Whispering Verse

Chapter 752 Flowers, Fog and Shade

The two of them did nothing that night. Luvia held Shade and gave Shade a perfect sleep.

He closed his eyes at around ten o'clock on Wednesday night and woke up at seven o'clock on Thursday morning with a dreamless night. Mia didn't even wake him up at 6:30 on time, probably because she understood that Shade was really exhausted. When Shade opened his eyes, he even thought that this was the best night he had ever rested in this world.

"Not even that dream of looking up at the silver moon."

When he sat up from the bed, he felt refreshed. A night's rest allowed Shade to completely return to his normal state. The girl with purple eyes was no longer on the bed. She had to go to the Prophet's Association, so she had left. However, the bed was still warm, so she probably hadn't been gone for long.

Shade, who was in a good mood, hooked his fingers at the closed curtains. With a soft sound, the curtains opened slightly, allowing the late autumn morning light that passed through the hazy mist to shine into the bedroom on the second floor.


A cat meowing that sounded aggrieved came from the door. Mia, who heard Shade getting up, walked in from the living room with short legs and stood at the door urging Shade to get breakfast.

Shade opened the quilt and was about to get out of bed, but suddenly smiled and stretched out his finger:


A slender beam of positive energy shot out from the finger, leaving a small round spot on the floor in front of Mia. Normal [sunlight rays] can only last for a very short time, using strong energy to fight undead creatures. Shade is the spirit that controls itself, outputting light at the lowest power, so the light can appear for a long time.


The cat looked at the bright spot in front of him in surprise, then suddenly stretched out his furry right front paw to pat it. Mia is an orange and white cat. The fur on her back is mostly orange, and her four short legs are mostly white.

It hit the bright spot, and then found that the bright spot appeared further forward, so it stretched out its left front paw to slap it, and saw the bright spot moving forward and shaking again:


The small orange cat was confused for a moment, and then suddenly jumped up, jumping on the spot and tapping the ground back and forth with its front paws.

This look made Shade laugh.

The new day started with a friendly interaction between Shade and the domestic pet cat Mia. He hoped that he could be in such a good mood today.

Now that the danger in the home has been resolved, Mia can stay home alone. During this period, I often took this cat out, but it did not like the feeling of going out.

After breakfast this morning, Shade did not call Mia when he was preparing to set off. This made Mia, who was standing on the stairs looking at Shade, very happy.

Perhaps for this cat, staying at home every day and waiting for Shade to come back is the simplest happiness.

It was still foggy in Fort Miba today, but perhaps because of the statue of the ancient god, the forest fog did not invade the basement of the ruined tower. But looking up from the basement through the trap door, the thick fog even prevented Shade from seeing the early morning sunshine.

"The seal on the mountainside has been reinforced. What happened?"

After leaving the abandoned tower, the heavy fog in the mountains became even more exaggerated. After walking a few steps, Shade even had the illusion that he had entered the ancient god's space. And this is obviously the mist that escapes from the narrow space, and there are a large number of undead that should leave. But fortunately, Shade's side effect of attracting undead caused by using the relic has long since disappeared. With "her" prompts and the blessing of the Witch Emperor Violet, he barely avoided the possible battle and arrived at 9 a.m. city.

The situation in the city is not better than in the mountains. Fort Midhill under the heavy fog is no longer as lively as it used to be. It was obviously a Thursday morning, but there were not many people on the streets. The people I occasionally see are also in a hurry, holding on to the low wall on the street.

Even on the way to the Church of the Sun, Shade didn't see any carriage. Even hanging lanterns is of no use in this weather, as the whole city is wrapped in white mist.

Without a carriage, Shade could only walk through the city. The people he saw most on the way were police officers running hurriedly through the streets with kerosene lanterns. The sound of police whistles occasionally sounds from distant neighborhoods. This weird foggy weather is indeed a good time for guys with evil intentions to commit crimes.

Shade wanted to know about the changes in the city today, but for some reason, he didn't even meet a child selling newspapers along the way. Fortunately, when he passed the intersection of Evergreen Street, he met the little flower seller who was timid on the street and did not dare to cross the street directly.

The little girl was very short, carrying a basket that had been scrubbed but still worn. The shoes on her feet were large, and her gray skirt and deflated hat were patched. She was very thin and probably suffered from malnutrition all year round, so Shade was unable to determine the exact age of the other party.

The little flower seller also noticed Shade coming from the heavy fog. She hesitated for a moment before approaching him, but she didn't dare to get close. So Shade stopped and put his hand into his pocket to get the money, but this action made the flower seller hesitate even more.

In foggy weather, if Shade took out a handkerchief that could stun people, no one could save her. The children who sell flowers and newspapers on the street have already learned how to protect themselves through their hard life.

"This is the wallet."

Shade shook the wallet he inherited from Detective Sparrow and motioned to the flower seller to come over:

"I want to ask something. When did this fog come up? Yesterday evening, I remember that the fog seemed to be dissipating."

He flicked the one-shilling coin out of his hand and caught it. The thin girl selling flowers stared at the flying coins and slowly walked over:

"Sir, the fog came out last night."

Fort Midhill has a very strong accent, and people here are used to stressing the depressor when speaking.

"From the mountains?"

"No, it just appeared from the city, just like the usual autumn fog."

The girl couldn't describe the situation when the fog appeared very well, but based on what she said, it was inferred that the heavy fog had nothing to do with the narrow seal in the mountain. It was not that there was an error in yesterday's seal.

"Ok, I see."

Shade nodded and tossed the one-shilling coin to the girl who refused to come near him. He wanted to leave, but stopped and asked:

"In such bad weather, you should go home as soon as possible. This kind of weather is not suitable for going out."

"But...but my flowers haven't been sold out yet."

The little girl said timidly.

Of course, Shade knew the reason why she refused to go home. Going home now not only meant no profit, but also meant that the money spent in advance to buy flowers was given to the florist in vain. The reason why he asked this was to elicit the following words:

"How much do you spend on these in total? Sell them all to me."

With the physical strength of a little girl who has been malnourished all year round, there are not many flowers in the basket. And the flower girls who sell them along the street usually don't buy too expensive bouquets, so Xia De's expenditure is not large.

"Sir, I."

She didn't know whether it was because she was surprised or because she couldn't give an answer for a while, but she was so hesitant that she couldn't speak.

So Shade took out the change from his wallet and pocket, which was about 12 shillings, put it in his hand and handed it to the girl selling flowers, and then took out all the flowers in her basket.

The quantity was even less than Shade thought, and he could grab it all with one hand:

"Take the money and go home quickly, and remember not to tell others that you have so much money. Good luck!"

The girl hurriedly wanted to thank her, but Shade shook his head and turned around, waved his hand with his back to her, and walked into the fog again. After confirming that no one was around, the foreigner wrapped the flowers in his coat, turned them into toys and stuffed them into his pockets, except for a bouquet of red roses that were not brightly colored.

Unlike the Church of Nature and the Church of the Dawn, which are located in the center of Middleburg, the Church of the Sun is a church in this parish, in the southwest of the city near the mountains. Shade entered the city after going down the mountain, and then made a small circle outside the city to arrive at Saint Laurent Square in Fort Midhill, which is also the core of the old city in the west of the city.

Unlike the Church of the Dawn in Tobesk Parish, which is in the center of Dawn Square, the Church of the Sun in Midburg Parish is only on one side of Saint Laurent Square. But because this is an old city, there is a lot of land that can be developed and utilized, so the Church of the Sun is larger than the most prosperous natural church in the area.

Due to the influence of the magical power radiated by the church, the dense fog near Saint Laurent Square has become lighter. Scattered merchants can be seen hawking in the square, but the number of pedestrians is still not large.

At the Church of the Sun, Shade discussed the topic of special Rhodes cards with the vendors selling sundries before waiting for Iluna. She found a suitable reason to leave the church, so she walked out of the church without any hesitation.

"Is it for me?"

Seeing Shade holding a red rose, Iluna asked with a smile. Shade nodded immediately:


He handed over the red rose, which made Iluna smile even happier.

The two made an appointment to meet today to exchange information with each other. Sitting down in a teahouse on the street, Iluna told Shade about the results of the [Truth Society] siege and suppression campaign, while Shade told about following the witches to the narrow room yesterday.

So far, the three passages between life and death have all been reinforced to a certain extent. Among them, the seal at the foot of the mountain was reinforced by Shade's Tree Kiss Mystery Lock, and a weak bonfire was still lit in front of the Door of Death; the seal on the mountainside was reinforced by the witches and Shade, and the shaking silver threads and witch hair ensured that the seal would not Something went wrong; and the seal on the top of the mountain was stabilized by Sister Devlin on the Monday when she saw the red butterfly twins.

This is only preliminary reinforcement, and large-scale magical rituals of the church will be needed later. As for the four nails that fixed reality and the narrow room together, one of them was killed by Sister Devlin, and one was kidnapped into the narrow room by Joy Barton. The four nails correspond to four strong emotions. The woman in the deserted village should be "fear" and the clown should be "joy".

As for the remaining sorrow and anger, Priest August will try to search with Shade in the afternoon, and the Zhengshen Church has also locked one of them:

"The Narrow Room itself is a level 0 relic, and Joey Barton is the first candidate for the Chosen One, so it is difficult for the church to divine him. But for the nails that are resurrected from the dead, with the cooperation of the Seer Association, since we can If you find the clown, you will also find the second one.”

Iluna sat opposite Shade, holding a tea cup, and her tone was very confident. In her hand was a small bottle bought from a teahouse. After filling it with water, she inserted the withered rose.

"Have you found the other two people?"

"Only one was found, and its approximate location is north of Fort Midhill. Once more accurate information is determined, action will probably be taken on Friday or Saturday."

Shade wrote down this information. He and the priest's search in the afternoon could start from the south of Middleburg:

"The other thing about the chosen one is that there seems to be unplanned changes every time. It is still unknown what means Joey Barton wants to use to retrieve the deceased. But after you are sure that what he wants to do is irreversible, you Make sure to kill him with your own hands. Joey Barton may not know the Chosen One Ceremony, so your opponent this time may not be as powerful as Darkness."

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