Whispering Verse

Chapter 2719: Morgue on a Rainy Night

Chapter 2718 Morgue on a Rainy Night

Although there was a riding practice mission this week, Shade did not choose to ride the chocobo now when he said goodbye to the elf girl and prepared to go into the city. He did not want to let the chocobos enter the dangerous woods easily, so he would not let them send him off casually.

[If that owl knew what you were thinking, she would definitely be sad. ]

"She" said with a smile, so Shade planned to summon the chocobos when he went out with Miss Danister.

The rainy weather also reduced the number of pedestrians in the city. When Shade came downstairs of the Accordion Hotel, it was almost five o'clock in the evening. The gloomy sky could not see the sunset, and when Shade knocked on the door and entered Room 317, he found that "Miss Owl"'s face was not very bright.

The owl on the back of the sofa looked at Shade, then moved a little and turned his head away from him.

Shade cast a puzzled look at Miss Bell, who seemed to have recovered well, and the latter shook her head slightly; then he looked at Miss Danister again, and the 18-year-old red-haired girl smiled and asked:

"Did something happen? We thought you wouldn't come today."

"I went to investigate the temple. You can't imagine how many places I ran all day, but fortunately I made significant gains."

Then the owl on the back of the sofa returned to its human form, but she was not unhappy because Shade didn't come today. She certainly knew that Shade must be busy with other things:

"I talked to Carina and others in the parliament last night."

She said dryly, and in front of Miss Danister, not treating her as an outsider:

"In addition to Carina, you really know more witches and witches. Tell me, Shade, do you want to split the Parliament? "

"Of course not, I swear in the name of Mia, I have never thought of splitting the [Witch Parliament]."

Flora Winslet's expression immediately brightened up, so it is said that artists' thoughts are sometimes really hard to guess:

"I know my vision is not wrong, and you don't look very ambitious.

Tell me about your experience of meeting them when you have time, so that I can also know what kind of relationship you had with the Parliament before you met me. But before that, let's talk about what happened in the city today. "

The church and the police are still searching the Bronte family. Today is the first working day of this week. They have directly seized all the remaining properties and real estates of the Bronte family in the local area.

And Willendel also received news at noon today that the kingdom has dismissed Baron Bronte from his position as an army staff officer. This also means that the church has definitely confirmed that Baron Brontë knows part of the truth about York Brontë, otherwise the kingdom would not be so decisive to remove important figures in the army now that the war is about to begin.

In addition to Brontë, there is the matter of Linda Bennett, the third daughter of the Bennet family. The girl tried to hang herself and jump off the building yesterday, but she was under strict supervision by her family after failing.

But today, I don’t know what method she used, but she got a rope and tried to hang herself again. But at that time, the ring magicians sent by the church to investigate York Brontë happened to visit disguised as police officers, wanting to ask Linda Bennett more things.

So Miss Bennett was rescued again, but this also made the cautious church ring magicians think that she might have problems. So Miss Linda Bennett was invited to the local Sun Church as a "guest". Although it may be a bit cruel to say this, she is very likely to never find a marriage partner in her life.

The religious atmosphere in this world is quite strong. Therefore, even if a girl who was invited into the church for "hanging out" with a man involved in illegal occult research is later proved to have no connection with the criminals, no one would be willing to marry her.

Not to mention, Miss Linda Bennet is a little too infatuated.

"Mrs. Bennet tried every means to get her third daughter married to the son of the baron, but now it has turned out like this. It's hard to evaluate this matter. First, the eldest daughter was engaged to James Cumming, and then the third daughter fell in love with the dead apostle. The Bennet family is really unlucky this time."

However, the Bronte family and Miss Bennet are not the most important things. Then the witch told Shade an unfortunate news:

"Professor Quinto is dead."

"What? Professor Quinto? But didn't we just go to see him yesterday? How did the professor die?"

Shade asked in surprise. The witch sighed slightly. Although they hate men, it does not prevent her from mourning for everyone who has passed away equally:

"The news came in the afternoon. The specific situation The situation is still under investigation.

The current information is that the professor left home as usual this morning to work at the Concert Hall Museum, but in the afternoon the Concert Hall sent someone to the professor's home to ask why the professor did not go to the office today. People searched along the professor's usual route to work and found the professor's body in an alley away from the main road. There were no wounds on the body, and the specific cause of death is still unknown.

Because this incident does not involve ring magicians or mystical powers for the time being, Professor Quinto's death is temporarily treated as an ordinary case and handed over to the local police. "

Shad was silent for a while:

"So did you go to check the body or the scene where the professor's body was found?"

"I went."

The witch continued, her transformation made it quite convenient for her to move around the city:

"When I got the news, the body had been taken away, so I didn't see it for the time being. But I can be sure that the alley where the body was found was definitely not the scene of Professor Quinto's death. The body was sent there by someone else."

"The professor's son is in Willendel and probably hasn't received the news yet, so the body is temporarily stored in the morgue of the local police, specifically in the north of the city."

Miss Bell said softly, and Shade nodded:

"Well, after dinner, Miss Winslet, please come with me."

It was hard for Shade not to be suspicious of the professor's sudden death at this time. Although mortals will die one day, the person who was still talking yesterday suddenly died today, and the outsiders still felt very sorry.

After a simple dinner, even though it was raining, the owl still grabbed the cat and flew into the night. No one would pay attention to the trajectory of an owl in the rainy night sky, so they landed directly at their destination.

The morgue of the Vista City Police Department is located in the old town in the north of the city, or it can be said that it has been the town's morgue since the time of Ximu Town, but there were not so many corpses in the town back then.

Today's Vista City Police Department has long been moved from its original site, so the morgue, which was originally small in size, occupies the entire building of the old police department. But this is not a building but a very ordinary bungalow. The ground floor building and the underground floor constitute the whole picture of the morgue.

Breaking into such a place on a rainy night is a bit like the beginning of a horror story, but fortunately it was safe along the way and they did not encounter ghosts.

The owl fell into the yard and saw that the gatekeeper was dozing off, so they went directly into the building. Although Miss Bell knew that Professor Quinto's body was here, she didn't know the exact location, so the two could only go to the gatekeeper to check today's entry and exit records, and then confirmed that the body was in the basement.

Because the witch's feathers were all wet, she temporarily refused to turn back into human form, so she turned into a cat and huddled in Shade's arms. Xia De was worried that if she developed the bad habit of not walking, she would eventually become as lazy as Mia, but the cat witch didn't care about it:

"Want to bet whether we will meet the dead underground? I bet we will. My inspiration tells me that this trip will definitely not be safe. Professor Quinto's cause of death is definitely not normal. If I win, you have to get up early tomorrow morning and come here to have breakfast with us."

"Isn't this fair? And why should I bet with you?"

"Because if I lose, I will kiss you. Let's go quickly, I hope the rain will be lighter when we leave later."

So Xia De was the only one who pushed open the door to the underground and walked into the narrow underground corridor connecting the steps.

The switch that controls the gas lamp in the corridor is on the side of the steps, and Xia De reached out and turned it on. The structure of the underground area of ​​the morgue is very simple, with square corridors connected end to end, and on both sides of the corridor are rooms for storing archives, deceased's relics and corpses. Each room has a detailed nameplate with its name, so Xia De doesn't have to worry about not finding the place.

"The target is Morgue No. 5. There are odd numbers on the left and even numbers on the right. There are two relic rooms and an autopsy room every two doors of the odd number, and a steam boiler room and an archive room every three doors of the even number. The numbers increase clockwise and decrease counterclockwise 1, 3"

The coroner's lounge is located at the corner of the corridor, so you need to turn to go to No. 5. But when Xia De turned the corner, the odd numbered house number on the left hand side was "Morgue No. 9".

Xia De was quite surprised by this:

"Are there so many corpses here? The morgue number is actually No. 9."

He rubbed the little head of the cat on his chest, and the gray cat called "Meow~". After getting the answer, Xia De continued to move forward and saw that behind Morgue No. 9 were all utility rooms and empty rooms without house numbers. So he continued to move forward, and after turning again at the corner of the corridor, the first house number he saw on the left hand side was still "Morgue No. 9".

Looking forward at the entire corridor, the underground corridor illuminated by gas lamps is exactly the same as the scenery just now, as if he has returned to the starting point of the corridor.

"She" laughed softly beside his ear, and Xia De's expression remained unchanged. He continued to walk forward through the entire corridor and turned. Then, as expected, the first house number on the left was still "Mortuary No. 9".

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