White Dragon Lord

Chapter 270 Silver Heaven

The white dragon lord waited until noon, and finally received a notification from Taring that the purchaser sent by the council to the star realm had returned.

It didn't take long for the magic servant to deliver the magic materials ordered by the White Dragon Lord. Looking at the three materials on the table, the White Dragon Lord frowned.

The three black grasses that were about to drip ink were kept in the magic device, and the grass blades were also covered with gray and white unknown lines. This was a place with high negative energy concentration, and it was possible to grow a rare magical plant - Weeping Soul Grass.

Two flowers with seven petals of different colors, the flowers exude a refreshing fragrance, this is the exquisite flower produced by the emerald night in the Seventh Heaven Mountain.

A handful of brown soil full of life breath, this is the soil of life that the white dragon lord has collected.

Soul Weeping Grass, Linglong Flower, and the soil of life are all there, but there is no blood of the Heavenly Crocodile Dragon.

It seems that the luck is not good, and there is no spot for the blood of the crocodile dragon in the astral world.

The white dragon lord frowned, and then slowly stretched out. The blood of the celestial crocodile dragon is the material of the creature. As long as you know where this creature lives, with the strength of the white dragon lord, it is not difficult to hunt one.

"Taling No. 1, I want all the information on the Celestial Crocodile Dragon."

"Heavenly Crocodile Dragon: Absolutely neutral creature, dual attributes of water and light, social creatures, their group lives in the silver paradise in the Seventh Heaven Mountain - Starlight Swamp in the west of Lunia, the adult creature level of the Celestial Crocodile is 18, Among them, the outstanding individuals can reach the legendary level, the weaker supernatural beings, Ms. Muhe - Niamona likes these simple-minded beasts very much."

Silver Paradise is the first layer of the Seventh Heaven Mountain, where it is always in the dark night, but it is not a terrifying night, but a night full of stars, and 90% of the entire plane is soaked in water.

Silver Heaven is not the problem, neither is the water.

But the Celestial Crocodile Dragon was actually related to the god, and the white dragon lord felt a little overwhelmed, and he recalled the information of the god in his mind.

"Ms. Shepherd River - Niamona, weak divine power, lawful and kind, her priesthood is a stream, a river, also known as a river lady, according to her priesthood, she should be of the sea god faction, but this goddess is inherently kind, Unwilling to join the chaotic and evil sea goddess camp, she turned to the goddess of agriculture and established the kingdom of gods in the silver paradise - Lunia."

"This goddess is not good at fighting, plus she is a half-way monk, she has always been a marginal member of the agricultural gods, but because the position of the kingdom of God is very close to the justice gods,

This goddess is very diplomatic, so she is very popular in the justice pantheon and maintains a good relationship with the existence of many justice pantheons. "

The white dragon lord frowned. No matter whether this goddess is good at fighting or not, she is a genuine weak-level god of divine power.

Therefore, the white dragon lord feels a lot of headache, but the name of the god is not enough to frighten the white dragon lord. !

The materials for the Advanced Bloodline Advancement Ceremony are only the last one. The White Dragon Lord will not give up if he says anything. He decided to go to Heavenly Mountain for a field investigation.

After making up his mind, the white dragon lord got up and walked towards the interplanetary teleportation room.

"Taling No. 1, I'm going to Silver Paradise - Starlight Swamp in the west of Lunia, and call up the city information closest to the destination."

"You have a third-level authority, and the authority is passed. Talling One recommends that you go to Willis City. Willis City is located in the middle of Lunia. The owner of the city is the night watcher - Thomas."

The white dragon lord raised his brows. Thomas the night watcher was also a god of weak power, but he was a god of justice, and most of the existences of the god of justice were super capable. After all, if there is no power, how can we maintain justice? .

Night Watcher-Thomas, the image of this god is a hunched old man with buck teeth. He looks extremely ferocious, but in fact his face is disgusting and kind. He is dressed in sackcloth, and the lamp in his hand illuminates the darkness. The long sword fights evil, and he is affectionately called the old man who guards the night by ordinary people.

For ordinary people without power, the world is full of dangers, especially at night. The beasts that sneak into the villages in the middle of the night, the goblins that attack collectively at night are all monsters that may kill people, not to mention the gnolls and other more powerful monster.

Therefore, most villages and small towns have the position of night watchman. Their living habits are completely opposite to that of ordinary people. They rest during the day and patrol in the dark with an oil lamp at night, which is equivalent to the police patrolling at night.

In the event of an accident, the first person in danger is often the night watchman, so most night watchers have two brushes, and their dedication and strength make them respected by ordinary people.

Due to the characteristics of his occupation, the night watchman cannot hold any sand in his eyes. The night watchman, Thomas, is known for his hatred of evil. Once he finds that evil people enter his territory, the best result is to be expelled.

After a little thought in his mind, the White Dragon Lord gradually relaxed. He went to Willis City for no trouble, and although the White Dragon Lord is not a good dragon who is eager for justice and justice, he is not an evil dragon who kills innocent people indiscriminately. It is also impossible for the night watchers of the good camp to deal directly with the white dragon lord.

After thinking about it, Lord White Dragon stood on the interplanetary teleportation platform and entered the coordinates provided by Taring No. 1.


Silver Paradise - Central Lunia, Willis City.

A tall, young-looking warrior stood beside a huge teleportation platform. He held an ancient oil lamp in his left hand, his right hand was empty, and a long sword hung from his waist.

If someone carefully observes this warrior, they will find that his body is slightly transparent, and there is a faint halo, which looks a little unreal, like a ghost.

Of course, in the gathering place of the lawful and good gods on the Seventh Heaven Mountain, it is impossible for a ghost, a negative energy undead creature, to appear. This warrior is a god attendant, and the god attendant is transformed from the soul of the believer. , has no entity, and is an energy creature similar to elemental creatures.

Willis City is the holy city of the Night Watchers—Thomas, and this soldier carries an oil lamp and hangs a long sword on his waist. His identity is self-evident. He is the God Attendant of the Night Watchers. His name is Bird, and his Friends call him Old Bird.

Servant of God - Old Bird was originally an adventurer, he returned to his hometown after his old age and frailty - a quiet and nameless town, and became the night watchman of his hometown. After becoming a night watchman, he and most night watchmen Like people, an old man who believes in guarding the night, he unfortunately died in a fight against villains.

His body remained on the material plane and became the nourishment of the earth, while his soul came to the kingdom of Thomas.

After Old Bird was transformed into a petitioner, his body returned to his youthful appearance. The feeling of strength in his body made Old Bird's originally calm heart, and the idea of ​​adventure arises again, so he is not like most petitioners. , to stay in the kingdom of God and enjoy the peace, and he continued to fight for Thomas to destroy the evil.

A thousand years have passed, Old Bird has accumulated a lot of merits, was promoted by Thomas as a god servant, and obtained the coveted legendary level of power, and the god servant has tens of thousands of years longer lifespan than the petitioner.

After becoming a servant of God, Old Bird was assigned to the Holy City - Willis to guard the interplanetary teleportation platform. It is better to say that he is guarding, rather than maintaining order, giving directions to the guests who come to Willis City for the first time, and Boss, the cost of a large interplanetary teleportation platform is high, but it is not free.

As for the troublesome evildoers, no one dares to make trouble at the door of a god, and this god's fighting power is outstanding, and the background is terrifying. The main god of the god of justice is the famous justice and God of Light.

Moreover, Willis City is Thomas' holy city, and the so-called holy city is the city where the entrance to the kingdom of God is located.

The kingdom of the gods is equivalent to a plane, and the kingdom of God generally relies on super-large planes, just like a small bubble, sticking to a big bubble.

Since it is sticky, there is a link point, and this connection point is the entrance and exit of the kingdom of God, and it is also the most vulnerable place in the kingdom of God. Banished into the void, the gods were in a hurry again.

Therefore, the gods often cast a majestic city around the connection point of the kingdom of God as a defense line. This city is called the holy city, the evil scale fortress of Tiamat, and the North Wind Temple of the Platinum Dragon God. .

Near the link point of the Kingdom of God, the gods can replenish energy from the Kingdom of God at any time, which is equivalent to a wizard with the blessing of the Mage Tower, and can challenge by leapfrogging. Therefore, the security of the Kingdom of God is still very high.

Only those evil gods who are weak, have no background or have too many enemies will hide the position of the kingdom of God.

The location of the divine kingdom of the gods of the vast majority of good camps is known, and they are often clustered together.

This is the benefit of the good camp. The existence of the same good camp will generally not have irreconcilable contradictions.

And if the gods of the evil camp bully the weak and attack the kingdom of the gods of the good camp, a large group of good neighbors who like to fight injustice will not sit idly by.

Ms. Muhe, who is not good at fighting, Niamona built the kingdom of God on Paradise Mountain and embraced the golden thighs of the god of justice. It was undoubtedly the right choice.

After all, the gods of justice have high combat power and like to fight injustice. This is the case with gods, and so are their believers and servants.

Therefore, when Old Bird saw an evil five-colored dragon, the white dragon, appearing on the transmission platform, he immediately drew his sword, stared at the white dragon lord with alertness, and shouted.

"Stop! Don't move!"

The White Dragon Lord, who had just arrived in the Silver Paradise, saw the malicious look of the god attendant, and he was depressed and very annoyed.

"You said you can't move if you're not allowed to move?! The people behind don't need to use the teleportation platform?! As a teleporter guard, you don't fulfill the duty of smoothing the teleportation platform. Are you worthy of His Majesty Thomas' trust in you?! Are you going to betray His Majesty Thomas?! You traitor!!!"

Old Bird was stunned by the white dragon. I stopped a five-colored dragon. How could I become a traitor who betrayed His Majesty Thomas? !

The people passing by were also stunned.

When Old Bird was stunned, Lord White Dragon stepped off the teleportation platform, ignoring the mentally retarded servant.

When Old Bird saw the white dragon lord walking further and further, he suddenly woke up and quickly chased after him. If this white dragon made trouble in Willis City, he would be guilty.

"You stop for me!!!"

Lord Bailong looked back and saw the god attendant who was chasing after him, and felt very helpless. It was really inconvenient for Bailong to walk in Paradise Mountain in his skin.

"Faction detection!"

The white dragon lord put a faction test on himself, and white light appeared on its head, and there was a touch of gold in the white light.

This shows that the White Dragon Lord is a lawful neutral camp, and even slightly favors goodness.

This is not surprising. The white dragon lord was originally a lawful neutral camp, but it established order in the overseas islands, encouraged production, and allowed hundreds of millions of monsters to live a good life, so the camp was biased a little bit toward the good camp.

"What's the matter with you?!"

The white dragon lord asked knowingly, and when Old Bird saw the spirit of the camp on the head of the white dragon, his face was constipated. It turned out to be a strange and lawful neutral white dragon.

Since it is not an evil alignment, it is no problem to walk in the city of Willis, which is a lawful good alignment.

"Cough cough cough."

Old Bird pretended to cough to hide his embarrassment.


Passers-by let out good-natured laughter, and everyone knew what happened. Old Bird, who was conscientious, saw an evil five-colored dragon appearing on the transmission platform, so he drew his sword and stood guard.

But obviously, Bai Long was very dissatisfied with Old Bird's impulsive behavior.

The whole incident was a misunderstanding in the final analysis. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, everyone no longer stood and watched, and went their separate ways. Old Bird also walked back with a depressed expression.


The voice of the white dragon lord came from behind, and Old Bird turned around suspiciously.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Cough, cough, how to get to the biggest material store in the city?"

Old Bird pointed east.

"Follow the street in front, turn east, walk three intersections and then go north, and you will see a huge signboard, that is the largest material store in Willis City - Blue Hand."


After getting the desired news, the white dragon lord walked in the direction pointed by the god attendant.

Old Bird walked back depressed, suddenly feeling that something was wrong, he suddenly realized, and quickly turned around and called the White Dragon Lord.


Lord White Dragon turned back: "???"

"You haven't paid the fee for the use of the teleportation platform! Thank you for your patronage! One thousand divine gold coins."

The white dragon lord suddenly realized.

Divine Power Gold Coin is a special gold coin issued by the goddess of wealth, Vol'jin's church. This kind of gold coin has a complicated casting process and contains a trace of Vol'jin's divine power. It is the general currency of the astral world and the upper planes.

In the Nord Hill continent, one divine power gold coin can be exchanged for 10,000 ordinary gold coins, and the usage fee of the teleportation platform is equivalent to 10 million gold coins, which is staggering.

After the white dragon lord paid the fee for the use of the teleportation platform, he followed the route pointed by the god servant and found a luxuriously decorated shop - the hand of blue.

If you can buy the blood of the Celestial Crocodile Dragon in the store, then you don't have to take the risk of offending the gods to poach, which is naturally the best.

The white dragon lord walked towards the shop door.

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