Whispering Verse

Chapter 2741: Ice Witch

Chapter 2740 Ice Witch

The aesthetics of the Witch Emperors of the Fifth Era are always consistent with Shad. Now Shad has seen Miss Violet's maids, the student uniforms of ancient St. Byrons, and now he has seen Chloe's maids. He could only evaluate the dress as being old in time, but it did not mean that the aesthetics were outdated. He admired the dress of ancient girls.

No matter the girl in the camp was wearing a maid's dress or a girl wearing a cold-proof cloak, they were not surprised that their emperor returned to the camp holding the hand of a strange man.

After the two of them stepped ashore, they pretended not to care and continued their work. When the two of them reached the entrance of the camp, the maids gathered together and took out the coats that had been prepared for Shade to avoid the cold. It turned out that it was made from a whole piece of bearskin, but Shade rejected it.

They even prepared a special soft cushion for little Mia, but this was rejected by the cat, who preferred Shade's shoulders.

"I have prepared everything for your arrival."

Chloe said softly, and then dismissed the maids who wanted to see Shade. So the two officially walked into the camp. At that moment, it seemed as if they had passed through a warm water film. Inside the camp isolated by the "water film", although the snow was still falling, the severe cold seemed to be gone.

"Follow me, this way."

Chloe took Shade's hand and continued to move forward. Shade did not object, but looked around curiously. Although the huge camp is not deliberately decorated with gold and silver, it is decorated with expensive alchemical crystals everywhere, tents with abnormal spatial characteristics, rituals composed of gold embroidered runes on the outside of the tents, burning spices in campfires, and in the snow. The unicorns running around all reflect the luxury of the camp owner.

The current era is the early fifth era, and alien creatures are still relatively common in the material world, so one-third of the girls in the camp seem to have alien blood.

Chloe took Shade's hand and pulled him into the camp. On the way, Shade saw dragonborn, elves, halflings, centaurs, winged people and other mixed races that he didn't recognize. However, Chloe Yi's own maids and apprentices are all human.

Girls of different races get along very well in the camp. Most of them would look at Shade quietly when he passed by him. Shade even saw a werewolf girl and a catman chasing away unicorns who wanted to get close to the campfire. They returned to their own camp, but Chloe pulled Shade away very quickly, and he didn't have the chance to observe carefully.

Chloe's tent is located in the center of the entire camp. From the outside, the ice blue tent with Chloe's personal emblem is already very big, but when you step on the carpet and actually enter, you find that it is even bigger.

The carpet automatically cleaned up the snow marks on the bottom of Shade's shoes, and after Chloe took Shade's hand and entered the camp, the maids who were originally in the camp all said hello to their emperor, but no one came over.

There was no open fire in the tent, but the temperature was as comfortable as spring. This was probably the effect of some kind of witch's secret technique. However, Chloe didn't give Shade a chance to think. The two of them reached the bedroom at the deepest part of the tent space while tugging and tugging, and the girls who had been tidying up here all consciously smiled and left.

Probably because of Chloe's own personal style and aesthetic characteristics, her bedroom is decorated with many crystal products. Most of the landscape paintings hanging on the walls are of snowy mountains and ice fields. Even the quilt she sleeps on is The four-poster bed surrounded by curtains is made of a single piece of ice crystal.

This made the whole room look silvery-white, but Shade didn't dislike the hue either.

In short, Chloe directly pulled Shade into the bedroom, regardless of whether little Mia was still on Shade's shoulder, and gently pushed him onto the bed. The Bingjing bed was not cold, so she once again hugged Shade's neck, which was holding the bed back with her hands, and looked at him with a smile on her golden eyes:

"I hope you don't think I'm too impatient, but since I have the opportunity to do something like this, I definitely can't let it go easily."

Her face was getting closer and closer to Shade, and her silver hair almost touched Shade's face:

"What do you want to do to me? Anything but that. That will have to wait until I go to you."

She didn't have the worries of the great witches of the Sixth Age. She smiled and threw Shade into the curtain, who didn't resist. Then she took off her high heels and jumped up while holding up her skirt.

Two seconds later——


The cat was thrown out of the curtain and landed firmly on the wool carpet in the room. It screamed unhappily and dodged the clothes that were thrown at it, including Shade's coat, the witch's black dress, Shade's belt and pants, and the witch's underwear and stockings.

When Shade had hugged the ice-cold girl, little Mia had already walked out of the room with cat steps. Then the cat looked up and saw the maids surrounding the door.

They blushed and smiled and made a silent gesture to the cat. The cat tilted its ears and tilted its head to look at these strange female creatures, and then saw the prepared cat feast waiting for it to enjoy.

In fact, Chloe is much bolder than Shade thought. Shade is not without experience in "dealing with" smaller girls, such as Grace and Helen, who are thousands of years old, but Chloe is as cold as ice crystals. Yi, after getting over the initial discomfort and shyness, immediately became proactive.

Because of her petite stature, her figure is much lighter than that of a mature witch like Carina or a girl like Lesia/Dorothy. She is even slightly shorter than Agelina, so her long silver hair is After taking off those cumbersome skirts, it even seemed to cover her legs.

The body heats up slightly with the enthusiasm pouring out of her heart, and her snow-white skin is even more charming than the "Snow White" in the ancient story. The slightly cold touch is quite nice, and the interesting cold texture that the long silver hair has always maintained is even more interesting.

In fact, except for not taking the last step, Chloe and Shade tried almost everything, really everything, and even went further than the relationship between Tifa and Shade.

Shade was a little surprised when she made the request, but soon Chloe proved to Shade again that the so-called "witch's perfection" was definitely not a joke. The cold flower blooms, and even the Ice Witch actually has warmth inside.

It is now the year 925 of the Fifth Era, 22 years have passed since the two first met in the year 903 of the Fifth Era, and two years have passed since the two briefly reunited in the Lost Forest in the year 923 of the Fifth Era.

The long wait not only did not dilute the emotion, but made the longing brew into a more charming wine. She waited and waited, never forgetting the temperature on the snow-capped mountains or the taste of his blood.

After nearly two hours of tenderness, as Chloe's slightly lazy and charming voice came from the tent bedroom, the maids who had been "eavesdropping" outside entered the room to clean up the mess.

Chloe ignored the work of her apprentices and maids. She let Shade hold her and move her to the hammock in front of the window. From the window, she could see the calm mirror-like "Falling Star Lake".

The snow is still falling, but the warm wind is blowing in from the window. The two of them didn't wear too much clothes at this time, or Shade hadn't put on his shirt yet, and Chloe liked the feeling of being directly attached to him.

The silver-haired witch squirmed slightly and her voice sounded very lazy:

"It's like a dream. I've been looking forward to seeing you again, Shade, but I didn't expect you to appear in front of me so easily."

"It's actually not easy either."

"But it's easy for me. I never believed that simply waiting would bring results."

She looked away from the window, and when she tried to turn over to face Shade, the hammock shook, but immediately a maid held Shade's back to stabilize the hammock, and then the maid was immediately driven away by Chloe. .

She was not willing to let those young girls take advantage:

"Although the future Myrna Feliana and Violet Marshall said that the witches of the Sixth Age did not take good care of you, I think they at least trained you well."

There is a smile in the golden eyes, and there is still a slight blush on the delicate smile:

"Do you know? I almost asked you to eat me just now. I almost asked you to eat me."

"But you really ate me up."

Shade continued to play with her silver hair. The texture of this long hair was so good.

[I originally thought you preferred black hair to silver hair. 】

Shade ignored "her", and the little witch patted Shade gently:

"What are you talking about? Besides, I saw you were very happy just now, weren't you?"

Shade then smiled and pressed the side of his face to the side of hers. Chloe's body temperature was obviously lower than that of a normal girl, so it felt very comfortable to stick it with the ice and coolness:

"Chloe, so you have contacted the future witch of the fifth era?"

"Of course, after all, my own strength alone is not enough to span such a long time. But don't ask too much about this matter. This involves some time paradoxes. After all, I don't know the current situation between you and the fifth era in the future. At what point in time did the witch meet?”

She whispered softly, sniffing Shade with her nose, and was very satisfied to find that besides her own smell, there was only a little smell of that beautiful cat:

"You look stronger than when you were in the Lost Forest. I don't mean pure strength, I mean soul."

"But not as strong as you."

"It's just a matter of time before you surpass me, and the last thing you lack is time."

The two of them hugged each other on the hammock in front of the window, talking about love and longing for each other. It was early morning when Shade left the Sixth Age, but it was already approaching evening here.

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