Whispering Verse

Chapter 2768 Time Guardian

Chapter 2767 Time Guardian

The ring sorcerers of the [Tree Hole Association] should not know the effect of Shade's magic, but the woman standing on the dragon beast's head still refused to let the moonlight dragon get close.

The dragon beast was at a disadvantage in the breath of the two dragons, so it kept retreating in the air while its thick tail suddenly slapped the air.

First, it smashed the brass mechanical creations that were trying to reassemble after being broken, and then the tail suddenly stretched into a long snake shape and bit towards the neck of the moonlight dragon.

"Wall of Sighs!"

The owl immediately cast a spell to counterattack, and the gray wall inlaid with countless undead appeared in the air and blocked the front of the dragon beast's tail, but the wall was immediately shattered by the tail.

Shade had to stop breathing and threw the moonlight wheel at the tail. The light wheel cut off the tail, but the dragon beast's body was healing quickly.

At this time, Mr. Gerard Delong also appeared again. As the life ring rotated, two brass mechanical giant arms clamped the dragon beast, which was still expanding, in the air. Then, a giant sword made of tiny mechanical splicing fell from the sky and chopped off the head of the dragon beast.

But this attack did not work, because above the struggling dragon beast's head, an identical monster appeared out of thin air and blocked the attack. Then, five dragon beasts squeezed out from the shattered space-time cracks, and then opened their mouths together towards the direction of the thirteen-ring warlock and the moonlight dragon, and spewed out black flames together.

Five flames gathered together, and the strong elemental reaction made both sides dare not resist. So the scattered brass mechanical parts just now formed a large shield to block Mr. Delong, and a black shield appeared around the moonlight dragon.

The collision of spirit and energy even caused the defense ritual arranged by the church over the city to be distorted for a few seconds, but fortunately, this did not attract too many people's attention. When the dragon beasts' spitting disappeared and the shields of the ring warlock and the moonlight dragon were removed, the dragon beasts in the night sky also disappeared.

Mr. Gerald Delong, whom Shade had met once in Coldwater Harbor, first glanced at the small and beautiful owl squatting on his head, and then took the initiative to greet him;

"God Summoner, it has been a year since we parted in Coldwater Harbor last summer."

"It's been a long time."

The dragon also opened its mouth and made a sound, but Shade didn't want to have more contact with the church yet. This is something he would do after he reached at least the twelfth ring:

"That dragon is strange. I realized some new power in the battle of Moon Bay, which can suppress all dragons."

This is a blessing from the fourth son of the ancient god.

"But that dragon beast is completely unaffected by me. I can't even detect the source of its bloodline. Either it is not a dragon at all, or its power is more terrible than we thought."

"The local natural church has investigated all the dragons that have appeared in the woods, and it has not yet found out which one it is."

The thirteenth ring warlock said, and the dragon nodded:

"There are three more ring warlocks from the [Tree Hole Association] in the concert hall. You can try to catch them. See you next time. I have something to do."

As he said that, he flapped his wings and flew to the distant woods with the owl above his head. The "Master of Construction" did not chase after him, but just stood in the air and watched the dragon go away:

"Although it is much stronger than the seriously injured state last autumn, isn't his ordinary thirteenth ring state strong except for the summoning state?"

Five minutes later.

With a fluttering sound, Shade fell into the dim woods holding the small owl, and Shade in human form finally stepped on the ground with his own feet.

"Is this the dragon that appeared in the battle of Moon Bay?"

The Owl lady who was being held seemed extremely excited. She did not say anything like "You are indeed a God-Caller", but was quite interested in Shade's transformation:

"The dragon you transformed into is so beautiful! The difficulty of dragon transformation is basically the same as that of unicorn transformation. I chose unicorn transformation at first because I was worried that it would be too ugly to transform into a dragon.

From the principle of transformation, the state after transformation is related to the source of transformation and the soul characteristics of the caster. The moonlight dragon just now is more beautiful than what Bella wrote in the report. That holy silver color is more beautiful than the moon tonight!"

She waved her wings while speaking, which is probably equivalent to humans waving their hands while talking.

Xia De smiled and put her on his shoulder:

"Many people have said that Moonlight Dragon is beautiful, but I don't know why it is like this. But let the "watchmaker" escape. Is she so powerful? In addition to the magic eye, how many time-related relics she has?"

He suddenly said to the dark forest around him, and then with a clear click, the clock hands turned, the dead leaves spinning in the night wind, the moving clouds in the sky, the crawling ants under the feet, the owl on the shoulder with its left wing spread out to continue to say something, or the time of the whole world all stopped.

"Huh? Not Emilia?"

Xia De was startled, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face, and then he saw three men carrying black suitcases, wearing white shirts, black suits, black leather shoes, and green tree pattern ties, walked out of thin air.

The three of them nodded to Shade together. They looked like humans, but they were definitely not human. Shade did not feel too strong traces of elements from them, but the temperament of the three was quite strange. They seemed to appear here, but they seemed not to be here.

In other words, they seemed to exist in every observation of Shade, but this real judgment felt extremely false when recalled.

He just said "Come out" to make the elves in the forest appear. After getting the arrow this morning, he had not had time to deliver the arrow to the elves. Now that he has come to the woods, the elves will most likely appear suddenly as before.

But it is obvious that the three men who appeared as time stopped were not elf girls. After a slight surprise, Shade also realized something. He looked at the man on the left of the three people, and then found that it was Envy Edwards, the eldest son of the third generation of the Edwards family.

The latter noticed Shade's gaze, so he nodded slightly to him expressionlessly.

Shade did not recognize Envy Edwards at the first time because he had never seen him dressed so formally. Moreover, compared with when they parted after the Green Lake family gathering, Envy Edwards' temperament is now very different.

The three of them stopped not far from Shade. Shade blinked and asked hesitantly:

"Guardian of Time?"

The leading man nodded and saluted Shade again in this solidified world:

"Those who have accidentally glimpsed our figures do call us that. Good evening, those blessed by the Tree Father."

He is a tall middle-aged elf, and a pure-blooded elf, but he speaks in a very standard Delarian Common Language.

"Good evening to you too."

Shade's tone was still hesitant when he replied:

"I have heard rumors about you from many places. Although there is no definite evidence to prove your existence, I know you are real. I just don't understand why you appear now? Well, I wasn't calling you just now."

He originally thought that even if he could see these strange people who were responsible for guarding time after the departure of the Tree Father in the rumors, it should be before and after the decisive battle in Vista Forest.

Either they will provide important help to Shade in the end, or they will be responsible for cleaning up the mess. Shade just didn't expect the other party to show up at this time:

"The crisis in Vesta Forest is so urgent that you are needed to show up?"

The tall elf in the lead shook his head. His hair color is the same as Emilia's, which is golden, but his eyes are brown, and his pupils are very bright:

"Our responsibility is to protect the timeline from collapse on behalf of the Tree Father. At least for now, the situation in this forest is not dangerous enough. Son of the Moon blessed by the Tree Father, we are here for you."

"Me? I didn't do anything. I didn't even think about letting the timeline collapse."

Shade was even more confused. He looked carefully. Thinking about what he did tonight:

"Don't tell me that I shouldn't defeat someone or meet someone tonight, because it conflicts with what should have happened."

The third person besides the tall elf and Envy Edwards said:

"You misunderstood. Nothing should have happened in this world. As long as time has not flowed down, there is no "certainty". My Lord Tree Father does not restrict anything that happens in time.

You are a person blessed by my Lord, so you will not deliberately destroy the stability of time. It's just that you have something that may cause the entire timeline to collapse."

The third person is not a human either. The small bat logo floating above his head shows that he is a vampire. In fact, even without this logo, Shade can recognize the other party's race, because the other party does not hide himself like Mr. Bernhardt or Mr. Albert. His shriveled and dehydrated face is the true appearance of a vampire.

"It caused the timeline to collapse."

Xia De suddenly thought of something and took out the time key he had just taken back from his pocket:


This key is different from all the keys he had obtained before. Not only is the color darker, but the texture is also heavier when picked up:

"Speaking of which, I also have a guess about this key. This is the only item in the secret compartment, so it should be the item that was put in when the secret compartment was created, that is, the item that was put in during the Second Era, not the key condensed by time in the middle."

He observed the expressions of the three people, and seeing that they all had unchanged expressions, he expressed his guess:

"What time does this key lead to? The First Era or the Second Era?"

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