White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 177 Bishop Salas, sit down

"Bishop Salas, are you sure you are the investigation team of the competition organizing committee, not the interrogation team?"

Le Bai showed grief and indignation: "We are still at a loss, even if you let me explain clearly, but I am just a food-type soul master, and I was also scared by the amazing soul skills of the Canghui team before." , and then threw bread over it! As a result, they suddenly became like that!"


Salas stared and was about to go mad.

"Bishop Salas!"

Ning Fengzhi raised his voice and reminded seriously: "Please pay attention to your identity. As this Shrek contestant said, we are the investigation team, and we are here to find out the truth. Your statement just now is obviously unfair!"

"Sect Master Ning is serious. I am the same, hoping to find out the truth as soon as possible, so that I am a little nervous. Sect Master Lao Ning reminded me that I have completely calmed down now."

The anger on Salas's face disappeared in an instant, as if it never existed: "Shrek players, we will follow the rules of the organizing committee and ask you individually. If you have any questions, you can ask them now."

No problem, enter the private inquiry session.

Shrek team, except for Oscar who didn't play, the other seven were taken separately to other rooms for questioning.

Salas was the most upset with Le Bai and asked him personally.

In order to avoid suspicion, Ning Fengzhi chose one of the five people besides Ning Rongrong to question.

The rest are under the responsibility of the rest of the investigation team.

In order to prevent one party from using power for personal gain, or abusing lynching, the interrogators are in groups of two, one from the Empire and one from the Spirit Hall.

Salas was accompanied by an imperial soldier, and Ning Fengzhi was accompanied by a Templar from the Spirit Hall.

The room you asked about was not big, with only a table and two chairs.

Le Bai sat down generously, pointing to another chair across the table: "Bishop Salas, sit down."

"Hmph, of course I will sit!"

Salas's attitude became bad again. After sitting down, he tapped his fingers on the table continuously to show his irritability: "Now the seven of you are separated, as long as one of you says something different,

We'll make sure you all have problems! Now, tell me carefully and clearly what you did in the ring! "

"No problem at all."

Le Bai said very relaxedly: "The strength of Canghui Academy really exceeded our expectations. The seven-in-one fusion technique they used was so amazing that we couldn't even move around freely at that time. Just because I couldn't bear the pressure from them The pressure, when throwing bread desperately, their skills suddenly disappeared by themselves. Then it became like that.”

"you're lying!"

Salas slapped the table suddenly: "It's clear that you were the ones who hit hard when they destroyed their skills, which caused the seven Canghui Academy players to faint!"

"Master Platinum Bishop, although you are an adult, you still have to be reasonable."

Le Bai said weakly: "I'm just an auxiliary soul master, and the configuration of the soul ring is the worst. You are telling me, what should I do to break the frightening fusion technique of Canghui Academy?"


Although Salas deliberately found fault, he couldn't open his eyes and talk nonsense, and the soldiers of the empire were still watching: "Of course I know it's not you, but it's hard to tell your other teammates!"

"Master Bishop, why are you so sure that the problem lies with us?"

Le Bai asked back: "Obviously, the people of Canghui Academy have used an unprecedented seven-in-one combination skill, and only they know the effect. In this case, they lost consciousness inexplicably. It is obvious that they failed to use the fusion skill themselves, causing The effect of the skill is counterproductive, this may be even bigger. A wise person like you will not listen to the one-sided words of Canghui Academy, right?"

"Even if you say good things, I won't be selfish."

Salas sternly said: "I'll give you another chance, your teammates, what did you do to the people of Canghui Academy!?"

"It seems that you really don't intend to believe me."

Le Bai shook his head regretfully, and said helplessly, "It seems that I can only tell you a little secret."


Salas thought that Le Bai finally let go: "Say it!"

"Come closer."

Le Bai stood up slightly and approached: "Because it concerns someone who is very important to you, I only want you to hear it alone."

Salas frowned, didn't say anything, raised his buttocks, and brought his ears closer.

Le Bai approached and forced his voice into a line with his soul power: "I know the old lover of the Pope, and I want you to act as a contact between them."

"What did you say?!"

Salas immediately stood up, his face was ugly, and he was very emotional.

The soldiers of the Heaven Dou Empire standing aside immediately came over to prevent Salas from attacking Le Bai.

"You seem a little too excited."

Le Bai showed a slight smile: "Please sit down and talk. Bishop Salas, sit down."


Salas looked at Le Bai with somewhat terrified eyes, hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the soldiers of the Heaven Dou Empire beside him, and sat down slowly: "What you just said is true?"

"It depends on what you mean."

Le Bai crossed his palms and fingers, posing Commander Ikari's signature pose: "Do you want it to be real, or fake?"

Salas was silent for a while, and took a deep look at Le Bai, as if he wanted to engrave Le Bai's face into his mind: "I usually live in the branch hall of Tiandou City."

After finishing speaking, Salas got up and said to the soldiers of the Heaven Dou Empire beside him, "Enquiry is over."

The soldier nodded silently and opened the door.

The Shrek Seven and the members of the investigation team returned to the original lounge.

Salas was uncharacteristically, not only did not continue to embarrass Shrek, but even took the initiative to excuse Shrek, which surprised Ning Fengzhi, but also curious about what happened to Salas.

The opinions of the two main persons in charge were all in favor of Shrek, and the results of the inquiries of the rest of the investigation team were also basically the same, so they announced on the spot that Shrek was not responsible for the accident. It was Canghui Academy who intended to defeat Shrek and forcibly used dangerous and powerful skills, and finally had an accident, causing all members to suffer backlash.

Afterwards, the same conclusion was told to all the audience in the venue through the mouth of the referee, and Shrek continued to maintain a winning streak.

Although Canghui Academy was strongly dissatisfied with this result, it was useless. They could not produce any evidence to refute it, so they could only hold back.

The game is over, return to the academy to rest.

As soon as the sky darkened, Le Bai maintained his stealth, quietly left the academy, and walked all the way to the branch hall of the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City.

Although it's okay to touch it directly, but Le Bai doesn't know where Salas lives, this branch hall is quite big.

Find a corner nearby, unstealth, and walk over there.

If the soul master did not deliberately restrain the soul power, the fluctuation of the soul power would be easily perceived.

The guard at the gate of the branch hall realized that Le Bai was a soul master, so he stood still.

"Brothers, I want to ask a question."

Le Bai said politely, "Does the Platinum Bishop of Salas live here?"

"Are you looking for the Bishop?"

The two guards looked at each other, and one of them asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Le Bai, from Shrek Academy."

Le Bai said: "I don't know if Bishop Salas has explained it?"


The guard who didn't speak suddenly said, "After you go in, go straight, then turn right, and you will see the bishop's room."

"Thank you!"

Le Bai bowed slightly to show his thanks.

This is Le Bai's first visit to the Wuhun Temple branch of Tiandou City.

The branch hall is very large, in terms of the scale of the building alone, it may be considered the second largest building in Tiandou City. The first is Emperor Xue Ye's castle.

But there are very few people in the branch hall.

Le Bai walked all the way from the door to the hall inside the hall, only seeing three or five people.

"The number of soul masters in this world is really very small. It's just that I entered this circle, so basically all I come into contact with are soul masters."

Le Bai thought silently.

Find Salas' room and knock on the door.

A few seconds later, the door opened outwards, showing Salas' old face: "Come in and say."

Le Bai is mentally prepared and walks in...

The process of persuading Salas was much smoother than Le Bai expected.

The old man was bad, but also smart, and strong at the same time.

According to the strength of the soul power that Le Bai felt, Salas's soul power was at least level 88.

It is certain that it is not at the Title Douluo level, otherwise it would not be just a platinum bishop.

However, Salas is already very old, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to break through in his lifetime.

His reason for targeting Shrek is very simple: because the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is close to Shrek.

As one of the top executives of the Spirit Hall, and one who is closer to the Pope, Salas keenly felt that in recent years, the contradictions between the Spirit Hall and the two great empires and the upper three sects have become more and more serious. In the future, a big war is inevitable.

Salas hoped to weaken potential enemies as much as possible before then.

However, the information Le Bai gave him gave him a new choice - hugging the Pope's thigh.

Salas admits that he has a gambling mentality, but he is not willing to give up this "opportunity" offered to him no matter what!

Le Bai likes to deal with such smart people with clear goals. Such people are smart enough to judge the situation and know what choice is best for them.

Especially Salas is an old man. Young people may feel that they are being treated as tool people, and even if there are benefits, they will resist because of their temporary enthusiasm.

The old man has passed the age of passion, and his rich life experience has given them a thicker skin. Faced with obvious benefits, they will not give up easily.

"In this way, the operating space becomes larger. However, there is less and less usable information left. I hope the master can give me some help."

Le Bai thought silently, taking a few steps into the night.

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