White Dragon Lord

Chapter 284 Barbarians attack the city

At dusk, on the quaint stone city wall of White Bird City, the soldiers on duty looked at the black smoke rising in the distance, grieved and clenched the spear in their hands.


The sound of horses' hooves that I don't know when, the barbarians with oil paint on their faces, and the sharp scimitars in the hands of the barbarians are the nightmares of countless civilians in the northern province of the Loewy Kingdom!

Every year, people die because of barbarian invasion. No one knows if barbarians will come to their village tomorrow.

Suddenly, the soldiers found a goshawk flying in the distant sky.

"Quick! Report to Master Sarok! The barbarian goshawk has appeared!"

Barbarians have a tradition of taming eagles. In daily life, goshawks can help barbarians hunt. In wars, goshawks are the best scouts for barbarians, because barbarian wizards can share vision with goshawks with the help of magic.

The son of Viscount Namisha, the acting city lord of White Bird City, Sarok quickly received the news and hurriedly called everyone for a meeting.

Saroc looked serious and looked around at everyone.

"Everyone! The goshawk has arrived!"

Everyone frowned, they all knew what this meant, which meant that the barbarians who came were very powerful, with a rare and powerful profession like a wizard.

But this is also reasonable, after all, White Bird City is the top city in the northern province.

"Everyone, the barbarians may launch a night attack tonight. We need to take turns on duty to ensure the safety of the city wall."

Sallock continued.

"Baron Marvey, Sir Soma, Sir Podolho..., the five of you are on duty at midnight. Baron Marvey is in charge of the parade, Sir Soma is in charge of the South Gate, and Sir Podollo is in charge of the West Gate..."

"Baron Tedoro, Ser Thom..., the five of you are in charge of the second half of the night, Baron Tedoro is in charge of the parade, and Ser Thom is in charge of the South Gate..."

"And I will lead the elite of White Bird City, ready for reinforcements at any time!"

"Yes!" xn

After understanding their respective tasks, everyone dispersed and returned to their respective stations.

Baron Marvey also walked to the temporary residence of the people in Green Vine Town in White Bird City,

Sarok attached great importance to Baron Mawi, a friend who helped in the snow, and temporarily recruited five courtyards as temporary residences for everyone in Green Vine Town.

The first thing Baron Marvey did when he returned to the station was to order the kitchen to cook and let the soldiers have a meal. The war was coming, and the soldiers needed sufficient physical strength.

The sun is slowly falling into the horizon, and Baron Marvey begins his mission with a well-fed crowd.

The task of the people in Green Vine Town is to patrol, and the parade is to patrol back and forth on the city wall. On the one hand, guard against barbarian raids and prepare for emergency reinforcements. Fill in the gaps.

Baron Mawei divided 400 soldiers to participate in the city defense team, and he led a hundred elites to patrol the city wall back and forth.

There was a loud eagle cry in the sky, Baron Ma Wei frowned, looked up at the goshawk in the sky, and felt unhappy.

The goshawk is always out of the range of the bow and arrow, and the bow and arrow can't help it, and this beast's flying speed is so fast that only the flying skills of master-level mages can catch up with it, but there are no master-level mages in the city, so only I can let it be observed.

Baron Mawei ignored the goshawk on his head and continued to patrol. The barbarians had no siege equipment, and could only use grappling hooks and other tools to climb the tower. He must always be on guard against barbarian raids.

The sky gradually darkened, and the tower of White Bird City lit the torches early.

Suddenly, a group of cavalry appeared behind the White Bird City, and Baron Ma Wei rushed to hear the sound. He was overjoyed when he saw that this group of cavalrymen was carrying the White Wolf Banner of the White Wolf Army.

"Quick! Go and inform City Lord Sarok that the third prince has arrived!"

A cronie behind Baron Marvey took the order and hurried to the city.

After a while, the nobles in Shiratori City rushed to the tower to observe the cavalry from afar.

Due to the dim sky and limited vision, the nobles could only see the flag, but could not see the faces of the people who came, so they dared not open the city gate directly.

It didn't take long for the cavalry to arrive not far from Shiratori City. Following the power of magic and the brilliance of the moon, the nobles could clearly see the armor and faces of the cavalry, and heaved a sigh of relief.

It was indeed the Third Prince—Milom's reinforcements!

After all, the barbarians can't come up with so many sets of white wolf army-style armor, and there is also a big difference between the Rowe and the barbarians, mainly because the barbarians are exposed to the wind and the sun all the year round, and they have to grow darker.

"Open the city gate! Prepare to meet!"

After confirming the identity of the visitor, Sarok, the city lord of White Bird City, led the nobles down the castle tower, ready to welcome the third prince who came from afar.

The king is old, the four princes have fought for the throne, and the ambitious nobles in the Lowe Kingdom are standing in line.

And the nobles in the northern province all dreamed of changing to a southern territory to get rid of the barbarians, so most of the nobles chose to support a certain prince, in order to establish the merits of the dragon and change the fate of the family, Shiratori City became It's the third prince, the Millam family.

Therefore, as soon as the third prince came to the northern province, he rushed to the territory of his biggest supporter in the north.

The city gates opened wide, and the drawbridge was lowered to form a bridge over the moat.

The nobles came to greet them outside the city. The white wolf army on horseback was very fast, and everyone surrounded the third prince as they wished, and came to the Simil family castle in the center of White Bird City.

Regardless of the society, a lavish banquet is the perfect way to welcome a distinguished guest.

After the banquet, everyone came to the conference room under the call of the third prince.

The meeting was short, but it had a great impact. The third prince, who naturally took over the command, proposed to take the initiative.

Because to stand out among the four princes, it is not enough to defend the main city, but also to defend more villages and towns. If conditions permit, it is best to wipe out the barbarians who enter.

Of course, the White Wolf Army had been rushing for a day's journey, so it was inevitable to take a night's rest.

After the short meeting, Baron Mawei returned to the city wall excitedly. The arrival of the third prince gave new meaning to this war. If he can make contributions on the battlefield and help the third prince ascend to the throne, then everything is possible!

Baron Ma Wei took over the command from the captain of the Guards and continued his patrol mission like chicken blood. If he let the barbarians board the tower due to his own negligence, the consequences...


A few kilometers away from White Bird City, in the woods under the moonlight, the barbarian chief, Perma Khan, sat casually on the ground and formed a circle with five subordinates, discussing how to attack White Bird City.

After being shriveled in the hands of Viscount Namisha, Permahan led 10,000 people to cross the mountains and forests. After sneaking into the Kingdom of Luowei, they went straight to White Bird City. He was about to destroy the city and repay Viscount Namisha for his previous "grace". .

Perma Khan had an 80% confidence in his night attack plan, because White Bird City was not a Midoran fortress built with a lot of money from the kingdom.

But with the arrival of the White Wolf Army, everything became confusing. Although Perma Khan didn't know who was coming, he must be a big man in the Luowei Kingdom who could lead the White Wolf Army.

A fat man shouted, waving his big fan-like hands.

"Let me tell you! Just follow the original plan, use a grappling hook to turn in at night, open the city gate, and go straight in!"

This big man is another chief under Poma Khan, Mu Muta, who has the strength of a new master.

Of course, more than 10,000 barbarians are not only members of the Muro tribe of Perma Khan. In fact, this army consists of five barbarian tribes. The five chiefs, except Perma Khan and Mumu Tower, all have high-level strength. .

Ignoring the shouting of Mumu Tower on the left, Perma Khan asked the old man sitting on his right.

"Wizard Palmitchell, what do you think."

Wizard is what barbarians call magicians. Due to the lack of systematic knowledge of barbarians, magic knowledge has been passed down orally through the ages. In the barbarian tribe of tens of thousands, there are often no more than ten spellcasters, and most of them are of little use. Magical apprentices, high-level spellcasters like Palmitchell, are even rarer.

It is precisely because the Muro tribe has a master-level powerhouse and a high-level spellcaster that Perma Khan became one of the five barbarian forward leaders.

The old Palmichel wizard opened his eyes when he heard the chief's question, and his blue pupils full of vicissitudes shone with sparks of wisdom.

"I agree with Mumu Tower's proposal."

Perma Khan frowned and was very surprised. In his opinion, Mumuta's reckless proposal was nothing but shit.

However, the caster has wisdom far beyond that of ordinary barbarians, and has always acted as a guide for the barbarian tribe. So Permahan respects Palmicher very much.

Perma Khan motioned for the old wizard to continue.

The old wizard took off the water bladder around his waist, moistened his throat, and continued.

"The White Wolf Army that has just arrived must have big figures from the Luowei Kingdom, and 80% of them are master-level powerhouses. They have been on their way for a day, and now they must be exhausted. If we make a surprise attack, we might be able to catch them all in one go. Come, all the chiefs can make a great contribution."

"On the contrary, if we wait for them to rest well, the White Wolf Army will definitely become our biggest threat, so we not only have to make a surprise attack, but also as soon as possible, to catch the White Bird City by surprise!"

Perma Khan bowed his head and thought about weighing the pros and cons.

After a while, he made up his mind.

"Okay! Do this vote! If it doesn't work! Retire immediately!"

"Sorcerer Palmitchell! Your wisdom is far above ours, please make a battle plan!"

The old wizard did not refuse. After thinking for a while with his eyes closed, he stretched out his wrinkled and dry fingers, and his jet-black nails drew a simple map of White Bird City on the ground.

"Look, this is the west gate of White Bird City. Chief Mumuta, you lead a team of elites to raid the west gate. You don't want to attack the gate, but you must make a big noise."

"no problem!"

Mumuta patted his chest, his fat rippling.

The old wizard continued.

"The Simil family in White Bird City has a master-level powerhouse. This master-level powerhouse will definitely be attracted to the turbulent West Gate. At that time, Chief Permahan will lead another team of elites to raid the South Gate and open it. city ​​gate."

"There is a dense forest 200 meters away from the southern city gate. We hid the army in the dense forest, and only waited for the chief to open the city gate before launching an attack. After entering the city, don't rush to kill people, and set fire to distract the enemy's attention."


After the old wizard finished speaking, Perma Khan slammed the ground and stood up suddenly.

"Okay! Just do it!"

"Mumu Pagoda, it's up to you to choose everyone! After choosing, go to the west gate and wait for the signal."

"no problem!"

Mumuta patted his butt and left.

"La Mora! You are responsible for directing the army to hide in the woods at the West Gate."


"Hadimo! You are with Wizard Palmitcher and are not allowed to leave. If Wizard Palmitchell has any mistakes, I'll cut your head off."

"Don't worry, Chief Permahan, leave the safety of Lord Palmicher to me!"


At night, the eight-meter-high city wall of White Bird City was filled with torches, illuminating the city wall brightly, with soldiers at five steps, one post at ten steps and one post, and teams of heavily armed soldiers patrolling back and forth on the city wall.

Baron Ma Wei, who was in charge of the previous night, stood on the west gate tower, watching the earth in the dark night.

In order to prevent the enemy from raiding, almost all of the city walls were artificially cleared into open space, and even the grass was not allowed to grow to 30 centimeters, and the same was true for Shiratori City.

The moonlight tonight is very good, and even at night, the sight is not bad, so Baron Mavy, who is standing on the tower, has a clear view below.

Baron Mawei was a little relaxed, this kind of night was not suitable for sneak attacks, and there was little chance of encountering barbarians in the first half of the night.

Even if the barbarians want to raid White Bird City, they will choose it in the second half of the night when the night is dark and windy. At that time, the survival rate of the barbarians who avoid the barbarian front is much higher.

Baron Marvey thought so.

Suddenly, Baron Mawei noticed that a certain piece of land 50 meters outside the city gate had moved, and he felt a shudder in his heart, rubbed his eyes, and stared at the abnormality.

The turf moved again, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from Baron Marvey's forehead.

In order to prevent the gods from joking, such as porcupines or something, Baron Marvey took off the longbow behind his back and pulled the bow to shoot arrows.



"Enemy attack!!!"

A scream broke Baron Mawei's fluke, and also made the barbarians under the city wall give up hiding. Mumu Tower stood up directly, let out a battle cry, took his own club-like short stick, and charged towards the city wall!

At the same time, the soldier who received the warning quickly sounded the alarm bell, and the rapid clanging sound echoed over the White Bird City, and the soldier who was sleeping with the sword on his head rushed out of the door at the fastest speed.


In the Schimmel family castle, the third prince, who had just slept for less than an hour, heard the alarm bell and immediately got up from the big comfortable bed.

In the center of the city, Tomalu, the master warrior of the Simil family, turned over and rode on a black horse, waving his whip and rushing towards the city wall.

But White Bird City said it was not big or small, and it would take at least a minute for him to reach the city gate where the accident happened.

Far water cannot stop near thirst!

When he saw a burly man, wrapped in real air, rushing towards the city gate under the rain of arrows from soldiers, Baron Mawei understood his situation.


Master level powerhouse!

Only a master-level powerhouse can burst out such a terrifying aura, blocking the soldiers' concentrated shots. Baron Ma Wei, who is only a 6th-level soldier, has no confidence to confront a master-level powerhouse head-on, and hurriedly ran back.

A distance of tens of meters, for a master-level powerhouse, is only a matter of five seconds. Most of the soldiers only had time to shoot a round of arrows, and the wooden pagoda rushed under the tower.


With a roar, the wooden pagoda shot up like a meat bullet and jumped directly onto the eight-meter-high tower!

The warning sound revealed Baron Mawei's position. Now, Mumuta is very angry, and he wants to hammer the guy who made him exposed in advance.

One by one, the baron's personal soldiers were smashed into rotten flesh by Mumuta, and Mumuta smirked and chased after Baron Mawei who had not yet fled.

Baron Mawei, who understood his situation, gave up running away and drew the ancestral sword behind him.

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