White Dragon Lord

Dafengtui testimonials

Big push testimonials.

This book has been written for a little more than half a year. I have evolved from a Mengxin who didn’t understand anything at the beginning to a Mengxin who understands a little bit, and I also understand the meaning of the three words Dafengtui to the author of the starting point.

First of all, I must thank all new and old readers for their continuous support. Without your support, Bailong's book would never have reached this point. In this regard, I can only try my best to improve the quality of the article so that you can have a better reading experience.

Secondly, I must thank Qijiang for her care, but she has left Fantasy a few days ago and went to the military channel. I wish her a smooth new job and a happy life. (To be honest, writing a half-year book for three editors is a little depressing.)

Finally, let’s talk about the update during the strong wind blowing period. During the three-day big push period, there are three chapters (12,000 words) per day. I have manuscripts in my hand, but not many, only two chapters. I have a premonition that my old waist will be troubled. Yes, woohoo.

In addition, some readers are asking how many words can be written in this book. The contract I signed with Qiqi stipulates that it is 1 million to 3 million. According to the current rhythm, I estimate that it is 2 million plus or minus 500,000.

Happy reading everyone.

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