White Ring of Douluo

A Will Eternal Chapter 112

Tiandou Royal Academy is huge.

The scope of the college includes but is not limited to a large lake and a rather steep mountain, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Therefore, Lanba Academy, which is one-third the size of Tiandou Royal Academy, is actually not small at all.

Le Bai and Xiao Wu followed the dean all the way across the academy, walking in a straight line. Even so, they still walked for half an hour before reaching the small forest where Liu Erlong lived.

Le Bai could sense the soul power in the body of the dean in front of him, the level was about fifty-two, within one level of error.

A soul king can walk faster, but he doesn't, so he walks slowly at a speed that ordinary people can keep up with.

"This dean, the main work should be public relations."

Le Bai thought.

There are actually not many people in this world who can become soul masters, and Lanba Academy recruits only civilians, so among the visitors of Lanba Academy, the proportion of soul masters should not be high, maybe most of them are ordinary people.

The dean is obviously used to the way of receiving ordinary people, even taking his walking speed into consideration.

Le Bai thinks this is very remarkable, he himself can't do it to this level.

to the woods.

The surrounding air is very fresh, and the growth of vegetation is very good, Xiao Wu, a soul beast from the Star Dou Great Forest, feels very good.

"You two are okay, just wait here."

The dean stopped, turned around, and said politely: "Further ahead is the dean's residence. She doesn't like too many people passing by."

"Then we'll wait here."

Le Bai also said politely: "Please be sure to paraphrase my words completely."


The director of teaching said with a smile.

Although Le Bai didn't follow in, he already sensed the target of this trip - about 50 meters away from his current position, the soul power was very active, there was a hot feeling, and the flame attribute was extremely obvious.

"But it feels different from Hongjun's flame, is it the difference between yin fire and yang fire?"

Before Le Bai had time to think about it, the teaching director had already contacted Liu Erlong.

It should be to report some affairs of the academy first, then mention Le Bai and Xiao Wu, and finally repeat what Le Bai said.

In Le Bai's perception, the dean was still bowing to report, and Liu Erlong had exploded his soul power, and rushed towards him and Xiao Wu.

It took Liu Erlong two seconds to pass through the 50-meter-long forest. Although the bark was scraped to some extent, not a single innocent tree was broken.

After seeing Le Bai and Xiao Wu, Liu Erlong accelerated further, rushed in front of Le Bai with a frightening momentum, almost ignoring the inertia, braked suddenly, grabbed Le Bai's deltoid muscles with both hands, and asked three times in a row: "You Is it a student of Ford University College? Is it true that you have news about Xiao Gang? Did Boss Ford ask you to tell me?!"

"Master is now under the watchful eye of Dean Flender, and he cannot escape."

Le Bai said this first, which reassured Liu Erlong. He felt that the strength of his hands was lessened, and continued: "My name is Le Bai, and her name is Xiao Wu. We are both students of Shrek Academy. Something happened recently. , our academy is temporarily closed. I’m here to ask for your help.”

Hearing that Le Bai said that Flender was keeping an eye on Grandmaster, Liu Erlong was really relieved. She also listened to what Le Bai said later: "Sorry, I lost my temper. You two, come to my house and sit for a while, let's talk slowly."

Liu Erlong took Le Bai and Xiao Wu back to his room, and the teaching director was still waiting for Liu Erlong to return. The headmaster's previous reaction was unexpected, but it doesn't matter, he didn't slack off in the reception.

"These two are my guests, and I will personally receive them."

Liu Erlong said to the teaching director: "You go back first, you have to deal with the college's affairs."

The dean bowed slightly again: "Then the dean,

I take my leave first. "

Liu Erlong opened the door and greeted him: "I live alone here, it's a bit small, you can sit down as you please."

It's casual, but in fact, the only chairs next to the dining table are the ones you can sit on.

Le Bai sat down generously.

Xiao Wu was a little cautious, but she also sat down.

Liu Erlong looked calm, but he was probably still in a hurry. He didn't even make tea, so he poured two cups of cold water and held it in his hand. The fire-attributed soul power instantly heated up, and put it in front of Le Bai and Xiao Wu: "I don't drink tea. , there is only water, you just make do with it.”

Le Bai didn't pierce, took a sip from the cup to moisten his throat, and talked about what Liu Erlong was most concerned about right now: "Master, it is Yu Xiaogang, who came to teach at our Shrek Academy about half a year ago. Eight days ago, Because the conditions of Shrek Academy can't meet the master's teaching requirements, Dean Flender temporarily closed the academy, and brought a few of our students and the teachers of the academy to join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy."

Speaking of this, Le Bai picked up the cup to drink water again, giving Liu Erlong time to digest the information.

After drinking, he continued: "However, considering that we Shrek people are all born as commoners, and Tiandou Royal Academy is basically noble, it is very likely that we will refuse to join. So let me come here to seek help from you, Dean Liu, Lest we have nowhere to go after being rejected by the Heaven Dou Royal Academy."

"So that's how it is."

Liu Erlong nodded, skipped the rest, and asked: "Xiao Gang... the master you mentioned, where is he now?"

Le Bai: "Master, follow our dean now, and they should be almost at Tiandou Royal Academy by now. If they are rejected, count the time, and in the evening, they will come to you with Dean Flender here."

"Evening? I don't want to wait that long!"

Liu Erlong raised his eyebrows, got up, and was about to catch the man.

"I don't recommend that you go to the master in this state."

Le Bai suddenly said: "Although the master should not resist being with you now, he will not accept you for the time being."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong stopped all movements, and focused his sharp eyes on Le Bai: "What did you say?!"

"You don't have to be so anxious."

With a smile on his face, Le Bai took out a spherical soul guide from his leg bag: "After watching this video, you should be able to understand why I said that."

"Soul guide?"

Liu Erlong became a little interested in the soul tool that Le Bai took out: "What do you mean by 'image data'?"

Le Bai activated the soul guide, and the simple "processed" three-dimensional image was projected into the air: "Master, can I ask you a question?"

The processed voice came from the spherical soul guide, completely different from Le Bai's voice.

On the screen, it can be clearly seen that the master is sitting and eating with a person who does not show his head.

Just seeing this master, Liu Erlong became a little crazy, and whispered in his mouth: "Xiao Gang..."

But soon, when people who did not show their heads in the screen said "very talented", "very beautiful", "female soul master", "teacher who holds a high position in the Wuhun Temple", "going out for training", "very talented When using the keywords "bad male soul master", Liu Erlong's expression gradually became serious and full of murderous intent.

Seeing Liu Erlong focusing more and more on watching the video, the normal smile on Le Bai's face gradually became funny, wicked and joyful...

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