White Dragon Lord

Chapter 441: God Conferring Ceremony

The Pearl of the Dark Sea!

This is the name of the blue light ball. The Pearl of the Dark Sea is a camouflage prop that gathers the power of the ocean. It can temporarily melt the user's body into sea water, allowing the user to walk through the sea without knowing it.

In this way, the possibility of the White Dragon lord hiding from the eyes of the gods has greatly increased, and an insurance has been added on the basis of the space blockade.

The white dragon lord held the Pearl of the Dark Sea in his hand, lying on the altar and quietly waiting for the time to come.

The sea water is flowing slowly, and there is not a trace of sunlight on the bottom of the deep sea, but the White Dragon Lord can also feel the flow of time.

The sun rises, traverses the sky along the eternal trajectory, falls from the western sky, and a silver moon rises...

In the deep sea, the white dragon lord opened his eyes, and his golden pupils shot out a bright light, which looked at the murloc relatives beside him.

Fauci Darkscale also looked at the White Dragon Lord, and the two looked at each other and nodded slowly.

The white dragon lord swallowed the pearl of the dark sea, turned his body into sea water, and moved forward rapidly in the deep sea, heading further east to the Yafei Aiwei Empire.

Faci Darkscale took a deep breath and sat on the altar to adjust its state. Now it only needs to wait for Merlin Tianli to block the space, and then he can read the words of conferring gods to Yuanhai and open the road to conferring gods.

Above the white clouds, the city of the sky.

Merlin Tianli stared at the eastern sky from the balcony, the wind blew his snow-white hair and beard, the sky showed fish belly white, and the horizon gradually brightened.

Finally, the sun showed a corner from the distant mountains, and the brilliant golden-red sun shone on the earth.

Merlin Tianli teleportation disappeared. He came to the control room of Sky City and put his hand on the control core. The space blocking magic circle that was only opened when Nordhill lived and died was an exception to the conferred gods.

There is a magical connection between the city of the sky and the heart of the plane of Nordhill. He used the city of the sky to stimulate the heart of the plane, and a strange energy wave enveloped the entire plane.

All over the world, legendary powerhouses were horrified to find that they could no longer use teleportation, and the difficulty of teleportation for high-level legendary powerhouses was much greater than before, but they had been notified in advance, so there was no widespread panic.

The space blockade magic circle will not be easily activated with full force. Everyone knows that a major event is about to happen, and the strong people fly to high places.


A peculiar voice sounded in the minds of everyone, and everyone in the entire plane stopped their work and looked in the direction of the rising sun.

"The source sea is a lesson! I! Faith Darkscale! Starting today and the new god of murlocs..."

The powerhouses opened their mouths in surprise, and it turned out to be the words of a conferred god.

In the overseas islands, hundreds of thousands of Faith Darkscale believers gathered in the temple to pray to the temple, and the strange power of faith was transmitted to the new murloc god along the thread of faith.

In the deep sea altar, Faisi Darkscale felt that the divine power was accumulating in the body, the will of Yuanhai was coming, and finally the divine power had accumulated to a certain extent.

Faith Darkscale took a deep breath and took the initiative to attract the original fire, igniting the divine power in his body.

The endless pain burned its body and soul, and the divine power gradually became viscous under the calcination of the primordial fire, and gradually developed into a solid state. If Fei Xi Darkscale can withstand the test, then the divine power is in the primordial fire. Under the effect of sublimation into a godhead.

If it does not stand the test, then its body and even its soul will be turned into dust under the burning of the original fire, and even the gods will not be able to resurrect it.

On the island thousands of meters away from the Fengshen Trench, the avatar of the white dragon lord and the little red dragon watched the trench. The blue flame seemed to set the ocean on fire, making people shudder.

On the other hand, the White Dragon Lord can also hear the words of the Conferred God. It understands that it can act. No one can tell how long the Conferred God will last. It may be over in ten minutes, or it may be held for an hour or two.

A mass of sea water is advancing at an extremely fast speed in the ocean, directly across the Naga Empire and into the deepest trench in the deep sea.

The White Dragon Lord sensed that there were several powerful and filthy forces in the trench. It was the great arcanists who were cursed by the gods. They, or they now called themselves the Faceless.

It was dark in the trench, and I couldn't see my fingers.

The white dragon lord swam to one of the breaths, and it was about to approach.

Suddenly, a transparent giant octopus tentacle popped out of the trench and hit the White Dragon Lord.

The white dragon lord stopped immediately, and the translucent tentacles brushed in front of it.

"You! You shouldn't be here! Dragon!" A hoarse, low voice with a little echo echoed in the mind of the white dragon lord: "Get out of here!"

It saw the Faceless in the trench, it was a deformed monster, it looked like a giant with an octopus head, one arm was replaced by tentacles, the other arm was intact, and the palm was intact, but The five fingers were replaced by twisting tentacles, and its body was covered with dark red lumps, which looked extremely evil.

The White Dragon Lord felt a foul-smelling twisting force on the Faceless, which made the Faceless seem out of tune with the entire universe. This was the curse of the gods, and the curse made these former great arcans lose their use of elements. rights, and deprived them of the right to enjoy the sun.

"I'm here to seek knowledge of the Arcane Empire," the time was running out, and the White Dragon Lord directly stated his request.

"Arcane Empire?!"

"Arcane Empire!"

"Arcane! Empire!"

The frantic voice was like crying and laughing, and the tone was full of confusion, like a nightmare murmur.

Although he could not feel the specific emotions of the Faceless, the White Dragon Lord also noticed that his emotions fluctuated violently, the trench was trembling, and a long string of bubbles burst out from the bottom of the sea.

"How dare you bring up the Arcane Empire in front of me!!!"

A huge power of soul emerged from the trench, and the white dragon lord's pupils shrank, it was a sledgehammer that condensed soul energy.

Master Soul Magic - Soul Crusher!

The Faceless lost the power to use the elements, and the power of the soul became their only means. This is the conjecture of the White Dragon Lord through materials and bold conjectures, and it has long been prepared.

"It's a coincidence, I can do this too."

Master Soul Magic - Soul Crusher!

The two soul hammers collided, and the soul power fluctuations of the invisible matter spread in all directions, into the sea water, into the rock wall, and wiped out the souls of all creatures they touched.

The Faceless Man was stunned when he saw that the Lord of the White Dragon Forest used the same magic to defuse his attack, and regained his composure.

"Who are you? Why seek knowledge of the Arcane Empire?"

"I am a seeker of truth. As for why I seek knowledge of the Arcane Empire, I want to step on the shoulders of my predecessors. I want to know more. Is this reason enough?"

The White Dragon Lord looked at the brooding Faceless with alertness.

These Faceless Ones were once wise Grand Arcanists, but they were cursed beyond recognition, their minds twisted with their bodies, most of the time they were like lunatics, unable to communicate, but sometimes they were awake for a while.

And the person in front of him asked such a question just now, obviously entering a rare time of sobriety.

"As you can see, I am a mage, truth is my eternal belief, knowledge is my eternal pursuit, life is endless, and the road of exploration will never stop."

"Looks like you've done a lot of homework. It's been a long time since I heard these maxims from the Age of Arcane Empires, but the Age of Arcane is over."

"The era of the Arcane Empire is indeed long gone, but the Arcane is far from over. From ancient times to the present, latecomers have excavated lost civilizations from the wreckage of the Arcane Empire. That glorious era has attracted many people. The Arcane Empire will be extended.”

The white dragon lord looked at the silent faceless man: "This former great arcanist, rather than let the knowledge of the arcane empire be buried with you in this trench, it is better to leave it to me to carry forward, anyway, it is not good for you. What's wrong."

"But it's no good," the Faceless and the White Dragon Lord were silent for a while: "But you are right, the glory of the Arcane Empire really shouldn't be buried in this trench with me."

The white dragon lord was overjoyed.

"But you may be mistaken, I can't give you what you want."

The white dragon lord suddenly felt in his heart.

"But I can guide you in the gap between time and space, where the last hope of the Arcane Empire is imprisoned. Find it."

The power of the soul forms a space coordinate in front of the White Dragon Lord.

The White Dragon Lord remembered a legend. It is said that when the Arcane Empire was about to collapse, the omnipotent Great Arcanists sent a floating city into the gap between time and space to avoid the pursuit of the gods.

"Come on! Those poor puppets will not allow the Arcane Empire to return! Now is the best time for you to go there! May the truth be right before your eyes!"

The white dragon lord left the trench, quickly recited the incantation in his mouth, and went to the coordinates given by the faceless one.

After a burst of strong light, the white dragon lord came to a teleportation array, and he saw a purple-robed mage standing beside the teleportation array.

Do not! It's the Arcanist!

This young arcanist has only master-level strength, but uses pure arcane energy.

The Arcanist stared blankly at the White Dragon Lord.

"You...you...are you the new experimental material?"

"What?!" The white dragon lord had a black line on his head, resisting the thought of slapping him flying, it turned into a dragon man, and the power of frost in his hands condensed: "You may be mistaken, I'm here to seek Austrian Seekers of truth in the knowledge of the imperial empire."

"Ah?! Oh! It's really rare! A giant dragon found it here! But knowledge is never free!" The young arcanist took out a small test tube and shook it in front of the White Dragon Lord: " But as long as you give me a little blood, I will introduce you to the situation here, what do you think?"

The white dragon lord glanced at the small test tube. Given the size of the giant dragon, it can be filled with a drop of blood, plus it really needs someone to introduce the situation here: "Okay."

The young arcanist got his wish and took the blood of the ancient dragon. He took a wooden block full of runes from his arms and said a few words to the wooden block.

After a while, another young arcanist came to the teleportation room and curiously looked at the white dragon lord who was in the state of the dragon man.

Being looked at as a monkey, the white dragon lord felt a little uncomfortable, but it was not easy at present. He took out the cloak of the faceless and put it on.

"Let's go, this dragon mage, you can call me Mao," the master arcanist who called himself Mao took the White Dragon Lord out of the teleportation room: "How much do you know about the City of Truth."

"I don't know much," the White Dragon Lord looked around, and found himself inside a magic tower. Arcanists in the same uniform as Mao Chuan walked through the corridor, while the White Dragon Lord wore a faceless maverick. The man's cloak, which made everyone look sideways.

"I just learned from your mouth that its name is the City of Truth."

The young Arcanist shrugged. "I'm curious how you found this place. Can you tell me?"

"Curiosity is the quality of a good mage, but satisfying your curiosity is not within the scope of the agreement. You should continue to introduce here. The purpose of my coming here is to gain knowledge of the Arcane Empire."

"Okay, okay, every outsider has the same purpose as you," the little arcanist explained while leading the white dragon lord: "The City of Truth advocates equivalent exchange, you want arcane If you want to know the knowledge of the magic empire, you have to exchange it with an equivalent item, and this item can be any knowledge, magic materials, or even news."

He glanced at the white dragon lord: "If it is you, you can also sell blood, I think..."

"Stop! Where can I find that knowledge, and their price list."

"First of all, outsiders who come to the City of Truth need to visit our city lord, the descendant of the great Arcane Emperor - Your Excellency the Chosen Eye, if the Chosen Eye Your Excellency agrees with you to stay in the City of Truth, then you will I have obtained the qualification to go to the Great Library, where most of the knowledge of the Radiant Era is collected, and I can naturally exchange this knowledge at that time."

The white dragon lord nodded and suddenly remembered a question: "Then your job is to receive outsiders, which means that explaining outsiders is your job."

It realizes that it has been tricked...

"Cough, cough! Lord Dragon! This is different! I will handle my work, and I will answer every question you have. Equivalent exchange is also my principle. In the future in the City of Truth, if you want to inquire about anything Just look for me for news, until I feel that my news is worth as much as dragon blood."

Facing the unfriendly eyes of the white dragon lord, the little arcanist quickly explained: "Well, the office of Your Excellency the Chosen Eye has arrived."

The little arcanist knocked on the door for the white dragon lord, stood by the door, and made a gesture of please.

"Come in."

The white dragon lord pushed in and saw the interior scene. This is a very simple office, with the exception of a desk and chairs full of bookshelves.

A middle-aged man wearing extraordinary equipment sat in a chair and looked at the white dragon lord in surprise. When the white dragon lord saw this, he immediately understood that the other party could see through the disguise of the faceless cloak.

This is not surprising, the cloak technology of the Faceless was originally found in the ruins of the Arcane Empire.

"It's really rare. Your Excellency is the first ancient dragon to come to the City of Truth."

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