White Dragon Lord

Chapter 271: The Dead Enemy Meets

On the street of Willis City, the white dragon lord stood in front of the door of the hand of blue, looking up at the sign of the hand of blue, and all the pedestrians on the road looked sideways. Rare creature.

But since the guards of Willis City allowed the white dragon to enter the city, at least this white dragon was not of the evil camp.

The gazes of passers-by did not have any effect on the White Dragon Lord, who had long been accustomed to such curious gazes.

The White Dragon Lord walked towards the gate of the Blue Hand.

There are two light blue stone pillars symmetrically distributed in front of the gate of the Azure Hand. Unknown beasts are carved on the stone pillars, and a faint blue electric arc emerges from time to time.

Obviously, some kind of powerful magic circle is engraved in these two stone pillars, and those who do not obey the rules will know the power of this magic circle.

The white dragon lord ignored the two pillars emitting electric light, walked up the steps, crossed the threshold of the light blue stone, and entered the interior of the store.

The space inside the Blue Hand is a bit vast. It is obvious that the space folding technology is used. On the ground of the store, one by one transparent showcases form a square array, which are neatly distributed in the store.

Beside what appeared to be a check-out counter, a group of customers were queuing up to check out, and beside them, or rather, stood a waiter in a blue uniform.

When the guest has finished taking the account, the waiter will send the guest out the door and walk to the end of the line on the other side of the counter.

On the other side of the counter, a line of waiters in the same blue uniforms were waiting in line, of all races.

There are petite and cute catgirls, there are transparent and hazy Archons, ... and even two angels with white wings behind them.

At this time, the front of the team happened to be an angel.

This beautiful-faced female angel saw a white dragon walking in from the door, and was stunned for a moment, then immediately greeted her with a professional smile.

"Guest, welcome to the blue hand, do you need anything?"

The white dragon lord sensed the energy fluctuations in the body of the oncoming angel, and nodded secretly. This waiter angel has master-level strength, and is worthy of the native creatures of Paradise Mountain - the angel family.

The adult creatures of the angel family are level 13, and they are superb at playing light magic. They are the indigenous creatures of Paradise Mountain. Long before the gods came to Paradise Mountain,

They have settled here.

Later gods also liked these lawful and kind angels very much, and brought the angel family under their command. The god of justice and light had a preference for angels. Now, angels have become the symbol of the righteous pantheon.

It's not strange to see an angel in Paradise Hills, but it's a little strange to see an angel working as a waiter in the store.

It seems that this shop is the property of a certain big man, so the White Dragon Lord thought.

Blue hands? !

Blue Beast - Zemaru!

The white dragon lord wants to understand, if nothing else, this blue hand is the industry of the blue beast - Zemaru.

Blue Beast - Zemaru is an ancient god of the lawful neutral camp, with medium divine power, and has not joined any gods. Its body is a blue alien beast from ancient times. The third floor, Pearl Paradise - Via.

This god is very mysterious, and the white dragon lord only knows that it is the mortal enemy of Mara, the god of hunting.

But the grievance between these two gods has nothing to do with the white dragon lord, he just came to buy something.

"Do you have the blood of the Heavenly Crocodile Dragon here?"

"Of course there is. How much do you need as a customer? We only have eight copies in stock in our branch. If you need more, we can transfer some from other branches."

The white dragon lord breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that when you buy things, you still get the origin of the materials.

"No, I need five copies of the blood of the Heavenly Crocodile Dragon."

"Okay, magic materials of this level are on the second floor, please come with me."

The angel waiter led the way, and the white dragon lord followed.

"In our store, high-value goods are generally placed on the second floor, and the first floor is some common magic materials..."


"Guest, do you need to apply for a membership card! Applying for a membership card can not only get points, but also enjoy discounts on the event day."

"Guest, there's a new batch of new products in the store recently. They're starlight pearls from the Sea of ​​Starlight. Would you like to see them!"


In the face of Miss Angel who is trying to sell more products, Lord White Dragon is very helpless. No matter in that world, the waiter in the store is a virtue.

"No, I came here specially for the blood of the Heavenly Crocodile Dragon. By the way, where did your Heavenly Crocodile Dragon come from? Isn't the Celestial Crocodile the pet of Lady Heshui?"

The angel smiled slightly.

"That's right, that His Majesty has indeed kept a lot of Celestial Crocodile Dragons as pets, but there are also some wild Celestial Crocodile Dragons, as long as there is no mass slaughter, no one cares, and the head office of Blue Hand also keeps them. A group of celestial crocodile dragons."

"I see."

The white dragon lord suddenly realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking. Although Lady He Shui likes the celestial crocodile dragon very much, it does not mean that all the celestial crocodile dragons are her private goods.

It seems that he was still frightened by the name of the god, and the white dragon lord reflected on his own mistakes.

"Guest, listening to your voice, you seem to be coming to Paradise Mountain for the first time. Do you want me to show you around first? We have a lot of Paradise Mountain specialties in our store. You can take a look if you don't buy them. Look It doesn't cost anything to watch."

After solving a problem in his mind, and what the angel waiter said made sense, the White Dragon Lord nodded.

"All right."

However, this familiar routine... The White Dragon Lord had a premonition that his wallet might be shrinking greatly.

"Introduce me to the specialties of the heavens."


The angel waiter happily brought the white dragon lord to a showcase.

"This is the holy light crystal produced by Holy Light Heaven, it is a rare magic material. It is used in many magic experiments related to holy light. Besides, throwing it out can cause a lot of damage to undead creatures. …”

The white dragon lord looked at the pile of golden crystals in the transparent showcase and felt the rich divine energy on it.

"Well, pack it for me."

The angel waiter's smile became more enthusiastic.

The white dragon lord saw the bright smile on the face of the angel waiter, which was a smile for a big customer (big fat sheep), but the white dragon lord didn't care.

This kind of holy light crystal is not available in Nordhill. Even if the White Dragon Lord does not use it himself, it is absolutely worthwhile to resell it, or give it to the clergy as a gift.

You can earn blood, but I will never lose, that's what I'm saying.

The angel took the white dragon lord to the next showcase.

"Guest, this is..."


The angel waiter took the white dragon lord around for more than ten minutes, during which the white dragon bought a lot of goods, most of which were special products of Paradise Mountain.

"Guest, this is the soothing herb produced by the Golden Paradise. It is a primary magic material that can play a role in calming the mind."

While shopping with the white dragon, the angel waiter noticed that the lord of the white dragon seemed to be particularly interested in special products. Even if he didn't use it, he would buy some. Therefore, she deliberately brought the lord of the white dragon to watch the special products of Paradise Mountain.

The white dragon lord swept his gaze to the showcase, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

The soothing herbs in the showcase look very familiar, with long and narrow green leaves, serrated leaf edges, and clear blue veins.

Isn't this tobacco? !

The White Dragon Lord is unbelievable, it will never admit it wrong, this is the tobacco leaves that have not been dried.

"Tell me about this plant in detail."

"Oh well."

Although I don't know why the white dragon lord is so concerned about a primary magic material, the angel waiter still fulfilled his duty.

"This kind of magic material is called Anshen grass, which is a special product of Golden Paradise. It has the effect of stabilizing emotions. In ancient times, it was also a very popular magic material, and it was the raw material for many medicines. There is a better calming effect, so calming grass has been eliminated."

The angel waiter directly reminded the white dragon lord that the value of this material is very low.

The white dragon lord thought in his mind, it seems that the multiverse has not yet developed another method of using tobacco leaves.

But the white dragon lord also has doubts in his heart. Although this soothing herb looks exactly the same as the tobacco leaves in the previous life, after all, it has changed a world and the effect is not the same, he is not sure.

"Give me one."

The angel waiter took out a bundle of soothing herbs, and the white dragon lord took it. He planned to try it first.

"Do you have sedative herb seeds here?"

"We only sell materials, not seeds. If guests are interested in soothing herbs, they can go to the Golden Wilderness of Golden Paradise to find them. This magical plant is not uncommon."

The White Dragon Lord recalled the message of the Golden Paradise.

The golden paradise, Mochulia, is the second layer of the seven-tiered paradise mountain. Contrary to the eternal night of the silver paradise, the golden paradise is always day, and a golden sun is always hanging high in the sky.

But the weather in the golden paradise is not hot, because it is the sun of autumn harvest, the earth is full of fruit trees of various colors, and the creatures of the golden paradise are never short of food.

For the white dragon lord, the golden paradise is the kindest among the seven heaven mountains.

Because the god of good dragons, the kingdom of God of His Majesty Bahamut, is located in the golden paradise, and the holy city of Bahamut, the Temple of the North Wind, is in the center of the golden wilderness.

Although good dragons and evil dragons do not like each other, they are of the same race anyway, much better than outsiders of other races.

The white dragon lord made up his mind to go to the golden paradise.

In the previous life, tobacco was the spiritual food for billions of people. How could the White Dragon Lord miss such an opportunity to make a fortune.

The angel waiter took the White Dragon Lord for another half an hour. Finally, the White Dragon Lord got his wish and took the blood of the Heavenly Crocodile Dragon in his bag.

The smiling angel waiter took the white dragon lord to checkout in the lobby.

When the white dragon lord was lining up, a blue-skinned Titan suddenly walked in outside the door. This was the Ocean Titan.

The moment they saw each other, the expressions of Titan, Bailong, and the waiters in the store changed.

Titans and dragons are a pair of mortal enemies, and they go to war almost as soon as they meet.

The White Dragon Lord's muscles tensed, ready to fight at any time, as did the Titans on the opposite side.

But at this time, the two were in the city of Willis. If they were to fight in the city, it was obvious that they would not take the night watcher Thomas in their eyes. The deterrent power of a god's mansion was still very strong.

One dragon and one titan both had concerns. When the two were confronting each other, the four guards in the store quickly separated the two.

The white dragon lord swept his mental power and found that the four guards in the store were only masters, while the middle-aged ocean titans on the opposite side were legendary, and he felt relieved.

Ocean Titan didn't put the guards in his eyes, and stared straight at the White Dragon Lord. Since the White Dragon Lord has not yet fought, the White Dragon Lord has hidden his breath again. In addition, the White Dragon Lord's dragon horns are obviously not very old, which is very deceptive. , Ocean Titan miscalculated the strength of the White Dragon Lord.

Although the volume is a little bigger than the ordinary white dragon, a white dragon who has just grown up can be strong enough to get there, the Ocean Titan thinks so, and has an idea in his heart.

"Humph! What a disappointment! As soon as I went out, I encountered a damn white-skinned lizard!"

The white dragon lord was annoyed, and there was a flash of killing intent in his eyes, but at this time in Willis City, he must not take the initiative to take action, otherwise the night watchers would not give him good fruit to eat.

"Unlucky! Unlucky! When you buy something, you can meet you, the green seaweed man!"

"Bastard! What did you say! Want to fight?!"

The sea giant pretended to be furious, but his body never moved. He wanted to anger the white dragon, and when the lord of the white dragon took the initiative, he could kill the white dragon in the name of self-defense.

Even the night watchers couldn't blame him for being on the defensive. Although the abacus was well done, the White Dragon Lord didn't take it.

Ocean Titan became more vigilant. Given the white dragon's IQ, it was insulted that the lizard did not take the initiative. Combined with the size of this large ordinary white dragon, it seemed that the white dragon in front of him was not an ordinary white dragon.

At this time, the legendary powerhouse sitting in the store came out, this is a legendary powerhouse with a tiger head and body.

The White Dragon Lord realized that this was an extraordinary beast at the pinnacle of legend.

This extraordinary beast, magically transformed into a humanoid, came between the two.

"Two two, give Cang Lanzhi a face, even if you want to fight, go out and fight."

A flash of fear flashed in the eyes of Ocean Titan, and he obviously knew who the owner of this store was.

"White-skinned lizard, do you dare to fight with me out of the city!"

The White Dragon Lord did not hesitate.

"Why don't you dare! When the time comes, don't beg for mercy! Because even if you beg for mercy, I won't let you go!"

The Ocean Titan stared coldly at the White Dragon Lord.

"Humph! Then see if you have the ability! Let's go!"

"and many more!"

The white dragon lord turned around and came to the counter. At this time, he could not take care of the line, and the white dragon lord jumped directly to the first place and quickly settled the bill.

When the White Dragon Lord was checking out, the Ocean Titan's eyes lit up.

Yo! Still a fat sheep!

A hidden spiritual fluctuation spread out.

Playing such a small gesture in front of the White Dragon Lord, who is proficient in soul magic, naturally cannot be concealed. The White Dragon Lord doesn't have to think about it and knows that this cunning Titan is looking for reinforcements, but it doesn't care.

High-level legends are not the Chinese cabbage that can be seen casually, even in the top forces, high-level legends are also the mainstay of existence.

Even if it is bad luck, a high-level legendary titan has come, and the white dragon lord, as the sovereign, has a super life-saving ability.

Such a big movement naturally aroused the onlookers of passers-by, who followed behind Yilong Yitaitan.

In the crowd, a handsome young man asked passers-by about what happened, and looked at the white dragon lord walking side by side with the ocean titans out of the city, and he was annoyed.

"Damn, this white dragon is too impulsive!"

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