Whispering Verse

Chapter 698 Border Entrance

The next day, early Wednesday morning.

The early morning in St. Teresa's Square is so leisurely and pleasant. Most of the neighbors living here have not yet gone out, but Shade, Luvia, Dorothy and Dr. Schneider are already standing together at No. 6 St. Teresa's Square. At the door of the house, Mia was temporarily sent to Dawn Church by Shade. The nuns in the church liked this cat very much.

"I have roughly explained the situation last night on the carriage. Today, I hope everyone will help me check the house. If I really can't find any problem, I will have to go outside the city to find my high-level warlock friend. Helped."

Shade took out the key, opened the door, picked up the newspaper delivered from the delivery port, and asked everyone to come in together.

Friends can see that Shade is in a very bad mood now. He really cherishes his house.

"Should we search in layers, or act together?"

Dr. Schneider, who was called in early in the morning, asked with a frown on his face and a serious expression. He also knew the rumors about this house. I thought things would be fine after Shade moved in, but I didn't expect evil spirits to appear frequently.

"Doctor, you have a lot of experience, what do you think?"

Shade asked rhetorically.

"Can you now determine where the suspected problem area is?"

The doctor continued to ask questions, and the four people stood in the foyer, looking at the first floor and the stairs leading upstairs.

"There is no problem in the basement, there is no doubt about it. Also, the evil spirits probably did not run out from the second floor. After I woke up last night, the thick fog I saw came from the stairwell. So, the problematic area, It should be the first floor that I have left temporarily unused, as well as the third floor and the attic..."

He paused:

"The probability is higher on the third floor. When we helped Dorothy perform a ceremony some time ago, we encountered a mirror ghost. The mirror ghost prefers to attack the nearest target. It did not go to Little Mia on the second floor first, but went to the attic. , indicating that the thing is more likely to have emerged from the third floor.”

"Then we'll divide into two teams to search. Luosha and I are both in the fifth ring. I'll go upstairs and Luosha will stay downstairs."

He looked at Shade and the female diviner who had been promoted to the fourth ring:

"Shadow, you follow me. Anat, you follow Louisa."


So Shade put the newspaper in his hand on the shoe cabinet in the foyer, then took the sword and followed the doctor up the stairs. Dorothy downstairs threw two parchment rolls, and as the parchment burned, the princess holding the spindle and the match girl holding the basket appeared together.

The two summoned fairy tale characters walked in front. Dorothy wanted to ask Luvia to follow, but she saw the female fortune teller behind her tossing a coin, then frowning slightly and looking at the shoe cabinet behind her. To be more precise, he looked at the newspaper that Shade had put down on the shoe cabinet.

They were all called by Sha De early in the morning, and no one read today's news:

"Dorothy, wait a minute, I want to read the newspaper."

The doctor chose to let Shade follow him because he could use demonic power without any scruples if something happened. But everything was quiet on the third floor of Saint Teresa Square. Room 1 displayed Luvia's astrological equipment and dense star charts hanging on the wall. Room No. 2 was completely empty because the maids came every week to clean it, so there was almost no dust to be found.

Everything is normal in the corridor and the attic above. The doctor even carefully examined the two bottles of high-pressure steam fire extinguishers that Dorothy had not bothered to take away after her last promotion ceremony, but still found nothing abnormal.

"Luvia does horoscopes on the third floor almost every night and has never encountered an evil spirit. Could it be that the problem is really downstairs? Or, the mirror ghost and the pustule evil spirit last night did not come from the same place. ?”

Shade expressed his doubts, and then summoned the life ring together with the doctor, using the ring warlock's sensitive senses to detect the space on the third floor. The result was that everything was still normal.

Because they had to check one more attic, when they returned to the second floor, the girls had already returned to room one.

Dorothy was preparing hot tea in the kitchen, while Luvia was holding the newspaper that Shade had just put on the shoe cabinet, seemingly discovering interesting news.

Of course, they didn't find anything unusual on the first floor. After all four people sat down on the sofa in the living room, Luvia put the newspaper on the coffee table and pointed to the small square on the edge of the second page.

This newspaper is the "Terrael River News", which is different from the "Steam Bird Daily" which is currently only sold in the central and western regions of the kingdom and a small area of ​​Kasenrik. The former can be purchased throughout the entire Kingdom of Delarion. newspaper.

According to Xia De's understanding, the front page and second page of this newspaper should be full of big news. The appearance of small square news can only be due to the emergence of breaking news after the newspaper layout was completed last night.

"At midnight yesterday, another major earthquake occurred in the Sikal Mountain area west of Fort Midhill, and this earthquake was stronger than the last one."

Luvia recited the short news article, and Dr. Schneider was the first to react:

"I remember Shade said that the last time a mirror ghost appeared in his house, there was also an earthquake in the Sikal Mountain area?"

"Yes, it was the same night. But the last earthquake was in the evening, and the mirror ghost appeared in my house after ten o'clock in the evening."

Shade nodded. The ceremony for Dorothy happened to be held that night, so he and the blonde girl remembered it very clearly.

"Are these two things related? There was an earthquake in Mount Sikal, and evil spirits appeared in Shade's house. But the two places are so far apart, what's the connection?"

Luvia hesitated to speak. She glanced at Shade and already knew the answer in her heart. As the owner of this place, Xia De naturally thought of the answer, but this answer was a bit too scary.

Shade hesitated for a moment:

"I have friends who are magicians in the church. Do you still remember the narrow chamber of life and death in Fort Midhill? The earthquake in the Sikal Mountain area was actually caused by the instability of the narrow chamber. And my friend said that as It is the largest boundary between life and death in the material world, and it is an unstable boundary on the verge of death. Every vibration there will simultaneously cause changes in all the boundaries between life and death in the entire world (649)."

The wrinkles on Dr. Schneider's brow deepened. He raised his head to look at the third floor and said softly:

"Detective, if I remember correctly, among the homeowners who died in this house a hundred years ago, some of them suddenly disappeared after entering the third floor, just like the Augustine priest who disappeared in Fort Midhill. That way.”


Shade nodded.

Dorothy also understood:

"The earthquake in Fort Midhill will cause anomalies in the boundary between life and death in the entire material world, and the earthquake there will cause evil spirits to appear in the Shade family. Moreover, some of the former owners also encountered the evil spirit of Priest Augustus in Fort Midhill. misfortune”

She looked at Shade:

"So, there is an entrance to the boundary between life and death on the third floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square!?"

There is no so-called underworld in this world. This is a certain thing, and death itself is just a concept. Including the water area that Shade had seen, it could only be regarded as an extension of the concept. There is no so-called boundary between life and death. However, due to reasons that are still unclear, in the past era, there have been countless large and small boundaries between life and death in the material world.

It is not the world of the living, nor is it the place where the dead should go. Therefore, according to Mr. Edmund, the old tower guard of the Guiding Light Monastery, the boundary between life and death is a world mistake.

Among them, the one below Fort Midhill is the largest boundary between life and death, and because it has been turned into a relic, it is called the "Gulf of Life and Death". Including three passages, it is rated as level 0, the highest level of relics.

Although the other boundaries between life and death in the material world are far less harmful than the one at Fort Midhill, it is obvious that no one wants that kind of place to overlap with their home.

"The scope should not be the entire No. 6 Saint Teresa Square."

The doctor responded the fastest and pointed to Room 2 next door:

"The [Traveler's Travel Door] bought by the detective will cause problems when used in abnormal areas of space. Since the relics on the second floor show no signs of being out of control, the range of the boundary between life and death parallel to this house should be It is only limited to the third floor, and the scope is extremely small, so there may not be a problem once every hundred years. Recently, evil spirits are frequently released only because of the vibrations of the [Challenge of Life and Death]."

The doctor's speculation was also supported by others. Luvia also admitted that she had used divination many times to assist in mapping star charts during most of the month she was doing horoscopes on the third floor, but her divination had never been affected abnormally.

"I often leave Mia at home. Recently, in addition to scratching the wall of the second room next door, she also likes to go for a walk on the third floor. But this cat never seems to have encountered anything terrible."

Shade also said that after touching his cat, he felt very scared. He couldn't imagine how terrible and cruel things would happen if this cat was the only one at home when the narrow space between life and death shook again, causing a new evil spirit to appear in his house.

"It's going to be difficult now. Shade also told us that the boundary between life and death can only be sealed, but it cannot be completely resolved. So, the third floor of this house will be completely sealed in the future?"

The blonde female writer also said, looking at Shade very worriedly:

"I didn't expect that in addition to the basement you mentioned, there are also problems on the third floor. Maybe the other floors... No. 6 Saint Teresa Square is indeed the haunted house in the rumors. Shade, if it doesn't work, just move. Go to the city again. How about buying a house here, or renting an apartment for transition? I know there are good houses on Quill Street, and I’m very familiar with the landlady there.”

"No, this is my home, and I will never give up No. 6, Saint Teresa Square!"

The foreigner is very obsessed with the problem of the house, and he also believes that he can solve this problem:

"This summer's divine visitation failed to scare me away from Tobesk. Can a few ghosts make me abandon my home?"


Little Mia, who was squatting next to Shade, called softly, not knowing what she wanted to express.

"I knew you would say that, so what do you want to do?"

Luvia asked, and the doctor glanced at the long sword that Shade had placed on the coffee table:

"You can't hang this precious relic in the corridor on the third floor as a permanent early warning device, right?"

"Of course not. I have made a great friend at Fort Midhill. If that doesn't work out, I'll ask her if she can come to my place through the door next door. Her eyes can catch traces of the border. But in this case, I need to transport the [Traveller's Travel Door] to Fort Midhill first."

Shade was talking about Sister Devlin of the [Spiritual Order]. The order had a deep understanding of Hazama and even helped Shade rescue Priest Augustus.

PS: Exchange book recommendations with the boss.

"My Spy Years" by Zhu Touqi

Cheng Qianfan, codenamed "Huo Miao" and "Chen Zhou"; a lurker who makes the enemy hate him to the bone, digs three feet into the ground, and wants to eliminate him as soon as possible!

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