Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 110 The end of the world

"The magic card 'Nephthys' Hope', choose the 'Nephthys Phoenix God' on my field and the 'True Silent Magician' on your field to destroy it!"

"It's this trick again." Judai frowned, "My Clay Ball Man was killed by this thing."

"Silent Magician, the effect is activated." You Xuan said, "Once per round, when a magic card is activated, invalidate that activation!"

The silent magician whirled the staff in his hand, and milky white magic waves bloomed, as if there were transparent chains binding the magic in the opponent's backcourt, and the magic cards exploded into pieces.

"Ha, as expected of Yugen." Judai made a V gesture towards him, "We have countermeasures for both frontcourt and backcourt attacks."

Xiel narrowed his eyes and looked at Silent Magician and Yu Xuan.

"There is such a tricky ability. Is that your elf?"

"Yes, elves are our companions in fighting together." Judai said, "A guy like you who uses your power to enslave your own monsters will not understand."

"Oh, why do you think I don't understand?" Sher said coldly, "And why do you think I don't believe it?"

Judai was stunned: "What?"

"Not just me. There is also my family. We have believed in it for generations. We claim to be the messengers of the 'Phoenix'. We pass down the Phoenix Card from generation to generation and believe that the Phoenix God will protect us."

Yu Xuan originally thought that it hadn't been long since Bekas discovered the duel monster. How could you still have the ancestral card?

But then he remembered that the Nordic Tripole Gods in 5DS seemed to be passed down from family ancestors. So maybe before Bekas invented the card-making technology, all they kept were slates.

"However, this is not the case in fact." Sher continued, "One day disaster suddenly struck and the enemy invaded our village. I watched my tribe members being slaughtered with my own eyes, and my friends died tragically in front of me.

But in the end, the Phoenix God did not appear. The so-called companions and the so-called guardians are just self-deception. Only power that is in one's own hands is absolute. "

Judai pondered for a moment.

"Has this happened to you before?"

"It's all over. It doesn't matter what happened to that kind of thing." Shel said calmly, "The Phoenix God abandoned us. In order to gain strength and gain the power to protect everyone, I found a new way out."

"Oliha Gang?" You Xuan asked.

"Yes. And they gave me a chance to gain new power by signing a contract with the devil." Sher raised his voice and shouted, "As long as I can gain power, what if my soul is sold to the devil?

I activate the magic card "Heavenly Treasure" from my hand!

Until the number of cards in the hand reaches six, both players draw cards from the deck! ” (animation effect)

You Xuan: "!"

Woc, how could you take advantage of the atmosphere to secretly create such an incredible thing?

He wanted to say, bro, is this what you sold your soul for?

Then tell me where to buy it. I want it too.

Yu Xuan looked at Judai solemnly: "Judai! You must win this duel no matter what!"

"Ah? Oh, of course." Judai nodded.

At the same time, it felt strangely that Yu Xuan's morale suddenly became stronger than before. I don't know why.

Sure enough, he should be the same as himself and disagree with the other party's approach, right?

Yu Xuan is indeed an upright duelist.

After replenishing the cards in his hand, he immediately drew another card from his hand. But this time the movements were much slower, as if they were performing some kind of solemn ceremony.

"This is the absolute power I got from the devil!" Sher shouted, "Activate the magic card 'Higher Ritual' from your hand!

By using normal monsters from the deck as ritual sacrifices, ritual summon the ritual monsters with the total level of the sacrifice monsters! "

He draws the two cards he retrieved from the deck.

"I used two level 4 'Flying Mantis' from the deck as a sacrifice and ritual summoned!

Wrap the world with the flames of the end and grind everything into powder——

——The King of the End, Demis, has arrived! ! ! "

The ritual circle burned with blue flames of destruction, and the moment the undercurrent broke out was like the end of the world. Appearing from it was a pitch-black giant, covered in shattered armor and holding a heavy ax. The moment he arrived, he seemed to be accompanied by endless pressure.

According to legend, only when a world comes to an end will the Demon King of Destruction appear and bring about the end, the King of End Demis.

[King of the End·Demis, attack power 2400 → attack power 2900]

"Drink ah ah ah!"

The ritual started, and Schell couldn't help but roar. Veins popped out on his forehead, and a faint blue flame enveloped his whole body, complementing the green light of Oliha Gang on his body.

Judai raised his head and stared at the destroyed giant for a moment, and unconsciously pressed his heart: "What? What's going on? Why is this monster so stressed?"

"That's not an ordinary monster." You Xuan said, "That card contains very powerful dark power."

"Yes, Demis is the Demon King of Destruction. It is with the help of this power that I was able to repel powerful enemies." Schell's eyes were burning with blue flames, "And now, you will also be in the final flame. Destroyed!

The effect of ‘King of the End Demis’ is activated! Pay 2000 health points for all cards on the field except him."

He raised his right hand high and clenched his fist fiercely.

".Destroy them all!"

Judai: "Such a strong ability."

"Yes, as long as I continue to dedicate my life to Dimis, he will be invincible!"

Sher waved his hand.

"The end of the world!"

[Shell, LP 5500→LP 3500]

The final demon king swung his battle axe. The extremely cold blue flame was like a will-o'-the-wisp coming from the netherworld. Everything in its path was mercilessly devoured, as if it was about to drag the entire world into the abyss of doom.

The Phoenix God was unable to resist the tide of destruction, and after uttering a helpless scream, he was burned under the flames of destruction and exited. The flames continued to sweep towards the fields of Yugen and Judai, and the silent magician and Gaika in the backcourt also dissipated and retreated under the indiscriminate flames of finality.

"Then the effect of 'True Silent Magician' is activated." Yu Xuan said, "When she is destroyed by the opponent's effect, she can further evolve into a new form!

The radiance of silence blooms from the intersection of chaos and order, and the magician of light descends here——

——Silent Magician LV8! "

The magic power released after Silence exited the stage transformed into a white magic circle, and a dazzling white light burst out. The silver-haired mage who evolved into a more advanced posture stepped on the magic circle again.

[Silent Magician LV8, attack power 3500]

Judai's eyes lit up: "Yu Xuan, nice! After the back move, there is a back move."

Sher's breathing had begun to become a little disordered. It seemed that two extraordinary powers were blessing him at the same time, which made him mentally unbearable.

The King of Ends turned his head to look at him, a dim blue light briefly flashing in his cold eyes.

A cold and hoarse voice sounded in Sher's ears.

"It seems you still need more power. Come on, give me more life, and you will gain further power."

"Tsk, isn't it life? Just put it away and shut up!"

Sher stood up unsteadily and shouted.

"It's useless! The effect of King of the End, Demis, is activated again! Pay 2000 life points and destroy all cards!

The end of the world! ! ! "

Judai: "Huh? There is no limit on the number of activations!?"

[Shell, LP 3500→LP 1500]

Once again accepting part of the duelist's life as nourishment, the King of the End raised his battle axe, and the world-destroying ax fell again! The moment the blow hit the ground, the endless blue flames swept across like waves again. The Silent Magician tried his best to resist, but the magic circle finally shattered under the force, and he had no choice but to withdraw.

"In this case, your field will be blank."

Shel took a moment to catch her breath.

"Then next is this card in my hand."

He showed another card in his hand.

“‘Devil Shovel Bugs’ can be specially summoned by excluding two insect types in your own graveyard from the game!

I removed the two 'Flying Mantis' in the graveyard from the game and specially summoned the 'Devil Shovel Bug'! "

Obviously, the two cards he had just piled up in the deck as the cost of activating the advanced ritual spell were not randomly selected. Instead, he deliberately selected two insects from the Insect family in order to serve as the summoning conditions for the "Devil Shovel Insect".

While summoning the King of Ending, he accurately piles up graves from the deck, uses the King of Ending to clear the field, and then uses the resources from the tomb to jump out of the Demonic Shoveler, instantly establishing the victory with a single kill Combo!

[Devil shovel bug, attack power 2800 → attack power 3300]

"This is the end. I'll finish off one of you first in this round."

Schell paused when he said this. His eyes wandered from the two of them for a moment, as if he was deciding which target to defeat first, and finally his eyes fell on Judai.

Maybe it was because he could sense a special quality in Judai, or maybe it was because the debate just made him feel uncomfortable.

In short, it is obvious that the BOSS's hatred has now come to Judai classmates.

"Then let's start with you. If your so-called bond with the monster can bring about a miracle, then do it for me!"

Sher waved his hand.

"it's over!

Devil shovel bug! Demis, the King of the End!

Direct attack! ! ! "

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