White Dragon Lord

Chapter 288 Silver's Betrayal

Hoarse, overlapping, but with a hint of playful female voice sounded in the hall.

"Oh~, what is the value of the barbarians now, it is worth me to offend the powerful Yafei Aiwei for you?!"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Sifrey's forehead. The ancient books recorded Lilith's origin and her experiences.

Among the barbarians, a nation that advocates force, women have no place at all, they are only tools for breeding offspring.

Born in such a society, Lilith's experience can be imagined, but Lilith was lucky, she met the most important person in her life - the former head of the witch council.

Lilith is a magical genius. She lived up to the expectations of her teacher and broke through the legend. It is surprising that she has further broken through to the high-level legend. Since then, the Northland Witch Council has officially become one of the top forces in Nordhill.

Lilith, who was born in a patriarchal society, was not of sound mind. After possessing great power, she became an extreme feminist. Since she took power, the Northland Wizarding Council slowly became the Northland Wizarding Council. The witch council, and even the Kingdom of Elans has become the only queen-dominated country in the mainland.

It can be said that Lilith has no affection for the barbarians, but Sifrey has no choice. He was driven to a dead end, and he had to put down his dignity and beg the help of this "compatriot".

"Lord Lilith, for the sake of the barbarian women..."

"Enough! If you're just talking nonsense, then please get out."

Thousands of years have passed, and Lilith's dislike of the barbarian society has gradually faded away, and her relatives and friends have long since died. For Lilith, the barbarians today are just familiar strangers, nothing more.

Sifrey closed his eyes in pain and made a difficult decision in his heart.

sorry! Archbishop Augsger! sorry! Your Majesty Ballino!

"I know a secret..."


Overseas Islands, White Castle Hall, the White Dragon Lord is listening to the report of the administrative officer - Hobbs.

"Commander Hogg has arrived at the Midoran Fortress, and the three princes of the Lowe Kingdom have also arrived at the Midoran Fortress. As soon as the ogre army arrives, they will launch a general attack on the barbarians."

The white dragon lord nodded slightly,

Indicate that you know.

The war was ruthless, and one of the four princes of the Lowe Kingdom was seriously injured. Naturally, this one was out early, but the withdrawal of one prince had no impact on the war, and everything was going according to plan.

It is believed that within a few days, Sandonar will only exist in historical documents.

The white dragon lord is thinking about the follow-up work in the north. The dragon mother died, and the white dragon lord's dragon beast transfer station plan was stranded, but the white dragon lord would push it back into the water.

Who to send?

Or Felicia, anyway, for it, it's just a different place to sleep. I think Longmei will not refuse such an arrangement, and it's a big deal to build a teleportation array.

The White Dragon Lord thought so.

Suddenly, there was a familiar wave of magical power in the sky. The white dragon lord raised his eyelids and switched his perspective to the god's perspective of the magic tower. It wanted to see who was teleported.

A woman's figure appeared in the sky. It was an acquaintance, Dennis Clive, the No. 2 figure of the Northland Witch Council.

The White Dragon Lord felt a little puzzled. Dennis visited at the juncture of White Castle's attack on the barbarians, and the meaning was intriguing.

The Northland has always been the site of the Witch Council. Could it be that White Castle's actions in the Northland made the Northland Witch Council feel uncomfortable?

The white dragon lord guessed in his heart, but no matter what the white dragon thinks, the result will only be known after communication.


The White Dragon Lord appeared in the sky outside the White Castle.

"Welcome to White Castle! My dear friend!"

"Good day! Your Majesty Amos, I hope I don't bother you by taking the liberty of visiting."

The two of them were each harbouring ghosts, and after being polite for a while, the White Dragon Lord welcomed Dennis into the White Castle.

One person and one dragon divided the host and guests into their seats. After the servants brought refreshments, they backed out, and one person and one dragon chatted.

First, I talked about the latest jewelry released by White Castle, and then I talked about the current situation in Nordhill Continent. I also exchanged lace news among the gods,  …

Dennis finally couldn't bear it anymore. The White Dragon Lord was not in a hurry, but Dennis was in a hurry. Hogg's gnoll army would wipe out all the barbarians, and her visit would be meaningless. Dennis turned the topic to Barbarian body cited.

"Your Excellency Amos, take the liberty to ask, what do you think of the barbarians?"

"Opinion? No idea. They killed my mother and destroyed the dragon beast transfer station I built in the Northwind Icefield. I want to destroy them now, why? The Witch Council is interested in barbarians?"

"Forget it, the barbarian patriarch-Sifrey went to the witch council to ask for help from His Excellency the Speaker."


The White Dragon Lord raised his brows and felt a little puzzled. Could it be that the barbarians and the Speaker of the Witch Council, the Frost Witch—Lilith were involved?

Haven't the feminists of the Witch Council always looked down on barbarians?

The white dragon lord had doubts in his heart, so he asked directly.

"Actually, it's not a secret. Speaker Lilith is from a barbarian."

The White Dragon Lord suddenly realized that the White Dragon Lord has not been in the high-level legend for a long time. Although some important things have been inquired from the Silver Dragon scholars, the lace news of the birthplace of the Northland Witch Council President is unknown.

"Then I don't know what Lilith-sama thinks?"

The White Dragon lord is not worried. The current strength of White Castle is no worse than that of the Northland Witch Council. Lilith will definitely not compete with White Castle of the same magnitude because of a little involvement thousands of years ago.

"We guys figured out a way to get the best of both worlds."

The white dragon lord made a sign of listening.

"Kill... um, Your Honored Matre is actually that majesty. Presumably His Majesty Amos knows very well that what you want to do is nothing more than revenge on that existence and destroy his belief in Nordhill."

Seeing that the White Dragon Lord's expression did not change, Dennis continued.

"But there is another means of exterminating the belief, and that is to replace that majesty's position with another god."

"Oh, interesting, I wonder what the witch council came up with?"

The White Dragon Lord is indeed interested in the plan of the Witch Council. If the White Dragon Lord destroys the barbarians, then the only object of Barino's hatred is the White Dragon Lord Yilong. Being hated by a god is not a good thing.

If the White Dragon Lord, as the mastermind behind the scenes, pushes another god to replace Ba Linuo, most of Ba Linuo's hatred will naturally be transferred to another god, and he can also sell another god's favor.

There is no doubt that the latter is beneficial to the White Dragon Lord.

"In addition to the belief of that majesty, there is another majesty in the barbarian family, and that is the god of war..."

Frostspear God of War - Haridon!

This being is a god of weak divine power, he has a wide range of beliefs among the warriors in the cold regions, and the North is his stronghold, due to the competition for beliefs, this majesty has a bad relationship with Baalino.

Lord White Dragon recalled Haridong's information in his mind, and he was indeed a suitable shield, oh no, he was a partner.

"I agree with the plan you put forward, but I promised the Loewy Kingdom to divide half of their land, so the barbarians need to cede the land and pay indemnity, and promise never to invade the Loewy Kingdom, and the Northland Witch Council and White Castle will be the witnesses of this matter. , and oversee the execution of the protocol by the barbarians."

The tone of the white dragon lord seemed a little tough, and the white dragon still attached great importance to his reputation.

"This..., I can't control this alone, I need to discuss it at a meeting and have a good communication with the barbarian patriarch."

The White Dragon Lord nodded.

"This is as it should be. In order to show my sincerity, the army in White Castle will suspend operations."

"Then I'll go back to discuss and discuss, and disturb you."

The White Dragon Lord sent Dennis away.

Later, the white dragon lord passed the dragon tooth contract with Hogg and explained some things.

Regarding the incident that Lilith came out for the barbarians, the White Dragon Lord never believed that it was just because of the involvement thousands of years ago. Some hidden cards.

But even if the White Dragon Lord understands in his heart, so what, the secret has already been in the hands of the Witch Council. The Witch Council is able to obtain it by virtue of its ability and has the ability to keep the secret. Besides, the proposal of the Witch Council is also beneficial to the White Dragon Lord. There is no reason for the White Dragon Lord. Do not agree.

In the far north, with the delivery of the White Dragon Lord's order, the border between the Loewy Kingdom and the barbarian prairie ushered in a temporary peace. Regarding the question of the Loewy Kingdom, Hogg only explained the intervention of the Kingdom of Elans.

Baines Twenty-third knew what the intervention of the Kingdom of Elance represented, and represented the intervention of the Witch Council. The Witch Council was a large organization of the same magnitude as White Castle. The Dragon Lord is already helping the Lowe Kingdom to gain interests. Naturally, the Lowe Kingdom has no objection, and also expressed his gratitude to the White Dragon through Hogg.

After the barbarian patriarch Sifrey returned, he immediately ordered the barbarian army to retreat thirty miles.

The war could not start, but the army did not stop moving. A group of gnolls rode hyenas and ran back and forth on the border of the Lowe Kingdom every day. This was Hogg, according to the instructions of the White Dragon Lord, to put pressure on the barbarians.

After the army of 10,000 ogres arrived, the army of White Castle organized a new project, a group of unbelievably strong ogres who practiced bidding guns on the barbarian prairie every day.

The steel gun that flew out a thousand meters scared the barbarian scout souls out.

When the three Prince Lowe saw this, they summed it up, and simply took out some money, several magic items, and a high-quality enchanted spear as prizes, set up several projects, and held an army competition.

Magic items are also a rare thing for the monsters in the overseas islands. The monsters "performed" more vigorously. The sergeants of the Lowe Kingdom naturally applauded and applauded, but the audience on the other side was horrified.

In other words, after Dennis returned, after discussing with the council, he invited Sifrey to discuss the conditions of the White Dragon Lord.

Sifred disagreed with life and death, because once the land was ceded, he would suffer eternal infamy. Sifred's insistence, coupled with the news that Sifred gave to the Witch Council was indeed valuable, and the Witch Council should not be too persecuted. In the end Together, the four parties decided to meet and talk with the leaders of the four parties on the barbarian prairie.

On a warm spring morning, the head of the White Castle - the White Dragon Lord, the arctic witch - Lilith, King Lowe - Baines XXIII, and the barbarian chief - Sifrey met in the barbarian prairie .

It was said to be a four-way meeting, but in fact, the White Dragon Lord and Lilith were just here to bear witness. The two sides of the negotiation were the victims: Baines XXIII and Sifrey.

This is how the first official meeting between the White Dragon Lord and the Arctic Witch began.

The two sides have actually met before. In the battle to defend the city of the sky, they fought side by side for a short period of time, but they did not meet officially as they are now.

One Dragon and One Witch set up a soundproof barrier around it, allowing King Lowe and the barbarian chief to quarrel outside. One Dragon and One Witch happily communicated in the soundproof barrier.

Both sides are the top powerhouses of ice magic, and the two of them intend to be friends, and the atmosphere of the conversation is very pleasant.

As an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, the arctic witch is also an old monster in appearance, full of wrinkled and aged slack skin, sunken eye sockets, and the barbarian woman's big hooked nose, which looks very blue. Gargoyle in the elves.

The white dragon lord couldn't help but complain in his heart, this lord is really an alternative among women. For a high-level legend, changing his appearance is as simple as drinking water and eating, but this lord's appearance is so unique.

Maybe it was her early experience that made her not care about her appearance. Women are the ones who please herself, and she doesn't like men. In addition, she stays in the magic tower all day to study magic, and she doesn't see outsiders, so it doesn't matter what she looks like. .

The white dragon lord thought so, the white dragon lord exchanged opinions with the arctic witch while driving a desertion, and the day passed like this.

As the sun was about to go down, King Lowe and the barbarian patriarch finally quarreled with a mutually acceptable result.

1. The barbarians swore never to violate the border of the Rowe Kingdom unless the Rowe Kingdom broke the agreement first, but the Rowe Kingdom should not interfere with the barbarians to buy food when the barbarians were in short supply.

2. War indemnity. The barbarians use one million horses, two million cattle, and five million sheep as indemnity for the invasion of the northern provinces, which will be paid within ten years. (Mainly because of being robbed by Long Ma, making him poor and having no money)


Of course, some secret agreements cannot be written in the contract, such as promoting the issue of belief replacement.

Witnessed by White Castle and the Witch Council, the two parties signed a magical contract, and then the four returned to their respective homes.

Before leaving, Lilith sent a voice transmission to the White Dragon Lord and visited White Castle in a few days.

The White Dragon Lord didn't know why, but Lilith's visit in person was naturally more than just a visit.

You must know that this arctic witch is a magic madman, and even the responsibility of the councilor is handed over to Dennis.

The white dragon lord was very curious as to what could make this existence walk out of the magic tower.

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