White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 113 Le Bai's Love Teaching (Fudge) Part 1

The video played continuously for more than twenty minutes.

Following the conversation between the master and the other person in the video, Liu Erlong's emotions went from being excited at the beginning to full of killing intent, then gradually calmed down, and finally became tense, with his hands clenched unconsciously.

After the playback was over, Le Bai turned off the video and started the recording function without any hassle. Liu Erlong was still immersed in nervous emotions with a serious expression.

"Dean Liu, you seem very nervous."

Le Bai's smile restrained a bit: "Now, do you think what I just said makes sense?"

"You said your name was Le Bai?"

Liu Erlong's attention finally shifted from the man he loves to the older child in front of him. Ignoring Le Bai's question, she asked instead: "I wish I had seen this soul tool you used before. Did Boss Fu give it to you? He asked you to show me this?"

"Although I really want to say yes, unfortunately, the dean doesn't know for the time being that this soul tool was made by myself. Even the master himself doesn't know that this video was recorded."

Le Bai nonsense said: "I just made this soul tool that day and wanted to test it out. I happened to see the master chatting with another person, so I tried to record it. I was far away because I was worried that they would find out, so another A person's head is blocked by something."

Liu Erlong seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time expressed surprise at what Le Bai said: "You know how to make soul tools? Doesn't it mean that the method of making this thing has been lost?"

"It is indeed lost."

Le Bai showed a proud yet polite smile: "But I can recover. As you have just seen, it was very successful."

"Recover the production method of the soul tool by yourself?"

Liu Erlong has stayed in Tiandou City for so many years, although he seldom goes out, his vision is not low. The young man in front of him, not to mention his achievements as a soul master, just recovering the production method of the soul tool is enough to make him famous in the mainland.

"Boss Fu's luck is really nothing to say..."

Liu Erlong sighed, and asked Le Bai: "You show me this video, do you want to tell me that Xiao Gang should be with that woman and let me give up?"

"Do not."

Le Bai shook his head and said: "If my thoughts are like what you said, I don't need to let you know this. Even if the master will tell you, he won't explain it to you so clearly."

Liu Erlong thought for a while, then nodded: "So what is your purpose?"

"I think that you are a better match for the master than the woman who made the master suffer unceasingly."

Le Bai looked at Liu Erlong with sincere (acting) eyes: "I want to support you to be with the master."

Love makes a man less intelligent.

When Liu Erlong heard that Le Bai supported him to be with the master, he was in a good mood immediately, and he didn't even suspect that Le Bai was lying: "You child, why are you so good-looking?!"

"However, just like the video played just now, after knowing the truth back then, the master will definitely not be able to let go of that woman."

Under the guidance of the panel, Le Bai's expression switched to seriousness through acting: "I've heard a saying that the living cannot defeat the dead. Do you know why?"

Seeing Le Bai's serious expression, Liu Erlong involuntarily became serious: "Why, why?"

"Because human memory is unreliable."

Le Bai said a fact: "In everyone's heart, they will subconsciously beautify their own memories—forget those bad things, and the good things will become more beautiful until they become perfect."

Liu Erlong thought about it for a while, and felt that what Le Bai said was quite right: "That's right."

"Because of this, the memory of that woman in the master's heart must be all beautiful things."

Le Bai looked solemn: "Especially when she separated from the master at the beginning, it was the time when the relationship between the two was the hottest. In addition, she is the master's first love and the fact that she made sacrifices for the master. If you are the master,

What do you think of that woman? "

Liu Erlong fell into deep thought.

Le Bai showed joy, silently waiting for Liu Erlong to finish thinking.

Xiao Wu on the side already looked silly.

As an outsider, Xiao Wu is more rational than Liu Erlong, the key is to be able to see the situation clearly.

Taking the video played just now as an example, Xiao Wu is not very familiar with Le Bai, and she can tell at a glance that the person who didn't show his head is most likely Le Bai - the body shape is too obvious! And what an unnatural sound it sounds!

Le Bai said that he made the soul guide himself, so even if he can modify the sound or screen recorded in the soul guide, it is very possible, isn't it? !

Although Xiao Wu likes to be the eldest sister, she never thinks she is smart. When she was still a soul beast, Xiao Wu always liked to discuss with Daming before deciding on something.

After coming to the human world and meeting Tang San, the object of discussion became Tang San, and now maybe we can have one more Le Bai.

Even an unintelligent soul beast like myself can find the problem, why didn't this woman named Liu Erlong realize it?

Xiao Wu couldn't figure it out.

But she felt that it must be because of Le Bai. This strange human being who spoke directly was indeed still a human being, not as pure as a soul beast at all!

Liu Erlong finally finished thinking. Under Le Bai's gaze, she said with difficulty: "I, I will think, go to that woman and tell her that even if her body is dirty, I still... love her!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Erlong felt as if all his strength had been sucked away, and he fell down on the table powerlessly: "Ah~ I can't win... No matter how I think about it, it is impossible for Xiaogang to give up that woman and stay by my side under such circumstances. impossible……"

"It's not just for this reason."

Le Bai added another blow: "Your origin is the biggest disadvantage. Even if the master dares to face up to the world's gossip, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family behind the master will never sit idly by. The sudden appearance of your biological father back then also shows that over that."

"Yeah...Damn it, that idiot father, who obviously never dared to publicly admit that I am his daughter, who obviously didn't know anything about Xiao Gang's abilities, yet made trouble at critical moments, yelling like trash!"

Liu Erlong put his head in his hands: "Could it be that I can only watch Xiao Gang with that woman?!"

"Judging from the current situation, it can only be that way."

Le Bai said helplessly.

Immediately afterwards, the expression on his face became serious under the influence of his acting skills, and there was a hint of encouragement in his helpless tone: "But it's too early to give up now!"

"Of course I don't want to give up!"

Liu Erlong sat up straight suddenly, clapped his hands on the table at the same time, and immediately got down on the ground after finishing, "But I can't think of a way."

"Don't be discouraged, I will help you think together!"

Le Bai clenched his fists and said firmly: "One person can't do it, but two people might be able to think of a good solution!"

The depressed Liu Erlong's IQ went online in an instant: "We only met today for the first time, why are you helping me so hard?"

"to be frank,"

Le Bai crossed his hands to support his chin, posing in the classic style of Commander Ikari, and said in a deep voice, "I'm for Master..."

...The following content is non-text...

While it is still free, I will add a longer digression here.

In the original book, there are very few descriptions about Liu Erlong's biological father, the master's second uncle-Yu Luomian. Many people should think that this person is a villain, but in some details of the original book, I found something different. thing.

Here are a few details and the resulting questions:

1. When Liu Erlong married Grandmaster back then, he said that only the Golden Triangle knew about it, but Yu Luomian appeared in time—why did he appear in time?

2. The master dictated to Tang San that what Yu Luomian objected to Liu Erlong's marriage to the master was "How can you marry this trash"—why wasn't the reason for his objection because of their cousin relationship?

3. In the original book of Golden Iron Triangle, in order to save Tang San, he was almost killed when he confronted Dugu Bo. At that time, Liu Erlong took out a special soul guide that only members of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family could hold—it was not accepted by the family , Liu Erlong whose identity has not been made public, why is there such a thing?

4. The dignitaries of Tiandou City all feel that the Lanba Academy is related to the Landian Tyrannosaurus Rex family, but there is no one in the Lanba Academy who is clearly from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family—why does the Landian Tyrannosaurus Rex family allow it? An "outsider" using their family name for so long?

5. Liu Erlong doesn't live in the campus, so he seldom pays attention to the affairs of the college. And the financial strength shown by Lanba Academy is on par with Tiandou Royal Academy, but the students are all common people, and it is impossible to pay high tuition fees. Under such circumstances, how did Lanba Academy maintain and develop?

Then there is only one answer!

Yu ↘ Luo Mian ↘, this seemingly bad guy is actually a good father out and out!

1. Because he is a good father, he has a good relationship with his daughter. Whether it is paying attention to his daughter or being told about the marriage by his daughter, he can show up in time and stop his daughter.

2. Because he is a good father, he was worried that the difference in soul power between Master "Trash" and Liu Erlong was too great to give his daughter happiness, so he objected, not because of the relationship between the two of them as cousins.

3. Because he is a good father, he was worried that after bringing his daughter back to the family, Liu Erlong would be excluded by the tribe because of the mutation of his own martial soul, so he did not disclose his daughter's identity, but still gave Liu Erlong a symbol of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family member A special soul tool for identity.

4. Because he is a good father, he secretly helps his daughter take the blame, deals with the family, and may directly claim that the academy is run by himself, so the Lanba Academy is really "supported" by the Landian Tyrannosaurus family.

5. Because he is a good father, even if Liu Erlong has no intention of managing the affairs of the college, there will still be talents who "come here for the name" to help manage the college. Even a direct infusion of funds allowed the academy to grow. Maybe this old father paid special attention to maintaining the academy because he made his daughter sad, so that his daughter could divert her attention and cheer up as soon as possible.

The above belongs to the "harmony theory", which is the result of thinking from a positive perspective.

The comic version of Douluo's "followers" should be the result from the perspective of "conspiracy theory"?

Regardless of that, I insist that every father should be a "daughter control"!

However, this expansion is too difficult to control, and I am not strong enough to ask myself, so I will only briefly explain it to you here.

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