Whispering Verse

Chapter 601 False Immortality

The source of the cry for help was the direction that Shade was heading. So he walked forward quickly, and in the white mist, a huge figure gradually became clear.

He is at least over three meters tall, and his waist is thicker than three Shadek plus a little Mia. The body was attached to armor made up of terrifying human faces, and the face had dense knife marks as if it had been scratched.

"Evil spirit!"

The more the soul's appearance deviates from that of a normal person, the more powerful the evil spirit becomes. And the one in front of him is obviously the most terrifying soul in the traditional sense.

This ferocious soul also noticed Shade. When it turned around, Shade noticed that the other party was holding a spear that was more than five meters long. The top of the spear was impaled on a young man wearing the uniform of the Delarian Royal Army. When Shade and Captain Rades visited the Veterans Club, they learned about the clothing characteristics of different soldiers and officers. This person should be a corporal.

The cry for help was made by him, and his clothes and skin were all colored, and even the blood spurting from the wound was colored, which meant that he was a living person.

The other party also noticed Shade's figure emerging from the white mist. He tried to stretch his right hand in his direction from the air, but due to the serious injury, the young corporal could not even complete this movement.

"Are you an ordinary person who strayed into this place by mistake?"

Shade thought to himself and stopped. The tall evil spirit that walked out of the white mist also turned towards him, flicked aside the living person impaled on the tip of the spear, and then rushed directly towards Shade. The momentum of the charge rolled up the originally still white mist, but such a strong body stepped on the ground without making any sound.

"The opponent's weapon is longer than mine."

Shade made a rational judgment, crossed his hands on his chest to draw a cross mark of the silver moon, then took a step back and kicked forward violently. The cross rays of light flew forward, and the ferocious evil spirit swept forward with the spear in its hand, neutralizing the attack at the cost of the spear being completely destroyed.

"Stronger than the knight just now, not just a simple evil spirit, but also a derivative of this level 0 relic?"

Fortunately, Shade in this state is stronger than normal.

As the spear shattered, his figure appeared silently above the evil spirit's head. Holding the sword in both hands and slashing down, the evil spirit turned around and raised his hand to block, and then half of his body was chopped into pieces by Shade.

Shade landed, and the evil spirit with half of his body quickly swung his remaining left fist towards Shade's head with an agility completely inconsistent with his own form. At this time, it was too late to raise the sword, so Shade struck upwards with his right fist with the soul crystal ring:

"Mind blast!"

The huge evil spirit fist collided with Shade's right fist. Shade was in a daze and actually heard a loud "bang~" sound. But this was not because of the collision of fists, but because of the power of [Soul Echo] and [Psychic Explosion] that allowed Shade to contact the spirit body. It actually allowed Shade to punch out in this world on the border between life and death. Effects that were completely unimaginable in the past.

Starting from the contact point of Shade's fist, the strong evil spirit dispersed into a pile of white light spots little by little, and finally disappeared completely:

"I'm just a butcher who likes to butcher."

After confirming that his opponent had really disappeared, Xia De quickly ran towards the young corporal who had been thrown away just now.

He fell on the street with a penetrating wound on his abdomen. Scarlet blood flowed along the ground, and was quickly assimilated into gray-white by this world.

"False immortality!"

Shade knelt down and immediately put his hand on the opponent's chest, and then his eyes suddenly widened:

"Why doesn't the spell work?"

It's not that the opponent is dead so the spell cannot be used, but that the spell is completely ineffective against the living person in front of him.

[Mortals are mortal, and false immortality is just ridiculous comfort. 】(Chapter 52)

"What? Hazama can't use false immortality?"

[This is too close to death. 】

There was no time to discuss with "her" any more. Shade whispered to comfort the corporal whose eyes were gradually losing their luster. He took out the wooden tube from his pocket, shook it a few times to fill it with water, and tapped the side wall of the wooden tube with his fingers to give the water [fullness]. Food] characteristics.

He poured the water on the young corporal's wound, but this fatal injury could not be cured by [Full Food]. Even if thaumaturgy has a strong healing effect due to the divine afterglow state, it is only healing after all.

The corporal barely opened his eyes and looked at Shade. He raised his bloody hand with his last strength and grabbed Shade's sleeve. He looked directly at Shade with his dilated pupils:

"Are you alive?"


Shade said that he could not save him and that the world would speed up the process of death. Without the false immortality, he could not save anyone. The false immortality is really just a comfort.

"Sir, please, please."

The corporal's other hand went to his waist, and Shade saw a pistol.

"Give this, give this to the First Legion, Windy Path."

Every time he spoke, his lungs seemed to be sucking out all the air:

"Captain Ronald of the Third Company of Camp Redwater."

His eyes looked at Shade, who nodded:

"I will."


The weak voice said, the color in his eyes disappeared, he was dead.

"This is really true."

It is not that the outsider has never seen others die, but after the false immortality was ineffective, it was also the first time for him to observe the departure of a soul with his own eyes.

The corporal's soul slowly floated out of his body. It was an ordinary soul and could no longer respond. He was floating in this narrow space, and like all the souls here, he completely forgot everything.

It would be a bit exaggerated to say that the death of a stranger could really bring a great emotion to Shade. But seeing a poor man who strayed between life and death die in front of him, Xia De was still a little touched in his heart.

He will give the gun to Captain "Ronald", but the most important thing now is to find Father August.

Shade turned the corpse into a toy and took it with him, and then followed the instructions of the holy emblem pendant on his chest and continued to move forward in this gray-white city that looked like Fort Midhill, but seemed to have some subtle differences.

Since he met a living person just now, Shade can be sure that there must be other living people moving here. But he didn't expect that just ten minutes after walking, he heard an unusual sound again:

But this time it was not a cry for help, but a cry of battle. Shade looked up and looked ahead. There was actually red mist dispersing in the white mist. After getting closer, Shade heard the sound of bats.


He stood there without moving, but put on his mask, wanting to see the situation before making a plan. Unexpectedly, both parties in the fight unconsciously moved towards him.

One of them is an evil spirit, a woman with a transparent and black body floating in the air, wearing a tattered white dress and a crown, her face has been ulcerated, and she is holding a hatchet of astonishing length in her hand. The other party in the battle, if Shade saw it correctly, was a vampire, which was a "vampire" in the traditional sense.

This is not an even battle. The vampire who transformed into a swarm of bats has to protect a scared little boy while being distracted and fighting this powerful evil spirit. After Shade was contaminated by the blood mist, he was basically certain that the vampires were probably at level 5 or level 6. Because alien ring warlocks were generally stronger than human ring warlocks, the opponent could be regarded as a human being at level 6 or even level 7.

As for the vampire race, which is regarded as a semi-undead, its power will not be suppressed or enhanced in this strange world, so the power exerted by the opponent should only be at this level. And that evil spirit is obviously stronger than the vampire.

While Shade was thinking about things, vampires who transformed into a group of bats also discovered Shade, and a cry for help came from the blood mist:


It's not Delarian, it's Kasenric, and fortunately Shade understands it.

Shade took a step back, always keeping himself on the edge of the blood mist. He couldn't get too close. Once he got too close and the evil spirit discovered him, the other party would definitely turn and attack the other party.

"Do you know the Blood Spirit School?"

Shade asked in a deep voice. All the vampires he had encountered in this world belonged to the [Blood Spirit School], so he wanted to make sure.

"The Blood Spirit School? You know, aren't they in the New World?"

The hatchet in the evil spirit's hand was swung in the air, and the bats were swept away in large swaths of light. The blood mist is being eroded by the white mist, and the situation is shifting further.

"Are you also from the Blood Spirit School?"

"Oh, I understand, you have a grudge against those idiots from the Blood Spirit School? I am not! I can swear, swear with my soul, I am definitely not from the Blood Spirit School! It is another clan that surrendered to them! I just I didn’t mean any harm by coming here to save my nephew.”

Shade did not speak, but took a step back again, but before the vampire who transformed into a swarm of bats called for help again, his figure disappeared into the white mist.

While the tall evil spirit in white dress was attracted by those bats, Shade appeared behind the evil spirit. But this time he didn't attack with a sword, but simply punched him.

But this punch didn't work. On both sides of the evil spirit's body, two more arms stretched out, holding another hatchet in both hands, and violently slashed at Shade's fist. Although Shade dared to fistfight with the evil spirit, he still did not dare to touch the hatchet with his fist.

The fist stretched out in the air, and then drew a ray of moonlight and struck forward.


The hastily swung moonlight actually caused the hatchet to break with a sound. Realizing that the opponent was multitasking and seemed unable to deal with him with all his strength, Shade moved his body forward to push away the debris of the moonlight in front of him:

"Moonlight Great Sword!"

The giant sword shining with moonlight sliced ​​open the arm of the spirit creature waving in front of him. Just as he was about to pierce the opponent's body with a sword, the evil spirit actually forced his neck to turn 180 degrees, and the terrifying skull-like face faced Shade.

The mouth opened wide, opened wide, opened wide, and then bit into Shade's head fiercely, as if he wanted to swallow him in one bite.

But Shade had already encountered this move on Darkness. Instead of hiding, he stretched out his hand and inserted it directly into the opponent's mouth:

"Silver Moon!"

As the bright moonlight shot out from the spirit's features, Shade immediately retracted his arm and stepped back. In a place like this where he didn't know how many evil spirits existed, he didn't dare to directly use the "Light Technique" to illuminate the entire city, so he always avoided using this technique. But since the other party took the initiative to open his mouth, he had no worries.

The soul seemed to be still in the air. As the head directly illuminated by the moonlight first turned into a point of light, then the entire body turned into the color of lime, and then scattered into a layer of gray on the ground like a sand sculpture:

"I will be a princess forever."

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