Whispering Verse

Chapter 2767

Chapter 2766 "Watchmaker"

Under the effect of the magic eye, the mud and stones that appeared out of thin air instantly filled the secret room, and the woman turned on the "speed spell" and turned around to escape to the top of the stairs. Behind her, the stairs of the secret room were also quickly returning to the way it was ten minutes ago.

After escaping the secret room, the 12th ring president of the "Tree Hole Association" did not stop at all, and his figure quickly fled to the door of the steam engine room.

The wall where the secret room originally existed had returned to its normal appearance at this time, but soon the wall began to fluctuate like water flow. Shade, holding the [Disaster Card·Grit Worm] in his left hand to use the "Sand Swimming Technique", walked out of the wall.

Taking a step forward, he crossed the pipes and condensation pools across the ground and came behind the woman. The bright moonlight was split by his left hand, but it only passed through the phantom of the woman.

Xia De closed his eyes and sensed it for a moment, then took the risk of using "Raglai's Leap" to take another step forward, so he appeared directly on the square outside the Golden Music Hall building. The basement was actually at the edge of the building.

Turning back, the "watchmaker" who had just appeared from the door and stood on the towering steps of the concert hall also stopped. She squinted at the handsome young man below, and Xia De also looked up at her.

"Give me back my things."

"God Summoner, is that you?"

Because the concert was still going on, there was no one at the door of the concert hall, but some citizens were walking in the square outside the concert hall.

The lights of the concert hall itself and the street lights in the square illuminated the two people respectively. Xia De stretched his hand to his chest, and the black long staff appeared in his hand after the ritual base array under his feet flashed.

The black-haired woman, who looked to be in her forties, tied the fallen brass pointer to the hair that was just cut by Xia De. As the thirteen pointers connected to her hair pointed to the night sky at the same time, a crack appeared in the night sky, and then the translucent, hideous, twisted dragon beast came from the past to the present again, squeezing out from the crack of time and space.

As its body appeared in the present time and space, the transparent body gradually gained color, but it seemed that it would take dozens of seconds to arrive completely.

The "watchmaker" then stood on the top of the steps and asked Xia De:

"Do you want to stop it from destroying the city, or do you want to stop me from escaping?"

Xia De raised his hands and crossed them in front of him:

"Of course I want to stop you, I'm not a member of the church."

His whole body glowed and turned into a cross of moonlight in the next second, rushing straight to the top of the steps. Even if the "watchmaker" was a twelve-ringed person, he didn't dare to take the cross moonlight head-on, and her figure disappeared again with the power of the magic eye.

But when she appeared at the bottom of the stairs, with the sound of wings in the air, Miss Owl's wings glowed with black light, and the black feathers with the instant death curse had already flown above her head.

When Shade, whose attack missed, stood up from the moonlight, in the lobby of the concert hall, three ring magicians dressed in waiter costumes attacked him at the door at the same time. The president of the [Tree Hole Association] obviously did not have the habit of performing tasks alone.

With a sound of dong~, the long staff hit the ground, and with the appearance of the green shadow of the big tree, the three people who had just entered the "speed spell" state returned to normal speed. The moonlight swept across, and the three people who summoned the shield together retreated together after the shield shattered with a click, and then they were entangled by the police who rushed out of the concert hall.

They were of course the church's ring magicians. Not only Shade and the [Tree Hole Association] were paying attention to this place, but the Orthodox Church also knew that this concert hall had a secret.

At this time, above the square under the stairs, the owl was still flying in the air. Although her level has not recovered, the ability of instant death still makes the 12th-ring "Watchmaker" worried.

The battle between the two was basically one flying and one dodging, without any technical content. Xia De, who jumped down the stairs with a long staff, just glanced at the giant dragon in the air that had completely arrived at this time, and the 13th-ring "Master of Construction" flying from the distant Creation Church and the mechanical flying dragons being assembled by the dense brass machinery behind him, and then turned into moonlight again to slash at the woman dodging black feathers.

The gorgeous moonlight cross was about to arrive in front of him. This time, the "Watchmaker" who was stared at by the owl did not dodge or use the ability of the magic eye to delete the second at this time, but raised his hand to face it head-on.

The thirteen pointers collided with each other in front of her, and the phantom of the brass clock face in the sparks was hit head-on by the moonlight cross.

At the moment of the hit, the three hands on the clock face rotated counterclockwise at the same time, but the Moonlight Cross, which should have returned to its original position due to the reversal of time, did not retreat. Instead, it left dense spider-web-like cracks on the dial with a click. The focus of this defensive magic was to avoid attacks by reversing time, and the actual defensiveness was not strong.

But Shade still failed to penetrate the defensive magic of the twelve-ring warlock with one blow. As the Moonlight Cross dimmed, his figure appeared in front of the translucent dial, and his left hand, which was slightly emitting black light, pressed forward:

"Black Moon Symbol!"

"You are indeed immune to time effects."

The watchmaker's face changed drastically, and he even retreated quickly regardless of the black feathers falling from his head. So the brass clock face finally disappeared under the power of destruction, and the twelve-ring warlock who was hit by the black feathers passed the instant death judgment with normal luck:

"God Summoner, are you also a candidate this time?"


Shad continued to move forward while speaking. The woman who manipulated the thirteen pointers to rotate around her body to draw the ritual array had no intention of fighting him again. As a person with a gift for time, her greatest ability is almost all time-related power, but the God Summoner in front of her has an amazingly high resistance to time.

The glass-like magic eye seemed to be able to see through his soul. The thirteen rotating hair tips kept colliding with the feathers in the air while starting the ritual. At least half of the thirteen pointers connected to the hair tips were relics:

"When the ritual of the chosen one begins, it will not just be our war. Time returns!"

The magic eye emitted a faint light again. Even though the [Ancient Elves' Stability Principle] was still in effect, she still disappeared on the spot. Just now, I didn't feel anything at a long distance. At this time, Shad finally understood her high-risk magic eye. The power it possessed seemed to be the power to peek into the past, delete time, and reproduce the past.

All her dodges in the short battle just now relied on deleting time, and her disappearance at this time was to return her state to the past, that is, before entering the city. This is not time travel, but recording a state and then reproducing it.

But because of this, when the "watchmaker" disappeared, Xia De grabbed the time key that was about to fall to the ground. This key is immune to the time effect, so it will not disappear with her:

"This key doesn't seem to lead to the fifth"

The sound of fluttering approached, Xia De looked up at the sky, and the owl landed directly on his shoulder.

In the higher night sky, the summoned "mechanical dragon" made of dense brass machinery behind the thirteenth ring warlock had collided with the dragon beast at this time. The triggered city defense ritual has shielded the image and sound of this scene from the senses of ordinary people.

With a loud bang, dense brass parts kept splashing in the collision, but the mist on the dragon beast from the narrow space of time did not immediately decay the machinery.

Mechanical creations are not immortal, but at least they are more reliable than flesh and blood at this time.

The woman who just disappeared also appeared on the head of the dragon beast while the dragon beast was gradually suppressed by the "Master of Construction" Mr. Gerard Delong.

The twelve-ring life ring that emerged behind her was not as gorgeous as the thirteen-ring life ring, but as the life ring rotated, the dragon beast swelled and grew again with a roar, and the originally protruding spikes on its back continued to deform and grow until they turned into two human hands, grabbing the mechanical dragon at once.

While Mr. Gerard Delong temporarily dodged the dragon beast's tail swing, the dragon opened its mouth and sprayed black flames at the mechanical dragon to break it in half, and then the dragon beast lowered its head and sprayed black flames at Shade in the square below.

"Dragon, right? Since the defense ceremony has been started-stand firm!"

Shade warned the owl on his shoulder, and jumped into the air while it didn't understand. After entering the aerial illusion camouflage area, the owl only felt that it was constantly bumping because of Shade's movements, but at a certain moment, the body of the man under it suddenly expanded.

The feeling of the claws touching the clothes and flesh became unfamiliar, and then the silver light shone from under the claws.

The whistling wind represents high-speed movement. Even without lowering her head, she felt the suffocation brought by the suppression of the essence of the life body. This is the suppression of ordinary owls by high-level creatures.

As the silver light waves under her body spewed out and intertwined with the black flames, the owl finally realized her current situation.

The little owl seemed to be squatting on the head of the silver dragon, and under the moonlight, the bright moonlight was constantly compressing the power of the black flames as the moonlight dragon flapped its wings. Every scale of the new dragon seemed to be flashing silver light. The giant creature brought not only shock to the owl, but also surprise at the magnificent beauty of life.

Of course, Shad didn't have time to guess Flora's thoughts at this moment. Since this dragon beast from the past appeared again, as long as he could use "Return of Time" on it once, he could determine the specific time it belonged to, and then investigate the story it had experienced.

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