Whispering Verse

Chapter 697 Horrible Home

"It is indeed a sage-level relic."

Shade flicked the sword and waved to the poor cat standing on the bed, and it immediately ran over. He jumped into Shade's outstretched palm after squatting down, and then nimbly ran along his arm to his shoulder.

Now the entire home seemed unsafe and Shade couldn't leave the cat alone in the bedroom.

The evil spirit of the middle-aged fat man with bleeding from all his orifices collapsed, but the white mist and cold wind did not disappear. On the contrary, the footprints above his head were getting denser and denser, and the pale green light in front of him was getting closer and closer.

He covered little Mia's head with his left hand, and held the sword in his right hand, but his index finger stretched out and pressed on the cold sword:

"Silver Moon!"

The moonlight that burst out in an instant radiated through the sword body. The cold silver moonlight dispersed the surrounding white fog. At the same time as the invisible evil spirit appearing above the head, which looked like a hanging woman in a long dress, appeared, the silver arc that followed split it into two parts.

But after defeating the second evil spirit, the fog still did not disappear. The mist at the door that was reflected in a miserable green was forced back by the light of the silver moon, but after the thick fog receded, a wet black tongue stuck out from the fog and shot towards Shade.

Dang rang~

The night watchman's long sword moved Shade's hand and held the sword upright in front of him. The black head stretched out and hit the sword body, making a sound of metal hitting metal. The tongue immediately emitted black smoke and wanted to shrink back, but Shade took one step forward and followed him one step faster than the tongue.

He grabbed the tongue with his left hand and pulled it hard, pulling out the almost materialized evil spirit hidden in the stairwell. .

This soul seemed to come from a more distant era. It was lying on the ground, its limbs and joints were bent, and its body was covered with disgusting pustules, and each pustule had a different face.

The overall image is indescribable. The black mucus dripping from the spirit body towards the foot pads is unknown whether it is real or fake. That terrifying appearance is enough to make any self-proclaimed determined adult collapse. It is not something that should appear in the sunny world of the living.

"come on!"

Pulling the tongue with his left hand, the [Sin Chain] protruding from the sleeve climbed forward along the tongue, trying to tie up this terrible guy.

But the pustule located above the evil spirit's navel exploded at this moment, and the evil spirit in the shape of a woman holding scissors sprang out and cut off the tongue.

The crawling black evil spirit immediately ran along the bottom of the stairs, moving white mist and pale green light. The female evil spirit holding scissors and her face covered with blood rushed towards Shade, and then Shade, who was in a bad mood, swung the black chain and penetrated her soul directly with the chain.

The power of mortal sin infects the spirit body, and the soul that cannot bear this profound power immediately collapses.

"It turns out that the source of the evil spirits just now was that guy covered in pustules. Where did it come from?"

After putting on his shoes at the door, Shade led Mia in pursuit toward the first floor.

Judging from the white mist and light, the other party did not enter the first floor, but went straight through the foyer, using the characteristics of the spirit body to pass through the door and enter Saint Teresa Square.

Shade opened the door and broke into the slightly cold autumn night. The elegant black gas lamps around the square are dimly lit, and the surrounding residents have turned off their lights. Noisy sounds could be heard in the distance, and it was unknown which drunken man had a conflict with the patrolling police officer on such an autumn night.

He looked up at the moon above St. Teresa Square, quickly walked up the three steps under the rain eaves, and then used a reflexive swing to drive away the evil ghost hiding on the rain eaves.

But this time, it was not the sword that drove Shade's hand to move, but that Shade had actually learned this movement, and the sword was imparting cold weapon combat experience to Shade bit by bit.

Looking at the eaves of his house, Xia De took a few steps back and formally entered the square. He watched the scary guy on the eaves climb up the wall, and then suddenly rushed towards Xia De from a high place.


Shade threw the long sword in his hand, and the evil ghost changed direction in the sky under the moonlit night, but was still stabbed by the second sword summoned by the [Blade of Chaotic Time].

Cracks immediately appeared in the spirit body, making it impossible to control the spirit body to change its movements again. Then, the two-handed sword that exuded the light of the silver moon struck down:

"Moonlight Great Sword!"

Using Raglai's jump, Shade appeared in the air and swung his sword to cut off the evil ghost's head. After his feet landed on the ground, he put on the left hand with the soul crystal ring and slammed the falling soul fragments around him:

"Mind blast!"

A muffled sound was in the air, but not enough to attract the neighbors' attention. And with the complete collapse of the black evil spirit, the other evil spirits imprisoned in the pustules on its body were actually released at the same time.

He put away the big sword in his hand, straightened his arms, and slapped his left and right hands vertically in front of him. After the left and right separated, the bright arc of light parallel to the ground flew forward silently, wiping out all the souls that had just been released. The power of these pustule evil spirits does not seem to be strong, and they only have unique abilities because they are manipulated.

"Guide to death!"

Before the black evil ghost completely disappeared, Shade used thaumaturgy to touch the fragments of the soul. Immediately, vague and fragmented memories flooded into Shade's mind. Because his soul was too severely broken, there was very little effective information. There were only a few familiar images of No. 6, St. Teresa Square, which led him to a terrifying conclusion. .

Those pictures are not of the home at this moment, but of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square in a more distant era:

"That black guy, was also the original owner of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square? This is not a foreign soul, but a soul that was originally at home? But... where is it hidden? I have lived here for three months, and why is it so different? not found."

He touched the cat on his shoulder, and then looked at his home where the thick fog was gradually dissipating from the surface of the wall. Under the moonlight, No. 6 St. Teresa Square stood quietly. The shadows on the wall and the light of the gas lights coexisted harmoniously. Inside the open door was a dark and profound foyer corridor.

The familiar home seems to have become a little scary.

He bent down and picked up the night watchman's sword. The light on the sword's body had disappeared, which meant that it was safe here.

"But is it really safe?"

He carefully walked up the steps and pressed his hand on the wall between the door and the milk crate.

【Very normal. 】

"But where did that evil spirit come from? Also, the mirror ghost that appeared when Dorothy held the promotion ceremony was not originally at home, right?"

Shade thought about this again and stood at the door of his house, refusing to go in. The gas lamps outside the square illuminated half of his profile, and the fur of the lively cat on his shoulders showed an orange sheen.

Frowning, he cautiously walked into the dark hall. Instead of going upstairs, I went to the basement to check first, and confirmed that the problem was not with the "space" and "dark" doors in the basement.

Returning to the second floor, the [Traveller's Travel Door] standing in Room 2 was normal under the moonlight, but Shade did not go back to the bedroom in Room 1 to sleep:

"It's two o'clock in the morning tonight, I'd better go somewhere else for now."

I'm sorry to bother Luvia, and the landlady of Dorothy's apartment will not allow Shade to stay overnight. And if I visit Dr. Schneider at odd hours, the doctor may be frightened again.

So, after packing up his clothes, Shade took Mia in a carriage to spend the night at the Three Cats Hotel in Lower Town. Among the prizes he received for winning the Ayutthaya Player Championship were discounts at the Three Cats Hotel. Of course the owner, Mrs. Sangmei, recognized the prize. When greeting the young detective who arrived in the middle of the night, she curiously glanced at the slender object wrapped in cloth in his hand, and then jokingly asked him if he wanted to see the late-night features of the hotel.

The tired Shade turned his head and glanced at the girls in simple clothes sitting or standing by the wall. He shook his head and said that he just wanted to find a place for himself and the cat to sleep:

"Whatever it is that's infesting my house, I'm going to make it pay!"

PS: It’s the last day of this month, please vote for me! The editor said that there will be a best-seller recommendation on the 5th of next month, and it will be updated by 10,000 words by then.

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