White Dragon Lord

Chapter 452 Prelude to the Storm

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After deciding to ask for help, the God of Dark Titans directly branched out a divine power clone to come to Glory Castle, where he saw the glorious Titans in the splendid kingdom of God.

"Augustine, I'm in trouble. The white dragon has entered the battle. Our people are being rout. I need your help."

The Radiant Titan shook his head: "It's useless, Astels, once I join the war, Bahamut will not sit idly by, and it won't work in the end."

"Then what do you say? Bow down to the enemy? Then accept defeat?!" The days of defeat made the God of Dark Titan a little irritable: "I'd rather die in battle! I wouldn't bow to that slut Tiamat!"

"Don't worry, my brother, have you carefully watched the process of the recent battle?" Said, the Radiant Titan stretched out a finger, and the fingertip shot out a radiance of divine power. The divine power formed a picture of the battlefield in the air. The two sides are the Titans and the Dragons.

The God of Dark Titan looked towards the battlefield. Both the dragon and the titan had a strong man of evil spirits.

"This is the battle that happened yesterday, what do you want to express? The white dragon? I know this is its clone! Its body, and the floating city doesn't know where it is," mentioning the floating city, the Dark Titan's eyes flashed After a touch of apprehension.

According to the information from the Star Titans, the White Dragon sitting on the floating city has the same combat power as the Dragon King, and has become a big worry for the Titans.

The most important thing is that apart from the three giant Titans, no one in the current Titan family can compete with the White Dragon, and the Dragon Family also has three Dragon Kings, which makes him sleepless at night.

"Find a chance to kill it?"

"I also want to kill it. It and the floating city are still in the world of Monkna. We don't have a chance."

He pointed to the battle scene between the dragon army and the Titan army: "Didn't you find it! These dragons are different!"

Following the direction of the radiant titan, the god of dark titan looked at the army of giant dragons, and immediately noticed the difference: "These giant dragons work well together, and they are very different from the previous giant dragons, but so what? ."

The God of Dark Titan looked at the Radiant Titan: "It is not the legendary combat power that ultimately decides the outcome of the battle, but the powerhouses like us."

"Yes, it's us powerhouses who decide the outcome of the war," Shining Titan's words changed: "But when high-level combat power cannot gain an advantage, legendary-level combat power is the key to determining the outcome of the war. ."

"Okay, what do you want to say?"

Huiyao Titan looked serious and said every word: "The dragon is changing, while we are still standing still, I have to make a change! Otherwise, the Titan family will eventually be eliminated by the times."

The God of Dark Titan frowned: "You are too serious! How is this possible!"

"Take a closer look and calculate how many clansmen we lost in this short one-minute battle, and how much the dragon clan lost."

The Dark Titan frowned and looked at the image of divine power in the air, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

At his level, this level of fighting is equivalent to fighting with children, so he didn't pay attention to it. After being reminded by the Radiance Titan, he realized how badly his children were beaten.

In just one minute, the number of Titans killed in action exceeded 100, and although the dragons were injured, the injured dragons were rescued by their companions.

Seeing the stunned expression of the God of Dark Titans, Radiant Titan knew that his violent brother had understood.

"I think you have already seen it. If it continues like this, the giant dragon family will sooner or later overwhelm the Titan family, and we must make changes!"

The God of Dark Titan was silent for a long time: "Perhaps, you are right, but how to change?"

"Learning from our enemies, studying their tactics, it's a great example, I've been studying it for a while,

"Brilliant Titan sighed: "I have to admit that these dragons are far ahead of us in terms of individual strength and teamwork, and the Titans need to strengthen their training in this regard. "

"Okay, leave the training to you, you are good at these things after all, let's put this aside for now," the God of Dark Titan waved to break up the endlessly circulating battle images in the air: "Now, I just want to know Your plan. Help! Or not help!"

Facing his brother's forced palace, Huiyao Titan felt a bit of a headache: "If my help really works, I would be very happy to fight alongside you to defeat the dragon, my brother."

"But, for now, I can't see the hope of victory. I hope you can restrain yourself, retreat for the time being, and wait..."

The God of Dark Titan interrupted the Radiant Titan: "So! Are you going to help me?!"

"Okay! How do you want me to help you?! Send troops to fight, and then Bahamut joins the fight, making things worse, and ultimately failing?! Wake up! My brother! I'm trying to find a way to fight that white dragon and it Before the floating city method, we cannot win!"

After a fierce quarrel, the two giant Titans parted ways.

However, in the absence of external support, the God of Dark Titans accepted the advice of the Radiant Titans, voluntarily retreated to take the defensive, and let the Titan army train in batches.

After the Titans retreated, the white dragon lord on the front line quickly discovered the abnormality, and it fell into contemplation. After the defeat of the battle, the Titans retreated, which was completely inconsistent with the character of the Titan Supreme Being.

With his irascible temper that never suffers, it is common sense that he should gather his strength to take revenge as soon as possible, and now...

The white dragon lord called Willy.

"Willy! Assemble the dragon army and go to the Titan camp."

The white dragon lord brought the giant dragon army to the Titan camp.

Like the dragon camp, the Titan camp is also a strategic fortress built by the Titan family with a lot of money.

Under the order of the White Dragon Lord, the dragon army and the Titan camp kept a safe distance, while Willy blocked the Titan army camp and yelled, but the Titan camp did not respond.

"Brother, my throat is dry. These titans still don't respond. Will they sneak away? Let's go in and have a look."

"Wait, throw a few puppets to explore the way first."

The Yafei Aiwei Empire is rich in magic puppets, and the puppets of the White Dragon Lord will be ready soon.

Five diamond puppets rushed into the Titan camp protected by a magical barrier with a large group of steel puppets. The moment the puppets stepped into the barrier, the White Dragon Lord felt that the connection between the puppets and himself was disconnected.

The puppet was destroyed.

"The whole army is vigilant, the Titans are still inside," the White Dragon Lord turned to Willy again: "Continue to scold them! Curse them out!"

Willy dared to swear that it had scolded the worst words he could think of, but there was still no response from the Titan camp.

Seeing this, the white dragon lord felt that it was no way to go on like this. He called the murloc relatives and planned to let the murlocs enter the camp to explore the way.

"Bucky Darkscale, you send some murloc nightcrawlers to see what's going on with these titans."

"As you wish," said the murloc relatives and retreated into the shadows.

The petite Murloc Nightcrawler is indeed suitable for reconnaissance and infiltration tasks, but it must also be divided into objects to sneak into. For a heavily guarded Longtan Tiger Den like the Titan Camp, it is useless even for high-level legendary thieves. Murloc Nightcrawlers use their lives to come. Pathfinder.

The White Dragon Lord witnessed the murloc soul drifting to the Styx River, and soon, it received information from the new murloc god.

The sacrificed murlocs saw the inside of the Titan camp, and Faisy Darkscale passed the memories of these believers to the White Dragon Lord.

The White Dragon Lord also understood why the Titans could endure Willy's abuse, because the soundproof barrier blocked all sounds.

In the end, the White Dragon Lord retreated, because the attack on the Titan camp would cause great casualties. For it, killing one thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred would not be a victory.

In the dragon camp, after the white dragon lord called the five-headed dragon, Tiamat lowered his clone.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, these titans are locked out, which makes me unable to take them. I wonder if His Majesty the Dragon Queen has any instructions?" The white dragon lord kicked the ball to Tiamat.

Tiamat felt a little helpless, but more surprised: "When did Astress learn to be patient?!"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the forehead of the White Dragon Lord, and Tiamat named the God of Dark Titan by name, and of course the God of Dark Titan could hear it.

Sure enough, the complexion of Tiamat's clone changed, and it should be the God of Dark Titan who scolded him back.

In this way, the five-headed dragon queen and the god of dark titans staged a long-range battle in front of the white dragon lord. For the first time, it knew that Tiamat was not only powerful in fighting, but also a good quarrel.

Willy, who came to ask questions from the White Dragon Lord halfway, was stunned, his eyes changed when he looked at the five-headed dragon queen, and he became more and more revered.

Check it out! Dragon God is Dragon God! Even the quarrel is more powerful than me waiting for Fan Long!

Willy has accumulated a lot of new vocabulary.

Two hours later, the battle of the century was over. Judging from Tiamat's relaxed expression, it should have taken advantage of it. After all, the giant dragon family was the victor in this battle, and Tiamat must have used it. This is to fight an old opponent.

"It's the first time I've seen that old bastard retreat, Amos, you've done a good job."

Well done, you're not getting paid for being a cheapskate.

I thought so in my heart, but I couldn't say it with my mouth.

"Thanks to His Majesty Queen Long for the praise, but the question is what to do next? Are you exhausted?"

"I think about it..." After thinking about it for a while, Tiamat came up with an idea: "Since the Titans don't come out, let's go to the trouble of those Titans gathering places, I don't believe they can still sit still."

Ruthless enough, worthy of being the mother of dragons.

The white dragon lord nodded in agreement, this is indeed a good way to force the Titans out, but the Titan settlements are not so easy to find.

"But, Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, do you know the information about the Titan settlement?"

"I don't know either, but you can go to the astral world to find out. Titans and other intelligent creatures exist on some planes at the same time. You should be able to find out information from other creatures."

Just like Nordhill, humans are the overlords of the continent, and the giant dragon family also lives on the continent. If someone in the astral world bids to buy the information of the giant dragon, some humans may really sell the giant dragon family.

The same is true for the Titans.

"Good idea," the white dragon lord stretched out his palm to Tiamat, and the meaning was self-evident: bring the money!

Buying news costs money.

"O! Amos! You actually ask me for money?!" Tiamat looked like he was going to hell.

The white dragon lord rolled his eyes: "Could it be that you still let me post it upside down! How can there be such a reason! What's more, I still owe a huge debt."

In the end, the white dragon lord got the gold coins from Tiamat.

Although this gold coin is not much for it, it is a very fulfilling thing. After all, Tiamat is a famous iron cock in the multiverse.

In the world of Monkna, in the floating city, the white dragon lord looked at the news from the clone, his face was wonderful, especially when he saw Tiamat's constipated expression, he couldn't help laughing.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, you also have time to pluck your hair."

At this time, the Prime Minister of the Empire - Gulgaru teleported to the White Dragon Lord.

"Your Majesty, those supplies have been sent to the designated coordinates according to your instructions."

"Well, you did a great job."

The White Dragon Lord calculated in his heart that he would transmit all the proceeds from the Monknadu Titan World to the City of Truth. Already, he had repaid 70% of the debt of the City of Truth and 50% of the total debt, and his heart was relieved. in one breath.

The City of Truth is different from the Gem Dragon King. The Gem Dragon King does not charge interest and does not urge repayments. The longer the City of Truth owes, the more it will be repaid. It is better to repay it earlier.

But like Monknaduo Titan World, the chance to do a vote for several years is probably rare. You know, this is a large material plane. In addition to the materials of this plane, there are also frost whisperers for many years. Resources obtained by various means.

So much wealth added up to repay 50% of the total debt.

However, it can also be seen how much knowledge the White Dragon Lord has learned in the City of Truth.

"Gulgaru, you continue to supervise the construction of the magic tower defense system, and the world of Monknardo Titan must not be lost."

"Yes," Gul'garu teleported away.

The white dragon lord was thinking alone in the control room of the floating city. Now, what he is most worried about is not the debt, but the process of the battle between the giant dragon and the titan.

This is a battle between dragons and titans that neither can lose.

For this reason, the God of Dark Titan suppressed his violent temper, which made the White Dragon Lord a little worried, and he smelled danger from this incident.

The enemy of anger and impulsiveness is not fearful, fear is the enemy of calm thinking.

The White Dragon Lord doesn't know what the Titan is planning, but it knows that it can never be wrong to improve its own strength.

"The enrollment scope of the Dragon Academy has to be expanded, and the training intensity of the adult dragon army can also be strengthened."

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