Whispering Verse

Chapter 495: Methods of Obtaining Light

Shade got off the carriage at the street corner and was originally very interested in the float parade. But because there were too many people, he gave up the idea of ​​watching. However, when I took out the key and opened the door, I met my next-door neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Smith who were preparing to go out.

They have also been invited to the Yodel Palace banquet tonight, and are now preparing to go out to pick up the custom-made dresses.

"So, before Mr. Smith retired, he was definitely not an ordinary finance department secretary."

Shade judged.

When I got home, I didn't see Mia running down the stairs when I was changing my shoes in the hall. Probably because the noise outside was so noisy, the cat didn't hear the door opening on the first floor.

So when Shade found the orange cat scratching the wall in the empty room 2 on the second floor, the look of astonishment on Mia's furry face was really funny.

“Don’t sharpen your claws against the wall.”

Shade warned in a low voice, bending down to pick Mia up. The soft cat meowed a few times, probably coquettishly, but did not break away from Shade's arm.

Miss Carina and Tifa only showed up at two o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, Shade was looking through the explanation of "Basic Ritual - Glowing" in the second-grade textbook in the study. The hot badge on his chest informed him one step ahead of the doorbell downstairs. The arrival of his witch.

Miss Carina will go to the Yodel Palace to dress up and change clothes later, but she has brought the formal banquet attire for Shade and plans to keep two maids to help Shade do his hair and dress up.

Of course, the most important thing is that Miss Aurora agreed to meet Shade in the Witch Council this afternoon. In order to prevent being discovered by other witches, the meeting time between the two was limited to ten minutes at most. Miss Carina stood at the end of the corridor on the third floor and was about to sing, and she specifically asked Shade not to exceed the time limit.

"Do I have to sing in a corridor-like terrain every time before entering the parliament?"

Shade, who still had some thoughts about the [Witch Council], took the opportunity to find out.

"It does not have to be a corridor, but a flat terrain space that must be of a certain length and can be walked straight. There is no requirement for whether the surrounding area is open or flat."

Saying that, the red-haired duchess grabbed Shade's hand:

"The appointed time has come, come with me."

She began to sing softly, and Tifa followed the two of them with a smile. Of course, the maid lady also has the power to enter the Witch Council.

Miss Aurora didn't know what she was doing and showed up two minutes later than the appointed time. Miss Carina seemed to want to complain, but because Shade couldn't stay here for too long, she asked Shade to ask her own questions first.

Ms. Sivi Avora, whom I haven't seen for more than a week, doesn't seem to have changed much. She has probably arrived in the Kingdom of Kasenlik, and the style of her clothes has strong characteristics of the Southern Kingdom.

"Enlightenment-Light? You have been reading "Crazy Light Chaser" for two months? St. Byrons is really devoid of new ideas. He always uses this book."

Hearing Shade's question, the witch raised her eyebrows, put one hand on the stone table, and fiddled with the ends of her brown hair:

"Your talent is not bad. Since you yourself think that you can obtain the spiritual rune in a week at most, then at this last moment, you don't have to look for relics related to light to experience the power.

My suggestion is, Shade, you go look for relics related to [darkness], and use darkness to force yourself to understand light more deeply. Of course, there are risks associated with touching relics, and you have to weigh this yourself. "

As he spoke, he glanced at Miss Carina, who waved her hand:

"Don't worry, I will protect him."


Shade nodded. [Dark Domain] is an angel-level relic and is too dangerous. Fortunately, he has other options:

"Miss Carina, I wonder if the [Dark Box] is still in your hands."

He turned to ask Miss Carina, who was sitting at the round table. The latter answered while wiping her nails with a knife:

"It's still there, but I lent it out. I think you can go to my manor to get it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

[Dark Box] is a relic that Shade accidentally lost control of when he "met" Miss Carina at the Lucky Southern Cross Club for the first time. Both of them were deeply impressed by this item.

"Of course, it will be more effective to suppress yourself with negative emotions while feeling the power of darkness. My suggestion is that you feel the power of fear, and be trapped in the darkness while being deeply fearful."

Miss Aurora thought for a moment and then reminded:

"The more scared you are, the more obvious the effect. But I don't think you are a timid person, so you have to try many times before you can use this method to force yourself to touch the purest [Light] in your heart. Use This way, maybe you can succeed in a few days."

Although a few days was not a long time compared to the time it took to obtain the spiritual rune, Shade did not think Darkness would stay in the city peacefully.

So Miss Aurora's method is indeed feasible, but Shade is faster. Fortunately, he had a better idea. Since ordinary fear was not effective, he chose a more powerful fear, which was the [Fortress of Terror]. The fear caused by the strange presence lingering in the corridor before entering the gambling room was the most powerful fear Shade had ever felt.

Although the [Dark Box] cannot bring the past time, Shade can break into the corridor and face the strange thing when he is about to leave the fifth era of 1784. Even turning your back on that thing and running away can induce fear, but the effect of facing it head-on is probably stronger.

As long as you control the time well, before encountering real danger, you will be sent back to the sixth era by the father of the infinite tree, and then immediately recite the incantation to make the dark box lose control. In this way, he can almost guarantee that he will immediately obtain the Enlightenment Rune related to [Light].

But another problem arises from this. There is only one last chance in the Fifth Age in 1784. If the gamble cannot be effectively resolved this time, then the mission of this time key will have failed.

Thinking of this, Shade recalled the conversation he had with Luvia not long ago:

"In the last four slots, two Impermanence cards replace two, and another experience replaces one. Now only one is missing. Moreover, if the Impermanence card is inserted into the slot, I don't know what will happen."

Therefore, in order to obtain the spiritual runes related to [Light], the real problem that Shade needs to solve is to obtain the last life experience of the prophet of the Fifth Age, Mr. Riddle.

Seeing Shade's thoughtful look, the witches knew that he had an idea.

Miss Aurora scratched her fingers in the air, and the light marks of her fingertips left the words "dark" and "light" in the air.

"Of course, I give you this advice because light and darkness are one. They are opposites but unified."

"I understand that this is what the Church of Dawn's teachings say. However, it seems that you all know how to leave traces of light in the sky."

Because he had already asked his questions clearly, Xia De was able to joke easily.

"Don't underestimate this skill. You have to carefully control your own light. This requires talent. I don't know if you noticed that the Godcaller used a similar skill when he split the giant mermaid corpse in the cold water port."

She probably used the Moonlight Slash as another magical technique.

So Miss Carina took Shade out of the council to prevent being discovered by other witches.

Shade, who was a little unwilling to give up, still asked Miss Carina about Sledge Riddle. But just as Luvia said, except for the Prophet Association, no other organization would record this ordinary man from the Fifth Age.

"Although I can break into the [Dark Realm] without [Light], I still need it for easier movement. Do I have to give up the mission of the third time key for [Light]? Or should I carry it with me?" That door-shaped pendant, will you ever have to enter the past again as a last resort?”

Comparing the importance of the time key and the second chosen one in his mind, after Miss Carina left, Shade also started to prepare the clothes for the evening banquet with the help of the two maids. Although in his opinion, just having a formal suit and combing your hair is enough, but it is obvious that Miss Carina does not think so.

In this way, in the evening of the day, Shade thanked and sent away the two maids downstairs. After saying goodbye to Mia who insisted on staying at home and refused to go out, he first went to Old John's antique store and got the coin. A silver-white ring with three diamond-like crystals embedded in it.

Shade lowered his head to inspect the beautiful silver ring. After Old John teased him about his appearance as if he was "going to seduce an ignorant noble lady", he curiously asked Shade about the ribbon he was holding. What's in the tied gift box.

Queen Diana's birthday was the headline of all newspapers today. Old John guessed that Shade was going to Yodel Palace, so he was curious about his gift.

"Dad, you can take it apart and check, but you have to make sure it can be tied up again."

Shade said, and then remembered the scene not long ago when he asked Miss Carina's maid to help tie gifts.

"Detective, don't look down on me too much. Make sure you tie it up better than before. I rely on my skills in packaging goods to sell more goods. What on earth will a stingy guy like you give me?"

Father John looked really curious. After getting permission, he carefully pulled the ribbon open. After opening the box, I was so surprised that wrinkles appeared on my forehead:

"Oh, this is really a big pearl. I have seen many pearls, but such round ones are really rare."

"This cost a lot of money. I asked a friend to get it from Coldwater Port."

Shade said softly and put the silver ring on his finger. The size was very suitable. Ordinary Ring Warlocks can only target one target at a time with [Psychic Explosion], but Shade of "Divine Afterglow" can target no more than three targets.

To cast the spell, point the ringed finger at the target's head, or an area equal to the head. The closer the distance, the more obvious the effect of [Psychic Blast]. If the target's mind is particularly fragile, and Shade directly puts his finger on the opponent's forehead, the thaumaturgy is very likely to directly smash the opponent's head.

"You are really willing to trade such a big pearl for a practical poet-level relic. Maybe someone will be willing to trade it."

Father John clicked his tongue in surprise.

“This should be considered an investment, so it’s not a waste of money.”

Shade corrected, and Old John nodded, agreeing with this sentence. But when I was looking for tools to reseal the gift box, Shade made another joke:

"I want to remind you. Detective, unlike the Duchess, Queen Diana is married."

Shade ignored him.

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