“For your Hades?”

“How do you know!?”

Klockdar’s face was so shocked that he couldn’t even care that the cigar was almost burned.

How could his plan be known by Lin Yang.

In fact, whether it was Klockdar or Wald and the others who came with Lin Yang.

More or less a little shocked.

Klockdar’s purpose is actually Hades!

Hades is a super warship designed and built by the shipbuilders of the capital of seven waters, the worst warship in history that can destroy an island with a single shot.

“Why don’t I know!?”

He knows a lot.

The historical text in the royal burial chamber under the royal palace of the Kingdom of Alabastan records the existence of Hades.

The main reason why Shah Klockdar had been plotting for a long time to take Alabastan was to get Hades.

Although Nicole Robin knew the real existence of Hades by reading the historical text in the tomb.

But did not tell Shah Klockdar.

Although this is a matter after that.

But he was clear about it.

“So your purpose is Hades?”

Klockdar glanced at Lin Yang coldly, since this guy knows Hades.

And the name is for Nicole Robin.

Apparently he wanted to take Hades.

“Does a foreign object have its own strength to be strong? Even if a ship capable of destroying the island is given to you, will you not have enough strength to be able to hold it? ”

“Klockdar, it seems that you are a little opposite, your own strength is the real strength!”

Lin Yang waved his hand, there is such a thing as Hades, and there is none.

If he doesn’t have the strength, even if Hades is in his hands.

The estimation of staring at this Hades in this world is enough for him to drink a pot.

However, he also knows why Klockdar is obsessed with the power of Hades.

Twenty years ago, it entered the second half of the great route.

Klockdar in the new world was once a generation of powerhouses.

However, after he failed to challenge Whitebeard once, he became depressed and did not continue to exercise his strength.

Instead, he hopes to be able to use foreign objects to improve his strength and eventually achieve the goal of defeating Whitebeard.

“How strong can it be? In the end, it is not that it will lose to someone stronger than himself, only an ancient weapon like Hades that cannot be surpassed will definitely not be surpassed! ”

The former Klockdar was also a hot-blooded youth.

However, after failing to challenge Whitebeard, he lost an arm.

His whole will was depressed.

You know, he used to be the one who could be with Barrett.

Now the strength is so weak that it is estimated that Barrett can kill in seconds.

That’s the gap between the two, and there’s nothing wrong with Klockdar being gifted.

But if you don’t practice.

Even if there is such a strong strength, what is the point?


“Human potential is endless, this kind of thing is just the icing on the cake, do you want to follow me to turn the world upside down!”

For Klockdar’s thoughts.

Lin Yang can only be described by two words: stupid.

Such a good talent is placed here, not cherished, actually thinking of going to Hades.

Come on!

What if you lose the challenge Whitebeard.

How many whitebeards are there in this world?

This is the strongest man in the world.

This actually gave up on himself directly, and it can only be said that Klockdar completely wasted his talent.

“Just because you want to turn the world upside down?”

A trace of disdain flashed in Klockdar’s eyes, this young man must not have suffered a loss.

But thinking about it, it seems that the other party’s record is even better than his own.

The debut is to challenge the four emperors, and then the golden lion and the general to advance the city.

This Nima changed to his own body, I am afraid that he did not come to receive the boxed lunch earlier.

And the group of people in front of me is not good.

The first seven martial sea eagle eyes are stronger than themselves, and Kaido’s daughter Yamato has not fought but will definitely not be weaker than herself.

Yu no Xiru is the warden of the former advance city, and Wald and Lin Yang are here.

It seems that he has no chance of winning at all.

Even if you add the whole Baroque Walker.

And Nicole Robin will definitely defect, and others will fight dispensable to face this group of people.

Damn it!

Now that Klockdar thinks about it, it seems that he has no chance of winning at all.

“I know where Hades is!”

“Do you know where Hades is?”

Not only Klockdar, but the rest were all stunned.

Lin Yang not only knew the Hades, but also knew whether the location of the Hades King was so powerful.

And Klockdar was almost unable to suppress his breath at this time.

Hades is known here in Lin Yang.

That is to say, the Hades he has worked so hard for so long to find is actually within reach in the eyes of the other party.

“Why should I believe you, do you say there is?”

Thinking about it, Klockdar also felt a little unlikely at this time.

How could such a thing as Hades be known.

Even if they do, it is estimated that the world government already knows.

“The Hades you are looking for now is eight hundred years ago, and whether a ship from eight hundred years ago can be driven now is a question!”

“And energy is also an issue, so if you want to open it, you have to find the blueprints of Hades, but I know where the blueprints are!”

If he hadn’t watched the anime, where would he know where Hades was.

The design drawings are here in Frankie, the capital of seven waters.

As long as you go in the past, you can take this away at any time.

Franky had no room to resist on his own hands.

With chakra hypnosis, this is a very simple thing.

“After I get the drawings, if conditions allow, I will build Hades… But once this ship is built, I’m going to make it the main ship! ”

Lin Yang’s meaning is also obvious.

It can be seen and used, but Hades ultimately belongs to him.

There were only two options before Klockdar.

The first is to continue to stick to your ideas.

Then the result is either to find Hades, but according to Lin Yang, it may no longer be usable.

But Nicole Robin herself will definitely not be able to keep it, and the probability of finding Hades is basically equal to zero.

I can’t even save my own life.

The other is to go to sea with Lin Yang.

Hades may be able to be built, but it does not belong to him.

But it is also possible that the other party does not know the whereabouts of Hades, but just deceives himself.

Whichever choice it is, there is simply no option for Klockdahl.

It’s all full of uncertainty.

In fact, he didn’t want to choose, but he couldn’t.

These five people stared at themselves, he wanted to run whether he could not win and could not win.

The five people here are all domineering, and their elementalization has no effect at all.

The group of beaters themselves will definitely be beaten, and even their mothers don’t know them.

“By the way, Klockdar, I have something I want to tell you about!”

A smile flashed at the corner of Lin Yang’s mouth, and he believed that he only needed to say this.

He probably also knows what to choose.

Klockdar saw that he couldn’t walk now, and he was also curious about what Lin Yang was going to say to himself, so he also asked, “What?” ”

“Because of Hawkeye’s betrayal, the Navy is ready to make a move on the Nanabukai.”


Klockdar was still thinking about what was going on.

Today is a good thing that nothing has happened.

Although this pair of Qiwu Hai did not know whether it was true or not.

But this will definitely be, because of Hawkeye’s betrayal.

The other Qiwu Seas will be affected to a greater or lesser extent.

This time, Hawkeye directly pits the world government and navy.

This would have been impossible if world governments were not to blame in the past.

When he saw the newspaper before, Klockdar was not less gloating.

Although he is a Nanabu Sea, the pirate is a pirate after all.

Seeing the navy being slapped in the face, who can bear this!

The result was a happy mood before, but now it’s different.

It looks like it’s ready to do something to him.

And the culprit in front of him is still in front of him.

“You are also a man who used to be five or five with Barrett, and now you are actually nesting here as a little pirate!”

“I forgot to tell you, this time Barrett was also released by me, and he has become stronger than before in the Advance City, even similar to the Four Emperors…”

Now Barrett’s strength should be similar to that of the Four Emperors.

It may be a little close, but two years later, Barrett waits until the fruit ability is fully developed.

And after that, with the continuous exercise of the body, it will definitely reach the level of the four emperors.

“Barrett… It’s already comparable to the four emperors…”

A flash of shock flashed in Klockdar’s eyes, and he was still pushing into the city and insisting on exercising.

Think about who you are now.

For a Hades to become a man, not a ghost, not a ghost.

Especially Lin Yang’s previous words.

Once he and Barrett were on par, and now he estimates that Barrett can easily solve him.

Do you really want to nest here as a single pirate?

Once upon a time, Klockdar’s dream of going to sea seemed to be to become a sea thief.

Overtaking Whitebeard was once his dream.

But since being defeated by Whitebeard, his wings seem to have been broken.

This dream was never mentioned again by Klockdahl.

People can insist on exercising in the advancing city, while hiding in the first half of the great voyage to escape reality.

“Boss, I said this guy wouldn’t be stupid, would he?”

Hiliu looked at Klockdar, who was lying in place, not knowing what he was thinking in his mouth.

Is it really necessary to invite this person?

It doesn’t seem to be very smart.

This boss has been invited, wouldn’t it be good if he agreed to it a little faster like himself?

“Lao Tzu is not stupid, how are you going to turn the world upside down?”

A hint of determination flashed in Klockdar’s eyes.

In his eyes, Lin Yang seemed to see a light that had never been seen before.

It seems that the former Klockdar is back, the ambitious Klockdar of the past.

What if you don’t have Hades?

Indeed, as Lin Yang said, if his strength is not enough, he will also be coveted by others.

Will he be able to keep Hades between the World Government, the Navy, and the Four Emperors?

It feels unlikely at all.

Even other Qiwu Sea, as well as pirates, and revolutionary armies will target themselves.

The end of Hades without strength is estimated to be snatched away.

In the end, it is just a wedding dress for others.

“It’s very simple, pull the Draco and the world government off the altar!”

His own golden finger is actually doomed.

Lin Yang not only had to face the Draco, but also the World Government.

Even people all over the world are his enemies.

“Hehe, pull down Draco? I’d love to try this! ”

“This group of old guys from the World Government has been on it for too long, and it really needs to be pulled down!”

This group of maniacs…

Klockdar silently complained in his heart.

None of the people in this group objected, and even looked very supportive.

Knowing that the world government and the Draco want to overthrow them, it is even more difficult than overthrowing the navy.

But what about going crazy once?

What Barrett can do, he can’t do!

“Okay, but Lao Tzu’s words can be said ahead, if you can’t turn the world upside down, Lao Tzu will leave directly!”

“Yes, then our pirate group welcomes you to join!”

It was a surprise that Klockdar’s addition was so simple.

I thought I needed to fight.

However, Lin Yang did not expect that it was actually because of his unintentional words that made Klockdar comprehend back.

It seems that he has really wasted all these years.

Why not go out and tell the world.

He Klockdar is back!

“Sorry, the captain can’t leave if he doesn’t let you go!”

Hiliu stopped the knife in his hand in front of Nicole Robin.

Seeing that the two joined forces.

In fact, Nicole Robin wanted to sneak away.

There may be a little chance while they haven’t noticed themselves yet.

But after being discovered, Nicole Robin now had to turn around and look at Lin Yang with a smile and said: “Actually, my combat effectiveness is not strong!” ”

If you join this pirate group, Robin feels more dangerous than joining Klockdar.

Who are these people?

The degree of danger is direct MAX.

There are two of Qi Wuhai, and there is also a hard steel general, and the other three learned about the general information when they read the newspaper before.

This group of people added up, Nicole Robin couldn’t imagine it.

“I don’t need you to fight, I invited you to come just to interpret the text of history.”

“Don’t you want to know what history was eight hundred years ago?”

History has always been Nicole Robin’s soft underbelly.

Even in these days of escape, she still wants to interpret history.

However, due to limited conditions, Nicole Robin did not have the opportunity to interpret it at all.

After O’Hara’s erasure incident, because of Sauro’s sacrifice and the pheasant’s open net.

At just eight years old, Nicole Robin became O’Hara’s orphan.

He also became the son of a demon wanted by the world government.

In order not to attract the attention of the world and dissolve the impact of the O’Hara incident.

Reduce the pirates’ chase of possibility for historical texts.

Also to conceal the identity of Robin O’Hara scholars, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

So although the five old stars issued a wanted for Robin.

But he fabricated a charge of destroying six warships.

With a high price of 79 million berry, people are attracted to provide hidden news of Robin.

In the hope that he can be apprehended as soon as possible and completely erase O’Hara from the entire history.

There are only a handful of people who know Nicole Robin can read history.

Therefore, most pirates do not understand that Robin can interpret historical texts.

“Do you want an ancient weapon or become One Piece?”

Interpreting history is nothing more than these two.

Nicole Robin didn’t believe it at all, Lin Yang wanted to know what happened before.

After all, apart from scholars, there may be only a few people who want to know history.

Didn’t the pirates go to sea to become One Piece, or do they want to get a more powerful ancient weapon like Hades like Klockdar before?


“My purpose is to be the enemy of the whole world, if I have Nicole Robin here and know the Ultimate Island, then not only the world government, including the Revolutionary Army, but also the Four Emperors will find me!”

and the whole world as enemies …


Nicole Robin thought she had misheard.

How can anyone in this world want to be an enemy of the whole world.

But after confirming it several times, she felt that this person’s brain must be different from theirs.

“Ancient weapons, I know the location of Hades and Sea King, as for the words of the Heavenly King…”

Even Aquaman knows where it is?

The people around them breathed at this time, all waiting for Lin Yang’s follow-up.

They don’t know what the king of heaven really is and what it does.

But looking at Lin Yang’s appearance, he seemed to know something?

Even Nicole Robin was a little curious, but more curious was why the other party knew so much.

Could it really be that the Uchiha family reported in the newspaper has existed for so long?

So know this?

Is that even a hundred years of history that disappeared?

There was a pause.

Looking at the interest of the people around him seemed to be raised by himself, Lin Yang saw that the time was ripe, so he also quickly said: “I don’t know!” ”

“I rely on, don’t say it if you don’t know, I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time!”

Yamato was directly scolded by Lin Yang’s words.

This didn’t know how to pretend that they knew, and it aroused the curiosity of all of them.

It’s necessary to do this!

It’s not up and down!

“I didn’t say I knew, do you really think I know everything!?”

Lin Yang waved his hand, and a trace of speechlessness flashed on his face.

He never said he knew much.

Obviously, their sense of expectation is too strong, otherwise how could it be like this.

“Thinking about it, our team is destined to be at odds with the world government, so you don’t have to worry about us betraying you.”

“According to my crime, there is basically no such thing as betrayal, and we are strong in combat to protect you and find the main text of history!”

“At present, I also know the addresses of several pieces of historical text, three minutes!”

After Lin Yang finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Give Nicole Robin three minutes to think about it.

I believe that she is a smart person and should know how to choose.

And Nicole Robin was constantly calculating the authenticity of Lin Yang’s previous words in her mind at this time.

As a person who has been betrayed for many years.

She doesn’t trust anyone easily.

Having seen the darkness of the world, she no longer seeks light.

Lin Yang attacked the Advance City, and according to what he had said before.

Indeed, it is unlikely that there will be room for reconciliation with the World Government.

Since their relationship has deteriorated to this extent.

Then there is no betrayal of her, and there is no benefit in betraying her.

And the most important thing is that I really want to interpret the text of history.

Learn about this piece of history that has been obscured for a hundred years.

With strong strength as a hole card, they are indeed a very suitable team to join.

Don’t worry about the Navy’s pursuit.

“I agree with the captain!”

Whatever the reason, at least join in now.

Nicole Robin can guarantee her survival.

“Very good, I thought I was going to take you away by force!”

“Huh… Captain, you don’t have to say it! ”

The corner of Nicole Robin’s mouth couldn’t help twitching, listening to him say this.

It seems that giving herself this opportunity before is just a choice for her.

As for letting her go, Lin Yang didn’t seem to have thought about it at all.

It seems that this new captain himself is also a little dark!

“Very good, today I received four official crew members in one day, now Klockdar, you call all the members of your Baroque Walker organization, and then we will go directly!”

“Got it!”

Klockdar nodded, since he had joined Lin Yang’s pirate group.

This is definitely not necessary to hide, directly rush all the members of Baroque Walker.

Leaving Alabastan with Lin Yang, he wanted to cultivate well during this period of time.

Let’s not talk about the difficulty of playing with Barrett as before, at least not so ugly as losing the next meeting.

“So what am I going to do, Captain?”

“It just so happens that my body has been a little sore recently, I heard that your ability to flower fruit can grow a lot of hands, right, give me back and press it!”

“Do you want me to press it for you?”

Yamato clenched his fists and looked at Lin Yang with a smile, but his tone was extremely cold.

This guy just got entangled with Princess Vivi, and now he is pulling me with Nicole Robin.

Do you feel that you have been a little floating recently?

“You don’t have to, how can a pair of hands withstand so many hands, today I am in the captain’s room… Wait, next time! ”

“Oh!? If the captain needs to, maybe only this one chance today! ”

He didn’t care at all about Yamato’s murderous eyes.

Robin said as he began to add oil and vinegar to the side.

It seems that as long as Lin Yang wants it today, she will really go to Lin Yang at that time.

“Okay then, here you go!”

I was thinking about talking to Vivi today, but Robin said so.

He certainly wouldn’t refuse.

“Cut, what’s good about women, I’ll go first!”

Hawkeye saw that Lin Yang was fighting with Robin here, and he didn’t want to stay here to watch them.

Turn around and get ready to go back.

As for Hiliu, he secretly gave a thumbs up and left with him.

When he left, he dragged Walde, who wanted to watch the play, with him.

Now in the entire office, Nicole Robin, Lin Yang, and Yamato are looking at each other.

No one spoke.

Although on the surface, Yamato and Nicole Robin have smiles on their faces and look kind.

But this atmosphere, Lin Yang always felt that something was wrong.

I just want her to help press it.

Flowers and fruits, this is a multi-line blossom, can’t you enjoy it after playing for so long?

But the atmosphere is really serious.

“I’m sorry, the captain made me do this, a small crew member of mine must not be able to resist the captain, I’m waiting for you outside now!”

Nicole Robin has a good point.

Yamato almost believed it, looking at Nicole Robin, who had left.

Turning his gaze to Lin Yang, Yamato seemed to be waiting for his quibbles… Interpretation.

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