White Dragon Lord

Chapter 442: An Unexpected Acquaintance

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"That's really an honor, Your Excellency the Chosen Eye, I am..."

"Amos Aldridge," The Chosen Eye called out the name of the White Dragon Lord, and closed the book in his hand: "Although the City of Truth is hidden here, it is not ignorant of the outside world."

He stood up, the index finger and middle finger of his right hand came together, the other fingers were bent, and he tapped his heart with the fingertips, which was an ancient mage ceremony in the arcane empire era.

The white dragon lord in the form of a dragon man took off the cloak of the Faceless and performed the mage salute of Nordhill.

Both symbolize the homage between explorers of two different eras.

The atmosphere became harmonious, and the white dragon lord went straight to the point: "Your Excellency, the chosen eye, the purpose of my coming here is to stand on the shoulders of my predecessors and go further to the truth. I don't know if your Excellency can fulfill my wish."

"The Arcane Empire will not reject the seekers of the truth, but it will not share everything for no reason. Such a cheap gift of knowledge is disrespectful to the ancestors." The chosen eye looked at the white dragon lord: "I think someone has already given it. You explained the rules of the city of truth-equivalent exchange."

"Your Excellency, I still can't come up with a wealth that is comparable to the knowledge of the Arcane Empire."

"It doesn't matter, we accept the IOU, and Lord Merlin of Nordhill still owes it."

This made the White Dragon Lord feel a little surprised, but it was also reasonable when he thought about it carefully.

"If you need an IOU, you can come to me directly," the chosen eye raised a hand, palm up, and the invisible magic servant handed over a card: "This is the pass for outsiders in the city of truth, With this pass, Your Excellency Amos can be active in any area except the core area, you must apply in advance to enter the core area, Taring will give you a detailed introduction, and you can activate it by inputting mental power."

The card slowly flew towards the White Dragon Lord and stopped in front of him. It was a dazzling purple card, like a crystal.

The white dragon lord picked up the card and injected a ray of spiritual power.

"Mental power identification."

"No matching psychic frequency was found, the identification failed, and a new file was established."

"I am the No. 1 Taring of the City of Truth. You can call me Gaia. May I be fortunate enough to know your name, strange visitor."

The white dragon lord is very familiar with this electronically synthesized voice. It is the voice of the tower spirit, but the voice of the tower spirit, the city of truth, has an emotion, which makes the white dragon lord feel like a living person.

"Amos Aldridge, it's an honor to come to the City of Truth, and it's an honor to know your name."

"Welcome to the city of truth, Mr. Amos, you are the sixty-first visitor to the city of truth, I will create a file for you, and I need to scan your body data, but the energy protection around your body is too strong, please Let go of energy protection for now."

The White Dragon Lord unlocked the defensive energy field around him, and he felt a peculiar wave sweep across his body.

"The scan is completed, the archive is completed, the name is Amos Aldridge, the ancient dragon-level white dragon, the arcane master-level mage, the comprehensive strength is the great arcanist-level, you have the second-level authority..."

Tarling gave the White Dragon Lord a detailed introduction to the City of Truth.

In the era of the Arcane Empire, the last Arcane Emperor fell into madness. He wanted to study the gods, united hundreds of great arcanists, and drove hundreds of sky cities to attack the kingdom of God, angering the gods, the gods united, and the war broke out .

The cities of the sky fell one by one, and the crazy last Arcane Emperor lost his way, but it was too late. Facing the soldiers of the gods, he forcibly broke open the space and let his son carry the last hope of the Arcane Empire—— The City of Truth is hidden in the gap between time and space.

Because this place is located in the gap between time and space, the flow of time is abnormal, nearly three times slower than the outside world, which means that after three years in the City of Truth, the outside world has only passed one year.

Tower Ling will naturally explain the system of exchanging knowledge, and the city of truth also adopts the points system.

Visitors can provide the City of Truth with all valuable things such as knowledge and materials, and Taring will give corresponding points according to the value of the provided things, and the knowledge in the big library is clearly marked.

Taring introduced a lot, but they were all done through spiritual transmission, and it took only two or three seconds for the outside world to pass.

Heaven's Chosen's Eyes looked at the white dragon lord who looked clear: "What kind of knowledge can Your Excellency Amos provide, can you give me a glimpse?"

Over the years, the White Dragon Lord has never been slack, and the accumulated knowledge of unique magic is very considerable. He took out a memory crystal and transferred the knowledge in his mind to the crystal.

The memory crystal flew to the Eye of Heaven's Choice, and the Eye of Heaven's Choice absorbed the memory crystal, and he gave a deep look at the white dragon lord: "I didn't expect your Excellency to study ice magic so thoroughly, even if it is Austrian. During the heyday of the Magic Empire, Your Excellency's research on ice magic was enough to shock the world."

The Eye of the Chosen also took out a memory crystal and transmitted some knowledge to the memory crystal.

The White Dragon Lord took the flying memory crystal and absorbed the knowledge in the crystal.

It is indeed an equivalent exchange.

The knowledge provided by the Eye of the Chosen is about the same value as the knowledge given by the white dragon lord, and maybe a little more. In short, this wave of exchange is not a loss.

After chatting with the Eye of the Chosen for a while, the White Dragon Lord couldn't wait to come to the Great Library.

This is an extremely huge tower. The tower is filled with bookshelves layer by layer. The floating magical servants use extremely professional means to care for the books. Most of these books are old antiques handed down from the era of the Arcane Empire.

In addition to the white dragon lords and magical servants, there are arcanists in the great library who are reading.

Lord White Dragon couldn't wait to communicate with Taring: "Gaia, I want to exchange points."

It successfully transmits a large batch of research to Tarling, who returns a large number of points based on knowledge value.

"I need research results related to the absolute zero critical point."

Taring can also play the role of a search engine. It selects relevant research results according to the requirements of the White Dragon Lord and displays them in front of the White Dragon Lord in the form of a directory.

The white dragon lord looked at the catalogue of more than ten pages and picked it up. According to the introduction, he chose what he wanted.

After deducting a certain amount of points, the invisible magic servant fetched the book that the White Dragon Lord wanted, and it took the book and walked to the reading area on the side.

Among the many reading crowds, the White Dragon Lord saw a familiar back, and it tentatively called out.


Hearing someone mentioning his name, Mage Allen turned around and saw Lord White Dragon with a stunned expression on his face.

In order not to disturb others, the white dragon lord cast a soundproof barrier to cover himself and his friends: "It's really you, why are you here."

"Amos, this should be my question, how did you find it here?" Master Allen looked happy and curious: "This is my home."

"Your family?!" The white dragon lord was slightly taken aback: "Wait! Are you not from the Otago world?"

"You are right in saying that. My mother is indeed a member of the Supreme Council of the Otago World, but my father is a resident of the City of Truth."

"No wonder," the White Dragon Lord briefly said about the Faceless.

Hearing that the wise Arcanist turned into that appearance, Master Allen was silent.

"Stop talking about these disappointing things, Amos, since you are here, then come and play at my house."

The white dragon lord looked at the book in his hand. The big library's rule is that you can read it repeatedly after paying the fee, so it is not in a hurry for a while.

It followed Mage Allen out of the great library, came to the street outside, and saw the scene outside the City of Truth.

Outside the transparent magic barrier is a grey and white sky, and the atmosphere is oppressive, making it difficult to distinguish up and down, left and right, while inside the barrier are towers. Driving a variety of flying tools to travel between the towers, discs, flying carpets, surfboards and other types of flying tools are available.

Those who need tools to fly are basically arcanists under the legend, and the White Dragon Lord and Alan Mage fly by their own power.

While flying, Master Allen introduced the City of Truth to the White Dragon Lord.

"In the two areas of the City of Truth, the outer ring is the residence of ordinary civilians. The interior of the tower where the civilians live is expanded with space expansion technology, and a single tower can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people."

"And the core area is some important places, as well as the area where the Great Arcanist lives. The Great Arcanist is also known as the god-level mage in the outside world. Now there are 32 Great Arcanists in the City of Truth. My father is one of them."

"I really envy me, your family of three are all..."

Lord White Dragon remembered the mother of Mage Alan, who was a powerful mage no weaker than Merlin Tianli, and Mage Alan's father was no weaker than that.

Under the leadership of Master Allen, the White Dragon Lord entered a high tower in the core area without any obstruction.

As soon as he entered the hall of the tower, the white dragon lord felt the dazzling sunlight. It looked towards the sky. It was an artificial sun. The sun was embedded in the azure sky and was still moving slowly. This was completely an imitation of the material plane. made.

It senses the heat radiated by the sun and perceives the difference between the artificial sun and the real sun. The sunlight emitted by the artificial sun is pseudo sunlight that is reconciled with the elements of fire and light in a certain proportion, but the pseudo sunlight also provides energy for the normal growth of plants. .

Master Allen pointed to the endless field, the blue wheat waves on the field were endless, and the clay puppets were working in the fields, and these puppets were also "solar" versions: "This is the first floor of the Tower of Xihe, and this is the main center of the City of Truth. In a wheat-producing area, ordinary people still have to eat."

The two came to the second floor. The space expansion of the second floor of the Tower of Xihe was not as exaggerated as that of the first floor, but it was far more than that of a normal magic tower, enough for the white dragon lord to fly freely in it.

After a while, the White Dragon Lord saw the father of Mage Allen, a great arcanist who looked like a young man. If he hadn't heard Master Allen call him his father, he would have thought it was Mage Allen's brother.

Not only is he young in appearance, but he is also very young in spirit.

Alan Mage recommended for both.

"Father, this is my comrade-in-arms on the abyss battlefield and my good friend, Armos Aldridge."

"Amos, this is my father, the Great Arcanist - Yarman the Blade of Time and Space."

The White Dragon Lord learned from the nickname of the Blade of Time and Space that Yarman mastered both time and space magics at the same time, and both achieved certain achievements. Based on these two alone, the White Dragon Lord determined that his combat power was at least comparable to medium divine power. The strongest among them, and even the existence of high-level divine power.

As expected of a remnant of the Arcane Empire, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

"Hello, Your Excellency Blade of Time and Space, first meeting..."

The three of them are god-level existences, and the atmosphere of the conversation is very harmonious.

Lord White Dragon stayed at Mage Allen's house for a day, and then returned to the Great Library to continue his study. After all, it came to find knowledge, and for a Mage, knowledge is power.

In the house of Mage Alan, it also has a big gain. For the sake of friendship, Yarman Time and Space Blade granted the White Dragon Lord the right to exchange the book collection of the Tower of Xihe, of course, it must also follow the equivalent exchange the rules.

You must know that most of the knowledge left over from the arcane empire period in the great library, and over the years, the new research results of the arcanists in the city of truth have not all entered, and a lot of precious magical knowledge has been preserved.


Affiliate Empire.

The avatar of the white dragon lord is convening the ministers of the empire, and everyone is gathered in the white castle.

The huge white dragon squatted on the throne, looking up at the neatly arranged imperial ministers in the hall.

"The god of the new murlocs has succeeded in consecrating the gods. From now on, we need to promote their beliefs and expand their followers."

"Bucky Darkscale, you are most familiar with Faci Darkscale. You are responsible for compiling his deeds and handing it over to the imperial propaganda department to promote it, and strive to make all the murlocs become followers of the new murloc god."

Bucky Darkscale took the order with pleasure. Faciy Darkscale was once its subordinate and disciple. The success of the disciple's success in conferring a god made his heart feel mixed, and the joy was far greater than other emotions.

The white dragon lord is not worried at all about whether the murlocs can accept the new murloc god, because Faisi Darkscale is the patriarch of the murlocs, and his prestige in the murlocs even exceeds that of Ba, who has a low sense of presence. Kee Darkscale, the murlocs of the Afiavi Empire will sooner or later be in its bag.

The total number of murlocs and new murlocs possessed by the entire Yafei Aiwei Empire has exceeded one billion, and these believers are enough to make the newly born new murloc gods pass through the period of weakness.

The white dragon lord intends to add the icing on the cake, and strive to bring other races of the Yafei Aiwei Empire to the camp of the new murloc gods, so as to provide a one-stop service for the Yafei Aiwei people from birth to death, from death to the demise of their souls.

The idea is very good, but there are many problems in its implementation. The main one is that it cannot force the people to change their beliefs, because this will undoubtedly offend a large number of gods, and they can only rely on normal competition between temples to compete for beliefs.

In addition to the nationals of Yafei Aiwei, the white dragon lord will also pay attention to the deep sea area, and the species in the deep sea are quite rich.

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