Whispering Verse

Chapter 599 The narrow space between life and death

With Sister Devlin's final blessing, the bonfire behind the two people roared. With the bonfire as the center, the flames flowed along the ritual traces arranged in advance on the ground. In just a few breaths, the fiery red lines lit up the entire courtyard.

Those winding lines and ancient runes danced under the starry sky, and the movement of firelight made them more three-dimensional and more real.

At the same time, the flames flowing on the ground also flowed from both sides of Shade and Sister Devlin, along the grooves on both sides of the walk, towards the mansion in front of them. But then he turned around in front of the steps of the mansion, and two streams of fire extended to both sides, surrounding the entire building.

The nuns beside the trail shook bells, held up porcelain vases, and waved white flags. The two high-circle nuns in front of the gate opened the door of the mansion at the same time.

In an instant, the white mist representing the boundary between the two worlds surged out like a roaring beast, but as it moved away from the door, it became lighter and lighter, and stopped spreading just at the edge of the courtyard. The firelight in the courtyard dances in the fog, making the boundary stay here stably.

Underfoot is still the land of the material world, but the world of the dead has also penetrated.

Shade said nothing more and walked forward along the trail. The white mist seemed to be the thickest on the trail. Walking in it, Shade couldn't even see clearly the nuns on both sides.

But he could still hear the soft whispers of the nuns, who were praying to death itself. The ancient language and old grammar seemed to bring time back to the old times, when everyone was in awe of death.

[Outlander, you have experienced a miracle. 】

[Outlander, you feel blasphemy. 】

[Outlander, you feel enlightened. 】

[Outlander, you feel the whisper. 】

The voices of "her" continued in his ears, and as Shade kept moving forward, he vaguely felt that the world had become a little different. It wasn't just the cold wind and some strange whispers, but the whole world became a little different.

When he arrived at the door of the mansion, he could barely see the nuns standing on both sides. Ahead was the door, and Shade stepped in without hesitation.

The white mist still exists indoors, but the mansion in front of you is no longer what it was when you entered it. There was no foyer, only a straight corridor in front of him, the corridor leading to the deepest part of the mansion, and at the end of the corridor was the door.

"That's good, I don't have to waste any more time."

The wind carried the smell of decay and decay, and in the white mist that kept pouring out from the front, there were more and more tiny sounds, and none of them sounded like the voices of living people. Shade held his breath, feeling the power of the abnormal space, and approached the end of the corridor step by step.

At the source of the white mist, the wall that originally represented the "crack" was no longer the rotating black vortex, but now a dilapidated wooden door. Shade stood in front of the door and paused for a moment, then stretched out his hand and pushed the door open.

There was darkness behind the door, and the cold air mixed with white mist hit his body and soul. The thin threads on his wrists emit a red light and give him warmth, while the leaves in his mouth replenish his body with a steady stream of vitality.

"Praise be to the Father of the Infinite Tree, and may time be with me."

"Praise the Silver Moon Sage, may the moonlight shine on me forever."

"Praise Mr. Dawn, the light shines on the shadows, and the shadows follow the dawn."

【anything else? 】

"She" asked softly after Shade's three compliments,

"Praise the ancient god of death, may death bless me, a stranger."

He stepped over.

[Crossing the line between life and death, the blurred boundary allows you to touch the deepest secrets of the soul. 】

[Outlander, you have some insights into ‘death’. 】

This statement has also appeared before obtaining the "Greed" spiritual rune, which means that although Shade has felt the power of [Death], it is not enough to construct the spiritual rune in the life circle. This was the second time he heard these words. The first time was when Priest August gave him his last words.

[Death, stranger, you have left the world of the living. 】

[Even you cannot stay in this world for long. 】

"Her" reminder came to my ears, and after stepping through the door, the cold wind suddenly disappeared.

The change in space made Shade, who was used to jumping in space, feel no discomfort. But the feeling of physical rejection around him made him truly feel what the "narrow space between life and death" was.

Outside the door is still a world filled with white mist, but the mist here does not flow, but remains still in the air. The corridor in the depths of Baron Russell's manor is still in front of him, but everything in front of him seems to have faded, turning into gray, white and black, and it seems to have experienced a hundred years of baptism and has become extremely dilapidated.

The cold and damp fog was very similar to what Shade encountered when he went down the mountain in the afternoon, and it was even more unfriendly to living people.

"A low-level warlock like a priest can stay in a place like this for a week at most. What about me?"

[With that leaf still in your mouth, you must leave within a thousand days. 】


Shade nodded, raised his hand and looked at it. In a world that has lost color and life, his skin and clothes still retain color. But when he used his limbs, he clearly felt a different sense of power than his physical body.

This level 0 relic is very different from other relics that Shade has encountered. The four ubiquitous elements did not give him any negative feelings such as headaches. The whisper element is being effectively balanced by the other three elements.

Although the power of the body is not highlighted here, but the soul is inside and outside the body, it is obvious that the soul containing the divinity is stronger than the mortal body. Because the ring magician's system is the unity of body and soul, he is still a third ring, but his abundant spirit and the feeling of being able to break through walls with just a wave of his hand are something that a normal body does not have.

He even felt that he could barely use the secret lock once in this place. But Sister Devlin said that in this world caught between life and death, the spiritual and physical recovery speed of the ring warlock is extremely slow. Therefore, if Shade dares to use the Mystical Lock here, he will suffer the consequences of being completely out of power for a few hours and unable to use any magic or spells.

"It's not that bad."

The ground was covered with gray moss, and black marks clung to the walls. When he turned around and looked behind him, the door he came from was gone.

But the thin thread wrapped around his wrist was still burning red. When Shade wants to return, he can return to this location and the thread will guide him away.

Instead of setting off immediately, he squatted down and looked at the moss on the wall, and then reluctantly recognized that it was a special plant called [Corpse Grass]. In the material world, this kind of plant is grown from corpses. Not only is it highly poisonous, but just carrying it will accelerate the aging of the carrier. But in this world, it seems to be a very ordinary plant.

"This place is weirder than you thought."

He stood up and looked at the pendant on his chest, and with a gentle touch, the holy symbol of the righteous god [Mr. Dawn] emitted a golden light, and then flew forward, but because it was tied by a rope, it just floated in front of his chest.

This place shouldn't exist, a world on the edge of life and death with white mist floating all year round. Shade, who possesses the [Time and Space] spirit rune, can clearly feel that this is not a stable normal space, but more like an illusory dream or something else.

The terrain is basically a copy of the Sikar Mountain and the city of Fort Midhill at the foot of the mountain. But there is no other life here, only wandering souls.

There was no sound in the entire world, and even the sound caused by Shade's stampeding would be weakened to the point where he could barely hear it.

After leaving the house and going outside, I was surprised to find that the sky was not the black as I imagined, but a strange gray. There was no sun, no moon or stars, everything seemed dead.

Shade didn't want to stay in this kind of world any longer, so he followed the guidance of the Holy Emblem and left the manor, heading towards the city.

The silent world was particularly terrifying. Occasionally, a spirit body with a tragic death appearance suddenly appeared from around him. Although he just passed by Shade, it still made the already depressed mood even worse.

Before Shade actually entered the city, he encountered an evil spirit in the woods who tried to attack him. It was an undead knight holding his own head, riding on a horse, and his chest was sunken. It looked like a soul that died a long time ago.

The rituals of the spiritual order should have been able to protect Shade from the attention of evil spirits, but probably because of the unfortunate man's hair, the evil spirit of the Headless Horseman still looked at Shade after he approached him.

"Sure enough, the ritual can indeed weaken the evil spirit's perception of me, but if I get too close..."

Silently, the knight held a spear and rode towards Shade. At the moment when the evil spirit and Shade intertwined, the silver moonlight flashed across this colorless world.

Then Shade continued to move forward, and the evil spirit was silently divided into two parts, and then dissipated in the air:

"I am a true knight."

These are its last words.

On the border between life and death, Shade is really strong.

The manor was obviously far away from the city, but when Shade crossed the forest, he actually found himself standing on the outskirts of the silent city of Fort Midhill.

Continue walking forward one street, crossing the intersection and stepping directly into the city. Although this place does seem like a reflection of the real world, it is different but not exactly the same.

"It's convenient to be in a hurry, but is Priest Augustus in the city? Is he in the church?"

Shade guessed.

The white mist is hazy, and shadowy souls are floating around. Shade saw more souls today than the total number of souls he had seen since he came to this world. It seems that the souls of the people who died in Fort Midhill and the surrounding areas have a chance of coming to this abnormal place.

This is a violation of the rules of death. After a normal death, the soul should leave directly.

"How did this wrong place of ambiguity between life and death come about?"

He really couldn't figure it out, but if all the souls existing here flowed into the real world, even if there were only a few evil spirits among them, the entire central and eastern region of the Old Continent would definitely be destroyed.

"Doesn't the church have a way to solve this kind of place once and for all? If it just seals it blindly, there will definitely be bigger problems in the future."

I was thinking in my mind, and suddenly heard a faint cry for help. Shade stopped hesitantly, because this world would attenuate some sounds, so the source of the sound should be very close.

"Is there anyone else alive here?"

He remembered that the information from the college mentioned that there were an especially large number of missing people this fall.

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