Whispering Verse

Chapter 2742 The Origin of Chaos

Chapter 2741 Origin of Chaos

The setting sun outside the window quickly filled the snowfields and lakes, and soon dinner was ready.

Chloe took the initiative to suggest eating outside. She liked the snowy weather very much, and Shade certainly didn't mind either. However, Chloe helped Shade put on her clothes before ordering the maids to bring her a new dress.

Shade later found the cat who seemed to be having a good time, and then he and Chloe went to the largest bonfire in the camp with the cat.

When Shade and Chloe sat down, many girls also sat around the campfire, which served as the background for the two of them to eat. The firelight danced and illuminated the camp located in the snowfield as the sky darkened. The dinner in the snow was also prepared. All Shade needed to do was eat.

It was only then that Shade mentioned his latest troubles, which was about the mermaid. After hearing what Shade had said, Chloe smiled in the firelight and answered:

"It seems that you have found the clue about the God of Love that I left for you after the 'Lost Forest' (Chapter 1714). Yes, of course I know that mermaid. After I sat on the 'Earth' seat, I have seen relevant information in the parliamentary library.”

Shade didn't see the relationship between Chloe and "the earth", but considering that the "Earth Mother Goddess" is also the god in charge of the four seasons, and the process of Chloe becoming a demi-god was closely related to the "Winter Maiden", the god of winter. There is a close connection, so it’s not surprising if you think about it carefully.

"So do you know its origins?"

"I know, and didn't you also say it? It is the incarnation of the concept of 'desire'. It is a monster born in the early days of the Genesis Era. We now call the First Era the Genesis Era."

She was wrapped in a silver robe and smiled as she watched Shade take the kebab handed by the maid on the side.

"So what's its relationship with the God of Chaos you believe in?"

Chloe shook her head slightly:

"This issue is very complicated. All I can tell you is that although the power of desire comes from the God of Witches, it is indeed an inherently evil thing. This involves some secrets of the Genesis Era, quite ancient secrets, and gods. They are related.”

She watched her maid bring hot goat's milk to the cat. She was fully prepared to welcome Shade's arrival:

"You should know that the first gods were the thirteen ancient gods. But in fact, in the first era, other gods had appeared more or less. But I can tell you this conclusion very seriously - the ancient gods The gods control all the power in this world, and no new gods will exist without the permission of the ancient gods. Of course, this is only the rule before the ancient gods leave. "

The old gods who appeared after the ancient gods left were also because they inherited the power of the ancient gods. Shade himself already knew this.

"So the relationship between the mermaid and the God of Chaos is that the witch does not allow it to become a god?"

After Xia De asked, he immediately looked at the large lake not far away, but there was no unusual sound of water. Chloe nodded slightly, scooped up the hot soup with a spoon, blew on it and then brought it to Shade's mouth:

"The book in the Council is very vague. According to my own understanding and speculation, when the world was born, when the first batch of intelligent life appeared, the mermaid was born because of wisdom. It originated from the chaotic nature of wisdom. It is extremely powerful, but it has never been allowed to go further.

But this is just speculation. I can’t tell what exactly happened in the first place. Even this era is too far away from the beginning. I even doubt that there are no records related to this anywhere except the parliamentary materials. "

Shade drank the soup from the spoon, looked at the bonfire and sighed again:

"Even if there is other information, I don't dare to explore it. I am not qualified to explore the secrets of the ancient gods now. Yes, it is too ancient. And I have been to a place called the Library of Cadiz, that At that time, a god said that the documents handed down from the first era are forbidden for future eras. "

"But don't worry too much about that mermaid, the witches are naturally capable of restraining it."

"That also requires a great witch who is at least a demigod, right? There is no such powerful girl as you in our era."

Shade reminded, so Chloe expressed her dissatisfaction in a small way:

“Yes, the girls from the future are too weak.

I cannot directly give you the power to completely suppress that mermaid. In the Sixth Age when the Witch Council is declining, it is probably one of the most dangerous things in the material world. Are you willing to convert to the [Chaos Witch]? "


Shade asked in surprise, but the silver-haired girl herself shook her head:

"Wait, this doesn't seem to work. If you really become a witch in body and soul because of this, that would be too bad. I just enjoyed it."

She tapped Shade's chest with her finger, and then she laughed to herself. Shade knew what she was thinking of, so he reminded her in a low voice:

"There are other people around."

"So what?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his head and kissed Shade. As expected, the girls around him didn't dare to look at him. So during the rest of the dinner by the campfire, Shade told Chloe about every contact he had with "desire" and his recent dangerous experience in the "Lake of Love".

Chloe frowned as she listened, and waited for Shade to finish speaking before saying:

"Appear with a dangerous but ambiguous image, and then help you again and again, but only charge the right price. This method is really good, and I don't blame you for gradually letting down your guard."

"In fact, until now, even though I know it is dangerous, I am still grateful for its help before."

"That's why I say its methods are clever. You know that the special space where the parliament is located has more than just the functional area of ​​the parliament hall, right?"

The "Council Hall" refers to the round table illuminated by the skylight and the thirteen chairs around it. It is the core of the [Witch Parliament].

"I know that behind every witch's seat there are passages leading to other areas."

Shade nodded, and Chloe gave some advice:

"The Seat of Chaos is the most special among us. For example, the great witch of Chaos of my generation often calls herself 'the witch among witches'. The area controlled by this seat is the ritual that needs to be performed to become a great witch with the seat. The ceremonial venue is the most important location in the entire Parliament and symbolizes our heritage.”

She hesitated for a moment:

"If you want to deal with that mermaid, or at least find a way not to be threatened by her, try to go there to find the answer. Pray to my lord [Chaos Witch] and try to see if you will get help. But don't convert to my lord. I can I can’t bear it.”

As he spoke, his red-gold eyes glanced down again.

"Don't worry, they won't agree to me doing this."

But if you want to enter that key position, you also need the consent of the great witch in the "Chaos" seat. But unfortunately, the seats of the four witches that Shade doesn't know yet happen to be Chaos, Creation, Sun, and Moon.

Therefore, if he wanted to try, Shade would have to contact a new witch. This is obviously not something that can be done in the near future, so we can only wait until the incident in Vista Grove is over before we can think of a solution.

After finally being able to spend such a long time with Chloe, Shade didn't let him down and just mentioned his own troubles. After the two of them finished dinner, Shade proposed to go for a walk by the lake with Chloe.

So Chloe asked Shade to wait for a while, and the maids quickly moved into action, setting up a full circle of ice street lamp poles around the entire shore of Falling Star Lake, which was elegant, solemn, yet modern.

As Chloe snapped her fingers, balls of warm light emitted from the crystal ice lamp. The road to the lake was illuminated, and when Shade held Chloe's hand and walked in the snow, he had to admire the hands-on ability of the maids.

In the snowfield far away from the civilized world, walking in the snow under the ice lamp around the big lake is probably the most romantic thing.

Little Mia was left in the camp and was taken care of by the maids. Only Shade and Chloe walked in the heavy snow talking and laughing. The lights made their shadows sway again and again, and the snowflakes could not block the distance between their hearts.

The temperature is indeed very low, but the hands held together are warm. Chloe looked at Shade and smiled as he talked about how he was preparing to expand the house to welcome their arrival. Even at that moment, he felt that his whole body was melting. The temperature was higher than the temperature that had worn through him in the tent just now In fact, she likes the temperature even more.

So she held Shade's hand harder, hoping that this path along the lake would never come to an end. The two sets of footprints were obviously moving forward together, but she knew that they were going in different directions after all.

No one mentioned those troublesome things while walking in the snow, and even though there were clouds in the sky on a snowy night, the moon could still be seen clearly. Shade saw Chloe looking up at the moon more than once, and when he asked, the silver-haired girl replied:

"I'm praying to the moon, hoping that He can let me meet you faster next time."

There was a certain light in her red-gold eyes, and she stood on tiptoes and kissed him in the snow.

Before the arrival of the next winter of 1854, this was probably Shade's most profound impression of snowy weather. Cold lips, short girl, long silver hair, and passionate soul.

Six hours is indeed a long time compared to each time the time key is used, but it is extremely short for those men and women who reunited after a long wait. By the time Shade and Chloe finished their walk in the snow, the night was getting darker and more than half of the six hours had passed.

They returned to the camp together. Chloe said a few words to the maid, and then looked at Shade with a strange look:

"Actually, I don't want you to think that I am this kind of girl, but since I have time this time, come and hug me."

Saying that, he opened his arms to Shade, who picked up the small silver-haired witch and walked towards her own tent. The maids blushed and whispered to each other only after their emperor disappeared. What was about to happen in the tent was unknown to how many people would have appeared in their dreams tonight.

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