Whispering Verse

The end of the first volume

The first volume [All things lie in balance] is officially completed. Because I was considering the continuity of the last two chapters, I added another chapter in the morning, and the chapter in the evening was normal. The last scene with your back turned to the burning building makes you want to draw it. Unfortunately, I can’t draw, otherwise you will have another eye-catching simple drawing.

So far, this book has exceeded 700,000 words, including 84 chapters in [Prologue] and 172 chapters in [Volume 1]. Each subsequent volume will be compressed into less than 200 chapters. I think the first volume is long because the content of the prologue is too consistent with the first volume. The current planned book is about 11 to 12 volumes, with a total word count of 5 million words. Don’t worry about the outline. After all, I have already written a long novel once, so the author can grasp it.

Because the data volume contains Rhodes cards and thaumaturgy spells, here is a summary of the [Relics] Shad held after the end of the first volume:

Poetry pages, the gun of kindness, the twenty-sided die of fate, the vial of mercury, the gift box of the gods, and the blood money of the pirates.

to take notes.

In addition, let me explain the current results of this book, which are all set at 3700. How to put it, at least it's not bad, but compared with the author's previous book, it's not particularly good either. But since so many people are willing to keep reading, the author will keep writing. The structure of the story is now very clear. One volume revolves around a chosen person and a theme. The main plot is of course playing the Rhodes card (crossed out) and looking for the thirteen chosen ones, and the story has just begun.

The protagonist's current range of activities is limited to Tobesk, but there are more places in this world. Not only Coldwater Port City, the protagonist will travel to more and more places in the future, and of course, he will also get more and more Rhodes cards. Even so far, the villain of this book has not yet appeared. From the perspective of a stand-alone game, Mercury Blood is just a mini-BOSS in the first chapter.

The worldview is very rich, and it is only in its preliminary development. More stories and various characters will appear next. The fantasy story genre was chosen precisely because it is the furthest away from us and therefore more interesting. Heroes and dragons, princesses and knights, magic and steam, walking with strangers on the streets of a foreign land outside of real life, life itself is a story.

The story of "The Whispering Canto" (also known as "The Legend of the Detective Knight" and "The Sword of the Silver Moon") has just begun, and after "Balance", please look forward to the second volume "The Man Who Devoured Darkness".

The first volume is over, please vote.

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