Whispering Verse

Chapter 753 The Third Nail


Iluna seemed eager to try:

"It was with your help last time that I was able to defeat Darkness. This time, I must prove that I can do it myself."

This kind of meaningless "comparison" is actually because Iluna feels that Shade has done too many things. Just like Luvia often laughs at herself for being useless, the seventeen-year-old girl also wants to prove that she has an irreplaceable role among the three.

"Your safety is most important."

Shade reminded, Iluna smiled and nodded:

"Oh, one more thing, a thirteen-ring warlock has arrived from the three major thaumaturgy academies."

Grandma Cassandra mentioned this:

"who is it?"

"It's you people from St. Byrons."


Shade was surprised that there were only two Thirteen Rings in St. Byrons in this era:

"Miss Denister is here? Then I have to be careful."

"No, it's your principal, the 'Silver Watcher' Professor Andre Pigman."

"The principal is here in person?"

This is the most surprising thing so far:

"But how could the Five Gods Church allow such a thing?"

Although the church and the college have a cooperative relationship, normally the thirteen-ring warlocks from the college will not step into the core parish of the church at will. For example, Fort Midhill is the core parish of the Natural Church.

"To deal with the matter in the narrow room, the church also needs the help of the college. Moreover, in the incident of the second chosen one, the founder of St. Byrons, Miss Myrna Filiana, actually appeared. St. Byrons believes that since It happened once, maybe it will happen a second time.”

"Although this inference is not unreasonable. But it will definitely not happen this time. I can be sure of this."

Shade said immediately, Iluna smiled and turned the cup in her hand, and she was also present when Miss Feliana appeared:

"You can be sure, and I believe you, but St. Byrons and our church don't know. So that Professor Pigman came. Oh, he hasn't come yet. The thirteen-ring warlocks are all busy people. He will come to Fort Midhill on the day of the ceremony. Or he will come when we find traces of Joey Barton and take action."

"The church is really well prepared this time. It first eliminated the unstable factors and frightened other ring warlocks, and then invited thirteen ring warlocks from outside the church as helpers. I think Zarath and Serkses, Professors from the Twelve Rings should have been sent.”

"After all, with the precedents of Tobesk and Coldwater Port, the church will always learn its lessons."

She shook the little silver teaspoon.

Iluna held a cup of black tea mixed with milk. The amount of black tea was twice that of milk, which made the cup of tea look silky smooth, and the liquid surface had a gradient color of white and red. What Shade had in his hand was black tea with lemon juice added. Foreigners did not know how to taste tea and did not have very elegant taste. This was what Iluna recommended to Shade.

"So when does the ceremony start? I asked my priest friend, and he also wanted to attend the ceremony, but he still didn't know the specific time."

"Because the time has not yet been determined, the church's astrologers are waiting for the right moment."

Iluna lowered her voice:

"But it certainly won't be this week, after all the four nails haven't been resolved yet. It should be next week, definitely before Thursday."

Today is already Thursday, and the story of Middlesbrough has finally come to its final act.

Iluna couldn't go out for too long, so after talking about the matter, she returned to the Sun Church with the red rose. There is a strange fog in the city, and the church has not figured out the cause, so a combat force like Iluna must be on standby and ready to go at any time.

After Shade said goodbye to Iluna, he walked towards the Dawn Church in the city center. Fortunately, as it was approaching noon, the rising sun caused the thick fog to dissipate, and empty carriages could finally be found on the street. Otherwise, Shade probably wouldn't be able to reach the Dawn Church before one o'clock in the afternoon.

As agreed, Priest August waited for Shade at the corner of Oak Street. After the two met, they went to have lunch first, during which Shade told the priest that the Witch Council had strengthened the mountainside seal.

Although the priest didn't know what involvement Shad had with the Witch Council, he was very satisfied with this matter:

"So far, everything has gone very smoothly. I think the incident at Fort Midhill will definitely come to a perfect conclusion."

Although everyone hopes so, in the eyes of outsiders, it seems a bit unlucky to say such words before the matter is over.

The task of Shade and Priest Augustus this afternoon was to determine the location of the remaining two "nails." Since the church had already launched operations in the north of the city, they searched from the south.

Priest August claimed to be able to roughly sense the target's location. Shade originally thought that he only needed to stand on a high place and close his eyes to get information from the wind. But the old priest laughed at Shade for being too naive. Ring magicians also have to follow basic rules in mysticism.

The search for the resurrected person relied on a pitch-black feather. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like the priest had plucked it from his own wing.

"No, don't think about it. This is my thaumaturgy. The essence of this feather is similar to your moonlight sword."

The priest explained as if he knew what Shade was thinking, and then on the street shrouded in white mist, he put the feathers in his two palms and held them up to his face.

Taking a sharp breath and blowing, the feathers quickly flew towards the sky as if blown by the strong wind.

"that's it."

The priest let out a long breath and motioned for Shade to find a carriage with him:

"The original characteristic of Thaumaturgy [Search for the Dead] is to accurately detect undead creatures, but because of my talent, the effect of Thaumaturgy has been changed to search for any creature that can be defined as 'dead' in a wide range. Of course, you need to know their identity The main features will do.”

That jet-black feather will hover and float over the target area. Today's weather is just right for using this thaumaturgy without being discovered.

The priest can sense the approximate location of the feather, so the two only need to get the carriage to the corresponding location. As for the rest, it's all Shade needs to do.

With great luck, after the feather floated for twenty minutes, it actually found its target in the south of the city. The priests Shade and Augustus who arrived later discovered that the area nearby was the relatively prosperous core neighborhood of Nancheng District.

Priest Augustus roughly delineated the area on the map, and then Shade and the priest walked on foot to search in the fog. At three o'clock in the afternoon, when the two turned from the intersection of Elm Street to Annabell Street, Shade finally felt a burning sensation in his right shoulder:

"It's around here."

The two quickened their pace, and when they arrived outside a large house belonging to a local noble in the middle of Annabell Street, the red butterfly mark on their shoulders finally left the skin impatiently, and flapped its wings in front of Shade, as if wanting to. To lure him into the house:

"right here!"

Shade stopped, and Priest August glanced at the red butterfly in confusion, and then looked at the noble house in the fog.

The house is surrounded by a high wall, and the courtyard floor is at least half a person lower than the road. Only the middle part of the second floor of the mansion above can be seen in the courtyard. Judging from the decoration, the owner of the mansion is a down-and-out noble, which is very common in big cities of this era.

The reason for the desolation is that the decoration of the house is very old, and the big nobles can tell from the decoration on the fence gate. Lecia would also tell Shade some common sense about the nobility in her classes every Saturday, so Shade also understood these things.

Of course, this was not enough for Shad and Priest August to know whose house it was. But after a little asking around, I found out that this mansion belonged to Earl Darak of Campbell.

"It's him?"

Returning to the door of the mansion, Shade looked surprised.

"Detective, do you know him?"

"Yes, I met at the Zoroastrian Festival party. At that time, the earl wanted to invite one of my female companions to dance, and then proposed to bet me with Rhodes cards, and then..."

He shrugged, and the results spoke for themselves.

"Do you know this person?"

The priest asked again, and Shade nodded and recalled:

"He was dressed very fancy at the time, with a red formal suit decorated with fancy medals, and a flower in his reddish-brown hair. He wore a pair of dark red trousers on his lower body, and a pair of white stockings on his legs. The socks wrapped his long The trousers reach to the knees. Oh, I don't appreciate this style of dressing. This count is probably about the same height as me, but slightly thinner than me. It is said that he is recovering from a serious illness."

Having said this, Shade realized something:

"Could it be that the so-called recovery from a serious illness simply means that he died of illness? It's just that after he came back from the dead, people and the count himself thought that he was cured. Speaking of which, when I saw him at the Fire Worship Festival party, I felt this Something is wrong with people, but I can’t tell what is wrong. (Chapter 693)”

"It sounds like a typical declining noble. I've seen many of them in Tobesk. As for whether we are looking for him or a servant in the house, we will know once we go in and take a look."

As he spoke, the priest wanted to ring the bell at the door, but Shade stretched out his hand to stop him:

"What's the reason for our visit? Although I have the [Night Watch], we can't say we're here to sell antiques, right?"

Shade shook the long sword wrapped in gray cloth in his hand.

He smeared on the witch's eyeshadow to disguise himself. Priest August also had his own magic potion that he could use. He didn't worry about his identity being revealed, but he needed a reason to visit.

The old priest gave the answer very experiencedly:

"Isn't he a Rhodes player? You claim to be a Rhodes player from out of town, and you want to gamble with the earl. You should have special cards in your hand that you haven't used when you were a player in the big city, right?"

"Of course. [Legend of the Brave: Bard Fletcher] can be used."

Shade waved his hand, and the cards flew out of his pocket automatically, floating between the two of them.

This was won from a young poet who traveled to the Old World in the tavern of the Traveler Camp on the Windy Trail. In addition to the self-proclaimed "demonologist" Mr. Sean Asmon, Sister Devlin and the vampire Armand ·No one except Bernhard knew that this card was in Shade's hand. As for the Queen's suit [History of the New World: Pioneering Wind], which was also obtained in Midburg, it is not convenient to take out because it is related to Miss Aurora.

"Show this card, maybe the butler will let us in."

"What if you don't let it go?"

Shade asked, and the priest shook his head again:

"Detective, look around."

"What's going on around here?"

Shade was puzzled, and the old priest said meaningfully:

"It's foggy weather now. It's normal for anything to happen in this kind of weather."

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