After being stunned for a moment, the barbarian chief, Perma Khan, reacted and asked angrily.

"You coward! Is your honor as a soldier gone?!"

Viscount Namixia retorted.

"Challenging an old man is what you call the honor of a warrior?!"

Chief Perma Khan opened his mouth and was speechless.

That's right, Viscount Namixia is only a high-level warrior, and he is in his fifties. He has already passed the peak age of a warrior. In addition to years of hard work, his hair is half white. From the appearance, he is already an old man.

Perma Khan, on the other hand, was at his peak in his thirties, and he challenged Viscount Namixia, who was in his fifties, and was indeed suspected of bullying the other party's old age.

Viscount Namixia's adjutant, Urandol, sneered loudly.

"To challenge a gray-haired elder! What is the honor of a warrior! I have never seen such a brazen person!"

The soldiers on the wall laughed.

Perma Khan was furious.

"You cowardly bastard! How dare you insult me! Do you dare to come down and fight me to the death!"

The high-level warrior-Ulan Do was young and vigorous, and was about to respond when Viscount Namixia hurriedly stopped it.

"Ulandol! Don't be fooled!"

The adjutant-Ulandol calmed down after hearing the words, and when he thought that he almost agreed, he was terrified.

The barbarian family advocates force, the chief of the tribe is the strongest of the tribe, and the chief of the big tribe generally has master-level strength. The barbarian in front of him can become the commander of the army, and he must be the best among the barbarian chiefs.

A high-level fighter against a master-level powerhouse uses his butt to know the result of the battle.

Seeing that there was no sound from the tower, Perma Khan scolded again, and the words were very ugly.

Not only the ordinary sergeant, but also the well-trained Viscount Namixia was furious. He took off the beast horn bow enchanted on his back, drew a feather arrow from the quiver, and wound the bow.


The arrows were driven into the ground before the barbarian chieftains,

Most of it was submerged in the soil, and the feathers of the arrow tail trembled violently outside.


Perma Khan looked at the soldiers whose arrows had been wound on the tower, and provocatively sent a slash to the sky.

"Eggless tortoise!"

Perma Khan turned and left without hesitation.

Although he is a master-level powerhouse, he cannot stop the continuous shooting of so many soldiers. It is better to take the initiative to evacuate than to be driven away by arrows.

Of course, the deeper reason was that he sensed a warning message from a master-level powerhouse behind the city wall.

The barbarian chief returned to the barbarian team, and several barbarian high-level officials quickly surrounded him.

"These damn Rottweilers won't come out! Follow the plan!"

"Understood!" xn

The 30,000-odd barbarian army was made up of a dozen or so barbarian tribes. The chiefs of each tribe drove their horses back to their respective teams. Afterwards, the 30,000-odd barbarian army was divided into a dozen groups of men and horses, bypassing the Midoran fortress.

The border between the Luowei Kingdom and the barbarian prairie is a piece of hills that are not very high. The five major fortresses block the five military strongholds that can be passed by the army, but at this time, the small roads distributed between the hills are Unarmed state.

The scattered barbarian tribes will follow those frontier roads and enter the territory of the Lowe Kingdom to wreak havoc on villages and towns. This is also the battle plan formulated by the barbarian patriarch, Sifrey.

Just as Viscount Namisha anticipated the actions of the barbarians, Sifrey also expected that the under-strength Luowei frontier army would defend the city. The barbarians were indeed unable to hold the tall city walls, but plundering the villages and towns on the frontier was the barbarian's forte. .

This time, it was specifically for revenge. Killing, robbing, and burning all are the tactics of the barbarians, because the barbarians agreed that only by letting the Loewy Kingdom deeply remember this lesson would they dare not be disrespectful to the barbarians.

On the tower of Midoran fortress, Viscount Namixia gritted his teeth and looked at the scattered barbarians. In the past thousands of years, whenever winter came, barbarians stepped into the kingdom of Lowe, plundering food and women. .

In the past, there were border patrols blocking the barbarian tribes fighting each other, and they were all sneaking in in small groups. Now, the barbarian army is swaggering in.

The scale of this savage disaster is unprecedented, and I don't know how many people will suffer, Viscount Namixia sighed.

Seventy percent of the minor nobles of the Lowe royal family are in the northern provinces, because the royal family needs a team of powerful people to become a solid line of defense against the barbarians, and nothing can make people do their best than fiefs and titles.

However, most of these nobles were low-level nobles such as knights and barons, and these small nobles were distributed in various parts of the northern province.

Generally speaking, a knight can own a manor or a village as a territory, while a baron has several villages or even a small town, and a viscount has a prosperous town or even a small town, as well as villages around the town.

At the very beginning, the Viscount Simil family, where Namisha Simil belonged, was only a baron who owned a small town called Shiratori Town.

White Bird Town has experienced hundreds of savage disasters. Fortunately, it did not encounter an invincible enemy, and White Bird Town survived fortunately.

After several generations of hard work, the Schimmel family accumulated enough military exploits to become a viscount family, and the town of White Bird gradually developed into the city of White Bird, becoming the top five cities in the northern province of the Luowei Kingdom.

However, there are only a few minor nobles who are as lucky as the Schimmel family. For hundreds of years, countless minor noble families have been destroyed by savage disasters.

In savage disasters, master-level barbarians are rare, but there are still some high-level combat power, and the highest combat power of general viscount families is master-level, it is difficult for viscount families to protect themselves, let alone barons and knights. .

This savage disaster was extremely violent, and even the Viscount family was in danger of being destroyed.

Viscount Namixia is also a little worried about his family. The Simil family has been inherited for more than 200 years. The strongest is a master warrior, but if two master warriors are besieged, even a city wall may not be able to stop it. live.

But at this time, Viscount Namixia could only pray that the family and the four princes would fight for some energy. After three days, when the reinforcements from White Castle arrived, they could fight back in an all-round way.

The dispatch of the White Castle army could not be concealed from the eyes of the conscientious people, let alone the local forces of the Luowei Kingdom. The four princes of the Luowei Kingdom soon received the news of the White Castle army, and immediately understood the content of the trial to the throne. The four princes sped their way to the cities of their respective Northern Province supporters.

At the same time as the Barbarians and the Lowe Kingdom initially fought, the White Castle army also landed at the docks of Bailey City.

After landing on land, the commander of the White Castle army, the gnoll, Hogg Riverpaw, did not stop, and rushed to the northern province with a hundred thousand gnoll cavalry.

Although the White Castle and the Lowe Royal Family jointly blocked the news of the landing of the army, it would not be too long. Sooner or later, the news would reach the ears of the barbarians.

Because the barbarians are good at horse fighting, all the gnoll cavalry sent by the white dragon lord are gnoll cavalry, while the ogres have no suitable mounts and are wearing heavy armor, so they can only drive over slowly.

For a while, the northern province of the Loewy Kingdom was surging.


There is a small town more than ten kilometers away from White Bird City, called Green Vine Town. Green Vine Town is the hereditary domain of the Baron Mawei family.

At this time, Baron Marvey, who had not been in the top position for a year, was sitting on a chair at the end of the castle hall with a frown.

Because it is not far from the powerful White Bird City, Green Vine Town has always been attached to the White Bird City, and it is precisely because of the deterrence of the White Bird City that the barbarians generally do not come to the surrounding areas of White Bird City to plunder.

After all, the barbarians plundered for food, and it was the same as plundering the village, and they could not provoke the mighty White Bird City.

But that was before, and now the barbarian army is coming for revenge, the powerful Shiratori City is more likely to attract the attention of the strong barbarians than other cities, because the owner of Shiratori City - Viscount Namisha is the leader of the frontier army, and he Or the "culprit" who slaughtered the barbarians a few days ago.

It is almost certain that White Bird City will be violently retaliated by barbarians, and the first unlucky village will be the village not far from White Bird City.

The usual protective umbrella has become a life reminder, and the young Baron Mawei wants to cry without tears.

Now, Baron Mawei is at war between heaven and man, thinking about whether to escape into the mountains, or go to White Bird City and stand with the family of Viscount Schimmel.

That's right, Baron Ma Wei has already given up the territory in his heart. After all, this savage disaster is no trivial matter, and it is definitely not something that Green Vine Town can stop. Baron Ma Wei does not dare to bet his own life to bet on that illusory luck.

If you go into the mountains to escape, you only need to bring the townspeople and food, which is better than the safety of the personnel, but if you do this, the relationship between your family and the family of Viscount Schimmel for two generations will not be destroyed, but it will definitely fall. to freezing point.

Because, the family of Viscount Schimmel has already issued an invitation to invite Baron Mawei to take the townspeople to take refuge in White Bird City.

It is said that they are taking refuge in the city, but no one is a fool. When the barbarians come, Baron Mawei will definitely bring people to the battlefield.

After some deliberation, Baron Mawei decided to go to White Bird City, because if he went into the mountains to escape, he would most likely face post-war reckoning.

The laws of the kingdom stipulate that nobles have the obligation to defend their territories. For nobles who evade their obligations, the legal punishment is extremely severe, and they may even take back their titles and territories. However, strategic transfers and going to other places to fight the enemy are still allowed.

If Baron Mawei goes to White Bird City, if he can make meritorious service on the battlefield, it is even more likely that he will be promoted to an official title. Even if he cannot make meritorious service, he can deepen his friendship with Viscount Schimmel's family and make the road for the nobles in the future a little smoother.

Moreover, Baron Mawei's father died at the hands of barbarians. If he avoided the fight, Baron Mawei felt sorry for his dead father, and he, the new inheritor of the title, also needed a battle to improve his prestige and stabilize it. status.

Of course, if the city is broken, then everything is over.

But White Bird City has a tall city wall and is guarded by a strong general and a master-level expert, so it is so easy to fall.

So, Baron Marvey decided to take a gamble.

After making up his mind, Baron Ma Wei got busy, first ordering his cronies to escort his family, valuables and townspeople to take refuge in the mountains. In this way, if the White Bird City was broken and the Green Vine Town was finished, at least the foundation of the territory was still there.

After hurriedly arranging the affairs of the territory, Baron Mawei rushed to White Bird City with an army of 500 people.

Without the burden of old, weak, sick and disabled, Baron Mawei and his party were very fast, and they quickly arrived at White Bird City.

At the gate of White Bird City, Baron Mavi was warmly welcomed by the son of Viscount Namisha, Sarok Simil, and arranged accommodation for Baron Mavi and his party. Obviously, Sarok had been looking forward to these reinforcements for a long time.

At noon, in the castle hall of Viscount Schimmel's family in Shiratori Castle, Sarok, the acting lord of Shiratori Castle, and a group of nobles gathered in Shiratori Castle were having a meeting.

Due to the attack of a powerful enemy, there was no hope of defending the territory. Most of the nobles around Shiratori City gathered here. There were two barons and seven knights, and they all had the same idea as Baron Marvey.

As the host, Sarok took the lead in raising his glass and said.

"Everyone, thank you for your trust in the Schimmel family, let's raise a glass and wish our friendship will last forever."

After everyone drank a glass of wine together, they chatted for a while, and then went directly to the theme.

"Everyone, the barbarians are coming and the situation is not optimistic. I have already received news from the scouts that many villages on the border have been attacked, but fortunately, Father Father took precautions and the villagers have already evacuated."

Sarok first praised his father, and then he couldn't help his anger, and punched the table with a punch.

"But! Those damned savages set fire to the village! The village was all burned down!"


Everyone couldn't help exclaiming. In the past, in order to continue plundering for the next year, the barbarians usually killed people and looted things, and rarely did things like setting fire to the village.

Everyone frowned and began to worry about whether their territory would also be burned by the barbarians.

"Everyone! The barbarians won't stay alive this time!"

Sallock continued.

"According to the report from the spies, a large group of barbarians are rushing towards White Bird City, and they will arrive at dusk today!"

The corner of Baron Mawei's mouth twitched. Although he was ready to take special care of White Bird City, he still felt a bit of a toothache when the event came to an end, and the expressions of other nobles were equally wonderful.

But it didn't take long for Baron Marvey to sort out his emotions. At this time, it was too late even to go back.

"Saloc, you are the lord of White Bird City now, how to arrange it, just say it! I will listen to you!"

Sarlock glanced at Baron Marvey gratefully. Green Vine Town and White Bird City are not far away. Baron Marvey and Sarlock are naturally acquainted, and they are also very good friends.

Another baron, a ninth-level warrior in his thirties, Tedoro also agreed.

"Yes! Just say anything!"

"Thank you Baron Tedoro."

The two highest-ranking barons had no objection, and the rest of the knights had no objection.

Sallock smiled.

"Actually, it's not all bad news. I have already received a letter from the third prince, His Royal Highness Millam. His Royal Highness is bringing 10,000 White Wolf Army and other noble reinforcements on the way, and it is also dusk. Able to."

The arrival of the strong aid gave everyone a reassurance, and they all rejoiced at the decision to come to White Bird City.

The Winter Lord of the White Dragon

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