White Dragon Lord

Chapter 451 The calculation of the 5 dragon queens

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Under Wanlong's attention, the red copper dragon flew to the front of the white dragon lord and greeted the elder.

"Good day, great dragon pioneer."

The white dragon lord raised his brows. Obviously, the red copper dragon judged his age by his strength, and regarded himself as an old monster who had lived for a long time.

"Emmm..., did you just wake up from a deep sleep?"

The red copper dragon was slightly taken aback: "How did you know?"

I don't even know, I must be sleeping.

The white dragon lord couldn't help but complain in his heart. It has stepped into the godly level for more than 100 years, and this high-level legendary red copper dragon has been sleeping during this period. It is really too lazy to do it.

However, for the giant dragon family, this is not too outrageous. There was once a dragon who slept for more than a thousand years.

"Forget it, do you have anything to do with me?"

The copper dragon bowed his head humbly: "Elder, I have witnessed the battle between your subordinates and the Titans, and I was surprised by their cooperation with each other. I asked if they could help us in training, which requires your permission. "

"Okay, this matter is beneficial to the Dragon Clan, I will arrange it."

The red bronze dragon was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Thank you for the kindness of the elders."

As for the training of the giant dragons in this world, the White Dragon Lord will naturally not refuse. It is not difficult. It is only necessary to provide a systematic training method and leave some giant dragons as instructors.

"Brother, Your Majesty the Dragon Queen has something to tell you," Felicia said suddenly, and then the will of the five dragon queens fell on it. The dragons in the field felt the pressure of the Dragon God and bowed their heads humbly. .

The white dragon lord looked at the five-headed dragon in confusion, the trouble has been resolved, what are you doing at this time?

The five-headed dragon queen used the body of Longmei to cast a magical barrier, so that the outside world could not see the scene inside the barrier, and could not hear the sound.

"Amos, you dragon army trained really well."

There was a flash of puzzlement in the eyes of the white dragon lord. There are many priests of Tiamat in the giant dragon army. He must have watched the battle through the eyes of the priests. Now that he speaks such inexplicable words, he is not sure about the five-headed dragon. What does it mean after.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Queen has something to say."

"Then I'll say it. I compared this giant dragon army with the giant dragon army in the abyss. Compared with them, the giant dragon army in the abyss is just an amateur level. I want them to get professional training, at least Learn to cooperate with each other.”

The white dragon lord suddenly realized that it was the red copper dragon who inspired the five-headed dragon queen: "No problem, since the dragon queen wants the dragon family to learn to fight as a team, why not choose this world as a special training ground?"

"It's a good idea, but if the army in the abyss is removed, there will be a vacancy in combat power..." Tiamat looked at the white dragon lord, and the meaning was self-evident: you will make it up.

The white dragon lord raised his brows. It turned out that the ultimate move was in the back, and his mind was like electricity. Although Tiamat had calculated his own elements in it, what he said was really reasonable. After training the dragon in the abyss, he invested in it. The battlefield is good for victory.

"Then as you wish, Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, I will personally lead the army into the war."

"There is no need for you to go out in person. The Evil Scale Fortress has a lord dragon who is good at strategy, guarantee..."

"It's better for me to keep an eye on my own legion," the White Dragon Lord interrupted the five-headed dragon and gave it a sidelong glance: "It saves me having to go out and be dug into the corner."

"Hahaha, how could it be," the five-headed dragon queen smiled awkwardly, and also understood that it would be impossible to get it from the White Dragon Lord: "Since you have already decided, then I will not advise you, when can you start? Training the dragon race?"

"Let's arrange it after I lead the army to the abyss. I will do it as soon as possible."

"I'm waiting for your good news," Tiamat's will left.

The white dragon lord looked at the red copper dragon and asked about the dragon on this plane.

On the side, Felicia felt the priest level raised by one level,

The mood is complicated. Before I know it, my brother is already strong enough to negotiate terms with the supreme dragon god and force the dragon queen to make concessions.

On the other hand, the white dragon lord learned from the mouth of the red copper dragon that there are more than 31,000 giant dragons living in the world of Senedar giant dragons, and there are countless dragon beasts with dragon blood. Thousands of legendary powerhouses were born.

The white dragon lord thought in his mind that he could transform this plane into a training ground, and he made a plan in his mind.

This time is different from the Dragon Academy. The Dragon Academy teaches young dragons. Compared with the adult dragons, the little dragons are more like a blank piece of paper.

The students this time are all adult giant dragons with a certain foundation. The adult giant dragons have experienced many battles, big and small, and they are not lacking in combat experience. What they lack is cooperation.

As for how to train their team fighting ability, the white dragon lord has a preliminary idea. First, he will teach the concept of team fighting, and then practice in groups and practice to death. If you don't want to be beaten, you have to keep learning teamwork.

Of course, medical conditions have to keep up. In this regard, the Dragon Academy has a large number of priests who can guarantee their daily training.

As soon as he said it, the white dragon lord immediately shared his thoughts with Longdi and Longmei, and asked Longdi and Longmei to explain the knowledge of team combat to the indigenous dragons.

First of all, the indigenous dragons have to figure out their strengths, whether they are good at melee combat, or good at magic, etc. After they figure out their strengths, they have to determine their position in the team.

After some cramming-style learning, the indigenous giant dragon understood the theoretical knowledge about team combat, and the following is the actual combat practice stage.

Groups of giant dragons fought on the divided battlefield, and the whole world became lively.

The White Dragon Lord separated some priests from the Dragon Legion and treated those injured during training.

After training in actual combat time and time again, the teamwork ability of the giant dragons has improved significantly. Although it is not as good as the giant dragon army trained since childhood, it is no longer the kind of chaotic fighting style, which has achieved the effect of a general army.

The White Dragon Lord saw the results and understood that his method was right. He left some of the priest-professional dragons in this plane, and sent the dragon army to the abyss to join the battle between Tiamat and the Dark Titan.

At the same time, some dragons entered the world of Senedar dragons for training.


In the abyss battlefield, under the sky filled with dark clouds, the dragon and the Titan army faced off.

The Titans looked at the giant dragons on the opposite side uneasy, and they felt a little depressed. These giant dragons did not open their mouths to roar and swear as before, and spit dragon breath to demonstrate.

They were very quiet, just staring at the Titans silently, the calm, hateful eyes that made the scalp tingling.

"Something's wrong! Something's wrong with these dragons!"

From a distance, the god-level titans who observed the battlefield through magic—Fud Hulk Pillar of the Sky felt very bad. These giant dragons were not like improvised wanderers, but like a regular army.

Damn it! Is this Tiamat's hidden trump card!

But how did it come out so early? !

He didn't understand, but the two armies were already facing each other, and it was too late to retreat.

"Attack!" The giant dragon attacked first.

The group of dragons uttered a shocking dragon roar together. The dragon roar sounded almost at the same time, and the volume was huge and breathtaking.

As the Titans palpitated, the dragons charged together.

The Titan army on the opposite side also noticed the difference in this giant dragon army. The previous fighting style of giant dragons was swarming, and it was about personal bravery and no discipline at all.

And this giant dragon charged neatly, leaving enough distance between the dragons, the distance was almost measured by a ruler, and it looked pleasing to the eye.

If there are military masters who are good at strategy here, they will definitely be able to find that the distance between these giant dragons is important, leaving enough space for dodging without causing congestion.

The buff magic was on the front row of giant dragons, and at the same time, the magic of destroying the world fell from the sky and attacked the charging Titan army.

The location and timing of the magic release were very accurate. The timing was when the Titans were charging with full force, and they were located behind the front-row Titans, which forced the Titans in the back to stop to resolve the magic attack.

When the rear is attacked, whether the Titans in the front row continue to charge, or wait for their companions to charge together, this is a question.

The giant dragon and the Titan army collided together. During the battle, the Titans were horrified to find that the giant dragon army was very brave, and almost everyone had a professional level, which made them ahead of the Titans in terms of individual strength.

Moreover, the dragons will cooperate with each other, such as helping their companions to block attacks, and jointly create a chance to kill.

The Titans did not support this elite force for a long time, and their morale was low. They found that these giant dragons cooperated very well. As soon as a companion was injured, they immediately had other giant dragons to cover their retreat, which led to the huge casualties of the dragon family. few.

The Titan family is just the opposite. The giant dragon army specializes in picking soft persimmons. Once a certain Titan shows fatigue, it will be immediately besieged by concentrated fire, and it is impossible to escape.

The Titans are collapsing!

Fadhulk ​​Pillar of the Sky was shocked. He didn't expect to lose, but he didn't expect the defeat to come so quickly. He couldn't sit still and flew to the front in person.


A meteorite with a long tail flame fell from the sky, breaking through the dark clouds and attacking the giant dragon army.

In the distance, the white dragon lord noticed the fluctuations in the power of the gods and set off.

Space shift!

A huge black hole appeared on the fall of the meteorite, engulfing the meteorite and sending it into the endless void.

The white dragon lord teleportation appeared above the giant dragon army, watching the rock titans flying from afar.

The corner of its mouth curled up, and the person who came was still an "old friend", who was once invited by the Mother of Thunder to besiege its rock Titan-Fud Hulk Pillar of the Sky.

Seeing the white dragon lord, the god-level rock titan was also shocked.

Damn it! How is it? !

The white dragon summoned several god-level ice elements at one time, and later attracted a powerhouse comparable to the god of the dark titan. It will never be forgotten.

In addition, some time ago, the White Dragon Lord controlled the floating city to calculate the Star Titan - Sinzera's news came out that the Rock Titan had already raised the White Dragon Lord's danger level to the Dragon King level.

The Rock Titan's scalp was numb, and if he hadn't noticed that the breath of the white dragon in front of him was not stronger than himself, he would have immediately called for the God of Dark Titan to come to support him.

He bite the bullet, flew to the opposite side of the White Dragon Lord, and confronted the White Dragon Lord with a dignified expression.

Compared to the rock titans who were waiting for them, the White Dragon Lord seemed relaxed and comfortable.

On the one hand, the army of giant dragons is marching towards victory, and it is the Rock Titan who should be anxious. On the other hand, its own strength has an advantage, and it can summon the body and the floating city at any time in case of danger, so it is not worried.

Of course, if it's not necessary, it won't summon the body that sits on the plane. It really can't beat the murloc relatives who can summon the blockade, and it can also summon the Winter Commander.

"White Dragon, I heard that you attacked His Majesty Sinzera, but is it true?"

The White Dragon Lord understands that the Rock Titan has made the same mistake as the Mother of Thunder, and treats the clone as a body.

But it didn't need to explain, because it had a lot of trump cards in its hand, it launched an attack directly, and several huge ice balls attacked the rock Titan.

The White Dragon Lord's ignoring the questioning enraged the Rock Titan.

"Bai Long, you will pay for your arrogance."

Several rock shields appeared on the flight path of the ice puck, the puck exploded on the rock shield, and the ice chips were scattered.

The white dragon lord battles the cautious rock titans, and ice magic and rock magic collide in the air.

Because the white dragon lord is a professional mage, the rock titans were overwhelmed by the magic confrontation, and the titan army suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the giant dragon army, so they could only announce their withdrawal.

Hundreds of corpses were left behind, and the Titans fled in embarrassment.

The White Dragon Lord did not pursue the victory, because if the Titans retreated and shot the Titan's spear backwards, it would cause certain casualties to the giant dragon army.

If these meticulously cultivated dragon armies suffered too many casualties, the white dragon lord would also feel distressed.

The army of giant dragons stared at the stalwart figure in the sky, and their eyes were full of admiration and love.

"Collect the loot!"

After a cheer, the giant dragon army fell to the ground and collected the spoils of the dead Titan. One third of the spoils belonged to the white dragon lord, and two thirds were divided up by the giant dragon army.

Soon, the giant dragon army scoured the body of Titan and returned to the station under the leadership of the white dragon lord.

In the station, the family members brought by the Yafei Aiwei Empire have already done the logistics work such as food, and the giant dragon army rests in peace in the camp, and habitually summarizes today's battle, summarizes the attack method of the Titans, and summarizes their own shortcomings. ...

On the other hand, Tiamat was very satisfied after watching the fighting power of the giant dragon army. The five dragon queen secretly decided to discuss with the white dragon lord to expand the scale of the dragon academy after the war.

Of course, it is not that it has not considered opening the Dragon Academy by itself, but it does not have the technology related to space blockade and cannot guarantee safety.

With the addition of the Dragon Legion, the stalemate of the war was broken, and the Titans were losing ground on the abyss battlefield.

The Dark Titan was furious at this, but there was nothing he could do, because the Five-headed Dragon Queen was always on guard against him, and he couldn't do anything.

"Ask for help!"

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