Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 109 The Power of the Phoenix

Nephthys Phoenix God, summon!

However, even You Xuan can feel that although the summoned Phoenix God has certain power fluctuations, it comes more from the power that Xie Er has just absorbed from the statue. There is still no elf boarding on that card.

However, all duel monster cards in this world, as long as they are not pirated or copied, still have certain extraordinary attributes even if there are no elves to host them.

The monsters summoned by the duelist through each card are roughly equivalent to the relationship between the projection and the elves. To some extent, they can also be regarded as the clones of the elves.

Sometimes when a duelist has a lot of affection for a certain card, it may also be naturally attracted to the card held by the real Elf Host.

Therefore, it is possible for an originally ordinary card to suddenly become a fairy card.

"As long as 'Olihagun's Barrier' exists on the field, the attack power of all my monsters will increase by 500 points." Schell said, "Therefore, the attack power of 'Nephthys Phoenix God' will increase."

[Nephthys Phoenix God, attack power 2400 → attack power 2900]

Judai stared at the Phoenix God with a green light mark on his forehead, frowned for a long time, and then couldn't help but said: "Can't you feel that your monster is mourning?"

"So what if you hear it, so what if you don't hear it?" Sher said coldly, "All the duelists need to consider is victory. The result of giving trust is nothing more than betrayal. In the end, the only thing a duelist can trust is Have yourself."


Judai still wanted to argue something, but was interrupted by Sher: "You must first have the ability to defeat me. Then I will activate the magic card "Nephthys' Hope"!

Select a 'Nephthys' card on your field and a card on your opponent's field to destroy.

I destroyed the 'Phoenix God of Nephthys' and the 'Elemental Hero Clay Ball Man' on the battlefield! "

The Phoenix God burst into flames, turned into a fire bird and rushed towards the Clay Ball Man. In the burning flames, he and the solid elemental hero were reduced to ashes.

The aftermath of the flames swept over, and Judai raised his arms to protect his face: "Uh, he actually sacrificed his own monster to die together."

Sher said: "Set a card and the round is over."

You Xuan: "Then my turn is to draw cards.

The effect of "Thunder Dragon" in your hand is to discard this card from your hand, and add up to two "Thunder Dragons" from your deck to your hand. "

With two cards in hand, follow him and immediately play another card in your hand.

"The magic card 'Notes Obliterate', discards all the cards in the hands of both players, and then draws the same number of cards from the deck."

By changing the cards in the hand, a large amount of light and dark resources will be accumulated in the cemetery in one go.

"Then I removed the dark attribute 'Apprentice Magician' and the light attribute 'Thunder Dragon' from the game! The wizard who controls the power of light and darkness is now here——

——Chaos Wizard, summon! "

Beams of light and darkness flew into the air, staggered and submerged into the vortex. The energy of chaos exploded, the surging magic power gradually transformed into a human form, and the wizard of chaos descended.

[Chaos Wizard, attack power 2300]

"It's actually the power of chaos. The students of Duel Academy really have some incredible cards." Sher said coldly, "Then I activate the cover card and the trap card - Riptide Burial!

When a monster is summoned, destroy all monsters on the field! "

The trap card flipped over, and a blue torrent pushed out. The Chaos Wizard had just appeared and was shattered into points of light in the rushing torrent.

Judai: "Ah, Yu Xuan's Chaos Wizard was instantly..."

"It doesn't matter." You Xuan said, "Then I can use the effect of the 'Trickster' in my hand to directly special summon this card by discarding a card in my hand."

He sent a card from his hand to the graveyard, the summoned magic circle opened, and the mage with a question mark on his head appeared on the field.

[Trickster, attack power 2000]

"And the card in the hand that was just discarded to the graveyard is the quick-attack magic 'Silent Demon Explosion'."

Yu Xuan drew this magic card that was withdrawn from the graveyard.

"By excluding 'Silent Magic Explosion' from the game, you can add a 'True Silent Magician' from the deck to your hand." You Xuan said, "True Silence can be sacrificed by sacrificing a Magician monster on the field. Special summons.

I sacrificed the ‘Trickster’ from the magician clan on the field!

The silent wings of hope, the magician of light, appear here——

——True Silent Magician, summon! "

The figure of the trickster melted in the magic circle, and the figure of the white-robed mage appeared spinning and stepping on the magic circle of light, with the staff spinning lightly in his hand.

[True Silent Magician, attack power 1000]

"The Silent Magician's attack power will increase by the number of cards in my hand x500." You Xuan said, "I have three cards in my hand, so the attack power will increase by 1,500!"

[True Silent Magician, attack power 1000 → attack power 2500]

"Silent Magician's direct attack! Silent Magician Explosion!"

The vortex of light gathered at the tip of the staff, and the ball of light transformed into magical power exploded in Shere's face. Doma's swordsman staggered and took half a step back, but he stood firm under the impact of the substantial light magic.

[Shell, LP 8000→LP 5500]

Judai waved his fist: "Very good! I did a lot of damage in one breath!"

"A couple of times."

Schell moved his neck joints.

You Xuan drew three more cards from his hand.

"Set three more cards onto the field, and the round is over."

"It seems that you are not ordinary students, so I have to be a little more serious in this case." Sher narrowed his eyes, "My turn is to draw cards.

When entering the preparation phase, first activate the effect of 'Nephthys Phoenix God' that was destroyed in the previous round.

During your next preparation phase after this card is destroyed by an effect and sent to the graveyard, it is Special Summoned from the graveyard. "

Schell raised his arms.

"The phoenix will be reborn from nirvana and burn everything with its scorching flames -

——Phoenix God Nephthys is resurrected! "

The whirling pillar of fire rose into the sky, and its golden shining wings spread out. Nephthys, the Phoenix God, is reborn in Nirvana!

[Nephthys’ Phoenix God, attack power 2400 → attack power 2900]

"And at the moment of rebirth, Phoenix God's subsequent effects are also activated." Sher shouted, "When Phoenix God is specially summoned through its own effects, all magic and trap cards on the field are destroyed!"

The Phoenix God let out a sharp cry, spread its wings and burst into a dancing fire storm, turning into a burning tornado and sweeping across the entire place in an instant!

"You actually have such a powerful ability." Judai said, "But in this way, your own venue will also be destroyed."

"The effect of 'Oliha Gang's Barrier' cannot be invalidated, and once it is activated, it cannot leave the field in any form." Sher said coldly, "At the end of this battle, only one of our souls will be sacrificed. Taste.

So only your Gaika was destroyed. "

He waved his arm and swept the four cover cards on the field of Yugen and Judai.

"So destroy all your Gaika for me!"

The flames of the phoenix swept through the entire field where Yu Xuan and Judai were, and all four cards were blown up. He saw at a glance that there were two "sacred protective shields-reflector power" hidden in them!

"Huh?" Yu Xuan and Judai looked at each other.

Obviously one of them belongs to Yu Xuan Gai and the other belongs to Judai.

"Hahaha, sometimes everyone's choice of cards is very similar." Judai scratched his head.

In the original work, Judai also used holy defense. And not only that, in the early duel with Titan, we can see that the tenth generation drew two Holy Defenses out of the six cards in his hand. Throughout the entire history of Yu-Gi-Oh animation, he was the only one.

"It's a pity that our traps don't seem to have a chance to appear." Judai regretted.

"Not necessarily." You Xuan smiled.

I saw flames sweeping past, and three of the cover cards flew around for a few times before covering them again.

"What?" Sher frowned, "Why wasn't it destroyed by the Phoenix God's effect?"

"Because one of the cards I blocked was the trap card 'Pseudo Trap'."

You Xuan pointed at a trap card spinning in mid-air.

"When an effect is activated to destroy a trap card on your field, you can destroy this card instead, and all other traps on the field will not be destroyed."

If it is a real card game, the opponent can turn over the card to confirm that it has been re-covered, but in this world duel, you cannot go to the opponent's face and pull out the backfield to take a look. Sher could only use the glimpse of the animation effect to see clearly that the opponent now had two holy defenses in the backcourt.

"Oh, he is indeed the trap master of the academy. Didn't Yu Xuan go to the backcourt to clean up early?" Judai laughed.

"The power of two reflecting mirrors is really an iron wall-like formation." Sher said, "Then I still have effects to deal with in the preparation stage. The card in my hand that was destroyed by 'Guardian of Nephthys' in the last round is 'The Narrator of Nephthys'.

When the narrator is destroyed by an effect and sent to the graveyard, during his next preparation phase, he can select a 'Nephthys' card from the graveyard and add it to his hand. "

A card popped up from the graveyard and was drawn into Sher's hand.

"I return the magic card 'Nephthys' Hope' to my hand."

Judai: "Ah, it's that troublesome magic card again."

"The magic card 'Nephthys' Hope' is activated."

Schell once again played the magic card he had retrieved, and the image of the magic card appeared in front of him, bursting with dazzling fire.

"Destroy a 'Nephthys' card on your field and a card on your opponent's field!"

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