Whispering Verse

Chapter 494 Crystal Ring

"It doesn't matter."

Iluna raised her head and smiled at Shade:

"There are no guests, but the environment in your home itself is very nice; although I don't have a formal dress, you don't have to wear formal clothes; there is no gramophone and band, so I can sing dance music by myself. Shade, I am still very good at singing."

As he stood up, Shade also stood up holding on to the table.

The seventeen-year-old girl seemed to be in a good mood. She came to the living room in one step, then opened her hands, closed her eyes, and spun around three times in the sunshine from the window. The hem of the skirt opened like a flower, and the figure caught Shade's eyes, and the figure swayed on the wall, sofa and cabinet.

She stopped and opened her eyes to look at Shade. Her brown hair seemed to be shining in the sun, and her eyes were really shining:

"Mr. Shade Hamilton, can I ask you to dance?"

She held out her hand to Shade.

"Ma'am, it's my pleasure."

Shade smiled and bowed slightly.

The two danced a complete dance in the sun to Iluna's humming, and then Shade sent the blushing Iluna to the street outside Saint Teresa Square, and the two walked in the opposite direction. .

Shade put three rice-sized soul crystals in paper envelopes he folded and went directly to Old John's pawn shop.

Since contacting the Guiding Light Hermitage and learning that Father John was also a member of the Guiding Light Hermitage, this was the first time Shade saw him. But after meeting, the two of them had a very tacit understanding and did not mention the Priory. After John's father joked a few words about not seeing Shade recently, Shade poured the three small crystals on the counter:

"I want to set them on the ring. Father John, can you help me with them?"

You can also go to the coppersmith and blacksmith, but since Father John can help Dorothy make alchemy items, he should have no problem making the ring.

"You should go find a coppersmith. Let's take a look, oh, soul crystal? The purity is really good. Was it made by Schneider?"

The old man took out the tool box from under the counter, picked up one of the crystals with small copper-colored tweezers, pulled out a gas lamp, put on professional glasses with retractable lenses, and looked at these small crystals carefully:

"Do you want to make casting materials for psychic thaumaturgy? I have done something similar, and I can also help you carve some lines and runes on the ring to enhance the effect of these crystals. However, when do you want it? Got the finished product?”

This means that Father John has agreed to the next business deal.

"It's best to get it this evening."

"Are you so anxious?"

The old man took off the complicated lens on his right eye, thought for a while and said:

"Then the price will be more expensive, 13 shillings, 3 pounds, 19 pounds. Which price do you choose?"

“What’s the difference between these price points?”

"13 shillings, made of iron. I will only help you embed three crystals into the ring. You can just come and pick it up at noon.

3 pounds, made of copper. I use alchemical techniques to process the ring to maximize the effect of crystallization. You can pick it up at two o'clock in the afternoon.

19 pounds. It just so happened that I had customized a helmet that could cover my mind-reading ability for someone some time ago, and there were still some leftovers... Don't look at me like this, I'm not the material for greedy customers. "

Father John waved his hand hurriedly:

"When making the helmet, there were some scraps of special mind-shielding alloy left over. It was more than enough to make a little finger ring. This metal can shield external mental power, but it is also an excellent internal mental power transmission material. Use psychic shielding Although the crystallized ring made of alloy will not double the power of your thaumaturgy, it will still slightly increase the casting speed, the range of thaumaturgy, the ability to withstand backlash, and the effect of thaumaturgy."

After saying that, he put down the things in his hands and watched Sha De knock on the table, showing the philistine expression that Sha De was very familiar with:

"If you choose to use this alloy to make the ring, I will charge you 19 pounds, but you can come and pick it up this evening, and I will help you take care of everything. How about it? What price do you choose?"

"Do I have any choice?"

Shade asked rhetorically, and while the old man showed a proud smile, he said another word:


"That's seventeen pounds and seven shillings."

Father John said the price almost immediately, which made Shade a little confused:

"You're not going to quote a high price first, then wait for me to bargain, and then tell you the standard price, right?"

"How could I do such a thing?"

Father John raised his head and chest slightly to deny, then lowered his head to get the tape measure:

"Which finger are you going to wear it on? Let me measure the size quickly. I hope your fingers can be thinner, so that I can save some materials. The remaining scraps may be able to make small pendants and sell them to others. .”

"You're going to be rich one day."

"No, no, what I care about more is the civilization represented by the purchased items. Just enough gold pounds to eat."

Shade didn't believe what Father John said at all.

After leaving his father who was very good at making money, Shade went to Quill Street in the University District to find Dorothy. In the evening, he planned to go to the Yodel Palace to attend the banquet with Dorothy. After all, Miss Carina would definitely be with other royal members, while Luvia would be with the Prophet Association.

Because she has an important banquet to attend in the evening, the writer has no plans to go out during the day today. The girls have to prepare much more than Shade to attend the banquet.

After the landlady downstairs let Shade in, when Shade climbed up to the third floor, Dorothy was humming a song and choosing a headdress in front of the copper-framed floor-to-ceiling mirror in the living room. Next to her were several metal hangers on pulleys holding skirts, shirts and other items of clothing.

Hearing Xia De's voice outside the door, he shouted and asked Xia De to open the door and come in directly.

After Shade entered the door, she asked again:

"I'm going to comb my hair into a complicated hairstyle. Shade, do you think this butterfly-shaped ribbon looks better, or this sky blue hairband decorated with red rubies?"

She gestured with two hairbands in her hair.

Shade thought for a while:

"They all look good."

The blonde girl smiled:

"You really would say that. Shade, what do you want to see me for?"

She put the hair tie on the mirror and asked Shade to help bring the shoe boxes from the door.

"Would you like to go to Yodel Palace together tonight?"

"Oh, I invited Luvia to set off with me. After we arrive at Silver Cross Avenue, she will meet up with the Prophet Association. Shade, you can also go with us."

"Okay, so where should I pick you up? Luvia's rented apartment, or your place?"

"Just come to my place."

Dorothy said, enthusiastically holding the skirt held up by the hanger and gesturing in front of the floor-length mirror:

"I must remind you that the big pearl you are going to give is best given in a gift box."

She knew that Shade had always had the habit of stuffing jewelry and jewelry directly into his pockets.

"I'll get ready in a moment."

Shade himself thought of this.

"Besides, Lecia asked me to tell you that she will make time to meet with you tonight. If she really doesn't have time, she can use my body."

Dorothy had no other purpose in attending the party, so she could stay with Shade all the time.

"No problem, so is there anything else that needs to be reminded? Although I have attended several banquets, this is the first time for such a grand one."

"Queen Diana will probably talk to you. Although it may just be a few chats to express her gratitude to you, you must also think about how to respond. Didn't she say that she would give you a Rhodes card last time? She may This time for you. Also, you and Carina..."

She was originally very happy choosing clothes in front of the mirror. When she mentioned the name, her expression immediately changed. She and Lesia had basically the same attitude towards Miss Carina:

"...the matter is now spreading. Although the duchess has never been close to men, she still has several prominent suitors in Tobesk. You must be careful of them causing trouble."

"There's no need to worry about this. I accepted Marquis Grassley's invitation and will probably play Rhodes all night long."

Shade has already made plans for tonight.

"That's good, but you have to take time to meet with me some Tobesk writers and reporters. Because of the detective story, my career has taken a step forward. I want to bring the prototype characters of the detective story, and those who Writers and journalists discuss the details of writing detective stories.”

In fact, it means writers compliment each other. Successful writers not only need to have successful works, but also need recognition from their peers. Dorothy's father was a university professor with many students, and she had an advantage in being recognized by her peers.

"No problem, I think I have time. Is there anything else I need to explain?"

Dorothy looked at Shade behind her in the mirror:

"Are your clothes ready? Also, you need to take care of your hair."

"Don't worry, I'm prepared."

Dorothy in the mirror smiled at Shade:

"Are you going to see Carina soon?"

"Well... yes, I have something to ask her this afternoon. Regarding the [Light] Spirit Rune, there is a twelve-level warlock who can help me."

"very nice."

She said softly, the blonde still smiled in the mirror, Shade didn't quite understand what she wanted to express.

After staying with Dorothy for a while and having lunch with her, Shade returned to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

On the way back, he also noticed some changes in today's city.

Queen Diana has a very high reputation in the Kingdom of Delrayon. Although her birthday is not celebrated in a big way, there will be no national holiday, and there will not be a military parade like the King's birthday, but there is still a small-scale celebration in the city. For the celebrations, there are bands and processions paid by the royal family in open locations such as Saint Teresa Square, Dawn Square, and Anthem Square.

It was obviously deserted when I left in the morning, but when I returned home in the afternoon, the doorstep of my house was already bustling.

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