White Dragon Lord

Chapter 282 Soldiers approaching the city

More than 100 kilometers away from the border, the barbarians of various tribes began to gather. Such a large-scale army gathering naturally failed to hide the magic reconnaissance of the frontier army mages.

The densely packed tents and the barbarians who came from all sides frightened the reconnaissance mages, and Viscount Namixia received the news immediately.

When he heard about the number of tents, the weathered veteran couldn't help but be shocked. It was only the initial stage of the barbarian gathering. One day later, the barbarians of each tribe were assembled, and the number of barbarians was even more terrifying than it is now.

Viscount Namisha hurriedly sent an urgent message to His Majesty the King of Luowei City.

After the king received the message for help, he just smiled slightly and replied to the letter telling Viscount Namixia to hold on for two days, and the reinforcements from White Castle were about to arrive.

According to the agreement between Baines XXIII and the White Dragon Lord, in the early morning three days after the battle, the White Castle army will officially enter the battlefield.

In these three days, the barbarians can cause certain losses to the Lowe Kingdom, but it is still within the controllable range. During this period, the comprehensive ability of the four princes will be greatly tested. This is also the choice of Baines XXIII. Exam questions for the next king.

On the other hand, the troops about to go out to the overseas archipelago have already assembled. In order to overwhelm the barbarians, the White Dragon Lord has sent 10,000 ogres, 100,000 gnolls, and 1,000 murloc night walkers, plus logistics. The total number of auxiliary soldiers is as high as more than 100,000.

In terms of numbers, the number of White Castle's army is far less than that of barbarians, but in terms of combat power, White Castle's army and barbarians are vastly different.

The minimum threshold for the gnoll troops in White Castle is a professional. With the original racial talent of the gnoll, any gnoll in the army can compete with a middle-level human professional, and in large-scale group battles, equipped with Sophisticated, forbidden armies have the absolute advantage.

The 10,000 ogres are all heavily armored and can be called humanoid tanks. In melee combat, a four-meter-long standard mace swept across the battlefield. In long-range, these generally four-meter-tall, brute-strength fat men throw The power of the thrown spear is comparable to that of a ballista.

As for the horse battles that barbarians are best at, the gnoll cavalry riding on hyenas is not a vain barbarian at all, and the hyenas that act as mounts can also be regarded as a combat unit. The barbarian horses are inherently disadvantaged in the face of ferocious carnivorous hyenas.

At this time, these 100,000 people have already assembled in the isolated military area, and large military transport ships are lined up at the dock. They only wait for the last batch of military supplies to be prepared before heading to the battlefield.

After the preparation of the last batch of materials was completed, the horn of the expedition sounded.


In the vast sound of horns,

Groups of gnolls and ogres gathered, formed a marching team, walked out of the barracks, and walked towards the large military transport ship on the dock.

On the twenty military piers lined up in a row, large three-masted transport ships lined up, engulfing the soldiers one after another, and then set sail when they were full. Orderly, like an assembly line in a factory.

Around the large three-masted transport ship riding the wind and waves, groups of murlocs cruised back and forth to prevent the transport ship from being attacked.

The supreme commander of this military operation, the gnoll, Hogg Riverpaw, stroking his blade with one hand, stood on the bow of the flagship ship, looking at the four-dragon-ringed flag roaring in the sea breeze, proud in his heart. Yafei Aiwei, who it fought for.


After receiving the king's reply, Viscount Namisha breathed a sigh of relief, and also understood why His Majesty the King took the initiative to provoke the barbarians. With the assistance of the powerful army of the Afi Ivey Kingdom, the outcome of this battle was already doomed.

Lowe Kingdom must win!

Viscount Namixia strengthened this belief in his heart, and immediately began to think about the current situation.

The time of sailing, plus the time of marching on land, it will take three days for the army of Whitecastle to reach the battlefield, and during these three days, the kingdom of Lowe will face the angry barbarian army alone.

The distant waters cannot stop the thirst. In the past few days, the Luowei Kingdom can only rely on itself. How to preserve the strength to the greatest extent and reduce the losses of the Luowei Kingdom is the question that this excellent commander thinks about.

After thinking about it, the barbarians had an absolute advantage in numbers, but lacked siege equipment, and defending the city was the safest way.

But if they blindly defended the city and the barbarians jumped over the border and went to the interior to destroy them wantonly, this situation is not what Viscount Namixia wants to see.

clang clang!

Just as Viscount Namixia frowned and drew a pen to plan on the map, a rapid alarm bell sounded.

This was a warning issued by the soldiers on duty on the city tower. Viscount Namixia was startled, and quickly put down the pen in his hand, picked up the sword on the side of the table, and walked quickly towards the city wall.

Passing through the panicked people returning home, Viscount Namixia climbed the tower and saw the smoke rising in the distance, which was the smoke generated by a large number of horses running.

According to the scope of the smoke, the experienced Viscount Namixia judged that the number of enemies was no less than 30,000, and he looked solemn.

"Send the order down!"

"Open the warehouse, prepare the arrows, and distribute them to the soldiers!"

"Supply all military horses with high-quality fodder!"

"Notify the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Cavalry Regiments! Assemble and prepare for a guerrilla attack!"


Behind the viscount, the messengers took orders one by one, trotted down the city wall, and ran their horses to all sides of the city.

As the order was given, the fat quartermaster carried a long string of keys and led a team of empty-handed young men to open the doors of one warehouse after another. The young men took out the war materials in the warehouse and placed them neatly outside the door on a wooden cart.

The materials on the trolley piled higher and higher, and the wheels wrapped in iron creaked. After a trolley was full, the veteran driver waved the whip in his hand and whipped it on the butt of the horse pulling the trolley.

The horses pulled the loaded carts and trotted towards the city wall on the empty street, and the carts behind filled up the space.

The veteran was sitting on the edge of the scooter, and when he felt the speed was slow, he waved the whip. After the alarm bell sounded, the residents on the street quickly returned to their homes and closed their doors. Therefore, the street was empty at this time, and there was no need to worry about running into the carriage. people.

Due to the full load, the speed of the horses was very slow, and the cavalry on the horses occasionally surpassed the horses pulling the carts.

Although it was not as fast as the cavalry, the speed of the horses was faster than that of the soldiers on foot. They passed the soldiers running along the street, and the carts that transported arrows rushed to the city wall not far away.

When the soldiers in charge of logistics saw this, they quickly divided a team of people to carry the bundles of arrows on the trolley. The bundles of arrows were carried by the soldiers and carried to the city wall.

On the stairs of the upper and lower city walls, the soldiers carrying supplies moved up from the inside, and the soldiers who were empty-handed down quickly ran down the city wall from the outside.

A trolley had just been evacuated, and the veteran driver waved his whip again, and the horse pulled the empty trolley and ran towards the warehouse again.

Under the tall city walls, horse breeders use bean bran to feed the cavalry's horses. In order to cope with the possible cavalry battle, these military horses need to add a lot of energy and eat the rare concentrates.

And the knights of these military horses, after the assembly, sat in a row under the corner of the wall, nibbling on the freshly sent jerky with spirits or water.

Like horses, cavalry also need meat to supplement their stamina. They bite the jerky in their hands fiercely, as if they are the flesh and blood of the enemy in their hands, and from time to time they pour water or strong wine.

The spicy liquid flowed down the throat to the stomach, and a soldier raised his head and exhaled a white breath in a satisfied voice.

The soldier's face turned slightly red, and he shook the military water bottle in his hand. Hearing that there was still half a bottle of fine wine left, he smacked his mouth and hung the water bottle on his waist with a reluctant expression.

If it was normal, he would definitely have a drunken break, but the war is about to come, but he must not be greedy.

Because it is located in the north and the weather is cold, the northerners have a tradition of drinking to keep out the cold, and it is not forbidden to drink alcohol in the frontier army, but if you are drunk and cannot go to the battlefield, the officer will cut down the drunk guy before the enemy comes. The brain serves as an example.

After eating and drinking, the soldier pulled out the long sword around his waist and wiped the edge of the sword with the corner of his clothes, as gentle as he was touching his lover's pretty face.

Weapons are the second life of warriors. It is a tradition for warriors to wipe their weapons and pray to the gods they believe in before war.

Some of them pray to defeat the enemy, make meritorious deeds, and some just pray that they can survive, and even if they don’t help, they also pray that after their death, the gods can send messengers as soon as possible to take their souls to the eternal kingdom.

Above the praying soldiers, the soldiers in the city had no time to pray, and their hearts were pounding as they watched the smoke and dust approaching, even veterans, whose heart beat faster before going into battle.

At the feet of the soldiers, several bundles of arrows were neatly stacked, and a few large rocks were stacked in the corners of the city wall behind them. Although the barbarians lacked large-scale siege equipment, there were still ladders with simple craftsmanship, and the barbarians had no grappling hooks. Not guard against.

With the help of a perfect command system, the Midoran fortress where Viscount Namisha is located is ready for battle.

The infantry wore standard chain armor, and the cavalry also stood beside their horses. Because the enemy was barbarian, most of the frontier troops of the Luowei Kingdom were light cavalry, and the most common infantry and auxiliary soldiers accounted for the other half.

At this time, in addition to the emergency force and the reserve force, the infantry stood on the city wall, and stood with the top commander of the frontier force, Viscount Namisha, watching the approaching barbarian team.

The barbarian team has already appeared in the sight of the soldiers. Tens of thousands of barbarians riding horses scattered and rushed towards the Midoran Fortress. The sound of the horses' hooves was so loud that they seemed to want to surround the Midoran Fortress.

However, this is not the case. The cavalry will raise a lot of dust when they run. If they run in a long line, the knights behind will inhale a lot of dust. No one can stand it for a long time. They are all in the shape of "one".


It didn't take long for the soldiers on the city walls to hear the barbarian battle cry among the hooves.

Viscount Namixia's expression was solemn.

"Order the First, Second, and Third Knights to leave the city and scatter into the wilderness."


Following the transmission of the order, the back door of Midoran fortress opened wide, and the three knights who were named rushed out and ran towards the vast mountains and forests of the Lowe Kingdom.

The Luowei Kingdom set up five military fortresses on the border with the barbarians, and the 100,000 frontier troops were scattered in the five fortresses to protect the Luowei interior to the maximum extent.

The Midoran Fortress is the middle of the five fortresses, and it is also the command center of the frontier team. There are six cavalry regiments in the Midoran Fortress, each with 2,000 cavalry regiments.

On weekdays, the six knights patrol the border in rotation to prevent small groups of barbarians from sneaking into the interior and destroying them.

But at this time, a large group of barbarians attacked, and it was undoubtedly stupid to disperse their strength when they were already weak. Viscount Namisha gathered all six cavalry regiments.

The barbarians lacked siege equipment, but their strength had an advantage. Viscount Namisha speculated that the barbarians would adopt a strategy of sieging instead of attacking, blocking the frontier troops in the city, and then sending a barbarian detachment to bypass the city and plunder the border villages of the Luowei Kingdom. Force the defending army out of the city to fight.

Rather than being forced to go out of the city to fight, it is better to divide a part of the troops in advance and scatter them into the mountains and forests in the country to attack the passing barbarian detachments. The cavalry hidden in the mountains and forests can also deter the enemy.

The remaining troops in the city are also enough to defend the fortress, and the remaining three regiments of cavalry are used as a strategic deterrent.

Viscount Namixia sighed. Although there were scattered cavalry to deter him, there were too many villages in the kingdom to protect them.

Fortunately, the villagers were notified in advance and went to the nearest city for refuge, but the monks could not escape the temple, and the remaining villages were inevitably ruined by the barbarians.

Outside the range of the crossbow, the barbarian team was stationed on horses, the team lined up, screaming strangely, and waving the weapons in their hands.

Because they come from different tribes, the usual weapons of these barbarians are different. The most common ones are axes, machetes, and spears.

There is also a reason why barbarians can become a pest in the north. They are strong, good at riding, come and go like the wind, and have a fierce fighting style. When they become crazy, they dare to bite the monsters in the wilderness. Ordinary people are really not their opponents.

In the distance, a barbarian drove the horses under his crotch away from the team and ran towards the Midoran Fortress.

Under the city gate of Midoran Fortress, the sturdy barbarian with oil paint on his face reined in his horse and looked at the people pulling bows on the city wall with contempt.

"I'm Perma Khan! The chief of the Muro clan! The leader of this army! Call your chief to talk!"

On the city wall, Viscount Namixia said loudly.

"I am the supreme commander of the frontier army of the Luowei Kingdom - Namisha Simil! Say something!"

"Namixia?! I heard about you!"

Perma Khan's tone suddenly rose a bit, and he asked angrily.

"Who gave you the courage! You dare to slaughter the people of Sandonar! Do you dare to go out of the city and fight me to the death?!"

"Don't dare!"

Viscount Namixia's natural tone made the barbarian chief choked, and the originally drafted lines could not be uttered.

The scene was very embarrassing.

The Winter Lord of the White Dragon

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