vista Glades. Today is Monday, and although the Time Key is temporarily unavailable because the priest's relics are not ready yet, he has not forgotten this week's gift.

[God's Gift Box] is now in the hands of the elf girl to contain the book "Opening the Forest Door: Our Animal Companions", so Shade went to visit the elf first. It was raining and the elf girl did not go out as expected. Instead, she sat comfortably under the eaves on the third floor of the tree house, making tea and looking at the rainy scene. It was obvious that she was quite comfortable.

And in the flowerpot on the window sill behind her, there is also a sapling with the [Ocarina of Time] sword inserted in it. This containment method is exactly the same as the containment method of Emilia during the Moon Bay period.

"What will it be this week?"

The elf girl watched the process of Shade getting the gift:

"Could it be the arrow I'm looking for?"

She wondered excitedly, but unfortunately it wasn't the case. But what he obtained this time was no ordinary item. When Shade took out the warm yellow feather pendant, he realized that it was an alchemy item.

But he didn't recognize what it was. Instead, the elf girl checked it and said with certainty:

"This feather is a chocobo feather. This pendant can be used to summon chocobos."

Shade then asked with great anticipation:

"You can directly conjure a chocobo out of thin air when needed, right?"

"Of course not, you are talking about summoning spirits."

The elf girl immediately shook her head:

"First of all, you need to have a familiar chocobo colony, and secondly, those chocobos are nearby. After using this pendant to establish a cooperative relationship with them, as long as you shake the pendant nearby, the chocobos that sense the breath will will come to you quickly.

It can't conjure chocobos out of thin air, but it can make chocobos find you. "

This kind of alchemical item can still be made by the elves of the Sixth Age, and the one Shade got this week looks like an ancient object, and its effect is relatively powerful, which means that it has a larger coverage area when used as a beacon.

So the elf girl took Shade to establish a cooperative relationship with the group of chocobos she had adopted. The specific method was to let Shade feed the three oldest chocobos in the colony in the rain, and let them smell Shade and the feather pendant.

Although the effective range of this pendant cannot cover the entire Vista Woodland, as long as Shade does not run to a diagonal position such as the southwest of the city, he should be able to get their help.

Even with the guidance of beacons, these chocobos were able to easily walk out of this woodland that should have been impossible to walk out of. But the elf girl was still very worried and told Shade that if Shade summoned these chocobos, he must take good care of them:

"Their survivability is not as strong as your cat. They can be used as transportation, but they cannot participate in combat. Please do not let them get injured."

As for the task of obtaining this pendant, which the elf girl calls "Chocobo Friend", Shade needs to try to practice riding at least once this week for no less than twenty minutes.

This exercise must be performed with a non-humanoid creature, so Shade cannot cheat to complete the task:

"But it's not difficult. If I need to go to the woods for investigation this week, I will try to use a chocobo."

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