Whispering Verse

Chapter 804 The meaning of good deeds

"Sir, what happens on the mountain?"

Although neither Bernhardt nor Shade said that word in the conversation just now, the keen girl still noticed something. Seeing that Shade was really leaving, Miss Swift asked timidly.

"no need to worry."

The stranger patted the young witch with flaxen hair on the shoulder:

"Guard this place. When I ran all the way here, the situation outside was getting worse. I think the decisive battle is about to break out. Now you are the top person in charge here."

He smiled and was about to leave, but Miss Swift grabbed his sleeve:

"Just like the vampire said, do you have to go up the mountain? The road up the mountain is difficult. Souls from all eras have appeared, and Hazama is releasing them in front of us into our world, whether those souls are willing or not."

"I must go."

Shade put his hands behind his back and patted the fishing rod that he had carried all the way:

"I must go."

"Then please don't miss me. Missing you will draw the soul related to you to reality and create more enemies for you. Good luck."

When we crossed the city again and headed to the entrance of Sikal Mountain, there were actually a lot less undead on the streets than before, but the whispering elements in the thick white mist were stronger.

Explosions and roars from unknown sources came from every corner of the city. The light above the five churches in the city was radiating increasingly powerfully to the entire area.

The ritual of the "Holy Tree Scar" is almost completed. In the cities that have been transformed into sanctuaries, evil spirits are being quickly expelled. However, this also means that in mountainous areas where civilization is sparse, the battle will become more intense.

The "Scar of the Holy Tree" ritual needs to expel all evil spirits in reality before it can be truly completed, so the battle at this moment should be a decisive battle.

Following the red halo, he came from the city to the foot of the mountain without encountering almost any obstacles. But when he got closer to the mountain forest, the densely packed souls wandering in the thick white mist were almost as big as the ones he encountered in the narrow room. to the situation.

There are also traces of rituals on the ground in the mountainous area, but not every inch of the land has the light of divine magic. From time to time there would be bursts of spiritual light, appearing higher up in the mountainous area, and abnormal golden thunder would flash from time to time in the sky above our heads.

Even with the blessing of the Witch Emperor, Shade inevitably encountered a fierce battle after going up the mountain.

Without divinity in his soul, the emptiness made him in a very bad mental state. Without the Night Watchman in his hand, he could not even use daylight rays to perform range attacks.

Although he didn't fall into the undead tide, more time was wasted with every step forward. Holding two moonlight swords, the light of the silver moon accompanied Shade's every step, but the undead that rushed out of the dense forest seemed to have no end at all.

Fortunately, as the silvery white light erupted above the mountain top, the shadow of a giant red rose bloomed in the sky.

A huge brass thirteen-ring life ring appeared in the sky above the rose shadow. Later, as countless bright red petals drifted towards the mountainous area, the dense fog in the mountainous area actually became much lighter.

Even when Shade touched those petals, he discovered that they were entities. According to "her" tips, eating these petals can restore the consumed spirit and even heal injuries:

"The thirteen-ring warlock who stayed behind in reality is the principal, Mr. Andre Pigman. Sure enough, he will definitely take action at this time."

Shade looked in awe at the huge roses blooming in the sky. He remembered Granny Cassandra saying that Professor Pigman came to support Fort Midhill with a level 0 relic. The three thirteen rings of the church are all in the narrow room, and only the rector of St. Byrons is in reality:

"Thirteen rings combined with level 0 relics are really powerful."

These falling roses soon covered the ground. The white mist dissipated slightly, allowing most of the ferocious undead to hide in the mountain forests covered by trees, and the pressure to move forward suddenly became much smaller.

But this situation did not last long, and the out-of-control Hazama soon gained the upper hand again. As the roses in the sky disappeared, the white mist surged out again, and Shade had to face dense enemies again:

"No, if this continues, by the time I catch up with them, it will be too late!"

Just as he was thinking in his mind, a sudden gunshot came from the side of the mountain road, and a familiar figure emerged from the forest.

Wearing the uniform of the Royal Delrayon Army and holding a pistol in his hand, this is a corporal. It was the young corporal who died in front of Shade when he first entered the narrow space and asked him to deliver the relics to the Red Water Camp. (Chapter 600)

The vigorous soul sprang out from the forest, and the transparent bullets sprayed from the weapon in his hand quickly attracted the enemies standing in front of Sha De:

"Sir, I'll lure them away for you, hurry up! Thank you!"

Without even giving Shade time to thank him, the corporal led the enemies and disappeared into the forest.

Shade pursed his lips and looked at the dense forest, and continued to move towards the mountain.

As we get deeper and deeper into Mount Sikal, the presence of church ring warlocks can be detected in the surrounding area. The appearance of the rose gave them a chance to rest and adjust, but the battle was still extremely fierce. There were even figures flying over from high in the sky from time to time, and it was unknown whether they were high-level warlocks from the church or other organizations.

After Professor Pigman used the level 0 relic, he did not take action again. Instead, soon after, the traces of magical rituals on the mountainous ground became brighter, and the aura and dense fog intertwined, as if he was conducting a final test.

Not only the church ring warlock, Shade also heard the intensive and violent gunshots. The Delarian Royal Army cooperated with the church to blockade the mountain forest, and at this time they should also have been attacked by the undead. Bullets will have no effect on spirits, but there are not only spirits in the mountains, but physical enemies such as ghouls and inferi are their opponents.

Grace and Helen's red halo first went up the road, but then turned into the dense forest. When Shade entered the forest, vines shot out from the surrounding trees and wrapped around his legs. Shade noticed in the darkness that the surrounding trees were not trees, but rare undead creatures - tree demons.

He swung his sword to cut off the vines at his feet, but more vines shot out from all directions.

"Silver Moon!"

The burst of moonlight temporarily drove away the dead vines, but before Shade could leave, the vines came back again:

"This place has become a tree demon forest. No, I can't waste too much time here."

Suddenly the sound of wind passed by my ears, and a transparent black thing flew out from beside me. After landing in the woods, it immediately caused a violent explosion. Shade turned around in surprise and saw Professor Higgins (654), an agent of the Kasenlik Kingdom who was buried by him in the Sikal Mountain. glutinous rice

The spirit of the linguistics professor wearing glasses, holding a steam bomb obtained from nowhere, quickly threw it towards the tree demons, and at the same time shouted:

"Grey-headed Eagle, let's go!"

Professor Higgins' soul was sent directly to death by Shade at that time and should not appear here. At this time, it seems that it is not a soul, but more like some kind of obsession, just like those shadows that attract living people to dream into the narrow room.

"But Professor."

"Go quickly! Remember, eternal loyalty!"

Professor Higgins' "soul" entangled the tree demons, and Shade was able to escape from the tree demon forest and continue to move deeper into the jungle.

The red halo did not go up the mountain, but lingered on the mountainside. At the same time, Shade keenly noticed that the white fog in the mountains was actually gathering over Fort Midhill below the mountain, and gradually formed a huge fog cocoon over the city, which seemed to be pregnant with something. .

White and silver light pierced the sky, and the principal of St. Byrons flew towards the giant cocoon of white mist, but it had nothing to do with Shade for the time being.

There were lush trees in the forest, and Shade jumped among the branches in order to make time. But soon I discovered that there were traces of blood in the thick white mist. As the blood mist penetrated the white mist, the traces followed by [Echo of Blood] actually became intermittent.

Although it did not disappear completely, it was enough to make Shade lose his direction in the thick fog at night:

"Damn, that ritual is affecting the power of blood."

The Sikal Mountains are so large that it is almost impossible to find a lost target in the middle of the night.

But at this moment, a young lady wearing a robe from the Middleburg Mechanical College slowly walked out of the fog. The transparent spirit looked at Shade, and then pointed to the southeast.

Shade was stunned:

"You were killed by the serial murderer Henry Val (Chapter 629)"

He thanked her hurriedly and entered the fog again. Following the direction indicated by the soul, I saw traces of the echo of blood again. Keep moving forward, and every time Shade loses his way, a new female soul will step out and continue to guide him.

Their images are close to those of evil spirits, with their chests and abdomen cut open to reveal their transparent internal organs, but their expressions remain soft.

Although Shade didn't know them, he guessed that they were all innocent people murdered by Henry Val. At this moment, he was released from the narrow room and returned to the world of the living again.

Shade has done many things at Middlesbrough this autumn, but never imagined that he would also be helped by those who are no longer with him.

Continue to track Grace and Helen, but the direction turns down the mountain:

"Is this going in circles?"

He followed him down the mountain in the forest, and then realized that the location at this time seemed familiar. All the ghosts of the victims have appeared, and no one will come to guide them, but Shade has already guessed the destination.

But before he could think about it, there was a heavy sound in the dense forest ahead, and with the ground shaking slightly, the undead soul of the heavily armored headless knight actually walked out of the forest.

This is a member of the sage-level relic [Headless Knights] who attacked the narrow church. At this time, his body was wrapped in bloody thorns, as if he was controlled by the thicker blood mist:

"The vampires are really well prepared and even used the undead. But I don't have time to tangle with them now."

He deliberately wanted to avoid it, but the undead knight was already chasing him. Relying on the characteristics of the spirit body, the opponent ignored the trees and charged. He raised the sword in his hand and slashed at Shade's head——


But it wasn't Shade's sword that blocked the attack. A familiar figure jumped out of the forest, holding a stabbing sword to block the knight in advance, and then took the initiative to entangle with him.

It was a thin, middle-aged man, wearing a black formal suit with a ridiculous red flower in his ear. It was Count Darak of Candela, the third nail who had dueled with Shade in the fog:

"Mr. Hamilton, go away quickly, I'll catch him!"

Although the body is still thin, the spirit is so healthy.


"Get out of here quickly, Hazama is giving birth to the final undead aggregation, and even you can't defeat it. Go quickly and find the Zhengshen Church!"

As he spoke, the count and the headless knight walked and fought, and soon disappeared into the white and blood-colored mist.

The giant white cocoon above Fort Midhill was trembling, and Hazama's last power was about to appear; although the blood mist that appeared due to the vampire ritual did not spread, the blood color became thicker.

Shade looked at Count Darak's leaving figure and was speechless for a moment.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the sky. Looking up, a battle broke out between the unknown undead that looked like flying birds and the ring warlocks who used divine magic, and flew further away. Just a piece of dark metal fell down, igniting the forest at night.

In the fog, in the fire, in the smoke of gunpowder, the voice rang in my ears:

[You are not the only good person. Foreigners, don’t think this world is so bad. 】

"She" is chuckling:

[In this era, you have left deep memories for many people who have left. It was not fate that they happened to meet you again tonight. Originally, only the living could enter the narrow space when they missed the dead; now, the dead remember the living, so they appear in reality and around you. 】

The stranger remained silent and continued walking into the thickening blood mist.

[Kind deeds may not always be meaningful, but at least they have meaning now, right? 】

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