“Just kidding, Yamato, let’s go, let’s solve the internal affairs of Alabastan first!”

“Isn’t it already settled?”

Yamato didn’t dwell on what happened before.

Aren’t all things in Alabastan done by Klockdar?

Now that he wants to go with them, he has disarmed his abilities.

There will be no rain here.

“There are still rebels in the kingdom.”

There are also rebels within Alabastan.

However, he thought that coming to Kobra should be able to solve it, after all, it was because it had not rained for three years.

And under the accumulation of some things, the people are more and more dissatisfied with Kobra.

Now it’s different.

Now that everything is settled.

Naturally, there is no need to rebel, as long as Kobra comes forward to solve it.

But accidents are inevitable.

“So soon?”

Robin looked outside at the two who were not affected by the previous events in the slightest.

That’s too fast, right?

Originally, Robin thought that it would take at least a little time.

I didn’t expect that he was still so good at coaxing women?

“It’s okay, usually I’m longer!”

An embarrassed smile flashed across Robin’s face, which she understood in seconds.

But looking at Yamato in a blink of an eye, he didn’t seem to care about anything.

Robin thoughtfully followed the two and left together.

Now Klockdar went to mobilize the Baroque Walkers.

And I don’t have much to do here at the moment.

Might as well leave with him.

Go and meet Lin Yang’s pirate group.

“How’s it going?”

In the cabin where I stayed before I first returned.

Wei Wei quickly stepped forward and asked.

“It’s settled, I’ll take Klockdar after that!”

“Is that so?”

Vivi breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

The matter of Alabastan was finally solved.

Although this solution is actually not the best for her.

But that’s all there is to it.

At least Alabastan was later saved.

“Princess Vivi? It turns out that you found it! ”

Originally, Robin was still a little confused about who had found Lin Yang.

The purpose is very clear.

Come up is himself and Klockdar.

Even Baroque Walker’s plans in Alabastan are clear.

Apparently there is some intelligence.

After seeing Vivi, Robin probably knew it.

But one thing is that he obviously did not give her any information.

How did Vivi know about this?

“Are you Miss.All.Sunday!?”

Is the big boss Klockdar or did she learn from Lin Yang.

As for Nicole Robin, it was because she had seen it before.

So Vivi is clear.

Could it be that she also joined Lin Yang’s pirate group?

“It’s me, Miss. Wednesday.”

Obviously, she knows everything about Vivi’s identity.

It’s just not exposed.

“Now that the matter has been settled, if you want to talk about the old days, take me back to the palace first!”

“She and I don’t have any reminiscences!”

Although, now Baroque Walker is ready to leave Alabastan.

But that doesn’t mean that what they’ve done before can be written off in this way.

Although Vivi didn’t say anything, she hadn’t forgiven them in her heart.

“Go back first, and then Robin, you will come with me!”

A hint of surprise flashed in Robin’s eyes, and then he wondered, “Me?” ”

Go along with you.

She didn’t remember the need to go inside the palace.

Do you want her to apologize?

This shouldn’t be Klockdar’s past.

But who called him the captain, he could only go with him.

Just joined the pirate group and disobeyed the captain’s order.

I’m afraid this is not very iron.

“Well, otherwise there is a second Robin here!”

Robin can’t deny it, there really isn’t a second one here.

Follow you to the palace.

At this time, after a long absence, Kobra looked at Vivi and was also in tears at this time.

After briefly explaining what happened before.

Kobra now understood what was going on in the kingdom.

What happened to this sudden heavy rain.

And after that, Klockdar will leave here with him.

That means there won’t be anything like this again.

After the father and daughter chatted here for a while.

Kobra first expressed his gratitude to Lin Yang and said, “Thank you, if it weren’t for you this time about Alabastan…”

Speaking of this, his heart couldn’t help but sink.

To be honest, he never thought about it.

The things in his kingdom were actually solved by pirates.

They are members of the world government.

But without a little help from the world government and the navy.

“It’s just a deal between us, in fact, you don’t have to thank me, by the way, can you take me to your royal mausoleum, I want to see the text of history!”


A hint of embarrassment flashed across Kobra’s face.

It’s not that royal mausoleums aren’t allowed.

No one will believe this kind of nonsense.

Because every generation of kings of Alabastan knows.

Above this below the text of history.

There is a record of the whereabouts of Hades.

So no matter what, it must not be seen.

“Father, you can promise him, if I marry him in the future, then I will definitely be able to see it!”

Even people’s daughters have already slept …

Nicole Robin said silently in her heart.

I thought about what was going on.

I didn’t expect to have a leg with Weiwei.

No wonder it’s so attentive.

And she had coaxed Yamato so quickly before, but now she kind of understood.

There is more than just one person.

Naturally, Yamato probably has long been accustomed to it.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s really… Well…”

A hint of confusion flashed across Kobra’s face.

It’s really the thing of Hades, they have said it from generation to generation.

Can’t let it be known.

But thinking of the relationship between Wei Wei and Lin Yang, and he still saved Alabastan.

It seems that this request is not very excessive.

If you want to understand the text of history, you must be able to read ancient texts.

But O’Hara, who knew this, was all dead.

Even if you go in and look at it, you probably won’t understand it.

“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in Hades!”

Kobra suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Yang in surprise and said, “You know? ”

I hid it for so long, and as a result, the other party seemed to know.

Could it be that the news that they have Hades in Alabastan has already let the whole world know?

This is not very good news for Kobra.

If everyone knows, there may be a world government to come and attack them.

“Yes, but it’s just me and some people know… In addition, you once left the Holy Land as a descendant of the Draco, and Hades seems to have been guarded by you for generations, right? ”

“What!? The Neferutari family is… Once a Draco!? ”

Robin felt as if he had heard something terrible.

Princess Vivi’s family was actually a Draco family.

“I understand so clearly…”

A wry smile flashed at the corner of Kobra’s mouth.

It seems that Lin Yang came prepared.

Even this identity is known.

They all hid it for so many years, even with the exception of the old men and a few people from the world government.

Probably no one should know about it anymore.

World aristocracy of the Holy Land of Mary Joa, descendants of the 20 kings who established the world government 800 years ago.

The descendants of the Neferutari family, who lived in the kingdom of Alabastan, were disqualified from Draco because they refused to enter the Holy Land.

So only 19 kings settled in the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

And Don Quixote Doflamingo’s father gave up his Draco identity.

He left the Holy Land of Mary Joa with his family, so he was also disqualified from Draco.

Presenting himself as the descendant of the Creator and arrogant and arrogant on this basis.

Because he thinks of himself as great, he disdains to breathe the same air as the average person, and he wears a bubble hood on his head.

The current Draco people seem to be only relying on the glory of their ancestors.

“I have something I want to ask you alone!”

This thing came before it came.

Lin Yang had actually been thinking about it in his heart.

But I’m sure Kobra probably knows a little.

Kobra pondered for a moment, then pointed to the other side and said, “Let’s go there and talk!” ”


Vivi looked at the two people who walked into the room.

What is this suddenly going to say?

“Now there is no one here, please say!”

Kobra felt that this kind of thing might be a bigger thing.

Does even Vivi have to hide it?

“Well, what I want to ask is whether Vivi is Hades or someone who can control Hades…”


Kobra took a deep breath.

He was now speechless in shock.

“How could you think so?”

Kobra put away his emotions, after all, he is the king.

After experiencing the previous shock, he quickly managed his emotions.

“Guess, of course you can also take it as my nonsense!”

In fact, this was also Lin Yang’s previous guess.

Although mentioned in previous comics, Hades is a very advanced super battleship.

It’s powerful enough to destroy an island in an instant, but a super battleship is also a tool.

No matter how powerful it is, it won’t help without a specific person activating it.

So the person who started the super battleship could be Hades itself.

According to the Neptune class, Hades and Aquaman were born at the same time.

That is to say, Hades’ age is the same age as Princess White Star.

From this point of view, coupled with the guidance of the previous plot.

It is very likely that Hades is Princess Vivi of Alabastan.

And Im, who appears later, is the final villain in One Piece.

Have supreme power, in order to rule the whole world for the better.

He will definitely eliminate some of the unstable factors, which is why he will stick a dagger in the portrait of White Star.

Because he believes that the appearance of Aquaman is not a good phenomenon.

Facing Vivi’s portrait, he fell into deep thought.

In fact, it is because he is still not sure of Vivi’s true identity.

However, this is just Lin Yang’s guess.

“Sorry, I don’t know about this!”

It doesn’t matter if Kobra really doesn’t know or fake, doesn’t know.

Lin Yang did not dwell too much about this matter.

Whether it is or not, he has said before that he is actually not interested in Hades at all.

He will not force this, there will be it, if there is not, there is none.

“Let’s go, take us to see the text of history!”


Kobra also did not dwell on what he said before.

Although I don’t know if Lin Yang said it or not.

After coming out, Wei Wei quickly walked up and wondered, “What did you just say?” ”

He actually had two people hiding and said.

“Of course, let your father marry you to me, how about you go to sea with me?”


Vivi glanced at Kobra.

Is it really the same as what Lin Yang said.

They were talking about this before.

But she had a feeling that it wasn’t like that.

“Ahem, Weiwei, don’t look at me, I don’t care if I want to go to sea, but I must ensure my own safety!”

Kobra is actually interested in Vivi wanting to go to sea.

He generally won’t stop it.

I can last a few more years, and then Vivi wants to come back.

Just give way to Vivi yourself.

In fact, his heart was more inclined to Wei Wei and Lin Yang to go to sea and leave together.

After all, if Vivi’s identity is indeed discovered, she has colluded with pirates before.

He was actually not very comfortable letting Vivi stay in Alabastan.

Lin Yang is also very clear about this person.

The previous news Kobra was not unseen.

Very strong.

is a person worth entrusting.

A trace of embarrassment flashed on Wei Wei’s face, and then quickly said: “Father, I haven’t thought about it yet, so let’s not talk about this matter first!” ”

She hadn’t actually thought much about going to sea.

In the original work, because of the relationship of his own kingdom, he stayed.

But now on one side is his lover, on the other side is the kingdom.

She didn’t know how to choose.

Seeing this, Kobra did not say anything, and sighed silently in his heart.

It seems that Vivi should be very entangled now, right?

Get up and take them to the underground imperial tomb.

Nicole Robin looks at the text of history in front of her.

On this, there is indeed a record of the location of this Hades and some kingdom history.

After watching it, Nicole Robin also fell into a tangle.

Do you want to tell Lin Yang what you see?

The location of the ancient weapon on this is actually roughly described.

“After reading it, I left, I don’t need the news of the ancient weapons above!”

“Uh… You really don’t need to? ”

Robin originally thought that Lin Yang was just talking on purpose.

Could it really be that someone can block the curiosity about ancient weapons?

This is estimated to be someone else here, and most of them are estimated to know the whereabouts of ancient weapons.

“No need, now this Hades doesn’t know if it’s rotten here, if I want it, I have to get the design drawings myself!”

This Hades doesn’t even know if it’s rotten.

Also engaged in what to do eight hundred years ago.

Isn’t it fragrant with the new one?

“Can you read ancient texts?”

Kobra only now reacted.

Could this woman in front of her understand ancient texts?

But it stands to reason that those who can understand ancient texts should have long since disappeared.

“That’s right, I’m the only one who survived O’Hara…”

A hint of gloom flashed in Robin’s eyes.

And the scholars on O’Hara, the island of fact, archaeology, already know the truth about the erased kingdom.

So the world government’s demon slaughter orders followed.

The world government is so nervous, apparently because it will shake the foundation of Draco’s domination of the world behind it.

This reason is completely consistent with when Brother Ming was caught.

After all, as a former Draco, he also holds the handle of Draco himself.

Although Dr. Clover was afraid of hearing it, so he told her to go away.

It is not known what exactly he said before.

But over the years, Robin has actually had a rough guess.

It is very likely that the group that originally formed the Draco destroyed the huge kingdom of the past, taking all its resources for themselves.

Thus forming the current world government, after all, is definitely not a glorious past.

If there are forces that want to stir up trouble, this is definitely the fuse for the demise of an era.

Therefore, no matter how much time it takes, the Draco behind it must erase this disgraceful history.

“So that’s the case, you are a scholar of O’Hara, no wonder you were rewarded with such a high bounty before!”

A flash of clarity flashed in Kobra’s eyes.

As described in the previous bounty order.

Nicole Robin was destroyed by six warships.

But this is clearly unlikely.

At that time, it was Sakaski and Kuzan who were dispatched.

Two of the strongest lieutenant generals at that time passed.

How could Nicole Robin be given the chance to destroy a warship?

And the reason for everything turned out to be this.

There are still people in this world who can interpret the text of history.

“In addition to Hades, is the history of the establishment of the kingdom of Alabastan described above?”

Lin Yang was actually quite curious about what was going on in this history.

Seeing that Lin Yang also seemed to be more interested.

Nicole Robin told the above history, and Hades ignored the past for the time being.

The history of the establishment of the kingdom also writes a little about their family.

“I probably understand, but it’s true that people are creatures that seek profit and avoid harm!”

Kobra’s eyes flashed with a hint of doubt and asked, “What do you mean?” ”

How did he not understand a little.

As for Lin Yang, he just shook his head and did not speak.

Because Draco has been working to eliminate this hundred years of history.

It is good that there is no trace of this history for them.

There is no need to keep a copy in their lair, and they are not historians.

Moreover, as far as the Neifet family is concerned, in that blank hundred years.

Their role should be complicity of the other nineteen families.

That hundred years of history was also a taboo for them.

It is impossible for them to leave their black history to their children and grandchildren.

The orthodox king of Alabastan is also convinced of the current historical record.

He didn’t even know as much as O’Hara’s scholars.

And it is known from history.

Maybe the five old stars know that Hades is actually related to their family?

Once taken away, it is impossible that they have no news at all.

This may be a compensation for the Nineteen Kings for the Neferutari family, which gave up their status as Draco.

And now the reason why the world government knows that they have this kind of thing, but they haven’t started yet, is nothing more than two situations.

First, the government does not know the specifics, only that the Neferutari family is related to Hades.

In this way, it is impossible for them to rush into action, because they do not understand the degree of mastery of Hades by the Neferutari family.

If you only know the clues, forget it, if only the Neferutari family knew where Hades was.

Then go purely to find death.

The second is to know the so-called ancient weapon clues, which is just a piece of historical text that records the location of Hades.

Then there is no need to shoot.

Except for Robin and the Guangyue family, I am afraid that no one can interpret the main text of history.

Even the Neferutari family, which guarded it, only knew that it recorded ancient weapons, and did not know the specific content.

Therefore, there is no need for Alabastan to be destroyed at all, because even if Alabastan is destroyed.

Killed the Neferutari family, and the text of history is still there.

It’s better to let it stay quietly underground like this, so that no one will know.

And now everything can be explained clearly.

The world government knows 100% what the sand crocodile is doing here.

But it never appeared, most likely because I wanted to see it.

Can he figure out Hades, if he can.

Then someone from the world government will come and take over.

But there is no need to tell Kobra these things.

Maybe he knows it in his own heart.

After interpreting the text of the history, Vivi seems to have found that the atmosphere of her return is a little wrong.

And Kobra two or three times wanted to talk to himself.

But after opening his mouth, he still did not speak.

It also made her feel a little puzzled.

After returning, Wei Wei quickly asked, “Father, do you have something you want to tell me?” ”

Is there anything bad about talking to your daughter?

“Wei Wei, or you and Lin Yang go to sea together!”


She still hasn’t figured out why her father let her go to sea.

“No need to ask, it’s probably safer to be with him than to stay here, and… Next time I come back, if you can give me a grandson to come back haha! ”


His own father is an old man.

Next time, give him a grandson back.

But when she thought of what Kobra said, she seemed to be a little firm in her heart.

Although I don’t know what is going on, my father will definitely not come to harm him.

Perhaps going to sea is also a good decision.

With this idea.

After the evening banquet.

Wei Wei looked at the palace gate in front of her, and she was also entangled at this time.

“If I don’t go in, I’ll go in!”

“Huh!? Yamato, why are you here? ”

According to Vivi’s thoughts, isn’t Yamato because he is in the room?

It’s so embarrassing to suddenly bump into!

“Go inside, he is probably waiting for you inside!”

“Uh, that I…”

Vivi stretched out her hand to push the door in, but this feeling was very strange to her.

Yamato looked at himself on the side, how he had the feeling that the main palace was letting the mistress.

Seeing that Vivi had been hesitating at the door, Yamato directly grabbed Vivi by the hand and pushed the door and walked in.

What is there to hesitate about.

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