White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 176 Battered Face


The captain of Team Canghui laughed loudly: "This is really the funniest joke I've heard this year!"

After laughing, his expression changed, and he suddenly turned cold: "Since you said so, then wait a moment, I will try to let you experience the feeling of your bones being smashed!"

Start playing.

Tang San didn't seem to know the opponent's plan, as usual he threw out his fourth spirit ability, and the blue silver spider thread shot towards the opponent.

The captain of the Canghui team took a step back, raised his right hand high, and shouted: "Let's fight!"

The other six team members around him had already stood in accordance with the hexagonal position when they activated their martial souls, and they moved in response to the sound and raised their right hands at the same time.

A halo of colorful soul power enveloped them, and the seven of them instantly became a whole!

The soul power is connected to each other, the soul ring emits the same rhythm, a layer of strong protection composed of soul power surrounds them, seven colorful lights shoot up into the sky, keeping Tang San's blue and silver spider silk out, and then release a colorful mist, Wrap the entire arena.

The audience was shocked when they saw this.

Even Emperor Xue Ye, who was sitting on the seat of the boss, blurted out: "Could it be, the seven-in-one Martial Soul Fusion Skill?!"

Ning Fengzhi at the side shook his head slightly after careful observation: "No, that's not right, the martial soul fusion technique will greatly strengthen the soul master's martial soul and soul power, and the more people there are, the greater the strength will be. If it is A real seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill, so the momentum will definitely not only be at this level."

Salas on the other side heard the words, and immediately asked: "Sect Master Yining, I don't know what to call the ability displayed by the seven students of Canghui Academy? How powerful can it be?"

Ning Fengzhi hated Salas, but he had to do a good job on the surface: "Although it is not a martial soul fusion skill, it is a group skill performed by seven people after all. It should be regarded as a 'seven-in-one fusion skill'. In terms of power, even if it is not as good as Wuhun The soul fusion technique should also be stronger than the sum of the seven of them."

"Thank you, Sect Master Ning, for clarifying the confusion."

Salas was talking about the scene, and looked at the ring with a happy face: "I didn't expect such talents to emerge in this competition, it really opened my eyes!"

"Bishop Salas, as members of the competition organizing committee, we should be more concerned about the personal safety of the contestants."

Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly: "Canghui Academy uses such a powerful skill,

A little carelessness may lead to casualties, and we should pay attention to this. "

"Sect Master Ning's words are wrong."

Salas confronted each other: "Recently, we have seen the strength of Shrek Academy. The overall strength of Canghui Academy is far inferior to Shrek. Facing such a powerful enemy, they are still undaunted and challenged bravely. How can we defeat them? heart of?"

"What you both said makes sense."

Emperor Xue Ye smoothed things over: "Now the game is still going on, let's continue watching."

That being said, the arena at this moment has been completely covered by the skills displayed by Canghui Academy, and it is so colorful that it is impossible to see the situation on the arena clearly.

This made ordinary viewers who paid money to watch the game, especially those who were looking forward to Shrek's performance, very dissatisfied.

The teachers from other academies who were watching the battle felt more deeply about Cang Hui's skills, and all cast sympathetic or gloating glances at the Shrek teachers.

Canghui Academy may rise today, and their stepping stone is Shrek.

But if these people observe a little more carefully, they can find that Shrek's teachers are too calm, not at all like the expressions that students should have when they are in danger.

At this time, within the colorful atmosphere, Le Bai and the other six were silently watching the captain of Team Canghui pretend to be aggressive:

"Let me see, you still haven't released the martial soul. Are you too stupid to see the power of our Seven Shura illusion, or are you too scared to even lose the courage to activate the martial soul?"

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. From the day the competition started, from the moment I was humiliated by you, I have been looking forward to this moment!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you fall down too quickly. How can you say that you are also the first batch of 'lucky ones' who have seen our Seven Shura illusion. Before you are tortured to the point of madness by your inner pain and fear, we will appreciate you to the fullest." ugly!"

"Oh, by the way, I won't kill you. After all, if you die, we may be disqualified~hahahaha!"

"Look, he can't wait to show off to us and talk to us non-stop, does he look like a mad dog?"

Le Bai said "softly" to Tang San: "It's just a seven-in-one fusion skill, those who don't know think he has mastered the seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill."


Tang San's acting skills are slightly exaggerated, but it is fake at first glance: "It is said that barking dogs don't bite people, but this barking mad dog, I am really a little scared!"


The captain of the Canghui team snorted coldly, and began to mobilize his soul power: "When death is imminent and you don't know it, you still dare to speak quickly here! I really don't know whether to call you stupid or arrogant! Seven Shura illusions - open! Feel the pain !"

"It's now!"

Le Bai reminded Tang San to make a fishing motion, and then throw something hard.

Following Le Bai's movements, Tang San released two vision-shattering eyes towards the front, blowing away the colorful atmosphere around him.

The audience finally saw what happened in the ring.

Neither side seemed to have moved, except for Shrek, the player with the worst soul ring configuration, who threw his own martial soul, a piece of bread, into the face of the captain of the Canghui team.

Immediately afterwards, something amazing happened!

The seven members of the Canghui team suddenly started to tremble all over, their limbs twitched, their eyes looked up, and their mouths were spitting. After a few seconds, they collapsed.

Everyone was shocked!

Emperor Xue Ye stood up directly and said loudly: "Stop the match immediately! Check the conditions of the participating players on both sides! Do your best to treat them!"

The battle that had attracted much attention because of the sudden outbreak of Canghui Academy ended abruptly like this.

After someone sent a message to the referee, the referee explained: "Everyone, audiences, due to a major accident in today's match between Canghui Academy and Shrek Academy, the competition organizing committee has fully intervened. The result of the competition is temporarily reserved. Wait for the members of the organizing committee An announcement will be made after the discussion is over."

The Shrek seven returned to the lounge expressionlessly.

More than 20 minutes later, the investigation team of the competition organizing committee composed of more than ten members, accompanied by dozens of soldiers from the Heaven Dou Empire, came to the Shrek contestants lounge.

The team was led by Ning Fengzhi and Bishop Salas.

The former is still elegant and easy-going, but the latter has a stern face, as if everyone in Shrek owes him money and won't pay it back.

As the leader teacher of the Shrek team, Grandmaster was also invited to the waiting room.

"You seven, explain everything you have done!"

When Salas opened his mouth, he was sure that Shrek had committed the crime, and he came to question the crime: "The seven people in Canghui College are all unconscious because of your relationship. According to the doctor in charge of treatment, they are very likely to I will never wake up for the rest of my life!"

"Now, on behalf of the organizing committee, I can disqualify you according to the rules of the competition at any time! However, if you can explain what you have done clearly and repent seriously, there may be room for redemption."

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