White Dragon Lord

Chapter 289 Cooperation with God

The Northland Witch Council has a strong execution force. On the night the contract was signed, the White Dragon Lord received a letter from Dennis. They had already contacted the Frostspear God of War, the Frostspear Church in Haridon.

Frostspear Church naturally had no reason to reject the good things that came to her door, and the Church's Archbishop, Marvin Oder, happily agreed.

If you successfully promote the beliefs of gods and make contributions, you will be rewarded by gods after your soul goes to the kingdom of God after being summoned by the Lord.

To overthrow another god's church, the fewer people who know about it, the better. It is the best choice for the leaders of the various forces to meet in person. The three parties agreed to meet in the kingdom of Elans early the next morning.

The White Dragon Lord teleported to the appointed place at the appointed time.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Dennis waiting here.

"Oh, my friend, why didn't Lord Lilith come in person?"

"Lord Speaker, I have something to do temporarily, so I will do it for you."

The White Dragon Lord didn't bother about this issue, and after talking with Dennis for a while, the Frostspear God of War, Haridon's spokesperson in Nordhill, arrived.

The visitor is a reckless man dressed as a primitive man. Even in the cold early spring, he only wears a short white fur skirt, revealing his well-defined muscles, and his bronze skin is painted with abstract symbols in white oil. .

The first thing the reckless man did after arriving was to dance the spear in his hand into a beautiful whirlwind, and then use the right hand holding the spear to slam the sturdy left pectoral muscle, which is the part of the heart.

"May strength fill your heart."

Although the visitor was just an ordinary legendary priest, he now represented the deity behind him, and the White Dragon Lord and Dennis did not dare to ask for it, and returned their salutes one after another.

After the three parties greeted each other, they set up the next barrier and started the business.

The archbishop of the Frostspear Church, Marvin, took the lead in raising the question.

"His Majesty has occupied the belief of the barbarians for many years, and there are a large number of die-hards among the barbarians. These die-hards will become the biggest obstacle to the promotion of my god's belief. If you want to succeed as soon as possible, you must first find these die-hards and kill them. them."

Dennis lowered his head and pondered for a while.

"no problem,

No one knows barbarians better than barbarian patriarchs. I'll let Sifrey draw up a list of fanatics, and then kill people according to the list. "

Sifred has already betrayed Ballino once, and he certainly wouldn't care a second time, Dennis continued.

"But I also have a condition. After the success of the matter, if Sifred wants to fall into the arms of His Majesty Frostspear, no matter whether his faith is sincere or not, when he dies, please send His Majesty Frostspear to receive his servants. soul."

Dennis put forward such a condition, nothing more than an explanation to Sifred, to prevent him from falling into the Styx after his death and giving Baalino an opportunity. Although the gods are unlikely to violate the regulations and personally go to the Styx to find people, but the devil does. You can do it for you, and dispatching a god attendant to pick up the lead will prevent this from happening at the root.

Marvin closed his eyes.

The soul of a legendary powerhouse is not too much for any god, and this legendary powerhouse can bring huge benefits, but Marvin is not qualified to make decisions on behalf of his master. After a while, Marvin opened his eyes.

"no problem."

The White Dragon Lord felt a sense of peeping. This was the Frostspear God of War-Harry Dong watched here through the eyes of the believers. The White Dragon Lord nodded in the direction of Marvin to show respect, and Dennis did the same.

High-level legends are called demigod-level powerhouses in many planes. The white dragon lord and Dennis only bowed their heads to show their respect for the consciousness of the gods, because they have such qualifications.

The problem of the list was resolved by the Council of Witches, and the White Dragon Lord thought of the thousand elite murloc nightcrawlers lurking in the Zhuo Nie River.

"The problem of assassination, White Castle will solve it."

The White Dragon Lord did not say how to solve it, but the two did not doubt the words of the White Dragon Lord at all, because White Castle has such an ability.

Marvin continued.

"Then the next thing to tear down the temple and spread the faith will be handed over to our church. Do you two have anything to add?"

The white dragon lord said.

"I want all the documents kept in that His Majesty's church. Of course, they can also be copies."

The Church of Gods has always had a good habit of recording information, and the records accumulated by the Church of Balinuo over the years are the historical heritage that the newly born Kingdom of Aphi Avi lacks.

As one of the main contributors to the overthrow of the Church of Balino, the White Dragon Lord's request to share the spoils was understandable, and Marvin agreed immediately.

The Northland Witch Council has a very rich historical background, but based on the principle of killing mistakes and not letting go, Dennis also made the same request as Lord White Dragon, and Marvin agreed.

Immediately, the three signed a magic contract to ensure the effectiveness of the results of this conversation.

After the magic contract was signed, the three of them withdrew from the barrier and smiled at each other.

The two have done a thousand good things together, and it is possible to part ways, but as long as they have done one bad thing together, then the two are iron buddies who wear the same pair of pants.

Of course, the same goes for all three.

But the three of them were all leaders of one side, and they were very busy. After being polite for a while, they said goodbye to each other.

The White Dragon Lord teleported back to White Castle, and the task of White Castle had to wait for the results of Sifrey's side, so he couldn't be in a hurry.

After returning to White Castle, the administrative officer, Hobbs, immediately came to visit the returning White Dragon Lord.

"Your Majesty, the Luowei Kingdom has sent an invitation. Three days later, the kingdom's heir will be announced, and Baibao will be invited to watch the ceremony."

"Well, I see."

After Baines XXIII signed a contract with Sifrey, the dangerous northern province became a safe rear area. Naturally, so many troops were no longer needed. Baines XXIII retained only 10,000 people. The garrison of the frontier army, others are arranged to places where they are more needed.

The three princes also returned to the capital with the army, and Baines XXIII also chose a suitable heir based on their performance in the war, but the result has not been announced.

Determining the heir of a country is a major event, and naturally a grand ceremony must be held, and whoever wins the throne will be announced at the ceremony.

The White Dragon Lord promised to help Luowei Kingdom stabilize the domestic situation, and naturally he would not break his promise.

"Gulgaru, I will trouble you to visit the Lowe Kingdom."

"It is my pleasure to serve you."

The White Dragon Lord nodded. The small scene of the Luowei Kingdom confirming the heir is naturally not worthy of the White Dragon Lord's personal involvement and dispatching the second person of the White Castle, which is enough to give the Luowei Kingdom face.

Three days later, the White Dragon Lord received news that the third prince, Millam, was officially identified as the Crown Prince of Lowe, and the nobles who received the news of White Castle's intervention did not dare to jump out to find trouble, and Gulgaru also returned to White Castle. .


Ten days later at dusk, the White Dragon Lord was soaking in the elemental pool while studying the profound meaning of magic.

Suddenly, the magic wave transmitted in the sky, the white dragon lord put down the super thick magic book in his hand and switched to the god vision of the magic tower.

As long as it switches to this state, everything within ten kilometers around the White Tower cannot escape the investigation of the White Dragon Lord. This feeling of controlling everything makes the White Dragon Lord feel infatuated, and he likes this state more and more.

At this time, the figure that appeared in the sky was the helm of the Northland Witch Council, the arctic witch—Lilith, who came to visit as promised.

Lord White Dragon brought this maverick and powerful woman into the parlour of White Castle, where one dragon and one guest sat down.

Lilith inherited the impetuousness of the barbarian family, without polite words, she went straight to the topic as soon as she came up.

"Your Majesty, I came here to discuss with you about the cooperation between the Northland Witch Council and White Castle to develop the Great Glacier together. What do you think?"

The white dragon lord was slightly stunned.

"Your Excellency Lilith, I don't know what the value of the Great Glacier is. It needs the cooperation of White Castle and your organization to develop it? Besides, why don't you find another organization and come to White Castle?"

Lilith also realized her abruptness and introduced it directly.

"According to the latest exploration, in the depths of the extreme winter of the Great Glacier, it is connected to the sub-element plane - the winter element plane, where some elemental creatures live, and they are very valuable."

The white dragon lord nodded, the winter element and the ice element are both special element creatures, but the winter element is a little more rare, they have the dual attributes of ice and wind, and they live in extremely cold areas.

The Great Glacier, an extreme area on the Nordhill continent, is suitable for all ice creatures to survive. The Great Glacier is called a forbidden place for life by ordinary people. In fact, the species around the Great Glacier are quite rich, such as the northern yak, icefield reindeer, Unique ice creatures such as icefield mammoths live in the outer area, and the area where the White Dragon family is active is also the outer area.

But once it crosses a certain limit and reaches the extreme winter, it is really a forbidden area for life. Only extraordinary creatures with super adaptability such as elemental creatures or giant dragons can operate in the extreme winter, and the snow demon lives in the extreme winter. Extreme winter.

"And the extreme winter is deeper, most of the areas are blank areas that have not yet been explored. In this extreme environment, there are definitely rare magic materials that are useful to you and me. As for why you want to find White Castle..."

Lilith picked up the tea brought by the waiter and took a sip.

"Because neither of our organizations currently has a newly discovered heteroplane."

Lord White Dragon: "..."

The white dragon lord has the urge to slap the table and curse the sky, of course, not against Lilith, but because the white dragon lord has doubts about his dragon rank.

Nima! Thousands of expensive "drifting bottles" were thrown out, and not a single splash was splashed!

The white dragon lord felt that his white skin was actually dyed, and the real race was the "black" dragon.

Regardless of the drama in the White Dragon Lord's heart, Lilith continued to make a big news.

"And the headquarters of the Dragon Worship Cult that you are more concerned about, Lord Amos, is in the extreme winter of the Great Glacier, where they already have a foundation. To seize the cake in the hands of the Dragon Worship Cult, it's just that the Northland Witch Council still Not enough, I need allies."

"Your Excellency Amos, as a white dragon of ice attribute, you have a need for the Great Glacier, and you don't like the Dragon Cult. The strength of White Castle is comparable to that of the Witch Council. I can't find a more suitable partner than White Castle. already."

It's nice and candid, and I like it a lot.

Since Lilith was so sincere, the White Dragon Lord felt that he should also make a statement.

"My younger brothers and sisters have fallen into a deep sleep, and Baibao is currently in a dormant period, and it is not suitable for much external action within three years. After they wake up, I will give you a clear answer, I hope you can understand. "

Lilith lowered her head and thought for a while after hearing the words, and then nodded, Baibao under such circumstances is indeed not suitable for making too much action in a short period of time.

"Then I will go back and wait for the good news from Your Excellency Amos, and leave."

The resolute strong woman teleported away, and the White Dragon Lord fell into contemplation in the White Castle Hall.

The higher you stand, the farther you see; the farther you see, the more you know; the more you know, the more you don't know.

Over the years, as the White Dragon Lord has grown in strength, he has discovered that the waters of Nordhill are deeper than he thought.

The Dragon Worship Cult in the extreme winter, the blue dragon—the quicksand purgatory where the thunder tyrant lives, the sea king beast in the depths of the sea, the faceless person who can erase the records of the council, living in the depths of the dark area, free from the council The beholder family, even inside the council, there are many secrets that ordinary members do not know, such as the role of the eighth and ninth tower spirits, and those sub-planes attached to the Nordhill plane...

And Lilith said bluntly that the Witch Council could not fight the Dragon Cult alone, and the White Dragon Lord lacked the necessary understanding of the extreme winter.

Therefore, the White Dragon Lord must be careful.

Even if it is very tempted by Lilith's proposal, it still has to evaluate whether the risks and benefits are proportional before deciding whether to make a move.

"Taling No. 7, help me retrieve the information of the extreme winter."

"Extreme Winter is located in the depths of the large glacier in the northern part of the Nordhill continent, where ordinary flesh-and-blood creatures are completely extinct. The species that live in the extreme winter are snow demons, ice scorpions, and cold breath elves... three and three are recommended. The above legendary professionals will go in a team and prepare a lot of cold-resistant items."

The white dragon lord raised his brows, there was no information about the winter element, and Lilith had no reason to lie to herself, and this kind of inferior lie could not stand verification. The permissions are not sufficient to know deeper information.

No matter what the situation is, it is not good news for the White Dragon Lord.

"It seems that I have to go there in person."

Suddenly, the White Dragon Lord remembered the head of the Dragon Beast Academy he brought back from the Great Glacier, the White Dragon - Sugramo.

The place where the dragon mage born of the half-dragon beast, Sugramer, lives, is not very far from the extreme winter.

Perhaps, it knows more.

The heartbeat is worse than action, the white dragon lord stood up.

Since the establishment of the Dragon Beast Academy, the dragon beasts collected by the white dragon lord and the giant dragons brought back from the Madiran world have lived there, and the large island has also been renamed Wanlong Island.

Wanlong Island is not too far from Kumlinge. The White Dragon Lord left White Castle and flew towards Wanlong Island.

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