Whispering Verse

Chapter 803 Echoes of Blood Thorns

Sister Devlin's Chosen Ceremony even caused a small earthquake that spread from the narrow room to the real world, but compared with other things tonight, this earthquake was not worth mentioning at all.

In the real Fort Midhill, Cassandra Auction House, Miss Rita Swift, the witch's apprentice, is organizing people to repair the walls that were broken due to the battle just now and seal the holes where the white mist pours in.

Although she heard strange noises outside, noticed that the undead wandering on the street suddenly stopped moving, and even saw the strange golden luster in the sky, she didn't pay attention.

Twenty minutes after the Chosen Ceremony was completed, a figure appeared outside Cassandra's Auction House. With a rapid knock on the door, Miss Rita Swift, who was temporarily in charge of all affairs of the auction house, discovered that it was Shad outside the door.

"I just ran down the hill, Miss Swift, open the door!"

"Sorry, I need to confirm your identity first, please."

Before she could ask the question, Shade opened the door with the [Door Key] and rushed in.

He was sweating profusely and panting. The current situation at home is extremely bad. The white mist spreading on the third floor is almost spreading to the downstairs. The witch is urgently blocking the breath of death, and the out-of-control [Traveler's Travel Door], even if it is blocked by the "space stabilizing halo" Even though he was temporarily suppressed, he was still restless and unable to move to the statue of the ancient god in the basement to suppress him.

But even so, after leaving Joy Barton and Marilyn Handel in St. Teresa Square for interrogation by the curious witch, he immediately said goodbye to Luvia, who had already observed signs of the star whale, and left home again. The basement rushed towards Fort Midhill and headed straight here as fast as possible.

Without the night watchman, he would not be able to deal with the evil spirits that spilled out of reality so quickly; there was no divinity in his body, and even though the afterglow state continued, the feeling of emptiness that drove him crazy still made Shade mentally exhausted.

Fortunately, the power fluctuations of the Chosen Ritual made the restless undead dare not take any action, so he was able to come so quickly. After entering the door, no matter how bad his physical and mental state was, he asked with a trembling voice:

"Where are Grace and Helen?"

Miss Swift, who was closing the door, lowered her head slightly, and then Shade noticed that the entire auction hall on the first floor was almost in ruins.

This is the headquarters of the Cassandra Auction House chain, which is famous throughout the Old World. Its fine decoration is even more luxurious than some noble manors. But now there are claw marks and explosion marks everywhere, and even the floor and ceiling are no longer complete, with several large holes that can be jumped into the basement and second floor.

The smell of gunpowder smoke and dust has dissipated, but one can still imagine how fierce a battle broke out here not long ago.

Mother-in-law Cassandra took the main followers into the narrow room, and now everyone left behind is trying their best to repair the building, at least to ensure that the white mist will no longer flow in.

"I'm still late. The vampire has left?"

"How did you know that about an hour ago, two high-level vampires and one middle-level vampire came here to take away the teachers who could not leave yet. The battle was fierce, and in the end it was the teachers who appeared to stop them. After the battle, he left with the two high-level vampires."

"Grace and Helen left?"

Shade breathed heavily.

"However, the vampire in the middle ring was seriously injured, so they kept him. They said that after this incident was over, they would spend money to redeem him. Moreover, we seized a sage-level relic [Blood Thorn Scepter] 】.”

"Where is the vampire in Central?"

Shade asked eagerly.

"In the basement."

As expected, the captured guy was Mr. Armand Bernhardt, an acquaintance of Shade who came to Fort Midhill with his nephew. He was locked in the relic collection room in the basement.

This gentleman himself is a distant relative of the Kasenlik royal family, and he has thoroughly implemented the words elegance and elegance in his several appearances. But this time, he looked extremely embarrassed.

Lying on the bed against the wall, his face was as pale as a piece of paper, and his clothes were covered in blood. Miss Swift did not kill him, but she obviously only gave him the most basic treatment:

"This is such an ungrateful person. Apparently my mother-in-law introduced him and bought good things from another witch."

Miss Swift, who brought Shade to the basement, said dissatisfiedly, and Mr. Bernhardt, who heard the sound, also tried hard to get up from the bed:

"Look, it's Mr. Hamilton."

He wanted to smile, but he couldn't because he was too injured.


Shade asked in a low voice.

"I don't know either. I am only responsible for bringing the vampire prince here disguised as my nephew. I don't know the specific location."

Mr. Bernhardt answered diligently.


"At midnight, the blood moon crosses the sky."

It's twenty-three past eleven, only half an hour left.

"Mr. Hamilton, actually you don't have to worry. Nothing we do will harm the city or anyone. We will compensate for the losses caused to Cassandra Auction House. Why don't you sit down and talk to I will wait for midnight together to witness the bloody curtain."

"Shut up."

Miss Swift said in a gloomy voice. Granny Cassandra temporarily handed over the auction house to her, but she made such a big omission. Even if her opponent was too strong, it was still her dereliction of duty.

"The Blood Thorn Scepter is here. Can what you want to do really succeed?"

Shade asked another middle-circle sorceress standing at the door to bring the scepter that was temporarily contained in another room in the basement.

The Blood Thorn Scepter is a black wooden scepter with a ruby ​​embedded at the top, and the entire scepter is entangled with a bloody thorn. One end of the thorn seems to be growing out of the ruby, and the other end is wrapped around the end of the scepter.

The surface of the black wood is polished smooth, but if you look at it against the light, you can see the raised letters that are difficult to see——

[When thorns enter my body, blood accompanies me. 】

It must be grasped very carefully to ensure that the hands are not injured by the thorns. This is a genuine sage-level relic, and it is also a weapon-type relic.

"It doesn't matter. We collected nine relics, but only seven of them are enough."

Armand Bernhard said that he had no intention of hiding anything, but Shade only knew about five of them.

"Mr. Hamilton, you saved me in the Sin Mansion. I want to advise you. Don't chase me. It's okay if you can't catch me. If you catch me, you really won't be able to come back."

The seriously injured vampire looked at Shade, the whites of his eyes were very bloodshot.

Although this man brought the little boy to Middleburg, Shade had no ill feelings towards Mr. Bernhardt. Armand Bernhard was just following orders, and at this time he was willing to provide all the information he knew:

"They are important to me and I have to get them back."

"Wait!" Gu Bai

The weak Mr. Bernhardt wondered:

"What we are discussing is the angel-level relic [Red Butterfly Twins]."

"Yes, they are important to me."

Shade nodded, and then saw an expression of awe on the face of this middle-aged vampire.

With Miss Swift's consent, Shade gave Mr. Bernhardt a small glass of water that had been treated with [Satiating Food]. After he drank slowly, he sat beside the narrow bed against the wall that looked like a prison and asked:

"I have to catch up. Do you really have no other clues?"

"I'm just in Central. It's convenient for me to bring the prince here because of my noble status. But it must be on the mountain. I don't know the specific location. Sorry, I can't help you. Stop chasing me. This is really for your own good. .”

He still took the trouble to persuade.

Shade was silent for a moment, and out of the corner of his eye he saw the scepter held carefully by Miss Swift:

"The function of this scepter is to enhance the extraordinary power related to blood. How strong is this enhancement?"

"Very strong. If it is a power related to my lord, then it will be even stronger."

Mr. Bernhardt said, seeing that Shade took the initiative to take the relic, he also introduced how to use it:

"Recite the incantation 'Blood thorns penetrate my body, and the road of blood opens now', and the blood thorns will pierce the back of your hand. You cannot use common language, you must use Columba secret language. I don't like to use this kind of scepter. As weapons, I prefer the two alchemical pistols I made myself.”

The so-called "Columba secret language" is the aristocratic language used in the territory ruled by vampires in the Fourth Age, the so-called Dark Age. The vampire race is not as powerful as the elves, and there is no language named after the race. Therefore, the "Columba" secret language during the prosperity of the vampire race in the ancient times has become the secret language of the upper class of the Sixth Age race. It is a quite ancient language.

This is not even studied in the compulsory courses at St. Byrons, it is optional. Although Shade is proficient in writing, he must see the writing before he can read it. It is impossible to know the pronunciation of the corresponding cipher text just by knowing the translation of the universal text.

He hesitated for a moment:

"Columba secret language, does it have a strong relationship with your race?"

Shade asked again. Mr. Bernhard thought about it for a moment, but unexpectedly the witch's apprentice spoke:

"This is a very important language for vampires. At least a quarter of the ancient documents and thaumaturgy and spell scrolls of contemporary vampires are written in this language. This is almost equivalent to a racial language."

"Is such that."

Mr. Bernhardt nodded slightly and drank the water. Although he was still seriously injured, his face looked better.

"I see."

Shade put his hand into his pocket and took out the two green leaves he obtained after completing the key to Fifth Epoch 3024.

These two leaves of youth, one represents [knowledge - original sin thaumaturgy], and the other represents [a piece of true information - vampire]. Because there were no labels on the leaves, Shade could only put the one on the left in front of him first.

As the golden lines displayed by the leaf veins gradually penetrated into his eyes, Shade frowned slightly. This piece is the magic of original sin, which includes the method of adding the [Laziness] spirit rune to the [Chain of Sin], but it is of no use to him now.

"This is it."

The second green leaf was also placed in front of his right eye. As a huge amount of knowledge and information poured into his mind, Shade found the information he wanted:

"Sure enough, there is."

He took the scepter from Miss Swift's hand, and under the gaze of Mr. Armand Bernhardt and the witch's apprentice, he softly spoke with his lungs and supplemented his nasal cavity by chanting:

"Blood thorns penetrate my body, and the road of blood opens now."

The knowledge of the elven race allowed Shade to have a rough grasp of the elven language, and the knowledge of vampires indeed also included the content of "Columba secret language".

As Shade finished speaking, the bloody thorns on the scepter squirmed, climbed up to Shade's wrist and wrapped tightly around it. They did not penetrate the skin, but Shade clearly felt the pain all over his skin.

“That’ll be no problem”

"Mr. Hamilton, do you really want to go up the mountain?"

Mr. Bernhard also wanted to persuade Schad to stay:

"I can't tell you what will happen on the mountain, but don't go there. I can guarantee with my soul that what happens next will never harm Fort Midhill!"

But Shade shook his head and left with Miss Swift.

The two entered the deepest part of the basement, the room where Helen and Grace once lived. The twins have left, the curtains next to the huge four-poster bed have been lifted, and the clothes on the ground have disappeared, but the concentration of whispering elements is still extraordinary.

"Mr. Hamilton, how are you going to find them?"

Miss Swift asked softly.

"I have a magical skill. I can drop anyone's blood into my eyes and see all the movements of the owner of the blood in a day."

"But do you have the blood of teachers who don't have teachers here?"

"No, me neither."

Shade shook his head, holding the scepter and looking at the huge bed:

"But I once dripped their blood into my eyes. That was in the last era."

He paused:

"To be more precise, it was two months ago (Chapter 568)."

The Blood Thorn Scepter enhanced [Echo of Blood], and Shade, who was supposed to only be able to see traces of blood within a day, spanned a longer period of time and touched the power of blood. A clear red halo, representing two people, appeared on the bed.

The red halo figures overlap, showing that Grace and Helen have stayed here for a long time. When they left the bed, the tall, god-like figure had returned to the size of a normal human woman:

"Miss Swift, then I'm going."

He stared at the two red halos, knowing exactly what the vampire god wanted to do. The ten stories of wine-making simply reminded him of His true purpose.

In order for Lesia and Dorothy to be helped, and for the two innocent souls not to be sacrificed, he was able to help them at the God's Wine Party in the last era. This time, he can still help them.

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